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An American Affidavit

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

5308-5309: International Public Notice: Oh, Canada! from Lincoln County Watch


Monday, March 10, 2025

5308-5309: International Public Notice: Oh, Canada! from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

Facts that Canadians and everyone else on Earth needs to know. 

There is a Municipal Corporation called "CANADA" -- Incorporated. 
It is a franchise of the UNITED STATES Corporation.  It has been providing the civil service bureaucracy for Canadians for many years and it is now bankrupt.  

Donald Trump, the President of the UNITED STATES (as well as being the "President" of the United States of America, Incorporated, a British Territorial Corporation that has a franchise called "Canada" -- Incorporated -- which supplies all the Canadian defense services) is now charged with auditing CANADA as part of the process necessary to settle the bankruptcy of the parent corporation. 

Justin Trudeau, like all the other European and former Commonwealth franchise operators, balked at being audited, but like the various "Federal" Departments and Agencies in The United States (the actual name of our country as a nation) there is no choice.  

A bankruptcy is a bankruptcy is a bankruptcy.  It's not Donald Trump's fault and neither he nor Elon Musk should be blamed nor credited for what they are doing with the new Department of Government Efficiency.  

Trump's comments to Trudeau about annexing "CANADA" -- the bankrupt Municipal Corporation franchise, have to be understood in context.  He wasn't talking about annexing your country.  

He was talking about dissolving the bankrupt CANADA Corporation, which is necessary, and then, instead of spooling up another dummy corporation to act "as" Canada, placing the functions of the former Municipal franchise under a USA Corporation. 

Big deal.  Nothing to get excited about.  They would strip things down and simplify the system, plus realizing significant administrative cost reductions, but at least it would not involve a lot of disruption and loss of services for Canadians. 

He'd call this new entity something like the Canadian Republic (Incorporated) and life would go on.  

That's what he is trying to wrangle out of the situation in The United States, too.  

The serious problem with this, aside from a few months of administrative chaos --- which is going to happen, anyway --- is that it would continue the dishonesty involved in substituting a foreign corporation and its bureaucracy for the actual government of the country, Canada, which has failed to materialize even though it has been free to organize ever since the British Commonwealth was dissolved in the 1960's. 

It would help to tell the Canadian people that they are responsible for forming their own government and making use of this declared freedom to govern themselves, but that, alas, was not in the late-Queen's interest, so she neglected to explain that part to the public. 

Please note that Canada is and has always been a part of the original North American Confederation formed in 1777, which includes our Federation of States, and is equally endowed.  Through Alberta, which is the only sovereign member in Canada, all of Canada could restructure itself and could, in theory, claim to be a long-lost State of the Union, issue its own money, and resume operations as a sovereign nation-state.  

Canada hasn't been operating as a sovereign nation-state since the 1780's when it decided to maintain its Territorial status in the British Empire, and accept the war debts owed to the British King, but since the 1960's they have been free to make other choices. 

As the Fiduciary for the remaining States of the Union, I also protect Canada and the Canadians as members of the Original Confederation (known as a Federation from the standpoint of the people) and stand ready to do their will, whatever their will may be. 

That said, it behooves Canadians everywhere to wake up and see how for-profit corporations merely in the business of providing "essential government services" have commandeered their governmental bureaucracy and mismanaged nearly everything--- including bringing us all to the brink of nuclear war. 

The various franchises of the UNITED STATES and United States of America, Incorporated, have been allowed to make decisions to promote their own profitability.  Unfortunately, the Canadian franchise managers have largely interpreted that as an opportunity to act as parasites on their parent corporations and to protect "their" markets to the detriment of their benefactors. 

This might have been a necessary policy in the days immediately after the Second World War, but as all the franchised economies have recovered and the rebuilding has been accomplished, there is no longer any need for the franchise operations to continue in a dependent and trade-protected status. 

This is also something Trump has been trying to address. 

For the past fifteen years, Canada has inflicted punishing tariffs on products from The United States, often over 100% and sometimes as much as 298% (on American butter), 163% (on American eggs), 100% (on fish products).... and the list goes on.  

There's really no reason for this, other than to create an artificial $100 Billion per year "trade deficit" with Canada.  

It hurts the American farmers, hurts the Canadian consumers, and is grafted away by the Canadian corporate bureaucrats, thereby damaging everyone involved.  

