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Sunday, October 13, 2024

Recent Severe Geomagnetic Storms And Their Adverse Effect On Human Brain Function And Blood Viscosity


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Recent Severe Geomagnetic Storms And Their Adverse Effect On Human Brain Function And Blood Viscosity


If you have not heard about the recent Monster X Class solar flares and yesterdays severe geomagnetic storm and have been feeling strangely “under the weather” or have had heart issues and cognitive problems - it is because we have not had such a severe storm reaching K- Index of 10 since the Carrington Event of 1859. The Carrington event was the most intense solar storm in recorded history, sparking fires in telegraph stations and leading to Auroras worldwide.

We have had significant solar flares this year.

Space Weather Prediction Center National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

On October 2nd an X Class 8.7 solar flare was hurled towards earth. That one arrived October 5th.

Monster X-class flare launches massive solar storm towards Earth — and could trigger auroras this weekend OCT2nd

Massive solar activity has continued, here is an alert from Oct 10.

Oct 9th

The reason we should pay attention is because we are bioelectric beings. These massive electrical currents do affect us. In the below map you can see the geoelectric voltages that were running through the rocks and soil:

ELECTRIC CURRENTS ARE FLOWING: Electrical currents are flowing through rocks and soil in the United States in response to today's geomagnetic storm. Red zones in this map from NOAA show where the geoelectric voltages are highest:

We know that Geomagnetic storms affect the human brain and increase blood viscosity, hence increasing the risk of heart attacks, strokes and blood clots. Here is a study from 2005 discussing these effects. Please consider that now the human blood is saturated with self assembly nanotechnology that can be enhanced via electrical currents, hence potentially increasing the risk for thromboembolic events. The other hope is that this would actually knock out the microelectronics in the human body - something I have discussed in previous posts. What would divine intervention look like if it was true that a solar storm can turn of the nano machines?

However, polymers increase with electrical currents. Please see this study done by Clifford Carnicom and I on COVID19 unvaccinated blood under the influence of 10mAmps of voltage for 2 hours - the blood filament growth is significantly increased.

Replication of Electrical Transformation of C19 Unvaccinated Blood - Filament Growth Documented - CDB Extraction and Isolation -Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD in Conjunction with Clifford Carnicom

Unvaccinated Blood Unrecognizable After Application Of Low Level Electrical Current And Structures Rapidly Grow - Clifford Carnicom's Findings Confirmed

Remember that regular anticoagulants do not help to prevent clots from the polymer self assembly. You need EDTA, Methylene Blue and Vitamin C to stop the assembly. Here is a case report showing this point:

Rubbery Clot Development In C19 Unvaccinated Individual With Previous Deep Vein Thrombosis and Massive Pulmonary Emboli - While On Eliquis, Nattokinase, Lumbrokinase and Serreptase

Lets examine what can happen to the body in a solar storm. Clearly the brain is negatively affected, and headaches can occur. All kinds of abnormal brain wave function has been detected, and and interestingly, a decrease in seizure risk:

Geomagnetic Storms and their Influence on the Human Brain Functional State

An investigation of the influence of geomagnetic storms of various intensities on healthy adults' human brain activity and its functional state was conducted. Results of electroencephalogram (EEG) investigations were used as the most objective method reflecting functional state of the human brain. Studies on the influence of geomagnetic storms on the human brain functional state of healthy adult women patients (permanent group) in states of relaxation, photo-stimulation and hyper-ventilation have revealed a negative influence of severe geomagnetic storms on functional state of the human brain. As a rule, during periods of strong geomagnetic disturbances, indisposition, weakness and presence of indistinct localized headaches were recorded for majority of patients. Complex of nonspecific shifts on EEG reflects disorganization of functional activity of cortex of large hemispheres of the human brain at geomagnetically disturbed days, which is likely connected with dysfunction of integrative subcortical systems, with disbalance of its ascending synchronizing and desynchronizing influences. Imbalance of activating and deactivating mechanisms including dysfunctions of ergo- and tropho-tropic over-segmentary centers was registered. Strengthening cortical connections in the right cortical hemisphere and their short circuit on temporal sections during geomagnetically disturbed days were observed, while, in geomagnetically quiet days, a profile of correlation interrelations reflected weak internal- and inter-hemispheric connections. The threshold of convulsive (spasmodic) readiness of the human brain is reduced, which is especially dangerous for risk group persons. It is established that, in general, weak and moderate geomagnetic storms exert stimulating influence while strong disturbances of geomagnetic conditions activate braking (inhibiting) processes.

Even at a time when we did not have to worry about the nanotechnology in the blood, the risks of strokes, heart attacks, emotional problems increase. Even suicidality has been noted, which is concerning since the COVID19 bioweapons and long Covid already increases the risk for severe mood disorders and suicidality. Reach out to your family and friends if you are feeling down and get appropriate help from a skilled support network. Heart rhythm abnormalities which already are increased by the Covid injections and shedding, can also be increased via the geomagnetic storms. Hence the risk of sudden cardiac risk goes up. Stay alert and get help if needed.

