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An American Affidavit

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Hurricane Milton Is So Unusual That It Does Not Seem Natural/Democrats Are the New Gestapo


Hurricane Milton Is So Unusual That It Does Not Seem Natural

Hurricane Milton Is So Unusual That It Does Not Seem Natural

Paul Craig Roberts

I am not a meteorologist. I am merely reporting facts as reported by meteorologists, such as: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWT5aDqcHB0

I have lived on Florida’s Gulf Coast for a quarter century. I have experienced a number of hurricanes but not the high categories of recent years. Normally a hurricane originates in the Atlantic or Caribbean, crosses Cuba into the Gulf and then hits anywhere from Texas to Florida.

Milton originated as a minor disturbance in the Pacific, was lifted over Mexico and appeared as a hurricane in the Gulf itself between Mexico and Texas. It is unusual–perhaps unprecedented–for a hurricane to originate in the Gulf itself. The warm waters of the Gulf is where tropical depressions and tropical storms intensify into hurricanes as they enter the Gulf of Mexico from the Caribbean.

Milton intensified over Sunday night from a Category 1 to a Category 5 with current sustained wind speed of 160 mph and 200mph wind gusts which makes it almost an enormous tornado.

The meteorologist describes the rapid intensification and other aspects of the hurricane as “unprecedented,” “very rare,” “crazy.”

It seems that what we are presented with is a hurricane that began as a Category 1 hurricane inside the Gulf and became overnight a Category 5 that is expected to further intensify. “Unprecedented” does seem to be the right word.

Global warming advocates will say Milton is a product of global warming. Let’s examine this hypothesis. Judging from the disappearance of some glaciers and the open arctic waterways, there does seem to be some global warming. ( Evidence of warming does not prove it is caused by fossil fuel technology and cattle herds. Global warming might simply be a reflection of the normal heating and cooling patterns of the planet or sun.)

Let us consent to the global warming, but not to its cause, as the cause is not relevant to whether Milton is a product of global warming. The global warming we are talking about is a fraction of a degree over a period of time. The transformation of hurricanes from Category 1 to Category 4 or 5 is recent. How does a small increase over time in temperature result in a very sudden massive increase in the intensity of hurricanes?

Perhaps someone can explain this?

Today I provide in the Guest section two concise factual reports on the governments’s decades long experimentation with weather modification and historical acknowledged examples. You will see not only dramatic intensification of hurricane strength but extraordinary changes in path as a result of government intervention.

Is it merely a coincidence that Helene and Milton have wiped out the ability of Florida and the Southeast to vote for Trump? Physical voting stations are no longer existent. The US Post Office has stopped delivery of mail-in ballots to impacted areas.

Is it merely a coincidence that the land on which sit the destroyed NC towns can now be made available to lithium mining companies?

Is it merely a coincidence that a lesson has been given to red states?

America is being driven into tyranny. The idiot American women think that the issue is abortion, which is a matter not for Trump or Kamala, but for the judiciary.

The idiot conservatives think the issue is the budget deficit or standing up to Russia, China, and Iran at the risk of nuclear war.

The idiot woke-liberal-left think it is their opportunity to steal power without comprehending that the chaos that results is ungovernable.

If we look objectively at the United States we see a government, perhaps merely a puppet of a ruling elite, that has no connection to reality. We see a Democrat government actively engaged in destroying the white ethnic Americans with denunciations of them as “Trump Deplorables,” “racists,” “white supremacists,” “threats to democracy,” “Russian agents.”

We see former US Senator and Secretary of State John Kerry calling for the abolishment of the First Amendment. He is joined by Hillary Clinton, and a large number of university law faculties and deans. And by the New York Times “1619 Project.” And by the course curriculums of US universities and public schools.

I have often wondered how many of the parents, who attend school board meetings and protest the indoctrination of their children that they are racist, who protest the indoctrination of their children that they might have been born into the wrong body, and who protest the sexualization of their children long before they reach puberty, and whose protests cause them to be thrown out of the meeting or arrested by police, still vote Democrat. I would bet that a majority of them will still vote Democrat.

One cannot help but wonder if the American people are not too insouciant and stupid to be able to remain a free people.

Of course, in the Woke-Democrat definition of freedom, freedom, as John Kerry and Hillary Clinton have made clear, consists in Democrat control over the narratives.

It should alarm us that there is no uproar when top Democrats and law school deans attack the First Amendment. It seems the First Amendment will be another victim of American insouciance.


Democrats Are the New Gestapo

Democrats Are the New Gestapo

Paul Craig Roberts

Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, and Democrat Law School Deans Say Free Speech Threatens Their Agendas. Democrats are no longer the party of John F. Kennedy. They and their media whores are the party of Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda.

“We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.” — President John F. Kennedy.


Hillary Says the First Amendment means “We Lose Total Control”

Clinton Continues Her Censorship Campaign on CNN, and the presstitute media supports their own demise.

Jonathan Turley notes that Hillary and the Democrats want free speech only for their ideological agendas. Everyone else has to shut up.


Watch tens of millions of dumbshit Americans vote for this tyranny on November 4.

If Empire Of Lies Crumbles, Hillary Clinton Warns: “We’ll Lose Total Control”

Hillary Clinton told CNN host Michael Smerconish that unless social media companies are censored “we lose total control.” Only censorship and the First Amendment’s destruction can save the Elites’ Empire of Lies.

Wall Street Journal Editor Emma Tucker said: “We owned the news. We were the gatekeepers, and we very much owned the facts as well.”

She added that people are learning that they cannot trust the whore media and that, consequently, the presstitutes are having a difficult time protecting the official narratives, which are lies that permit a handful of corrupt elites to impose their agendas.

The First Amendment is under full scale attack by Democrats. They openly admit that it is a major block to their ability to gain power by manipulating the information that people receive.


Read The Empire of Lies by Paul Craig Roberts:


“Paul Craig Roberts is one of the best and most-informed political commentators today. I urge everybody to read his indispensable book The Empire of Lies, ” Llewellyn H. Rockwell.

PCR is a national treasure

This is the best of several books by PCR I’ve read. I like the layout, with topics grouped in such a way that you can inform yourself about them by category.

PCR is careful with his prose. He doesn’t assert certainty unless he really is certain, and he uses conditional language wherever that’s appropriate.

If you want to get up to speed on current events and recent, relevant history with one book, this is the one to buy.

Unbiased Potential Truth in a World of Lies

In a nutshell, this collection of essays is an exposé of major deceptions in five critical areas. In addition to a detailed chapter on deception vis-à-vis economics, which was PCR’s formal profession as a professor at US universities and as the chief of economic policy under President Ronald Reagan, he also tackles US foreign policy, notably the War in Ukraine, September 11, COVID-19 vaccines, and the unreliability of the corporate media. While I don’t agree with everything in the book, it is intellectually honest and unhindered by political correctness, which is a rarity in the current age of self-censorship. The book represents a refreshing novel account of current and past events that shaped the 21th century from the perspective of a highly critical and analytical Washington insider.

What is particular refreshing about the book is that the author is clearly not representing nor defending the left or the right. This is not a political manifest; the author’s stated intention is to get to the truth wherever it leads.


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