Image: Pfizer BioNTech Analysis by Dr. Mihalcea - left 6 days on slide. AM Medical Authors: Dr Ana Mihalcea and Dr. Hildegarde Staninger In this second part, I am showing the similarities between the microchips that developed in the Pfizer BioNTech COVID19 solution and in the COVID19 unvaccinated blood as well as the fluorescent orange spots on the face that I have previously shown. All have very similar microscopic features. While I do not yet have the full scanning electron microscopy and mass spectroscopy capabilities for step by step comparison - which I hope to change once we can raise the money for the equipment through the new research institute - I would like to show the visual and microscopic similarities as to alert people that the technocratic transhumanist agenda is father advanced then most people can fathom. The greatest crime anybody could ever come up with against humanity has already been committed and it was the deployment of the COVID19 self spreading bioweapons as well as the military geoengineering operations. If this administration is really serious about defeating the Deep State and liberating America and the world, they must admit to the weaponized self assembly nanotechnology that was deployed in the COVID19 shots for the intra body area network internet of bio nano things and the contribution of the US military and Intelligence Agencies to genocide and surveillance enslavement of its own population and the world via geoengineering. Without addressing this issue, I do not care how much clean up happens in Washington, because it does not matter. People will be enslaved by the Artificial Intelligence hive mind infrastructure, so governments according to the technocrats will no longer be needed anyway. AI will take care of controlling all thought. Take a look for yourself: Video: Pfizer BioNTech self assembly mesogen with nano and microrobot swarming. Magnification 2000x. AM Medical Video: Pfizer BioNTech self assembly mesogen with nano and microrobot swarming. Magnification 4000x. AM Medical Here are multiple examples from different COVID19 unvaccinated individuals affected by shedding and geoengineering. The polymer mesogen looks the same. Images: Covid19 unvaccinated blood with polymer mesogen microchips. Magnification 2000x.AM Medical Images: left Covid19 unvaccinated blood with polymer mesogen microchips self assembly. Magnification left 200x, right 2000x.AM Medical Note the side to side comparison of the targeted individual microchip and the COVID19 unvaccinated non targeted individual. Here you can see the fluorescent spots on a COVID19 unvaccinated individual in the nasal fold. I took one of these and analyzed it under Darkfield Microscope. You can find the full analysis here: Image: Nasal fold fluorescent orange spots COVID19 unvaccinated under UV light This is what the specimen looks like under the microscope: Image: COVID19 mesogen microchip from face. Magnification 400x left, 100x right. AM Medical Further analysis of nasal mesogen microchip coming from the skin of an unvaccinated individual. Image: COVID19 polymer mesogen microchip from face. Magnification 2000x left, 2000x right. AM Medical You can see nanowire fibers with different colored spots seen in the COVID19 unvaccinated specimen. Image: COVID19 polymer mesogen microchip from face. Magnification 400x AM Medical You can see the same nano/ microwires with waveguides from the targeted individual specimen. Both Dr Staninger and myself consider these micochips the same. The COVID19 bioweapon deployed this technology that is self spreading via shedding. Please share this information with your lawmakers and government officials. Please note my research on Ca EDTA and Vitamin C that showed that self assembly nanoparticles that build these microchips can be effectively inhibited. Microchips that developed within the Pfizer BiNTech solution completely dissolved, as did microchips from dental anesthetics. EDTA Chelation Dissolves the Artificial Intelligence Magnetic Hydrogel Weapon THERE IS HOPE - EDTA CHELATION WORKS and What Really IS COVID??? You're currently a free subscriber to Humanity United Now - Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription. |
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