Wednesday, March 12, 2025
morning our "news" desk is awash in (mostly Democrat Party sponsored)
hit pieces bemoaning and sensationalizing things like "One billion
dollars cut from local food purchasing for schools, food
banks....because the Federal Department of Education is going away."
Ah. Well....
You save $500 Billion in unconstitutional charges and can easily reroute the paltry $1B in food for kids.
should be striking to everyone is that they were paying only $1B for
something as basic as school lunch programs, and $499B on what?
bureaucrats, however, don't want you to focus on the actual issues that
are being uncovered. They want you to focus on "the loss" of whatever
little good they ever provided.
is one way that they distort everything, and it happens all the time.
So when you see "news" stories like this, realize that they are feeding
you with self-serving propaganda instead. Take a moment to look at the
"other side" of the coin.
Do we need a $499B bureaucracy to distribute $1B worth of food?
is why the new buzzwords in Washington, DC are "common sense", which,
we are assured by John Kennedy, is a totally new concept in Congress.
it or not, it will become all-too familiar because of one truth that,
for whatever reasons, Mr. Trump is hiding from the public. That truth
is that the United States Corporation is bankrupt.
yourselves -- what happens in a bankruptcy? The court takes over the
bankrupt entity's affairs, dictating how to manage the income and
resolve the debts. Bankruptcy Trustees show up and begin evaluating the
the case of the United States Corporation, that process has already
been ongoing for ten (10) years, and yet, you, the Public, haven't heard
a word about it.
No surprises there. Nobody heard about the bankruptcy of
"The United States of America" -- Incorporated, in 1907, either. All the other bankruptcies have been equally well-hidden in the bowels of the District of Columbia's Specialty Courts, or in literally foreign courts, too.
"The United States of America" -- Incorporated, in 1907, either. All the other bankruptcies have been equally well-hidden in the bowels of the District of Columbia's Specialty Courts, or in literally foreign courts, too.
The question being answered now by DOGE is, more or less --- how did the United States Corporation go bankrupt?
answer to that, in turn, is being used to answer the real question,
which is --- how best to deconstruct this insolvent monstrosity with the
least amount of harm?
it wasn't really doing that much, other than feeding itself at everyone
else's expense, it turns out that we can do away with most of the
federal bureaucracy and not feel a thing.
of us who have directly experienced many "government shutdowns" have
remarked on this fact for years. We didn't miss them. In fact, it was a
So the only cause for Public concern is that we are being targeted as the ones to pay off the insolvent entity's debts.
is at this juncture that we must be alert and aware and be putting the
bite on the courts and the bankers, because we have been defrauded by
these foreign con artists and misrepresented by them, too.
we have been impersonated by them as "franchises" of their parent
corporation, which has been doing business as the UNITED STATES. This
puts our assets at risk and appears to bankrupt "us", when 95% of
Americans aren't even aware that their friendly neighborhood politicians
have misrepresented them in this way.
results in the Creditors of the UNITED STATES looking on with bated
breath, plotting and planning how they are going to tear up and divide
your assets among themselves.
as you were not told a word about being misrepresented as franchises of
this foreign corporation and as you did not benefit from this deceit,
the vast bulk of their debt is "Odious Debt" -- that is, debt created by
some means of fraud (impersonation of living men as franchise
corporations without their knowledge or consent) from which the victims
did not significantly benefit ($1B of $500B).
The $499B needs to be written off as Odious Debt. We are here to make sure that it is.
"we" are not bankrupt and are not involved in this bankruptcy. The
franchise corporations that the vermin created "in our names" are the
entities involved in this bankruptcy.
We have explained impersonation in this way:
You have a cat, a real, live cat named Felix.
paints an oil portrait of your cat -- that is a "representation" of the
actual cat and in legal terms, it is called a "person" or
Someone else takes a photo of your cat -- that too, is a "representation" of the actual cat.
party draws a charcoal and pencil sketch of your cat, and that creates a
third "representation" of your cat, and so far as the legal eagles are
concerned, a third "person" or "corporation".
Your cat's name is "Felix".
The oil portrait is entitled "Felix".
The photo is entitled "Felix of Catdom".
