Fluoride Information

Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.

An American Affidavit

Wednesday, March 12, 2025




It's about time!  As you might have guessed from the headline to today's blog, the state pushback against big pharma immunity from vaccine damages might be in the works, for according to this article shared by W.G. (with a big thank you for finding it), Iowa may be starting a trend:

Bill would ban vaccines in Iowa unless manufacturer waives legal immunity

As the article notes, the bill is already gaining negative attention from the medical "community" (the same people that gave you the planscamdemic and the quackcines, which they are only now, and very begrudingly, acknowledging have "problems"):

Iowa lawmakers are looking at removing legal protections for vaccine manufacturers.

Wednesday, lawmakers advanced a bill that bans vaccines from being administered unless the manufacturer waives any immunity they may have from lawsuits.

“This legislation would open the floodgates for unfounded vaccination injury claims and would likely lead the vaccine manufacturers either making the vaccines more expensive, which could limit access or pulling out of our state entirely. This could apply to all vaccines. This is not just about the COVID vaccine,” he said.

Courtney Collier says the bill is common sense.

“Every industry and business in Iowa should be liable for the products they produce and sell to Iowan consumers. It should not be legal for a medical professional to offer a product to Iowans that both they and the manufacturer are 100% free from liability for if it harms or kills a patient,” she said.

Earlier this week, Senate lawmakers considered a bill that would ban all vaccines that contain mRNA, like the COVID shot.

That bill was not passed out of the Senate committee, meaning lawmakers likely won’t vote on it this session.

A mechanism for people who have been injured by vaccines already exists. People who think they were injured can file a claim under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.

And that, brief though it is, is the whole article.

It prompts some medium octane speculations on my part, but first, we need to deal with an obvious

though only implied point about the article, namely, that the very existence of such a bill in any state legislature is an acknowledgement of the vast harm that was done by the quackcine and planscamdemic narrative (not to mention the harm done by the quackcines themselves). That harm was not only done to people, but to the institutions of science generally, and medical and pharmaceutical science more particularly.  The very existence of such a bill is a certain and sure sign and symbol that there is a problem both with the narrative and with the quackcines themselves. At a wider level, it's an indicator that people are increasingly questioning the whole vaccine narrative itself; and say what one will about correlation not being the same as causality, and that therefore there is no "scientifically established link" between the massive vaccine cocktails now given to infants and the horrendous rise of autism incidence, the part of this that they are not going to admit is that the observation of such correlation is usually where scientific inquiry into a phenomenon begins. No correlation, no investigation. And of course, the whole quackcine and planscamdemic narrative showed a growing number of people that the people making the medicine are hardly in a place to assure us of their safety and efficacy. The fox is not the best security service to hire to guard the henhouse.

Beyond this, however, there is a matter of law: let us assume that the Iowa bill passes in some form, and that other states take up similar bills and pass them. Eventually a conflict will arise between the federal grant of immunity and the states' removal of it.  Here as elsewhere I remain an anti-federalist; we came perilously close during the planscamdemic to a federal mandate, and we all observed the pressure being applied on federal employees to "stop the spread" and take the injection of the potion. We also watched as the propatainment media censored any dispute of the narrative or any mention of problems and side effects reported for some of the potion injections, or anyone - like me - that questions the "science" behind urging an entirely experimental type of potion as a new kind of cure for what appeared to be just another Asian virus. We now know the stories about how some of those companies suppressed the "bad" data from their narratives about the safety and efficacy of their potions.

A lie had to be sold - and enforced - with more lies.  Were they vaccines? Not in any classical or standard sense, for recall they even had to change the dictionary definition of the word "Vaccine" itself.

So what were they?  I submit that they were of a piece with the notion that men can be women with a mere change of language and terminology; I submit that they were of a piece with those who ask "what heppens if we put a tiny piece of human brain in this mouse"? or of a piece with activating woolly mamouth DNA in laboratory rats to create wooly rodents, or - to invoke yet another image from the thankfully-gone-from-government Dr. Anthony Fauci, whom we like to call Dr. Fausti - what happens when we torture beagles for hours on end and without relief by immersing their heads in boxes of insects?

Science? No. It isn't science. At best, it's nothing but witchcraft. At worst, it's nothing but scientism, and an example of America's idolatry of it.

"Upon the corner of the moon/There hangs a vaporous drop profound;/ I'll catch it 'ere is come to ground:/ And that, distill'd by magic sleights,/Shall raise such artificial sprites,/ As, by the strength of their illusion,/Shall draw him on to his confusion:/He shall spurn fate, scorn death, and bear/ His hopes 'bove wisdom, grace, and fear:/ And you all know, security/Is mortal's chiefest enemy." (Hecate, Macbeth, Act III, Scene V)

See you on the flip side...

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Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".

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