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An American Affidavit

Saturday, October 12, 2024

117. Regulating Lives Like Machinery: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org


117. Regulating Lives Like Machinery: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org



Regulating Lives Like Machinery


    The real explanation for this sudden gulf between NEA policies in 1893 and 1911 had  nothing to do with intervening feedback from teachers, principals, or superintendents  about what schools needed; rather, it signaled titanic forces gathering outside the closed  universe of schooling with the intention of altering this nation's economy, politics, social  relationships, future direction, and eventually the terms of its national existence, using  schools as instruments in the work.   


     Schoolmen were never invited to the policy table at which momentous decisions were  made. When Ellwood P. Cubberley began tentatively to raise his voice in protest against  radical changes being forced upon schools (in his history of education), particularly the  sudden enforcement of compulsory attendance laws which brought amazing disruption  into the heretofore well-mannered school world, he quickly pulled back without naming  the community leaders — as he called them — who gave the actual orders. This evidence of  impotence documents the pedagogue status of even the most elevated titans of schooling  like Cubberley. You can find this reference and others like it in Public Education in the  United States.  


     Scientific management was about to merge with systematic schooling in the United  States; it preferred to steal in silently on little cat's feet, but nobody ever questioned the  right of businessmen to impose a business philosophy to tamper with children's lives. On  the cantilever principle of interlocking directorates pioneered by Morgan interests,  scientific school management flowed into other institutional domains of American life,  too. According to Taylor, application of mechanical power to production could be  generalized into every arena of national life, even to the pulpit, certainly to schools. This  would bring about a realization that people's lives could be regulated very much like     machinery, without sentiment. Any expenditure of time and energy demanded  rationalization, whether first-grader or coalminer, behavior should be mathematically  accounted for following the new statistical procedures of Galton and Karl Pearson.  


     The scientific management movement was backed by many international bankers and  industrialists. In 1905, the vice president of the National City Bank of New York, Frank  Vanderlip, made his way to the speaker's podium at the National Education Association's  annual convention to say:  


     I am firmly convinced the economic success of Germany can be encompassed in a single  word — schoolmaster. From the economic point of view the school system of Germany  stands unparalleled.  


     German schools were psychologically managed, ours must be, too. People of substance  stood, they thought, on the verge of an ultimate secret. How to write upon the empty  slates of empty children's minds in the dawning era of scientific management. What they  would write there was a program to make dwarf and fractional human beings, people  crippled by implanted urges and habits beyond their understanding, men and women who  cry out to be managed. 


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