Image: multiple photographs of microchips that exited from a Targeted Individual’s skin - Courtesy Dr Staninger
Authors: Dr Ana Mihalcea and Dr. Hildegarde Staninger
this article, we are showing evidence of a full analysis of
microelectronic enslavement of a US civilian Targeted Individual.
Identifying information has been omitted for protection. Dr. Staninger’s
analysis represents the missing link to the current COVID19 bioweapon
intrabody area network roll out, for it provides the evidence with full
chain of custody for legal court cases, including microscopic analysis
of implanted microchips, their chemical analysis, the radio-frequency
tracking of received signals to these microchips of which there were
multiple found within the body. This civilian has experienced remote
electronic torture for over 30 years.
we want our country back, share this information with the current
administration if you have connections. NO country that is involved in
war crimes against its own population is a free country. Remote torture
and non consensual implantation of Cyborg microelectronics are real and
have been happening to innocent people for decades. We will not have a
healthy America, nor will America ever be GREAT, if this Targeting
program is allowed to continue or even expand to the rest of the
population who have been micro-chipped via the COVID19 bioweapon,
shedding and geoengineering operations.
a follow up substack, I will show that the exact same microchips self
assemble from COVID19 Pfizer BioNTech Vials and are also found in
COVID19 unvaccinated blood from shedding and geoengineering operations.
The full analysis shows that the microchips are receiving frequencies from satellites and can be tracked via Federal Communications Commission.
individual was in their 60’s and was unable to work due to electronic
harassment. Harassment stated in 1993, when the individual heard voices,
noises and unwarranted sexual stimulation began. A variety of symptoms
are experienced because of electronic harassment including, but not
limited to: V2K with constant rude and juvenile commentary; involuntary
sexual stimulation; stabbing pain in the eyes, especially the left eye;
thrusting pain into the head like being boxed; involuntary muscle
twitches and contractions; bone pain in the jaw, etc.
Multiple microchips were found and analyzed:
Electron Microscopy and Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy were also
performed, we are only showing a sample of the analysis. Elements that
were found to be present include Carbon, Oxygen, Sodium, Magnesium,
Aluminum, Silicone, Phosphorous, Potassium, Iron and Sulfur.
Further chemical analysis showed:
· The particle 26243: S/N 1 (A) Red Spot was similar to a mixture of starch and animal protein.
· The particle 26243: S/N 1 (B) Dark Spot was similar to a mixture of mineral silicate and animal protein.
· The particle 26243: S/N 1 (C) White Area was similar to a mixture of cellulose and a material similar to a salt of either an amino acid or carboxylic acid.
· The particle 26243: S/N 1 (D) Pink Area was similar to a metal oxide. Raman spectroscopy indicated a reasonable match to iron oxyhydroxide (FeOOH).
· The particle 26243: S/N 2 Bulk was similar to a mixture of animal protein and a long chain carboxylic acid salt such as calcium stearate.
· The particle 26243: S/N 3 (A) Red Dots were similar to a metal oxide. Raman spectroscopy indicated a reasonable match to iron oxyhydroxide (FeOOH).
· The particle 26243: S/N 3 (B) Nano Tongue could not be located.
The particle 26243: S/N 4 Bulk was similar to a mixture of animal
protein and a long chain carboxylic acid salt such as calcium stearate.
This spectrum is compared to that of S/N 2 Bulk.