The drawing is entitled "FELIX".
could of course have many different representations of Felix -- mixed
media, pen and ink, pastels, acrylic portraits, even stained glass and
video versions --- and all of these representations, all these
"impersonations" of Felix, are not Felix by definition.
You have been "impersonated" by the bureaucrats and attorneys in exactly this same way.
bankrupt version of "you" which has been named after you, has nothing
to do with you. You aren't even aware of its existence, much less are
you knowingly and voluntarily standing good for its debts.
too, has to be brought forward, because --- in fact --- you are the
Priority Creditor of all these entitled representations of you. Good ole
Felix and you, his owner, are owed the first cut of any profit that the
buggers have made by buying and selling representations of Felix.
as you are not aware that any of this has gone on, they are hoping that
they can mischaracterize you as the Primary Debtor instead of the
Priority Creditor, pass this off to the Bankruptcy Court, and latch onto
your assets to pay off their debts.
They've done it many times before without you noticing, so they think they can get away with it again.
are here to make sure that doesn't happen again, and that this whole
scheme of "enfranchising" living men and women as franchises of
undisclosed corporate interests -- a gross fraud scheme that has been
ongoing since the mid-1800s -- comes to an end.
are here to declare that not only are we "not" Felix, we aren't any of
the representations of "Felix" --- we are, instead, the owners of
didn't name any foreign Trustees to look after Felix and his many
representations during any "absence" of ours. We've been right here,
paying Felix's vet bills, his food allowance, his bedding, his cat box
needs, and everything else the whole time.
and there's been no "war", either, that could explain away this odd
circumstance and all those people claiming to occupy our country under
the Law of War. They, being bankrupt, may have suffered an "emergency",
and their representations of Felix may be in distress, too, but that
has nothing to do with Felix or his Owner.
We are standing here blinking and shaking our heads.
are saying in very blunt language, "Our Subcontractors did this without
telling us a word about it, and they are still trying to keep it
hush-hush. Felix is our cat, but neither he nor we are responsible for
the existence of all these representations of him, nor are we
responsible for all the debts accrued by these impersonations."
are using Felix, our cat, as an example of the process of impersonation
and the grounds for objecting to its results, but here is the
non-abstracted denouement: substitute your Given Name for Felix in the
example above.
name, like your cat, is associated with you, but isn't you. Your name
is something you own and care for, like a bicycle your parents gave you
or a stray cat that came to live with you, but it certainly isn't you.
It's something you own in precisely the same way as you own a cat. Your
parents own the private copyright to your name, but they gave your name
to you, as a gift. That's why it is called a "Given Name".
it is easier to imagine someone making a painting or a drawing or
taking a photo or video of your cat, a similar process and result is
used in impersonating your Good Name.
of various artistic media being employed to produce different
representations of your Good Name, the criminals have used your Good
Name as the name of various kinds of corporate franchises, which are
representations -- impersonations -- of your Good Name in the same way
that a photo is a representation of Felix.
Your Good Name is, for example, John Robert Shaw.
Your Legal Name is also John Robert Shaw.
Your next Legal Name is JOHN ROBERT SHAW.
Your next Legal Name is JOHN R SHAW.
And so on.
Your Good Name, John Robert Shaw, is a Lawful Person, under your control.
first Legal Name, John Robert Shaw, is the Intestate Estate of a
Missing British Seaman, a Warrant Officer ("Taxpayer") in the British
Merchant Marine Service. "He" was a British Territorial U.S. Citizen.
second Legal Name, JOHN ROBERT SHAW, is a Municipal (Roman) Cestui Que
Vie trust, also intestate by definition, that exists because the missing
Warrant Officer was considered a Dual Federal citizen --- both a U.S.
Citizen and a Municipal "citizen of the United States".
The third Legal Name, JOHN R SHAW is a Public Transmitting Utility, a franchise of a National Electrical Association.
fourth Legal Name, SHAW, JOHN ROBERT, is a missing indentured servant,
presumed dead, forced into peonage and bound by labor contracts.