Put bluntly: the sacrifice is being made on the American side, but not showing up as any benefit to the Canadian people or Canadian infrastructure on the other side of the border.  

This is the situation that Trump, rather clumsily, is attempting to address.  The days when the parent corporations had to bear the brunt of these phony trade deficits created by franchises to artificially increase the "on paper" profitability of these corporations --- are gone. 

This is not likely to be a popular message with people like Trudeau and Macron and Merz, who are used to having the benefit of these unfair trade practices.  They are even less likely to embrace the necessary audit of their books.  

Our position is that the people in Canada and The United States and all the other countries who are impacted, need to be fully informed.
This full disclosure will not cause the panic or violence that some people have used as an excuse to object to transparency.  It will give people of each country something real to hang onto and enable them to evaluate what is going on --- putting an end to spurious accusations and suppositions, and promoting both understanding and cooperation.  

We stand at the end of an Age, a time when the old nasty Corporate Government model must yield to become both more compliant and efficient, and more accountable.  The nineteenth century together with its superstitions and social caste systems and elitism is in the rearview mirror.  So is the pernicious and constant practice of lying-for-profit.  

The end of one thing is always the beginning of another, and in this case, it is the beginning of an age of transparency, equality under the law, and hopefully, an end to government-sponsored criminality.  

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger -- Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

March 10th 2025


See this article and over 5300 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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International Public Notice: Why Everything is Dying

 By Anna Von Reitz

We have attached a highly educational video entitled, "Puerto Rico is Dying" which explains how a predatory corporation merely calling itself "the United States" took charge of Puerto Rico in the wake of the Spanish-American War, and promptly asset stripped it, enslaved the people using lawfare, and reduced it to its current state of impoverishment and misery.  

Every American should watch this video to gain a firm understanding of Puerto Rico's plight --- and our own. 

Replace the word "sugar" with "tobacco" in Virginia or "rum" in Jamaica or "pineapple" in Hawaii, and you will hear the same story, over and over again.  

This corporation and its officers and employees has been run as a mercenary operation, similar to Black Rock.  It has had its foot soldiers. It has had its public apologists. It has had its "Presidents".  It has operated fast and mean and under color of law, pretending to be our government.  And it's not. 

Ten years ago, this entity was entered into Chapter 7, Involuntary Bankruptcy.  Today, it's "President", Donald J. Trump, with the help of his partner, Elon Musk, is busy performing the mandatory department-by-department, agency-by-agency, franchise-by-franchise audit that is required to settle the bankruptcy and determine the assets, debts, and liabilities of the behemoth parent corporation. 

Three centuries of illegal misrepresentation are coming to an end, and yet, those responsible are failing to disclose what is going on to the public, which remains in unnecessary chaos.  

The European franchises of this District of Columbia-based corporation are beginning the same process, despite threatening "nuclear war" to avoid it, and proposing a NATO-based war-for-profit as a means of avoiding it --- and all the politically nasty consequences.  

The European franchise operators, men like Macron and Starmer and Merz, realize that --- as in America --- the audit process will expose the vast amounts of criminal activity their administrations have been engaged in.   And then what? 

People will go to jail.  Personal fortunes will evaporate in some quarters.  A few of the most violent and corrupt offenders might even face firing squads (no doubt those are the ones promoting nuclear war as an answer).  

However, if this is handled in a straight-forward manner, life will go on.  The public, composed of the workers and students and housewives of the western world, will understand that they are in a defensive posture, but really have nothing much to worry about. 
The franchise operators will quietly comply with the bankruptcy court orders and face facts. 

After the Second World War, the American people paid for everything and provided everything for everyone else.  This was far more than any "Lend Lease" program.  It was a restructuring of the world.  Gold and silver privately held by Americans was used to underwrite 69 central banks, all under the control of the Bank for International Settlements, but all in debt to the Federal Reserve.  

The United States Corporation "borrowed" all this private wealth and owes the actual owners the return of the principal, plus interest, which they cannot pay --- which is why they are bankrupt.  They have been trying every trick in the book, from murdering their creditors via a phony pandemic, to simply ignoring them and their claims, to threatening a nuclear war --- all to avoid balancing the books. 

