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An American Affidavit

Friday, May 2, 2014

Good Faith Notice Of Render (Abandon) Of Surname And Withdrawal Of Christian Name from Reality Blog

Good Faith Notice Of Render (Abandon) Of Surname And Withdrawal Of Christian Name

The following letter is from Daniel. For those that have not been privy to our discussions on the radio, please enjoy the commercial free interviews at the end of this post. This was what Daniel considers his final step in ridding his given name of any government encroachments. Before this, Daniel returned his government issued certificates, licenses, and any other official documents with the surname or social security insurance number attached, and also included copies of those within this letter.
The names have been made generic.
We will be following up in future shows starting today to explain in further detail this “Christian Remedy In Law”.
For those not willing to consider such a thing, I have created a mini-dictionary of Biblical words taken out of the legal dictionaries and compiled a very in depth essay that will explain this whole process not as a religious one, but as a completely legal one. Do not let the doctrines of religion get in the way of understanding the 1611 Bible as the basis of all legal law in the “civilized” world. Again, this is not religion, but legal fiction.
Please see my next blog post called “Cracking The Legal Code Of King James“, which will be posted immediately following this post tonight.
Link –> https://realitybloger.wordpress.com/2014/04/30/cracking-the-legal-code-of-king-james/
Daniel’s Youtube site: https://www.youtube.com/user/ChristianRemedyInLaw
And now, as promised, not to be suffered by fools, Daniel’s Notice of Render And Abandon of Surname:
Good Faith Notice Of Render (Abandon)
Of Surname And Withdrawal Of Christian Name
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Greetings and salutations John-Que PUBLIC, Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee, Ministry of the Attorney General:

