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An American Affidavit

Friday, October 11, 2024

The Medical Council of New Zealand: Facade Crumbling. Reprisals against Doctors, Covid Vaccine…


The Medical Council of New Zealand: Facade Crumbling. Reprisals against Doctors, Covid Vaccine…


For quite some time I have been writing and speaking about the witch hunts conducted by the Medical Council of New Zealand against good doctors who spoke out against their upending of foundational medical principles — principles such as informed consent, which they strongly promoted but hypocritically disavowed.

I and other colleagues have exposed their connection to the Federation of State Medical Boards and its international arm, the International Association of Medical Regulatory Agencies, which appears to be pulling strings across the globe to extirpate ANY challenge to their inconceivably dangerous policies, such as actively working to prohibit early treatment and to push the covid jab as if it were a panacea.

Doctors around the world who did what good doctors should do, namely, treat the ill, do no harm, tailor treatments to individual needs, provide informed consent, and suggest preventive measures, using whatever means they had at their disposal, which may or may not include various medications or supplements, were targeted for reprisals. Licenses were suspended and/or revoked, and they were subjected to ‘show trials’.

Recently New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (www.nzdsos.com), of which I am a founding member, brought a High Court case to challenge the Medical Council’s covid-19 guidance statement.

I have many times urged friends and colleagues not to put much, if any, faith into the Establishment’s courts for redress or anything approaching justice, yet I am also aware of the value of doing so whatever the outcome.

The case was presented to the High Court in Wellington on 23-24 September, 2024.

A remarkable development occurred during the proceedings: a former Board member of the Medical Council presented the following evidence, which is now in the public domain given that it was read out in court on 24 September. I am quoting the evidence in full, given its importance:

“In September 2021, the first wave of complaints about doctors, Covid, vaccines, and the prescribing of ivermectin came to MCNZ. I was shocked at the different approach council members had toward these complaints, compared with their normal thorough and fair approach. The complaints ranged from a doctor emailing a colleague with doubts about the vaccine, through to doctors advising some patients (e.g. pregnant women and children) not to take the vaccine, to doctors speaking at public meetings against wholesale vaccination of everyone. There was general agreement among most MCNZ members that the Covid vaccine was a zero risk medication, and that doctors who thought the side effect risks were significant were woefully misinformed. The approach from MCNZ staff and most MCNZ members was to rely on the guidance statement, which indicated doctors should promote vaccine benefits not highlight risks. That meant that a doctor talking about the risks associated with vaccination was a reason to take disciplinary action. With the exception of my contributions (with occasional support from one or two others), there was no engagement by the other members of MCNZ with the nature of informed consent, the doctors’ Code of Ethics, or Human Rights more generally. When I asked one other member what they thought about submissions from one doctor’s lawyer, which focused heavily on the Human Rights aspects, they said they hadn’t bothered to read them. I tried to get engagement with these issues during our Council meetings but it was my impression most members’ minds were closed.

The culture change was unreal and disturbing. The chair would introduce these Covid items with “Here we go -it’s flat earth time, get your tin foil hats on – we’ve got another antivaxxer in front of us”. Or “The Vitamin C brigade has arrived”. The majority of the council went along with this dismissive, ridiculing approach, with maybe three people, including myself, not joining in this prejudgement game.

I was on the MCNZ for ‘Covid cases’ that came through from approximately October 2021 through to January 2022. The complaints came from the general public and the medical profession. In general, the doctors complained about had serious questions about the Covid vaccine from an informed consent angle. Some had questions about the nature of the actual Covid risk to health and some were looking for alternative treatment options that had been banned (e.g. Ivermectin, Vit D, zinc etc). Some complaints were trivial, e.g. a GP simply emailing a practice college with doubts about the vaccine. Others were doctors speaking out in public questioning the pandemic policies. Some doctors were openly cautioning their parents to think carefully before agreeing to a Covid vaccination.

What alarmed me at the time was the majority of MCNZ members were aggressive in their response to all these “anti-vax” doctors, calling for harsh, vindictive even, sanctions for even the most minor of cases. The usual detailed discussion of evidence and high-level legal arguments was abandoned. It was clear that most other members of MCNZ’s council considered that any doctor who so much as doubted any of the Covid pandemic directives should be heavily sanctioned and preferably suspended. Most of our meetings were by now conducted on Zoom due to lockdowns.”

This evidence thoroughly supports my supposition of an active and vindictive assault on doctors here. As I write a number of doctors have been ordered to appear in further Tribunals and Courts and remain under active persecutory ‘investigation’. It is a travesty, representing criminality of a high order. And to whom are the Medical Council accountable?

I have urged those in the crosshairs to tell the public about what they are being put through, rather than submit to these kangaroo inquisitions. One doctor in question, who has recently suffered from physical problems in addition to the emotional duress created by these actions, has asked for a postponement of her Tribunal — with supporting letters from her examining physicians — only to be told ‘no’. This amounts to torture.

I urge all readers to share the above, a direct and clear glimpse into the perverted behaviors of a Council charged, ostensibly, with protecting the public weal from rogue practitioners, but instead directly harming the very public whom good doctors serve.


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Birds Not Bombs: Let’s Fight for a World of Peace, Not War 

Dr. Garcia is a Philadelphia-born psychoanalyst and psychiatrist who emigrated to New Zealand in 2006. He has authored articles ranging from explorations of psychoanalytic technique, the psychology of creativity in music (Mahler, Rachmaninoff, Scriabin, Delius), and politics. He is also a poet, novelist and theatrical director. He retired from psychiatric practice in 2021 after working in the public sector in New Zealand. Visit his substack at https://newzealanddoc.substack.com/.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.  

Here follow links to related essays and articles and interviews pertaining to the MCNZ, a sort of mini-bibliography:



Dr. Bruce Dooley’s interview with Liz Gunn:







Featured image source / Public Domain

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