The fifth Legal Name.....
these additional Legal Names are different kinds of corporations, thus
we have cooperatives, foundations, S-Corp, C-Corp, B-Corp, and LLC
franchises named after our Given Name --- which, analogously, correspond
to the oil painting, photo, charcoal sketch.... of Felix.
it is all bogus, because: (1) we, the actual owners, are unaware of
these illegal "latching" activities and these uses and abuses of our
Given Names; (2) we, the actual owners, did not knowingly and
voluntarily enfranchise our Given Names in this way; (3) we, the actual
owners, did not appoint the members of any Federal Congress to act as
our Trustees.
as if we had a whole coterie of street artists making images of our cat
and selling them for profit behind our backs, then leaving us with
their tax debts and bankruptcies to settle --- even when we have
absolutely nothing to do with any of it, beyond being the actual owners
of the cat. Or Given Name, in this instance.
our Public Servants don't want to divulge their surreptitious and
illegal latching upon and theft of our identities, and abuse of our
actual persons -- which they are contractually obligated to protect --
but understandable or not, the facts remain.
have been misrepresented, impersonated, and defrauded by our own
employees. They have claimed control of our physical assets under False
Pretenses and they have used our physical assets as collateral backing
their debts without our knowledge or permission; they have used our
collateral to create credit for themselves and they have spent, spent,
spent on whatever they liked with no respect for the limitations of
their contracts. Via this overall identity theft, they have gained
access to our credit like any common credit card thief.
And now, they are fingering us to pay off their debts.
are here to put an end to this fraud in total, while they, our public
employees, are intent on finding a way to hide it and trying to
kick-start another round of it.
To quote the Mother of Heathens, "Sometimes when one door closes, you have to nail a board over it."
in order to legalize their illegal and unlawful and unnecessary
activities --- purportedly undertaken on our behalf, during our
inexplicable "absence" --- the profits from all this graft and fraud
against their employers have been rat-holed in individual offshore
generation-skipping trusts, pension funds, investment funds, etc., which
they have used as slush funds --- to finance political payola,
wars-for-profit, drug production and smuggling, human trafficking, organ
harvesting, money laundering, bank currency, counterfeiting, and
securities fraud, and a great many other money making endeavors which
are based on the initial fraudulent misrepresentation of their employers
and continuing misuse and abuse and mismanagement of these funds by
people who have no actual valid assignment to act as our trustees.
the current instance, JOHN ROBERT SHAW is a foreign Cestui Que Vie
trust that has been operated by the bankrupt UNITED STATES corporation;
it is under receivership by John Robert Shaw, the British Territorial
Estate of the missing intestate British Merchantman that has
conveniently been named after us.
are calling--- "Fraud!" on this whole constructive fraud and
impersonation and enfranchisement scheme, from its inception in Britain
in the 1840's until now.
British Territorial Merchantman's Estate named after us as the first
Legal Name in the scam, is the result of an undisclosed and
unconscionable foreign citizenship contract imposed on American babies
while still in their cradles. This purloined and undisclosed contract
is then used to unlawfully convert the political status of the victims
without their knowledge or consent.
have elsewhere covered the process by which "registrations" imposed on
actual British Territorial U.S. Citizens by the Sheppard Towner Act were
improperly imposed on our General Populace by Undeclared Foreign Agents
acting as Uniformed Officers --- Medical Doctors secretively employed
to accidentally-on-purpose misidentify American babies as British
Territorial U.S. Citizens.
Dirty Brits have used this con game to subject their own people to
peonage and enslavement and have extended their scheme to the former
Commonwealth, The United States, seventeen countries in Western Europe,
Japan, Libya, Iraq.... and wherever else they could use payola and
coercion to extend this criminal abomination and misrepresentation of
living people and entire countries.
have covered how this scam is used to defraud, impersonate, and
misrepresent living people as mere "things" subject to foreign forms of
law, but how is it applied to entire countries?
same way that the British Raj gained power in India -- by national
level identity theft, coercion, and illegal undisclosed mercenary
occupations that commandeer the existing governmental bureaucracy.