May the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. The salutation by the hand of me, seed of Abraham, seed of the woman, Tribe of Judah (favour, praise), Christian name John, Ambassador and witness for Christ.
Verily, I make a good confession to all higher powers of government ordained by God (YHWH) just as my Sovereign, King, Master, Lord, Saviour, advocate and surety in all matters whatsoever, Jesus Christ, made a good confession to the Roman high priest and governor, Pontius Pilate:
John 18:36 [Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)] – Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.
I forgive and forget any and all trespasses that have occurred upon my God-given unalienable Christian name, John; and, therefore, I divorce and forsake the surname, SMITH, in order to divorce myself from any implied or expressed trespass upon it and I pray the Lord’s Prayer in this matter:
Matthew 6:9-13 [Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)] – 9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. 10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. 11 Give us this day our daily bread. 12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. 13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
I have been in soulful prayer of moral conscience as to what is right and what is wrong with respect to the question of the use of the surname agnomen, fictio, arma, after-acquired property, SMITH, placed over my graced, true, original, God-given unalienable Christian real birth name, John. I give you good faith notice that as a set-apart Christian believer, bestowed the nativity God-given unalienable Christian name, John, known by my heavenly Father before the foundation of the world, or any secular foundation identity document, instrument of man’s factitious world, I cannot be involved in an implied dual allegiance to serve two masters. The Authorized 1611 King James Holy Bible admonishes me at Matthew 6:24 and states:
Matthew 6:24 [Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)] – No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
Therefore, as an Act of God, bestowed the God-given unalienable Christian name John, being no part of the secular world of man or governments, I must stay within the protective realm of my Master, Lord, Saviour, Sovereign, advocate and surety, Jesus Christ’s Kingdom, in absolute loyalty, being neutral to the affairs of man’s constituted governments.
Under the definition of “Christian” the compact edition of the OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY, Volume 2, states:
“6. Christian name. … When a man is made a spiritual peer he loses his sir-name; when a temporal, his christian-name.”
When a man accepts Christ as his Lord, Master and Saviour, he sheds the surname (sir-name), which is the “Antonomasia” [see definitions below], otherwise, to claim right to the surname would be a conflict of loyalties (allegiance), and it would place my Christian name, John, in future spiritual jeopardy with Almighty God (YHWH) and Jesus Christ, my Saviour, Master, Lord, advocate and surety.
I only desire conditions of peace with my fellow man and relinquish any thing in question that would express or imply that I, Christian name John, lay claim to war in any form whatsoever.
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ANTONOMASIA. Definition from the OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY Latin, a. Greek … to name instead. The substitution of an epithet or appellative or the name of an office or dignity, for a person’s proper name, as the Iron Duke for Wellington, his grace for an archbishop. Also, conversely, the use of a proper name to express a general idea, as in calling an orator a Cicero, a wise judge, a Daniel. … a 1638 mede Wks. II. 332 That Capitolium by antonomasia is put for a Gentile Temple in general. … 1759 Adam Smith Mor. Sent. (1797) II. Any This way of speaking, which the grammarians call an antonomasia.
I, Christian name, John, having accepted my Lord, Master and surety, Christ Jesus, as my redeemer for I am called in the Lord and am a slave of the Lord, Christ Jesus, my Master. Therefore, I am the purchased property of the Lord Christ Jesus, King of kings and Lord of lords, a freeman called in the Lord Christ Jesus, and not the debtor property or servant of a gentile, pagan, unbeliever feudal lord or war-like insurgent secular freeman on the land who deceives himself by believing and acting as some factitious “thing” (surname) when he is no “thing” (see Galatians 6:3 AKJV).
1 Corinthians 7:21-23 [Authorized 1611 King James Version(AKJV)] – 21 Art thou called being a servant? are not for it: but if thou mayest be made free, use it rather. 22 For he that is called in the Lord, being a servant, is the Lord’s freeman: likewise also he that is called, being free, is Christ’s servant. 23 Ye are bought with a price; be not ye the servants of men.
Although my earthly parents were ignorant of the fact of the requirement of the true supreme spiritual duty to only serve Almighty God (YHWH), and remain under the absolute true supreme spiritual duty to serve the anointed of God (YHWH), Christ Jesus, the Lord of lords, King of kings, Prince of Peace, my Sovereign Master, I, bestowed the God-given unalienable Christian name John, must and do hereby forever quit claim, relinquish, yield up, forsake, disclaim, renounce, render and resign as surety (guarantor) for the after-acquired, secular, gentile, public interest thing, man’s person title, agnomen, debtor surname, SMITH, the property belonging to a secular master contrary to God (YHWH) and the anointed of God (YHWH), Christ Jesus, the Lord of lords, King of kings, Prince of Peace, my Sovereign Master, of whom I serve exclusively. It would be wrong and against my good moral conscience to commit spiritual suicide by being unequally yoked or joined in name to unbelievers by wearing a factitious badge of fraud, blasphemous, gentile, pagan, unbeliever, war title surname SMITH, although for unbelievers it may be customary to do so.
STRONG’S CONCORDANCE defines the Hebrew word “title” (H3655) as “surname” and Job 32:21-22 [AKJV] admonishes me that I must not accept the factitious badge of fraud, blasphemous, gentile, pagan, unbeliever, debtor, war title surname SMITH:
Job 32:21-22 [Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)] – 21 Let me not, I pray you, accept any man’s person, neither let me give flattering titles unto man. 22 For I know not to give flattering titles; in so doing my maker would soon take me away.
To innocence and life revealed, to death denied, to the triumph of the truth of the graced God-given unalienable Christian name, John (seed of the woman), overcoming the appearance of guilt of the condemned fictional, lie, accused, debtor, alienable surname (seed of the serpent), SMITH.