The particle 26243: S/N 5 Inside cloudy area was highly consistent with
that of S/N 5 Outside clear area. These areas were similar to animal
individual was evaluated by multiple experts in the field. Her body
scan showed artificial frequencies that were unique to the individual
and also detected multiple metal containing implants in the body. D-Wave
Scans/Sweeps of the physical body with a non-linear junction detector (NLJD) and a OSCOR RF spectrum analyzer.
intense review of all the data received during the scans we did find a
signal that was only present while the individual was being scanned. The
full spectrum analyzer scan captured a signal which peaks at 713.45MHz
with an amplitude of approximately 15 dBm and range spanning from
713.309 MHz to 713.51 MHz. Only after intense study of all the data
captured and compared and analyzed were we able to confirm that this
signal is unique to the individual.
non-linear junction scan did not detect any electronics on or in the
body, even though we increase the power sufficiently to scan through the
body. However; it was unusual and interesting the equipment did give a
positive signal indication that there was corrosive metal in the left
side of her neck, behind the ear, and the back of her neck, also on the
left and right side of her head, also right cheek, We recorded another
corrosive metal reading on her left Thigh outside area.
frequency reception and emission can be tracked via Federal
Communications Commission frequency logs - they go to satellites.
following information is based upon the Federal Communications
Commission Office of Engineering and Technology Policy and Rules
Division's Table of Frequency Allocations as published by the Federal
Register as the remaining legal source document to establish the
identity of specific frequency allocations as licensed by the FCC (See
47 C.F.R. Statute 2.106, Revised April 16, 2013}.
International Table (columns 1-3 of c.F.R. Statute 2.106 reflects
Article 5, Section IV of the ITU Radlo Regulations, Edition of 2008,
except for the corrections and updates as listed in this document.· The
document will state a specific Region (I, 2, or 3) 1:hat may have
further allocations as to a specific language. If this aspect applies to
the Client's specific Method Two of the H-SCADA Investigation Report
the specific language will be identified at the later sections of the
SCADA Frequency Allocations Investigation Report.
protocols determined that the individual was receiving the following RF
Signals. Initial RF Signal Scan showed 2562.883 MHz at the 2.86 GHz
switch range. Further test results: 2555.125 MHz, 2550.767 MH21 2547.752
MHz, and 2546.221 MHz.
BAND Range Identified: 2563 - 2546 MHz at 2.86 GHz Margin Point(s) Gap: 17 Waveguides: 3_
Location with a Fluxer:1(chest to shoulder area) waveguides/locations present
following regulatory sections of the Federal Communications Commission
Office of Engineering and Technology Policy and Rules Division as stated
in FCC Table of Frequency Allocations (47
C.F.R. Statute 1.106, Revised on April 16, 2013, a legal source
document are stated below:
5.410 The
band 2500-2690 MHz may be used for tropospheric scatter systems in
Region 11 subject to agr13ement obtained under No. 9.21. Administrations
shall make all practicable efforts to avoid developing new
tropospf1eric scatter systems in this band. When planning new
tropospheric scatter radio-relay links in this band, all possible
measures shall be taken to .avoid directing the antennas of tawse links
towards the geostationary-satellite orbit. (WRC-07)
5.412 Alternative allocations: in
Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan, the band 2500-2690 MHz is
allocated to the fixed and mobile, except aeronautical mobile service on
a primary basis. (WRC-07)
5,413 In
the design of systems in the broadcasting satellite service in the
bands between 2500 MHz and 2690 MHz, administrations are urged to take
all necessary steps to protect the radio astronomy service in the band
2690.- 2700 MHz.
5.415 The use of the bands 2500 - 2690 MHz in Region 2 and 2500-2535 MHz and 26SS - 2690 MHz in
Region 3 by the fixed•satellite service is limited to national and
regional systems, subject to agreement obtained under No. 9.21, giving
particular attention to the broadcasting-satellite service in Region 1.
the use of the band 2520 - 2670 MHz by the broadcasting-satellite
service is limited to national and regional systems for community
reception, subject to agreement obtained under No. 9.21. The provisions
of No. 9.19 shall be applied by .1dministrations in this band in their
bilateral and multilateral negotiations. (WRCM07)
5.418 Additional allocation: in
Korea (Rep. of), India, Japan, Pakistan and Thailand, the band 2535 -
2655 MHz is also allocated to the broadcasting-satellite service (sound)
and complementary terrestrial broadcasting service on a primary basis.