for-profit "governmental services corporations" are substituted for the
actual national governments using a variety of excuses. These
corporations commandeer whatever existing bureaucracy exists and start
running things, using the prior administration as a storefront, so that
the people being disserved and victimized by this don't notice the
our case, a Mercenary Conflict disguised and misrepresented as a Civil
War was used as the excuse to occupy our country and commandeer our
delegated government functions; in the case of Japan and Western Europe,
the aftermath of another Mercenary Conflict disguised and
misrepresented as "World War II" was used as the excuse; in the former
Commonwealth countries, their failure to form a new government after the
end of the Commonwealth system was announced, was used as the excuse to
impose a Territorial (military protectorate) instead.
you look throughout the world, the Brits, together with their Roman
collaborators, have been the Rotters at the bottom of this reeking dog
pile for generations. When they were shamed into overtly abandoning
Colonialism, they simply double-downed, "relabeled" and redefined a few
things, and switched their colonial activities from the jurisdiction of
the land to the jurisdiction of the sea. Instead of colonies, they
formed corporations, and have endeavored to use these creatures of
statute to rule with an even more despotic hand.
Trump is endeavoring to settle the bankruptcy of the Municipal UNITED
STATES corporation which was providing the Federal Civil Service
functions in this country --- and doing a corrupt job of it, as we have
seen with the 1:500 benefit to cost ratio provided by the DEPARTMENT OF
EDUCATION --- while also keeping the British Crown Corporation known as
the United States of America --- Incorporated, afloat in Chapter 11
Reorganization. He is using yet another corporation, the United States
of America, LLC, recently organized in London as a means to continue
operations and provide the defense services that The Constitution of the
United States of America requires.
hope is that they can pass themselves off as our "representatives"
again, and that their British Territorial Seaman's Estates will receive
the assets of the foreign Municipal Cestui Que Vie Trusts. This "claim
on abandonment" would take them out of bankruptcy and make them very
wealthy, however, the actual owners are here and serving Notice and Due
Process --- both that we are not responsible for the debts of their
representations, and that we are the Priority Creditors of Record; we
are the actual Owners of the assets they have illegally latched upon in
gross Breach of Trust and violation of their Service Contracts.
the living, claim all assets and beneficial interest accrued to the
Cestui Que Vie ESTATE trusts established in our names, all assets and
beneficial interest in the improperly established British Seaman's
Estates, all assets and beneficial interest accrued from the improperly
established American Infant Decedent Estates underlying this tower of
fraud and misrepresentation.
Mr. Trump and his business partners operating the United States of
America, LLC, wish to pick up the defense contract known as The
Constitution of the United States of America, they have to render good
faith service from now on, do the work, operate honestly, and respect
our position as the actual American Government.
cannot continue to operate as British Territorial U.S. Citizens and
give the public the improper impression that they are restoring our
American Federal Republic which went out of business during the
so-called American Civil War. Spaniards can't create British
institutions and Brits cannot create American institutions.
they can do is create British or British Territorial institutions and
try to pass them off as American institutions -- a crime of fraud and
misrepresentation that they have committed many times before.
as that might be in their scheme to take over the position and powers
of the American Federal Republic (which was also the intent and
motivation behind the False Claims made on February 2nd 1871 by the U.S.
Congress) --- which would enable them to exercise delegated powers
never vouchsafed to any British or British Territorial entity by any
Treaty or Service Contract whatsoever --- they cannot be entrusted with
those delegations and responsibilities.
It's nothing personal. It's business. It's a matter of who-is-who and what-is-what.
the most part, Mr. Trump and his Administration appear to be doing a
difficult and laudable job and to be making considerable progress in
cleaning up The Mess.
do not, however, extend our praise to the extent of allowing another
round of misrepresentation and fraud benefiting British interests at
American expense.
whole history of fraud and British self-interest, together with the
malfeasance of the British government(s) needs to come to an end,
for the sake of their own people and the sake of the entire rest of the world.
the past 300 years the Brits and their Roman business partners have led
the entire world on a rampage of wars for profit, false claims in
commerce, and vast crimes of personage and barratry promoted by the
members of the Bar Guilds and Associations and British Crown
Corporations, including the banks financing and benefiting from these
misrepresentations and misapplications of statutory law to living people
and their natural assets.