I am a Christian conscientious objector which is one who by reason of religious training or belief is conscientiously opposed to participation in war in any form and neutral to the affairs and titles of man’s secular world and constituted secular governments. As a true Christian I am conscientiously opposed on religious grounds to participation in war and need not be a member of a religious sect whose creed forbids participation in war to be entitled to classification as a conscientious objector. It is sufficient that I have a conscientious scruple against war in any form.
The surname is a form of war, which I refuse to claim and which I also do not consent to bear or take benefit from in any way whatsoever. I remove my consent and direct you to remove my God-given unalienable Christian name, John, photograph (image) and signature from any secular government documents expressing or implying my consent, to use the surname, SMITH, or to act as surety for it. It is treason against God (YHWH) and non-subjection to the higher powers of man’s government ordained (authorized) by God (YHWH) to claim right to and impersonate some “Thing” that does not belong to me as I am an Act of God, bestowed the God-given unalienable Christian real name John, not entitled to a secular surname.
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Therefore, I render and relinquish back the surname (title / property), SMITH, which does not belong to me, back to its true registered owner so that I am free of charge.
To be absolutely clear, I bestowed the private, peaceful, spiritual, graced, God-given unalienable Christian real name, John, Tribe of Judah (favour, praise), fellow citizen with the saints of Heavenly New Jerusalem, God’s (YHWH) Kingdom, no part of the secular world of gentile nations, hereby forever quit claim, relinquish, yield up, forsake, disclaim, renounce, render and resign as surety for the after-acquired, blasphemous, secular, gentile, public interest thing, man’s person title, agnomen, debtor surname, SMITH, the property belonging to a secular master contrary to God (YHWH) and the anointed of God (YHWH), Christ Jesus, the Lord of lords, King of kings, Prince of Peace, my Sovereign Master, of whom I serve exclusively.
I further renounce all common civil rights, which includes the right to money, gain, profit and claim to the title, agnomen, factitious surname SMITH, the public interest property of Her Majesty, that I was never entitled to claim right to as a son of the true God (YHWH) and slave of my Lord, King, Sovereign, surety and Master, Christ Jesus, the name above every name named.
In the event that your secular government of the Province of Ontario refuses to remove the blasphemy of the surname, SMITH, off the original STATEMENT OF BIRTH record, of which I am forbidden by God (YHWH) to use, then I remove my consent and God-given unalienable Christian name, John, off that original STATEMENT OF BIRTH record. A line must be drawn through the surname SMITH as this would be evidence of erasure or cancellation (blotting out).
To be clear, I direct you according to Colossians 2: 12-15 (AKJV) as I believe you to be the higher powers of government ordained by God (YHWH) to blot out, erasure, the blasphemous surname off the STATEMENT OF BIRTH record and provide me a “Certified A true copy” of this record verifying only my God-given unalienable Christian name, John, blotting out (cancelling) the ordinance of the law [i.e. certificate of debt, or BIRTH CERTIFICATE] containing the blasphemous surname, SMITH, written contrary to me as an Act of God (YHWH), unalienable set-apart Christian believer, bestowed the graced name John, a pardoned gift from God (YHWH). As a Christian I must be civilly dead to the constituted world of man.
Colossians 2:13-15 [Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)] – 13 And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses; 14 blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; 15 and having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.
For further clarity, the Gideon’s New Testament wrote Colossians 2:14 as follows:
“having cancelled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees written against us…”
To be clear, the “certificate of debt” is the Federal CITIZENSHIP CERTIFICATE and the Provincial BIRTH CERTIFICATE, which are Her Majesty’s property.
To be clear, remove my signature, photograph (image) and God-given unalienable Christian name, John from all Federal and Provincial (State) secular records or instruments implying my consent to act as surety for the property of another, that being the surname SMITH, which is foreign and blasphemous to God (YHWH) and me as a Christian believer.
Never communicate to me addressing me with the blasphemous agnomen surname SMITH, an unclean thing, a factitious blasphemous artifice of fraud, since you have been given good faith notice not to do so. I believe the use of the blasphemous surname is forbidden by both God (YHWH) and by your secular government. I do not require a license to be who I really am, that being the God-given unalienable Christian name John. A license is only required to impersonate the thing, person or property belonging to another (i.e. blasphemous, debtor secular surname).
Revelation 18:4 [Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)] – And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
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The “Her” of Revelation is of the Roman Empire, which lays claim to the Roman civil surname thing, of which I lay no right or claim to in order to remain in peace and subjection to the higher powers of government as an Ambassador and witness for Christ.
It is only honest and logical if one continues to use the thing belonging to another, that being the surname that one would be under duty, debt and obligation to continue returning fees required for its use. If an individual believer in Christ Jesus, such as myself, relinquishes, renounces and gives up forever all claim and right to the surname to whomever is the feudal lord and master of it (i.e. Her Majesty and/or her duly appointed representatives) then one has in good faith returned to their original allegiance to Almighty God (YHWH) the Father and walks under the surety of Christ Jesus, the true Master, Sovereign, Lord of lords and King of Kings and Prince of Peace.
“To yield or give up the command or possession of … to restore.”
Therefore, I hereby fully divorce myself from the gentile, civil, Roman, blasphemous, agnomen, debtor surname, SMITH, property belonging to another, of which is not mine, by fully restoring it to its proper owner, being Her Majesty. This is the final tax return as I am to render to Caesar what is Caesar’s, being the surname SMITH, the unnecessary addition of which creates the unequal yoke known as the combined “Legal Name” JOHN SMITH. I relinquish and renunciate all common right to gain or mammon or money in order to serve my true Father, God (YHWH), and his only begotten Son, my Saviour, Sovereign, Master, King of kings, Lord of Lords, Prince of Peace, advocate and surety in all matters whatsoever.