Such use is limited to digital audio broadcasting and is subject to the
provisions of Resolution 528 (Ref. WRC-03). The provisions of No. 5.415
and Table 21-4 of Article 21, do not apply to this addition.ii
allocation. Use of non-geostation satellite systems in· the
broadcasting-satellite service (sound) is subject to Resolution 539
(Rev. WRC-003). Geostationary broadcasting-satellite service (sound)
systems for which complete Appendix 4 coordination information has been
received after ·1 June 2005 are limited to systems intended tor national
coverage. The power flux-density a the Earth's surface produced by
emissions form c1 geostationary broadcasting-satellite service (sound)
space station operating in the band 2630"2655 MHz, and for which
complete Appendix 4 coordination information has been received after 1
June 2005, shall not exceed the following limits, for all conditions and
for all methods of modulation as stated on page 103 of the above
referenced document, where sign {O) is the angle of arrival of the
incident wave above the horizontal plane, in-agreed. As an exception to
the limits above, the pdf value of -122 dB (W/(m2). MHz) shall be sued
as a threshold for coordination under No. 9.11 in an area of 1500 Km
around the territory of the administration notifying the
broadcasting-satellite service (sound) system.
addition, the administration listed in this provision shall not have
simultaneously two overlapping frequency assignments, one under this
provision and the other under No. 5.416 for systems for which complete
Appendix 4 coordination information has been received after 1 June 2005.
Region I: The services are listed in alphabetical order according to the French language.
Region 2: The primary services are listed in alphabetical order according to the French language followed by the secondary service.
Region 1 and 3: The bands 2120-2160 and 2160 2170 MHz have been merged.
SPECIAL NOTE: 5.61 In Region 2, the
establishment of operation of stations in the maritime radio-navigation
services in the bands 70-90 kHz and 110-130 kHz should be subject to
agreement obtained (./nder No. 9.21 with administrations whose services,
operating in accordance with the Table, may be affected. However,
stations of the fixed, maritime mobile and radio-location services shall
not cause harmful interference to the stations in the maritime
radio-navigation service established under such agreements.
US 205 Tropospheric scatter systems are prohibited in the band 2500 - 2690 MHz
scatter systems may include new "nano hitch hiker" designed systems as •
well as traditionally designed tropospheric scatter systems (radar).
Additional levels of specific frequency enlacement applications may be
obtained through special ceramics and crystal applications to enhance
specifically designed smart nano bio “sensory systems for the terahertz
(THz) ranges and/or near infrared (NIR) spectrum applications as applied
to satellites, deep space, space medicine and manned space stations in
space, including the Earth's moon.•. There may be further applications
that may involve the use of 0-Wave Systems I, II and Ill. D-Wave Systems
1s associated with the Pluto Express Mission under D Wave, Inc's
collaborative partners. {See brochure D-Wave, Inc.)
SCADA FCC Universal License Search is performed an additional signal
may show up at a higher GHz.=and/or KHz or lower MHz range. The
additional signal may be a bilateral or multilateral directional vector
of digital broad cc1sting and/or wind profilers as applied to secondary radio astronomy and ground-based radar for meteorological purposes.
D-Wave is a Quantum Computing AI system with connections to the US Military.
Quantum Inc. (NYSE: QBTS) (“D-Wave” or the “Company”), a leader in
quantum computing systems, software, and services and the world’s first
commercial supplier of quantum computers, today announced it has
achieved “Awardable” status through the Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office’s (CDAO) Tradewinds Solutions Marketplace.
Tradewinds Solutions Marketplace is the premier offering of the
Department of Defense’s (DoD’s) suite of tools and services for
accelerating the procurement and adoption of emerging technologies. The
marketplace will now include D-Wave’s annealing quantum computing
technology alongside other offerings like Artificial Intelligence
(AI)/Machine Learning (ML), data, and analytics capabilities.
For more information:
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