the present moment, franchise operators of Municipal and Crown
Corporation franchises in Europe, for example, Mr. Macron, who has been
elected under false pretenses (the people of France don't know what he
is "President" of) and who is operating the bankrupt Municipal franchise
known as FRANCE and the British Crown franchise known as "France, Inc."
has offered to use nuclear weapons against Russia, which has posed no
threat to the actual country, France, at all.
ignorant and irresponsible acts and false claims made by Mr. Macron,
Mr. Starmer, and Mr. Trudeau and Comptrollers of the World Economic
forum, have brought the world to the brink of very unfortunate events.
these men know, or have reason to know, that Russia has been prodded
into taking action in Ukraine, by NATO members who have used Ukraine as a
dumping ground for European industrial pollution and as a staging area
for all manner of criminal activity, including human trafficking and
money laundering, illegal biowarfare research and weapons production,
illicit drug production and smuggling and deployment of arms that
directly threaten Russia and Russians.
men also have cause to know that NATO's encroachment has been continual
ever since the peaceful dissolution of the old Soviet Federation
despite western promises that NATO would not move "an inch" eastward.
This bad faith on the part of NATO and its continuing acts of
encroachment against Russia are not prompted by any actual threat posed
by Russia.
all these men know or have cause to know that the people of the Crimea
and Donbass are largely of Russian ethnicity and that they voted with a
90% ratio to rejoin Russia in free public elections following the
collapse of the Crimean Republic that was established as part of the
break-up of the old Russian Federation orchestrated by Mikhail Gorbachev
and Ronald Reagan.
know also that under the agreements and treaties established at that
time, Russia has every right to enter any of the former Soviet states
that lack a government, which would include not only the former Crimean
Republic, but, after the murder of the elected government of Ukraine,
would include Ukraine as well.
puppet regime, used as a proxy government promoting NATO's interests,
has resulted in a proxy war and cost the death of more than a million
Ukrainians and the almost total destruction of many parts of vital
infrastructure throughout the country.
hundred-year friendship pact with Ukraine's present government is a
supremely cynical and self-interested colonialist maneuver in which
Britain seeks to unjustly enrich itself with contracts controlling
Ukraine's Rare Earth Minerals, while engineering a situation in which
the U.S. as a NATO member would be obligated to come to Britain's
assistance --- and provide security for Ukraine's present government ---
should British troops come under attack while in Ukraine as
our estimation, this is just another venal trick on the part of the
Government of Westminster and the British Crown complex, trying to
unjustly enrich themselves and play the part of the Bon Homme at the
expense of the Americans manipulated into defending the corrupt and
unnatural Ukrainian regime, by the Brits playing Funky Chicken.
us be up front about this. Mr. Starmer can go stand on his head in a
corner and rethink this. His country is deeply in debt to us. The
UNITED KINGDOM franchise is bankrupt. The United Kingdom, Inc. is also
in reorganization. The British population is in collapse. They
couldn't fight a war if their lives depended on it. Playing upon NATO
agreements to promote a war-for-profit benefiting Britain is a devious,
dishonest, and dishonorable ploy that we clearly recognize for what it
the actual Americans, have an Alliance with Russia -- between our
people and their people; both sides have honored this pact ever since
1858 when the Alliance was created. We have no intention of attacking
Russia or defending any NATO proxy government against Russia. Period.
that Britain can do, nothing that Mr. Starmer can say, will change
that. Any public employee elected or appointed who dares interfere with
our venerable treaties is dog meat, and will be held to be guilty of
treason. Mr. Trump is not going to war with Russia, and it's not
because he is a Russian sympathizer or asset. It's because he is our
employee, regardless of also being a British Territorial U.S. Citizen.
He knows which side his contract is buttered on.
Mr. Trump is at leisure to withdraw from NATO and is advised to do so without regret.
Our position with respect to Israel is not as well known and explicit.
view Israel as the creation --- again --- of the run amok British
Government and British Crown Corporation complex. They established a
phony British Protectorate and occupied what they arbitrarily designated
as "Palestine" under the Balfour Declaration.
they cut a deal with Jacob Rothschild and the Bank of England to rent a
portion of this occupied territory for 99 years. And just as they
arbitrarily created the political entity of "Palestine", they created
the political entity of "Israel". They did all of this without as much
as a fare-you-well to the actual people who lived there and called these
lands their home.
in our opinion, is just another example of unjustified and
unjustifiable British meddling --- elitism and assumptions of power and
superiority that appear to be founded on nothing more than their talent
for criminal usurpation and misrepresentation.
had no rational right to occupy "Palestine" and no rational right to
rent out a part of "Palestine" under the name "Israel".
