A double feature: The French Despite Clear Warning Brought The Camp of the Saints to France and What Should Trump Do?
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The French Despite Clear Warning Brought The Camp of the Saints to France
Will Trump Fail?
Paul Craig Roberts
France is dying. It is a piecemeal death. One business district at a time. One neighborhood at a time. A restaurant, a business, a theater, a hotel here and there. Each death so sad but survivable. But as the piecemeal deaths mount, they become an aggregate, and now France is dying. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14479699/migrants-occupied-Paris-theatre-businesses-bankruptcy.html
Jean Raspail warned the French in clear language in 1973 that the open borders acceptance of immigrant-invaders meant the death of France.
Enoch Powell warned the British. It proved to be impossible to warn insouciant moronic populations imbued with racist guilt from decades of propagandistic indoctrination. Enoch Powell was denounced and Jean Raspail ignored. Marine Le Pen, the only politician in France who stands for the French people, seems headed to prison for stranding up for French ethnics against the immigrant-invaders.
The same destruction of nation is happening all over Europe, especially in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany and the UK, countries in which the white ethnic female population has no protection against gang rape by immigrant invaders. White women are discouraged from reporting their gang rapes, because it is considered racist for a white to initiate action against a black.
This is Europe today. A cultural dead zone or a rising new culture based on African and Muslim mores.
All of my European and English friends tell me: “Don’t come back. It will break your heart. It is not like you remember it.”
But still the tourists go. They are shown around the still safe areas and kept from seeing the encroaching barbarity. It is like a sponsored trip to Israel. You are not shown the bad stuff, only the good stuff.
Trump is right. Europe is a basket case. Why are Americans supporting an alien culture in Europe to the point of possibly having nuclear war with Russia, a law abiding Christian nation that protects its citizens?
The United States should align with the rising powers–Russia and China–not with the decadent and declining countries, none of which are any longer ethnic nations, in Europe.
European governments, who refuse to protect their women from immigrant-invaders, want instead to go to war with Russia. Well, Trump should let them. The war won’t last long, and we will be rid of Europe. Europe is dead just like the dead zones in the Gulf of Mexico or is it the Gulf of America where the Mississippi River dumps the chemical fertilizer runoff from commercial agribusiness and other pollutants.
The United States has the same anti-Western intellectual class as Europe. How can Trump address our vulnerability from our internal enemies, which is where our vulnerability lies? This question leads into a second article:
What Should Trump Do?
Trump should end America’s unconditional support of Israel. To enable genoide with weapons, money, and diplomatic cover is not making America great. https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2025/03/10/is-president-trump-an-israeli-puppet/
If under Trump Israel maintains or increases its determination of US policy at home and abroad, it is Israel, not America, that will be made great. Is that Trump’s role, to make Israel great? American Christian Zionists, none of whom are Christians as they worship Israel, not Christ, say yes. The position of Christian Zionists is that God’s purpose for America is to protect Israeli Zionism. As so many of these are MAGA Americans, who really rules America? Trump or Israel?
What should Trump do about Ukraine? To end the conflict Trump doesn’t need to be holding meetings and talking about meetings with Putin, Zelensky, EU or anyone. It is extremely simple for Trump to end the conflict as far as the US is concerned. All he has to do is to make the hold he has put on delivery of weapons permanent and withdraw all US operatives in the proxy conflict with Russia. Without the US supplying weapons, intelligence, targeting information and money to keep the conflict alive, the conflict will quickly end.This is what Trump needs to tell Putin: “I know Washington is responsible for this conflict. I am withdrawing Washington’s participation. The conflict would not have happened if the Democrats had not stolen the 2020 election. I am cancelling the sanctions. I will be accused by the Democrats and the presstitutes of selling out Ukraine to you. Your job is to be merciful to Ukraine. As the US is responsible for the conflict, the US will help you to rebuild a demilitarized Ukraine in which economic advancement takes precedent over war. You must not fail my good intentions, or the Cold War will resume.”
Can Trump do this? Or is Trump compelled by anti-Russian propaganda to force some form of submission from Putin as a demonstration of American power?
If Trump can do what is required, Zelensky will then have to deal with Putin. After all, what has it to do with us? If the Europeans want to line up with a loser, let them. There is no reason for Trump, whom they hate, to rescue the Europeans.
To demonstrate to Putin that the US proxy war with Russia, started by Zionist Neoconservatives, is over, Trump should immediately remove all sanctions, not only against Russia but against every country. This will boost the dollar’s role as the international medium of exchange, save the basis of American power, and reassure the Kremlin that the Cold War is indeed over.
Trump should get off China’s back. It is not China’s fault that Wall Street drove American manufacturing jobs offshore to China and to other parts of Asia and Mexico. This was the greed for profits by lowering labor costs by leaving the American manufacturing working class without remunerative employment and our former manufacturing cities without a tax base. This is what Wall Street and the corporations did to America. Is it Trump’s role to protect these American adversaries by blaming China? It has never been clear what Trump wants from China. He should tells us so that we can assess his intention. As China has jurisdiction over a large segment of US manufacturing which is situated in China, it makes little sense to provoke confrontation with China.
It is Wall Street and the greedy self-serving corporate executives and boards who received huge renumeration for offshoring the jobs of the working class. When the products of the offshored jobs come back to the US to be marketed, they come in as imports. It is the offshored production of American corporations that is the cause of the trade deficit with China. It is not the fault of China. Why is Trump picking on the wrong source of the problem?