The results of the detailed studies, which are published in4 - 10, show that during the periods of strong geomagnetic disturbances, the number of hospitalized patients with nervous diseases notably increases, the cases of myocardial infarcts and cerebral insults, different paroxysmal conditions, nervous disturbance disorders and suicidal attempts become more frequent, the psycho-neurological diseases become aggravated and so on. At the same time, some reports show comparatively positive influences of heliogeophysical conditions on the human health state. For the persons, suffering from epilepsy, a reduction of frequency of epileptic attacks and improvement of general health state were detected during increases the level of geomagnetic field disturbances. Researches, conducted simultaneously at different geographical regions of the globe, revealed that during geomagnetic storms some monotype changes in the health state of mentally ill patients take place. It is curious that with an increase of disturbance of geomagnetic field, the number of epileptic attacks decreases.

Please note that people who have high level responsibilities are at risk, because their brain function can be adversely affected:

It should be noted, that during strong geomagnetic disturbances, the tolerance to mental and physical stresses is decreased; there appears a danger of disorders for the people whose professional work is connected to high-level responsibility, like surgeons, dispatchers, drivers, pilots, etc. The changes of geomagnetic conditions affect, first, the activity of regulating systems which are related to high cortical mechanisms of regulation and sub-cortical integrative apparatuses responsible for the organization of routine activity of organism and for adaptation to environment changes.

Disturbances of the geomagnetic field, as any stress factor, influences first the central nervous system being the sensitive screen, and perceiving even weak disturbance fluctuations (oscillations) in the environment.

Geomagnetic storms increase blood viscosity:

An investigation of examined patient's blood also gave interesting results. The blood viscosity during geomagnetic storms increases sharply (in some cases almost twice), the erythrocytes become adhesive, and the blood stream slows down. Therefore, it is demonstrated that the magnetic storms increase the risk of morbidity in the cardiovascular system. Geomagnetic storms cause cardiac rhythm problems for cosmonauts during extreme conditions in the orbital station.

Please note that we are approaching solar maximum, so these X Class monster flares can continue:

Solar maximum is in sight but when will it arrive (and when will we know)?

May and June 2024 saw the highest sunspot numbers on the sun since 2002, but is the peak of the solar cycle here yet? The sun follows an 11-year solar cycle of increasing and decreasing activity. …The newest modeling efforts from NOAA, which use existing sunspot data to predict the peak of the solar cycle, estimate a solar maximum between July 2024 to January 2025.

So if you are feeling unusually fatigued, have brainfog and headaches that are unexplainable, and feel a little cranky, it might be that the solar storm is affecting you.

As a rule, during periods of severe geomagnetic disturbances, indisposition, weakness and presence of indistinct localized headaches were recorded for the major part of the patients under test.

I definitely recommend staying on top of taking your supplements to detoxify the self assembly nanotechnology when these solar storms are raging. Be kind to yourself. Drink plenty of clean water.

Effective detoxification molecules include EDTA, Vitamin C, Methylene Blue, wear your Nicotine patch if you can tolerate it and if you are not feeling well, rest, take it easy and don’t try to overdo it. Use Nattokinase or Lumbrokinase as well.

It would be interesting to see if the MAC address emissions of the COVID19 injected people, or those who received PCR swabs are neutralized. Note, I just had an unvaccinated patient who had dental anesthetics who is emitting a MAC address, so check yourself if you have a cell phone and a Blue tooth app for MAC tracking.

Very general recommendations for oral dosing for microsomal Ca EDTA - 2 droppers for adults with normal renal function, remember you must take multimineral supplementation in the morning, use EDTA in evening. Vitamin C titrate up to 10000mg daily. Methylene Blue can be used in people who are not on antidepressants or have G6PD deficiency. 10-20mg is already effective in inhibiting the polymer rubbery clots.

I recommend full nutritional supplementation to enhance mitochondrial function like Dr. Tennant’s Restore.

Thanks to Shoshanna and Dr. Staninger for sending me some of the links in this article.


I am super excited to partner with Global Healing, the fantastic supplement company founded by Dr. Ed Group. I have been using his products in my clinic. Since Dr. Group actively researches the self assembly nanotechnology and has followed my substack, many of the supplements I have found to be effective have been made available through Global healing, such as the Calcium EDTA, Berberine, Curcumin, Detoxamine, Chlorophyll and others. These extremely pure and thoroughly tested supplements are of the highest quality in the world. I have already tested the microsomal Vitamin C that will be coming out soon, which is fantastic and will be on the top of my recommendation list.


Please note that the Methylene Blue is available through Earth Harmony, which is also a company by Dr Ed Group.

Methylene Blue

You can see our interview here, discussing his unwavering commitment to quality and helping humanity.

Global Healing – Truth, Science and Spirit Ep 9 – Conversation with Dr. Edward Group


Feb 29
Global Healing – Truth, Science and Spirit Ep 9 – Conversation with Dr. Edward Group

Watch on rumble

Read full story

Dr. Group also wrote one of the forwards for my new books, available next week.

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