They simply did it and got away with it while nobody sane was watching.
the process they have created a monster --- a fiscal black hole and
base for their criminal operations in the MIddle East, under the
pretense that they are providing a Jewish homeland. They don't give a
rat's rump about Jews. If they did, Holocaust victims in Israel would
not be taking up advertising space in this country, begging for food
is another cynical and calculated British scheme to unjustly enrich
themselves and maintain a British base of power in the Middle East via a
proxy government --- the so-called Israeli Government which has been
bought and paid for by the unwitting Americans.
is apparently a popular British pastime to make trouble gambling with
other people's lives and property, and spending other people's money in
support of this activity.
do not approve of any of this, and note that Mr. Trump's expenditure of
$16 Billion dollars worth of "support" to Netanyahu's regime during the
first forty days of his Administration should not be coming out of any
American coffers or be misrepresented as American support for this
continuing travesty in the Middle East.
have humane intentions and sympathy for the victims of this British
labeling fraud and meddling, and wish for worldwide recognition of the
Source of the whole Palestinian-Israeli Conflict --- a conflict that has
been created, funded, and continued by foreign interests: Britain and
United States interests commandeered by Britain.
also wish to comment on the recent genocide and carpet bombing of
Palestinian cities in the Gaza Strip by the "State of Israel, Inc." ---
headquartered in Kensington Palace. This is and was and will always be
remembered as a crime.
Trump playing the innocent Chump and Third Party who looks at the
aftermath and plans a nice redevelopment of hotels and luxury condos, is
about as believable as Mr. Trump playing the Fool who was misinformed
about the "live" Pandemic "exercise". This Selective Stupidity on his
part needs to come to an end, before his credibility --- even as a
British Crown Corporation "President" --- is eroded beyond repair.
performance is especially cloying in view of the British Crown's plan
to open up another canal system on the eastern side of the Sinai
Peninsula in concert with Israeli plans to develop the Eastern
Mediterranean Oil Basin with "American" refineries just a few miles up
the coast from the now non-existent Palestinian settlements in Gaza.
is fair warning that we see what is going on, and so does the rest of
the world. We smell the stench. We know the score. And nobody is
likely to forget any of it.
key word in "Israel Defense Force" is "defense" and this carpet bombing
of civilian populations in Gaza had nothing to do with defense; it has
everything to do with venal commercial interests in Tel Aviv, London,
DC, and Houston.
We, the actual Americans, do not condone and don't support any of it.
don't wish to see any special protection given to Semites or any
special prosecution applied to Anti-Semites in this country; we are all
equal under the law and we all claim our right to free speech.
we start protecting Semites, which, by the way, includes Palestinians,
via special laws and censorship, we must ask where such a "public
policy" ends? 52,000 new Public Policies and statutory laws designed to
protect Special Interests and every minority group in existence?
recent activities by the U.S. Congress are inappropriate and
un-American and won't be respected or tolerated. Any news media company
or corporation following such "Public Policies" will be defunded.
speech for everyone in this country is a non-negotiable element of our
Law of the Land, which also applies to our Law of the Sea and our Law of
the Air. Let everyone be properly advised.
the Zionists and AIPAC want special protection and consideration they
can earn it by their own actions and by realizing that the existence of
Israel depends on them finding ways to live with their neighbors in
peaceful co-existence, and not on any continued British meddling funded
by or underwritten by Americans.
same goes for the Palestinian factions. Their hatred for Israel and
the reasons for it have never been more self-evident. World sympathy
for them has never been higher. That said, they need to take the High
Road and maintain their position of moral superiority in order to
overcome the pathetic "role" that has been handed to them by the British
Criminals responsible for the entire circumstance and ongoing
to the so-called British Protectorate, Jews, Christians, and Muslims
lived peacefully throughout the region. Two generations- worth of
British Territorial meddling and labeling and violence have ruined that
peaceable and unincorporated fabric of life. Our money has been
purloined and wasted in pursuit of this deplorable result.