If people in the Trump administration are deceiving Trump about this, he had best replace them.
Being great has moral meaning. It does not suffice to be successful in business, to make successful deals, to avoid wars. To be great you have to stand up for Truth. You have to stand up for Justice. You have to stand up for the US Constitution.
Trump has already abandoned the US Constitution. https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2025/03/10/is-president-trump-an-israeli-puppet/
How long before he abandons truth and justice?
The defense of Israel, whose genocidal government has no concern with any gentile or Muslim’s life, is immoral. Zionist Israelis’ only concern is with Greater Israel, the expansion of Israel’s borders from the Nile to the Euphrates. The borders of Greater Israel were recently expanded by an Israeli government minister to include a large part of Saudi Arabia. Greater Israel is essentially the Middle East. Iran is in the way. Thus Israel agitates for US war with Iran. Israel and Israel’s American puppets pretend it is about Iranian nuclear weapons.
If Trump enables Israel’s agenda, we will know for certain that he represents Israel, not America. If Trump turns out to be just another Israeli puppet, it will shatter his supporters belief that America can escape the Satanic evil that is engulfing America.
Lord Acton said that “Power corrupts. And absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Trump has power, but not absolute power. I notice that he enjoys the power that he has. He enjoyed exercising it over Zelenskiy, and Canada, Mexico, and with his dismissals of Europe, and threats to China and with his use of executive orders. Trump’s enjoyment of power could cause him to be pushy with Putin and thereby fail to end the West’s proxy war against Russia in Ukraine.
Trump enjoys being dominant on the world scene pronouncing dictates to Zelensky, Europe, China and perhaps Putin also. Withdrawal from foreign distractions and focus on the domestic agenda is the solution. Trump should withdraw America from the conflict, and leave it to Putin and Zelinsaky to resolve. If Israel wants to go to war with Iran, Trump should leave America out of it. Involvement in conflict and foreign wars will put the domestic agenda on the back burner, and we will lose our chance of renewal. No president can deal with domestic issues when he is involved in external conflict, especially with such powers as Russia, China, and Iran.
Trump’s enjoyment of being the mover and shaker on the world scene can easily trap him in distractions that result in his failure to Make America Great Again. To clear up the mess that America has become is a full time job. There is no time or energy left to get involved in the troubles of others.
Free Trade was Ricardo’s Concocted Theory Used to Dispossess the British Aristocracy
Free Trade was Ricardo’s Concocted Theory Used to dispossess the British Aristocracy
Paul Craig Roberts
In their book, Global Trade and Conflicting National Interests published in 2000 by The MIT Press, Ralph E. Gomory and William J. Baumol proved that the free trade theory with which economists today are still indoctrinated is false. Economists have done their best not to notice that a part of their repertory is invalid. A number of years ago I presented Gomory and Baumol’s analysis to libertarian economists at the Mises Institute. They didn’t like it, but they couldn’t confute it.
Over the years I have called attention to the defective theory that economists hold close to their breasts, but it is unpleasant information that they don’t want to hear. With Trump’s talk of tariffs, the invalid free trade theory is being used as a weapon against Trump. Those on Wall Street who are indoctrinated with free trade have been driving down the Dow with their panic.
As for Trump’s tariffs, at the present time it seems that often they are threats leveled at specific countries to get them to do what they should be doing or to get them to give their help to Trump’s agenda. For example, the initial tariffs Trump announced against Mexico and Canada were withdrawn once the two countries agreed to police their borders with the US to help halt the flow of immigrant-invaders into America. It remains to be seen whether a full blown tariff system is put in place.
The American market is a large one, and although US consumer demand has been weakened by the offshoring of middle class manufacturing jobs, debt expansion has kept the American consumer market going, and the US remains a lucrative market for foreign produced goods.
It is possible that tariffs could recover their historic role in the financing of the US government. The US government was financed over most of its history by tariffs. It was not until 1918 that the income tax passed in 1913 affected the population, so the US government has been dependent on income taxation only for about a century. As I have explained, the introduction of an income tax resurrected a form of slavery as it gave government ownership rights in our labor. The definition of a free person is a person who owns his own labor. Today people subject to an income tax are in the same position as medieval serfs who owed part of their labor to feudal lords.
Trump has spoken of substituting tariffs for the income tax. This is a brilliant thought. The income tax taxes labor and capital, factors of production. Thus income tax reduces GDP and living standards. Classical economists, unlike the present day “junk economists” as Michael Hudson correctly calls them, said, correctly, that consumption, not factors of production, should be taxed. That is what a tariff does. If you don’t consume goods produced in other countries, you pay no taxation.
Countries once understood that being dependent on imports of necessities, such as food, was a threat to national existence. A country could be subdued by the cutoff of food.
The British had the Corn Laws (corn was the term for all grains–wheat, barley, oats) that protected English farmers. The Corn Laws protected the incomes of the landed aristocracy, Britain’s leadership class during the years that Britain was the world power.
As income is a basis of power, the rising British middle class wanted the power that was in aristocratic hands. David Ricardo a bourgeois financier, attacked the incomes of the landed aristocracy with his concocted free trade theory. The repeal of the Corn laws shifted power from one class to another. The bourgeois gained and the aristocrats lost, and the British became dependent on food imports. The repeal was followed by Death Duties that appropriated the estates of the aristocrats, thus destroying the leadership class of Great Britain.
Look at the post-aristocratic leadership of Britain.
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