A large number of franchise corporations were set up in these 69 countries under the auspices of two parent corporations doing business as "the United States" and "the United States of America"--- Incorporated.  

The United States Corporation was run by the Roman Curia as a Municipal Government Corporation; the franchises, for example, FRANCE and GERMANY and UNITED KINGDOM have been operating all over the world for decades.   These entities provided civilian government services in all these countries. 

The United States of America corporation is run by the British Crown, which operates its own franchises, France, Inc., Germany, Inc., United Kingdom, Inc. ---- and so on, which have provided "defense" services for all these countries since WWII.  

In effect, all those countries having a Central Bank in this system, have been "occupied" by these corporations and have been administered under the auspices of these corporations, while their actual Creditors in all these countries in the Central Bank system, have been impersonated, lied about, lied to, and used as the goats to pay for it all.  

That is, the actual Creditors have been deliberately misrepresented as Debtors by the disloyal Middlemen who set all this up.  

The Corporations have made the profits, the Americans and other living people in all the other countries impacted by this scheme, have been impersonated and enslaved to pay the bills.  

The bureaucrats and politicians running these corporations have had a field day and an open checkbook.  

And now, one of the parent corporations engaged in this unlawful and illegal graft and racketeering, is bankrupt.  The second corporation, the United States of America, Incorporated, is barely hanging on and staving off its creditors in anticipation of receiving the assets of "the United States Trust" --- physical assets including land and gold and silver, that actually belong to us, the American people. 

They propose to claim that we are "absent" and that the assets have been "abandoned" and so, rightfully belong to them and their corporation---- which, if allowed, would provide them with more than enough asset-base to stave off their own bankruptcy and give them the grubstake to boot up and fund another corporation, the United States of America, LLC.  

The problem with this is that it is an impossibly big, fat lie. 

Our actual American Government is in Session; the assets in question belong to us and to our population, not a Federal Corporation acting as our Subcontractor. 

We have asked for all the various trusts that have been used to carry off this fraud scheme to be dissolved --- the Municipal ESTATE trusts that have been operated in our NAMES by the United States Corporation, the British Territorial Estate Trusts operated in our Names by the British Crown, and the American Infant Decedent Estates operated by members of the Bar Associations in service to the British Monarch --- with all assets naturally belonging to us to be set free and returned to the lawful owners. 

This will collapse the stock markets and banking systems and court systems these corporations have employed as a means to control this unimaginable identity theft and credit hacking scheme.  It will also stop the flow of "free" funding to unaccountable bureaucrats and politicians. 

This is a recipe for chaos, if the people aren't told the truth.  

At the same time the criminal system is collapsing, the assets will "reappear" unencumbered and in the possession of "new" owners, who are actually the people these assets always belonged to.  This will enable us to fund a brand new economic system, free of taint, and return the traditional national governments to power.  

In settlement of the credit debt owed to the living people, we propose to simply turn the ledger on its head; the debt accumulated by these corporations is all credit owed to the living people, who have already paid for all that credit with actual goods and labor.  

For example --- while their so-called "National Debt"  represents a debt for the guilty corporations that seized upon our assets and upon us, and used us as the clueless collateral backing their own spending, for us, the living people, this debt is prepaid credit. 

We propose to use our prepaid credit as the basis for a new commercial system that will not be controlled by our Federal Subcontractors, but will instead operate in the realm of land-based commerce.  In this way, the books can be balanced without creating new debt and the existing debt can be paid off, simply by bringing our side of the ledger forward. 

We suggest that the Corporatists stop playing games, fronting Treasury Direct Accounts as an answer and offering people "pittance payments" as settlement offers, etc.  We are not deceived by these dishonorable activities and don't wish to see any more of it.  

What we will entertain and welcome is an honest discussion of the actual circumstance, public disclosure so that people are not confused and needlessly frightened, and a just settlement.  

Donald Trump is absolutely correct when he says our country and our people have been abused; it's time for that to change.  It's also time for the people throughout the world to be relieved and released from the thrall of the franchise corporations. 

Notice to the Agents is Notice to the Principals; Notice to the Principals is Notice to Their Agents. 

Let the auditing of "EUROPE" begin; give Macron and his buddies something more to do than foment nuclear war on a wooden nickel. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger -- Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

March 10th 2025


See this article and over 5300 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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