Trump is hereby fully informed and directed to avoid all further waste
and commitment of our resources in the Middle East. That includes any
misguided plan to engage in False Flags against Iran or any invasion of
is asked to tone down any saber rattling and realize that we now live
in a world wherein common sense is at a premium and everyone now reading
this is in danger of death for no good reason.
needs to own its own duplicity and violence and greed -- its abuse of
its own people and its role as the purveyor of piracy and war-for-profit
as a way of life. The British people need to restore their own
national government and discipline the business interests which have
commandeered their government and enslaved them.
Rome needs to stop playing Patty-Cake and Senior Partner for all this graft, guile, and lawlessness.
of all, these illegal Territorial Occupations of entire countries and
the substitution of corporations in the business of providing government
services for the actual national governments, needs to come to an
the Americans, have not condoned any of the horrible travesties that
have been undertaken "in our names" since the so-called American Civil
War by these hidden foreign corporate interests.
didn't set up the Reservation System and condemn Native Americans to
eternal second or third-class status as U.S. Citizens or citizens of the
United States.
didn't approve the creation of a Scottish Commercial Corporation
calling itself "The United States of America" -- Incorporated, in 1868.
We didn't approve of the mistreatment of the Philippines, Hawaii, or Puerto Rico.
wasn't us promoting any of the violence, criminality, or war-for-profit
that has gone on in the past 160 years; we have been, as it were,
asleep, defrauded and deluded under the influence of our own public
employees, who we mistakenly trusted to honor their service obligations
under contract.
they are facing bankruptcy and Pink Slips. More than a million and
half of all Federal Employees are facing unemployment at an inopportune
time, but there is a silver lining in all of this.
slush funds, pension funds, State Trusts, deposits underwriting the
Central Banks, and credit balance all belong to us, the actual
Americans, and our hands are clean.
are, hereby, and with other actions, claiming our status as the
Priority Creditors and Beneficiaries of all United States assets. We
have provided Due Process and Due Notice for a period of over 25 years,
so this is no mistake and no False Claim and nothing about our claims
can be set aside "for" us by our foreign public employees.
States of the Union are in Session; our Union States are present, and
our State Citizens are enforcing the Federal Constitutions.
includes our ownership of all American sourced assets underwriting the
Central Banks of the world, our ownership of our own public and private
corporations, copyrights, trademarks, patents, letters patent, estates,
physical and intellectual assets, land, gold, silver, prepaid credit,
shares, performance contracts, and all other actual and material
beneficial interests that are naturally ours, plus any credit or profit
derived from our assets, which is naturally ours.
service corporations are invited to bring forward any validated charges
related to the service obligations actually imposed by The Constitution
of the United States of America and The Constitution of the United
States, for settlement.
AUTORIS Accounts must be balanced against the CUSIP Bonds. Any excess
interest payments extracted on the basis of fraudulently constructed
debt are the responsibility of the Perpetrators and Principals
responsible for this failure to balance the books and provide reasonable
and customary accounting.
foreign taxes and mortgages extracted from Americans on the False
Presumption of U.S. Citizen or citizen of the United States obligations
are to be terminated and the balance of restitution owed to these
Americans is to be calculated. All payments extracted as commercial
paper debt are to be returned to the victims as prepaid credit.
prepaid credit is to be made available through our own chartered
Prosperity Institutions facilitated by our own American-chartered
commercial banks: The Global Family Commercial Bank (land) and The
Global Family Bank of Commerce (maritime). These banks are administered
under our American Land Law, American Maritime Law, and American
Admiralty Law.
physical gold, silver, and other precious metals and physical assets
used in international trade as assets owed to our country and people are
to be returned to our American-chartered international trade bank: The
Global Family International Trade Bank.
much as is possible the true heirs of all so-called Legacy and
Historical Trusts are to be located and their property returned to them
and to their administration. This includes the Heirs of the Avila
Family Trust, V.K. Durham Trust, the improperly constructed St. Germain
and "World" Trusts, the Urban Trust (Rome), and over five thousand major
private trusts improperly seized-upon by British and British
Territorial interests acting in Breach of Trust, Breach of Treaties, and
violation of their commercial service contracts.
