Patrick J. McShay, What if The First Black Female Presidential Candidate Isn’t Black?

Patrick J. McShay

Donald Trump created a firestorm in July while appearing at the Association of Black Journalists when he said of Kamala Harris, “She was always of Indian heritage and she was only promoting Indian heritage. I didn’t know she was Black until some years ago when she happened to turn Black, and now she wants to be known as Black. So I don’t know, is she Indian or Black?”

Trump then said, “And you know what, I respect either one, but she obviously doesn’t. Because she was Indian all the way and all of a sudden she made a turn and became a Black person. I think somebody should look into that.”

When Harris was elected to the Senate, the newspapers in California proclaimed on the front page, “Kamala Harris Becomes The First Indian-American Elected To The Senate.” Does that sound like a proper way in woke liberal California to introduce a promising young Black politician? It would if she was Black. When confronted about his comment, why didn’t Trump just say that?

Here she talks about her Indian heritage:

TV’s Judge Joe Brown has weighed in with some information I haven’t seen reported anywhere which is not surprising because if the mainstream media doesn’t want the information to get out they cover it up. Judge Brown reveals that he has known Kamala Harris for over 20 years and has always known her to be Indian, never as a Black woman.

Brown said he met Harris’s father Donald and he told him that his ancestors were Irish and Indian, he is not Black. Her mother is Indian as well, and evidence has surfaced that her grandmother on her father’s side is White. More on that later.

Judge Brown says despite her claims of prosecuting international drug cartels, Harris is a fraud with a fabricated history. Her claim of being in the middle of the desegregation era was a lie, and her claims of smoking pot in college while listening to Tupac were absurd because Tupac was 11 years old when she was a freshman.

Her career took off because of her longtime affair with former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, 30 years her senior and still very married at the time. Everyone knew she slept her way to the top, and that the lights were on, and nobody was home. She’s little more than a robot for her globalist New World Order controllers.

All of her talk of “Strength Through Joy” has become a liberal talking point among the fawning dopes on the left. Judge Brown, however, points out that this was also a Fascist slogan used in 1934 Nazi Germany. For the last five years, we have heard Biden and Harris using the phrases, “We’re going to build back better”, “We’re not going back” or “We’re moving forward together” in every one of their speeches. These are all long-used Communist Party phrases.

The censorship industrial complex Kamala was caught setting up sounds like a Nazi program called “The Bureau To Suppress Information,” and her stated desire to confiscate weapons sounds like the Nazi’s sweeping disarmament of the German population. See this:

After Janet Jackson said in an interview that Kamala Harris wasn’t Black and was viciously attacked, Candace Owens decided to do a deep dive into Harris’s background and the book her father wrote. Like Judge Brown, she doesn’t believe a thing Kamala says.

Kamala’s mother was from a wealthy Brahman-class Indian family who are known to be extremely prejudiced against Black people, which certainly would contradict Harris’s statement that her mother always said “She was raising two proud Black girls.” It sounds as fishy as her Tupac story.

It also might explain Kamala’s harsh treatment of young Black men and women as a prosecutor. Owens believes that Kamala’s father’s book is filled with intentional misdirection, untruths, and cover-ups which may be why he is so unavailable.

This woman has been the Attorney General of California, a US Senator, the Vice President of the US, and a candidate for President of the US, and no one has interviewed her father, what are they hiding?

Her father was disgusted with the statements she made in her short run for president in 2019 accusing her of bringing shame to the family “In her pursuit of identity politics”

Owens points out that Kamala Harris is a descendant of wealthy slaveholders who turned into Communist leaders with the explicit goal of overthrowing governments. Her mother came from a wealthy Indian Brahman Class family of Communists, and Kamala grew up in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in Canada. Why is she lying about a middle-class upbringing?

Her father is a self-described Marxist economist who came from a wealthy former slaveholding family and is a direct descendant of plantation owner Harold Brown, the White owner of over 1000 slaves. When slavery was banned in Jamaica in 1883, England paid the Brown family $11 million in reparations.

Candace Owens dug into old archives, court records, hospital records, marriage certificates, school records, business records, and newspapers, and has found that Donald Harris’s book contains more fiction than facts.

There are multiple episodes in the series and every episode exposes something new. The biggest surprise is the revelation that the picture in Donald Harris’s book of his Black mother with a young Kamala (Looking very White) is not his mother at all.

Candace believes that Kamala Harris’s grandmother may be White. She’s not even certain that the man who claims to be her father is actually her father. Kamala’s Grandmother ran a busy dry goods store and a large farm. These people were extremely well-to-do, did her father share in that $11 million the family received in reparations just 50 years before he was born?

If Donald Harris, Kamala’s father is Indian and not Black as he says, and her mother isn’t Black, then she clearly isn’t Black, how is this, not news? They are obviously hiding important information from the public, so what is going on? Was her father’s book intentionally filled with a phony narrative and pictures to serve as her Black bonafide believing no one would be the wiser?

This series now has 10 episodes and when I went to YouTube and Rumble to embed them in this article they were difficult to find. Most people have no idea how bad the censorship has gotten in just the last four years. They really don’t want people to see these videos.

Millions of people are watching this series on YouTube and Rumble, but where is the media that thought Trump’s very relevant question about Harris’s heritage deserved mainstream media outrage, why is no one reporting this?

See These:

Jaguar Wright is an LA-based singer who worked with P. Diddy and was a friend of the mother of his children, Kim Porter, who he used and abused and kicked to the curb. She’s become a whistleblower in death because of the book she wrote and the videos she possessed that are now being used against him.