I, God given unalienable Christian name, John, must obey my true Father, God (YHWH):
Acts 5:29 [Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)] – Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.
I give my Spirit, the God-given unalienable Christian name, John, to God (YHWH); and, I render the dead body corporate surname, SMITH, to Caesar, the thing belonging to Her Majesty, a gentile queen ordained to punish evil and reward good (see Romans 13:1-5 AKJV), who does not represent God’s (YHWH) Kingdom. The patriarchal Kingly Tribe of Judah does not appoint queens and Christ Jesus is the last King of the Tribe of Judah, being no part of the constituted world of man’s secular governments.
I, Christian name John will not bear arms, that being the surname SMITH or any symbol of war in any form for or against Her Majesty as I am a Christian peacemaker under the allegiance of Christ Jesus, my surety, being no part of man’s secular world. In summary, I believe that relinquishing the use of the surname SMITH is the only right honest thing to do to eliminate all confusion and to remain in good moral conscience with both the Supremacy of God (YHWH) and the rule of law.
My Christian Charter and Book of Authorities is the Authorized 1611 King James Holy Bible, which supports my Christian faith and my God-given unalienable Christian name, John, bestowed upon me as grace and pardon at birth, and I accept Christ Jesus, who acts as surety for me, blotting out all charges, fees and encumbrances (certificate of debt) written against me. God (YHWH) knew me before the foundation of the world. The baptised font Christian name bestowed upon me on the original STATEMENT OF BIRTH document blotted out the surname that was written contrary to me and took it out of the way by the power of Christ Jesus, my surety.
I declared my faith by water baptism on October 12, 2013 A.D. in a tributary of the Humber River in Caledon, Ontario, within PART OF LOT 1, CONCESSION 5, AND PART OF THE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN THE TOWNSHIPS OF ADJALA AND ALBION, TOWNSHIP OF ADJALA, COUNTY OF SIMCOE. I lay down the arma, agnomen surname SMITH, property of Her Majesty, and return to my original allegiance of peace to serve only God (YHWH) and his anointed King, Christ Jesus, my Master, Saviour and surety. May the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. The salutation by the hand of me, seed of Abraham, seed of the woman, Tribe of Judah (favour, praise), Christian name John, witness for Christ.
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By this good faith notice and as an Act of God (YHWH) I am now and forever free of all public alienable charges by this act of relinquishment of the surname SMITH, the property belonging to Her Majesty, of which I am not entitled to as a Christian disciple serving only my Lord, Master, Sovereign, Saviour and surety, Christ Jesus. I am no longer ignorant of the fact that Christ Jesus is my surety and has bestowed upon me the God-given unalienable nativity Christian name John, and am no longer ignorant of the law that forbids me to claim right to or use the alienable man-made positive law blasphemous war surname of fiction, SMITH, without consenting to accept the penalty for its use, which is treason against God (YHWH), and which I am not entitled to bear as an Ambassador and witness for Christ Jesus, my Sovereign, Master, Saviour, Lord of lords, King of kings and Prince of Peace.
God-given, real, unalienable Christian name John, Ambassador and witness for Christ Jesus. Dated this fourth day of April in the two thousand and fourteenth Year from the birth of Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, the King of kings, Sovereign, Master, Lord of lords, and Prince of Peace, my advocate and surety.
NOTE: Attached to this good faith notice I enclose copies of:
(1) Copy of long form (Form 2) STATEMENT OF BIRTH RECORD.- [ NOTE: This instrument cancelled all debt, expressed, implied or written, against my graced God-given unalienable nativity Christian fact, real name, John, the purchased property of Christ Jesus].
(2) Copies of all secular government-issued documents or instruments.
(3) Copy of the heraldry or coat-of-arms for the war surname SMITH
Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.
Governor General of Canada.
Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Ontario.
Registrar General for the Province of Ontario.
Confused? Think this is religious nonsense? What if the Bible isn’t about religion at all, but is instead a legal guide and remedy to escape from the tyranny of religion and government? What if the very authority of government stems from that very book, and we must therefore acknowledge the Biblical remedy to the Biblical law (testament).
View my exhaustive explanation and compendium of Biblical legal words here: https://realitybloger.wordpress.com/2014/04/30/cracking-the-legal-code-of-king-james/
And listen to our several interviews explaining the whole hidden meanings disclosed in Daniel’s above letter from The Corporation Nation Radio program here:
February 26th, 2014:


Download: http://corporationnationradioarchives.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/show88_feb26.mp3 March 5th, 2014:


Download: http://corporationnationradioarchives.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/show93_march05.mp3 March 12th, 2014:


Download: http://corporationnationradioarchives.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/show98_march121.mp3 March 19th, 2014:


Download: http://corporationnationradioarchives.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/show103_march19.mp3 March 26th, 2014:


Download: http://corporationnationradioarchives.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/show108_march26.mp3 April 2nd, 2014


Download: http://corporationnationradioarchives.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/show112_april02.mp3 April 9th, 2014:


Download: http://corporationnationradioarchives.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/show117_april09.mp3 April 16th, 2014:


Download: http://corporationnationradioarchives.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/show122_april16.mp3 April 18th, 2014:


Download: http://corporationnationradioarchives.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/show124_april18.mp3 April 23rd, 2014:


Download: http://corporationnationradioarchives.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/show127_april23.mp3 .
–Clint Richardson (realitybloger.wordpress.com)
–Wednesday, April 30th, 2014

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