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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Subtle Anomalies



Subtle Anomalies

Todd Hayen

Has anyone else noticed strange things happening? Odd things that seem out of place? Like more incidents of weird dopey driving or seeing more ambulances or fire trucks in the neighborhood? I have. But I don’t know if it is just due to my paranoia.

In preparation for this article, I did a Yandex search for: “Is personality and cognitive function affected by the Covid vaccine?”

I was astounded by the pages of related articles, some of the titles include:

“Scientists have confirmed that mRNA vaccinations ‘drastically alter’ the personalities of recipients due to extensive damage they do to the small capillaries in the brain,”

“Do the Covid vaccines affect your ability to think?” “We now have proof the Covid vaccines damage cognition,”

“Personality changes in vaxxed people,” and “Covid injections continue to provoke cognitive decline.

Here is a link to this search so you can see for yourself.

Goodness. This is pretty serious. But if all of this is true, wouldn’t you think it would show up in more drastic ways? If people’s driving ability, for example, was affected by the vaccine, wouldn’t we be seeing a huge rise in car accidents? As a matter of fact, this is what comes up from a simple Yandex search:

“The number of fatal car crashes in each state has risen significantly over the last several years. From 2018 to 2022, the number of deadly accidents in the United States increased by more than 16%—from 36,835 fatal car crashes in 2018 to 42,795 fatal car crashes in 2022”

Of course these dates are not quite right. The vaccine would have only affected the fatal accidents in 2021 and 2022. What about just stupid drivers? Fender benders and the like?

Well, it stands to reason if there are more automotive deaths, there are more minor accidents as well. Most of the research I did showed this, but, nothing I found was specific. I am sure a better researcher could find more information to corroborate this assumption.


Does this mean for certain that the Covid vaccines are causing more traffic accidents? Of course not, but it is an interesting observation. What about declines in other areas—such as work productivity?

Again, any statistical evidence in this area could be due to a lot of things (and yes, there has been a noted decrease in work productivity over the past few years). What about stupid accidents in the workplace?

Well, there is no way to qualify an accident as “stupid” thus suggesting it was caused by a decline in cognitive ability, thus suggesting the Covid vaccine is causing a decline in cognitive ability. It is nearly impossible to pinpoint a cause in any of these areas. One thing we do know, however, is that the US has not seen a drop in car accidents, or a drop in work accidents, or an increase in workplace productivity. Go figure.

We all know the US IQ rate has been dropping for quite some time. But that too was first noted before the scamdemic. Can we attribute any recent drops in IQ amongst younger folks to the vaccine? There are lots of reports coming out from various places showing reason to be concerned about “Covid Kids” (those children affected right at the beginning of the Covid mandates) having serious issues due to masks, social oppression, school closings, and restrictions regarding visits from relatives. Needless to say, it is a mess.

What about personality? I have been reading about noted personality changes in the jabbed for quite some time. Read anything that Naomi Wolf has written, and you will find some interesting stories there. I have my own personal observations, but again, that could be due to my mental state and paranoia. Personality changes are a bit more subjective, and the things I have seen that I attribute to personality are quite subtle.

It is also easy to confuse “personality” with “cognitive ability.” If someone seems suddenly to be irrational, is that a personality thing or a cognitive thing?

Dr Michael Nehls who wrote the fascinating book The Indoctrinated Brain says that personality and mental health can easily be affected by physical changes in the brain. Even features we tend to consistently identify as mental illnesses, such as depression or anxiety, can have a physiological origin.

Dr Nehls insists that nearly everything we are seeing these days concerning cognitive and mental dysfunction that is not attributed to the usual suspects, is a result of either the virus itself or the vaccine developed to fight it. In a recent interview with Tucker Carlson he said:

“Curiosity is down, everything is down. But what people suffer from, many people suffer from is what we call brain fog, consequences of the jab or of the infection, which we call also post-vac or long COVID. And what I show is that this neuroinflammatory on the brain is caused by the spike protein leading to a cascade of events in the cell, in these immune cells which are in our brain, in this cascade, which leads to the production of these pro-inflammatory cytokines.

However, neuroinflammation can be caused by many things. It can be caused by excessive fear, fearmongering, and neuroinflammation can be caused by bacteria, by viruses, by infection, and chronic infections. So, it was shown that in order that the hippocampus, it’s our autobiographical memory center, which is the center where Alzheimer’s starts, needs to be functional, something which we call adult hippocampal neurogenesis, permanent production of new nerve cells, which have many, many functions we need to talk about. They’re essentially our mental immune system. And if this production is essentially shut down, then our mental immune system breaks down and we are free for everything. We can be conquered, and we would even accept it.

Emotions essentially change the way the brain works and strong emotions fear, for example, particularly in a situation where your mental immune system is down, meaning that your psychological resilience is down, it leads to a very strong effect in the brain, kind of neurotoxic effect, leakage of molecules out of the neurons, which are recognized by immune cells in the brain. And this recognition leads to an activation of an immune response, very strong immune response, activating cytokines, pro-inflammatory cytokines, and they attack the hippocampus, our autobiographical memory center, shutting down essentially many, many functions like, for example, curiosity, like for example, psychological resilience, it drops, meaning that everything that happens leads to an increased rate of depression. And it shuts down, which I’ve shown recently and which I’ve put in my book, it shuts down our ability to think.

So, the spike protein [present in the vaccine] essentially attacked humankind, the very basis of humans. Of course, at that time the spike protein was not very dangerous because it was an external inflammation outside the brain, which of course is transmitted to the brain, that’s known. And so, we had an indirect neuroinflammation. If you really want to attack the brain, you have to get the spike protein into the brain. That’s really dangerous. [It is known that due to the way the mRNA vaccine was developed, the spike protein it produces crosses the brain-blood barrier.]”

So, there you have it—not a pretty picture. I am curious to know if any of you out there have noticed similar things—people seeming nuttier than usual on the road, and in other personal encounters. How about at work—any noticeable oddities? Many say they can see a blankness in people’s eyes, a dullness in their personality. Please leave your own observations in the comments.

Todd Hayen PhD is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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