The information she left shows the illegal activity, the violence, the drug use, the pedophilia, the rampant homosexuality, and the grooming of minors on the scale of Disney grooming that is endemic in the rap and hip-hop culture. She is now outing big names in Diddy’s orbit. The word is several A-list stars are extremely worried about the videos in the possession of authorities becoming public.

The book that Porter wrote before her untimely death is a big reason Diddy is in jail. Jaguar says Kamala Harris has ties to Diddy and his parties at Howard University  (Her alma Mater) and Pizzagate, a pedophilic nightmare that everyone has tried so unsuccessfully to debunk. Barack and Michele Obama attended Diddy’s parties and are rumored to have connections to Pizzagate as well. See this:

Harris has flip-flopped on every major issue important to the American people including the most recent reversal on the unpopular Harris-Biden electric vehicle mandate which has cost the auto companies hundreds of billions of dollars. This is despite Harris’s co-sponsoring legislation in 2019 as a Senator that would ban the sale of gasoline-powered cars by 2040.

The auto workers have turned on her so her campaign, in an effort to stop the bleeding, announced that she no longer supports the mandate. In a recent speech in Michigan, Harris said, “Contrary to what my opponent suggested I will never tell you what kind of car to drive”…

..this is after telling us for five years what kind of car to drive.

Reports have come out that the cocaine in the White House was Kamalas….This undercover video about the investigation was kept from the public. See here:

I can’t be the only one who thinks Kamala has a drinking problem. If your Mom or Dad were slurring their speech and giggling like a 12-year-old mental patient, you would be finding a secure facility so they can get the help they need, not encouraging them to run for president for God’s sake. See this:

Is Kamala an Alcoholic?

Everyone always says that this is the most important election of our lives, but this one really is, and here’s why. Kamala Harris’s agenda is not “America first,” far from it. She is a puppet of the globalist maniacs at the World Economic Forum controlled for decades by Communist and real-life Bond villain, Klaus Schwab, and the Communist Tedros Ghebreyesus at the World Health Organization who are pushing a worldwide New World Order dictatorship.

Klaus Schwab says “People will have nothing and be happy”

Must see short video:

The next president will have to make a decision on signing the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty which would destroy our American sovereignty, make our citizenship meaningless, and ensure a total police state that will change this country so much you won’t recognize it in four years, or opt out of their radical plan.

The Director General of the WHO, Tedros Ghebreyesus, is a committed Communist as well. We will have no freedom, total surveillance, censorship will destroy free speech, websites that refuse to comply will be shut down, and vaccines will be forced on those who refuse them. See this:

The WHO’s Pandemic Treaty Is A New World Order Police State

These are the people who were behind the long-planned COVID-19 Pandemic and the “Great Reset” that will confiscate bank accounts and retirement funds. When Kamala Harris talks about “Equity” she is talking about the distribution of wealth and giving people of color advantages they didn’t earn and don’t qualify for.

Biden and Harris’s racist Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion policies have not unified the country they have set race relations back decades the same way Obama’s policies did.

Who can forget Michelle Obama saying she had “Never been proud of her country” until Barack was sworn in as president?

Trump just had an estimated 75,000 supporters in his return to Butler Pennsylvania, while Kamala is busing people to her rallies amid accusations that she is paying people to attend. At one point during the rally yesterday someone in the crowd had a medical emergency. Trump called for a doctor, and while the person was being attended to the massive crowd broke out in a spontaneous chorus of the National Anthem. You would never see this at a Kamala Harris rally.

Like Biden, there is no real support for Harris and these attacks on her Black cred can’t be helping. Trump is now up in every swing state while Kamala hides from the mainstream media only doing interviews with fawning nutjobs and Trump haters like Howard Stern.

I said shortly before the 2020 election the only way Biden could win is if they stole it. Hundreds of whistleblower poll workers came forward and signed sworn statements swearing to the fraud they witnessed in 2020 and nothing was done. The fix was in because our controllers can’t have an America-first president and finish their anti-American agenda.

The Democrats like to say that judges threw out 60 cases of election fraud and interference because there was no evidence but that is a lie. None of those cases were given an evidentiary hearing. Perhaps if Trump wins that mountain of evidence will finally be seen by the public. We are now just 30 days before election day and I feel the same way about the 2024 race as I did in 2020.

Kamala Harris doesn’t have a prayer unless they steal it!

Patrick J. McShay is a writer, researcher, and political analyst whose articles have appeared on over 200 news sites worldwide. Mr. McShay is a retired mortgage broker and uncredentialed historian specializing in real history and uncomfortable truths. He has appeared on the Power Of Prophecy Podcast with Jerry Barrett, the Chuck Baldwin Show, the Jeff Rense Show, the Raw Deal with Jim Fetzer, TNT Radio with Joe Olson, and the SGT Report. His articles have been translated into over a dozen languages including French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Polish, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Dutch.

*Recent articles by Patrick J. McShay

The FBI, School Shootings, and False Flag Terror

*Satan Laughing, Spreads His Wings Over Gaza

*Zionist Deception And A Geopolitical Powderkeg In Gaza

Biden’s Four-Pronged Attack On America: Domestic, Economic, Foreign Policy, And Corruption

*Global Warming And Other Government Lies


Kamala’s Father Disavowed Her ‘Fraudulent’ Racial Identity Claims in 2019


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