Dave Weldon dumped as CDC nominee; is anybody talking about the real secret here?I am; the scandal they want you to forget
This is so BIG. And here’s the punch line—there is no way the Senate wanted Dave Weldon to take the slot as CDC director. Why? Because Dave knows stuff. Bad stuff. HEAVY stuff about the CDC. Dave knows some CDC crimes that’ll make the American people jump off their couches with their hair on fire as they’re watching the TV news. And if Dave won confirmation and went over to the CDC as chief honcho, one day a lying vaccine researcher could walk into his office and start spouting a mountain of crap about ‘safe and effective,’ and Dave could drop his nice-guy front and hit the ceiling and decide to blow the whole Agency COMPLETELY out of the water. Which he definitely could. As you’ll see as you read this story of corruption and betrayal and cover-up—a story Dave knows chapter and verse. Keep that in mind as I unwind the tale. Dave knows the whole sordid thing. And in the past, he’s proved he has major balls. The news media are saying Weldon “didn’t have the votes” for confirmation. He’s too “anti-vaxx.” There’s something much more specific, though. Children’s Health Defense writes: “On March 12, STAT News reported, under the headline, ‘How CDC nominee Dave Weldon’s support for anti-vaccine theories runs long and deep’ that [then-Congressman] Weldon in 2004 asked the U.S. House Appropriations Committee chair to fund an autism research center that would be led by Dr. Andrew Wakefield.” “Wakefield was the first author of the 1998 study, published and later retracted in The Lancet, that linked the MMR vaccine to autism in certain children.” Any bells ringing yet? Weldon wanted Wakefield to head up an official autism research center. Boom. At that point, as far as mainstream medicine was concerned, Wakefield was Public Enemy Number One, and the ‘experts’ had raked him over the coals as a complete fraud, for suggesting the MMR vaccine was a cause of autism. But Weldon had the sheer balls to want Wakefield to head up the autism center. In 2025, that brazen act from the past, by Weldon, would be more than enough to keep him from heading up the CDC. But there’s a lot more. A whole lot more. And it’s explosive. Wakefield had claimed there was a link between autism and the MMR vaccine. You know who made the same claim? A CDC RESEARCHER. A guy who participated as an author of a CDC study which came to a similar conclusion. His name is William Thompson. But the thing is, in 2014 Thompson publicly admitted that he and his CDC co-authors COOKED that study so it wouldn’t show any connection between the MMR vaccine and autism. They omitted vital data. On purpose. Thompson wrote his confession and had it posted on his attorney Rick Morgan’s website. Actually, Thompson told Congressman Bill Posey he and his CDC co-authors sat in a room and tossed sheets of study data in a TRASH CAN. Here is the cherry on the cake. William Thompson knew Wakefield. And around the time that Thompson confessed he had cooked data in the study, he APOLOGIZED privately to Wakefield—because he could have spoken out about an MMR vaccine connection to autism and tried to help Wakefield rescue his shattered career. —Undoubtedly, Dave Weldon knows this whole grisly story. With his connection to Wakefield, there’s no way Weldon wouldn’t know the story. Do you really think the Senators who could confirm him as CDC director, with all their pharma connections, want Weldon around holding a truth bomb like this in his hand? By the way, after William Thompson publicly confessed to the serious criminal offense of lying about data in a crucial study, the CDC didn’t fire him. They just reassigned him within the agency. See, Thompson’s co-authors on that cooked MMR study weren’t just researchers. They were also MAJOR CDC executives. This was a sky-high scandal. The press covered it, but muffled the noise, published lies about the study, and moved on. —The Senate just dumped Weldon as CDC nominee because, ultimately, he’s too hot to handle. He knows too much. At any moment, if he got worked up over some resistance at the CDC, as the director he might lower the boom. Hey, Dave, now that they screwed you, why don’t you tell the whole story I just sketched out? Kick some asses into next week and next year. Do you still have the same balls you did way back in the day, when you proposed Wakefield as the chairman of that autism committee? There is even more to this astonishing story. In 2014, as the William Thompson scandal broke, I wrote THIS: “There is a video posted at the autism media channel/YouTube, and at Age of Autism: ‘William Thompson’s call to Congress’.”¹ “It is a recording of a telephone call between CDC whistleblower Thompson and Brian Hooker, PhD.