of millions of foreign ESTATE trusts and their assets and the assets of
corollary British Seaman's Estates constructed under Admiralty Law are
to be returned to the victims who are the rightful heirs of their own
infant decedent estates in diverse countries that have been impacted by
these scam artists operating governmental services corporations.
loyal members of the Paradigm Project, regardless of any purported
obligation to the BAR Associations, are to be released and protected
from any prosecution resulting from their attempt to protect and
preserve the assets of Americans and other living people.
Seal of Saint Peter, like the Great Seals of the United States and
United States of America, are to be returned to our office by the FBI
and so-called Global Federal Reserve (Philippines) which are in
non-consensual possession of these operational artifacts.
Seal of Saint Peter will be returned to the Regional Post Master of
North America, and used to "unlock the storehouses of the Lord" as
directed by Pope Benedict XVI, resulting in the immediate Jubilee,
eradication of all debt, and restoration of national governments.
Francis, now acting as the Patriarch of the West, was granted no role
related to the above transactions, which are Sacred Trusts still under
the auspices of Pope Benedict XVI's retained Ministerial Office. As
Benedict XVI took his Ministerial Office to the grave, no subsequent
Pope may alter his directives constituting his Will in these matters. It
is done and it will be done.
The faster this is accomplished, the better for all life on this planet.
Great Seals have been misapplied and abused and misused by the
Governors of the Federal Reserve and the Council of Governors and the
Conference of Governors; we recognize no "Governors" except those acting
as elected Public Officers of our own State of State organizations.
Our State of State organizations have not been operating since 1863.
it to say that none of the operators of State Trusts elected by
Political Parties have the authority to exercise any sovereign power or
delegated power of ours.
Great Seals of the United States and United States of America which
were purloined by the "Governors" of the Federal Reserve Banks
immediately after the so-called Civil War were literally stolen from us
and from our ancestors. The subsequent Boards of Governors running the
Federal Reserve organizations operated criminal syndicates and took
criminal actions "in our names" including but not limited to the entire
Greenbacks Fraud, the Federal Reserve Notes Fraud, the Bearer Bonds
Fraud, the various phony bank runs caused by their misadministration,
their illegal confiscation of privately-held American assets, their
creation of phony public trust interests in private property, their
illegal, unlawful, and immoral securitization of living flesh and
American labor resources.
gross and insupportable claims and suppositions expressed by the
Organic Act of 1871, the Buck Act, the Miller Act, the Sheppard Towner
Act, and other corporate Acts misapplied to living Americans and their
natural property assets are hereby universally disallowed and set aside
by the actual people and actual owners of all these assets.
return of our Great Seals to our actual American Government is largely a
symbolic act, but it is long past due. These Seals were stolen by
armed robbers (thinly disguised Union Cavalry in civilian costume) from
our Great-Uncle Clintwood Belcher as he was riding home to West Virginia
with the Great Seals in his saddle bags.
was an Officer of our actual Federation of States, known as the States
of the Union, doing business as The United States of America, the
international instrumentality of the Union States.
robbers set upon Clintwood and his younger companion, James Belcher.
In the resulting melee, their horses were shot out from under them.
Clintwood, who was later misrepresented as a "horse thief" caught one of
the other horses that was running loose and took off for California ---
living to tell the tale. James escaped by hiding in the underbrush and
making his way home on foot, but the Great Seals and the saddlebags
disappeared in the direction of Washington, DC.
They were last seen in the Philippines, in the possession of officers of the Global Federal Reserve.
the best of our knowledge and belief, the Federal Reserve is now and
has always been a criminal organization, which has knowingly
misrepresented itself and its functions, and which has willfully engaged
in various and diverse fraud schemes including illegal confiscation of
gold, silver, and other assets belonging to Americans, --- and this has
all been accomplished under conditions of deceit and False Pretenses
exercised under color of law.
We call upon all loyal officers and public employees to take immediate notice and corrective action.
Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger -- Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
March 12th 2025
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