² No date is given.” “Presumably, the call was recorded before August 27, [2014] when Thompson went public with a statement admitting he, and his co-authors, cooked a study on the MMR vaccine and thereby hid the vaccine’s connection to autism.” “I also presume Thompson didn’t know (or would now say he didn’t know) that the call was being recorded.” “Thompson makes highly explosive comments on the phone call:” “‘The CDC has put the [autism] research ten years behind. Because the CDC has not been transparent, we’ve missed ten years of research [on the autism-vaccine connection].’” “‘CDC is…they’re paralyzed. The whole system is paralyzed right now.’” “‘I have a boss who’s asking me to lie…if I’m forced to testify, I’m not gonna lie. I basically have stopped lying.’” “‘Really, what we need is for Congress to come in and say, “Give us the data and we’re gonna have an independent contractor do it,” and bring in the autism advocates [who understand the vaccine-autism connection] and have them intimately involved in the studies.’” “In this last comment, Thompson is obviously referring to new studies that would analyze all raw data on all vaccines the CDC has collected, and compare the data with rates of autism and other neurological damage in vaccinated children.” “Thompson isn’t talking about one vaccine. The CDC ‘paralysis’ refers to a stoppage of all honest research on the causal connection between all vaccines and autism.” “Thompson straight-out admits he has a boss at the CDC who wants him to lie and hide the connection between vaccines and autism.” “What more does anyone need to make up his mind about what is going on at the CDC?” “‘I have a boss who’s asking me to lie.’” —That’s what I wrote in 2014. —Dear reader, are you wondering whether Kennedy knows this whole story? Of course he does. He knows a few of the key players: Brian Hooker, for example, just mentioned above, who, the last time I looked, has been doing major work for Children’s Health Defense. Here is William Thompson’s written confession, verbatim: Statement of CDC researcher, William Thompson, posted on the Morgan Verkamp LLC law firm website, August 27, 2014:³ “My name is William Thompson. I am a Senior Scientist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where I have worked since 1998.” “I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article⁴ published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data were collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed.” “I want to be absolutely clear that I believe vaccines have saved and continue to save countless lives. I would never suggest that any parent avoid vaccinating children of any race. Vaccines prevent serious diseases, and the risks associated with their administration are vastly outweighed by their individual and societal benefits.” “My concern has been the decision to omit relevant findings in a particular study for a particular sub group for a particular vaccine. There have always been recognized risks for vaccination and I believe it is the responsibility of the CDC to properly convey the risks associated with receipt of those vaccines.” “I have had many discussions with Dr. Brian Hooker over the last 10 months regarding studies the CDC has carried out regarding vaccines and neurodevelopmental outcomes including autism spectrum disorders. I share his belief that CDC decision-making and analyses should be transparent. I was not, however, aware that he was recording any of our conversations, nor was I given any choice regarding whether my name would be made public or my voice would be put on the Internet.” “I am grateful for the many supportive e-mails that I have received over the last several days.” “I will not be answering further questions at this time. I am providing information to Congressman William Posey, and of course will continue to cooperate with Congress. I have also offered to assist with reanalysis of the study data or development of further studies. For the time being, however, I am focused on my job and my family.” “Reasonable scientists can and do differ in their interpretation of information. I will do everything I can to assist any unbiased and objective scientists inside or outside the CDC to analyze data collected by the CDC or other public organizations for the purpose of understanding whether vaccines are associated with an increased risk of autism. There are still more questions than answers, and I appreciate that so many families are looking for answers from the scientific community.” “My colleagues and supervisors at the CDC have been entirely professional since this matter became public. In fact, I received a performance-based award after this story came out. I have experienced no pressure or retaliation and certainly was not escorted from the building, as some have stated.” —Why would they give you a performance-based award, William? Because they wanted to keep you on their side. There was no way they were going to make a big deal out of your egregious criminal lies. That would have really caused some serious damage within the CDC. I mean, your co-authors on the study? Frank DeStefano and Coleen Boyle were high-ranking CDC executives in the area of vaccine safety. Bang. Boyle’s LinkedIn profile describes her as “epidemiologist at the CDC.” I don’t know how current that profile is. As for DeStefano, Wikipedia states: “Frank DeStefano FACPM is a medical epidemiologist and researcher at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where he is director of the Immunization Safety Office.” I’m not sure whether William Thompson is still employed at the CDC. Maybe Dave Weldon can fill us in on these three people’s current status. Hey Dave, now that they dumped you on the side of the road, and you aren’t going to head up the CDC, how about giving inquiring minds a hand? Dave, I recommend you start talking and don’t stop. Spill as many beans as you can. You don’t have to lead the CDC to expose the CDC. Right? -- Jon Rappoport 1 2 3 4
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