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An American Affidavit

Sunday, October 13, 2024

5065: International Public Notice: The "French" Revolution? from Lincoln County Watch


Saturday, October 12, 2024

5065: International Public Notice: The "French" Revolution? from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

An examination of what went on in France in the years 1700 to 1789 when the French Revolution began its blood-letting, shows a pattern similar to what has happened in this country: a bloodless and unreported coup by French Bureaucrats, particularly members of the French Treasury administration, resulted in the credit of the country being controlled by unaccountable and unelected bureaucrats. 

These same bureaucrats immediately did two things that eerily mirror what has been done here in this country.  

First, they paid off the King --- in that case, King Louis XVI, who seems to have been beguiled by the idea that all the "sudden largesse" was the result of his bankers and Treasury Agents making intelligent investments of his money, when in fact it was the result of the expansion of credit based on the purloined assets of France and unjust taxation of the people who were forced to pay the interest on the "loans".   

In this country, the Perpetrators paid off the U.S. Congress and compromised the members to guarantee control through two political parties that have no role related to our actual American Government. 

So the bankers lulled King Louis XVI (and later, the U.S. Congress) into contentment with large increases to his personal wealth --- essentially, a fat cut of the profit they were making by leveraging, collateralizing, and making loans at usury --- using assets that didn't belong to them.  This is essentially what has happened here, also. 

The U.S. Congress passed Acts of Legislation pertaining only to British Territorial U.S. Citizens, and then without disclosure, registered everyone in sight as U.S. Citizens.  This allowed them to impersonate Americans and consider them British Territorial Subjects, obligated to perform under British Territorial law.

The British Territorial bureaucrats seized upon our physical assets and rolled them into trusts which the bureaucrats controlled; this then allowed them to use our purloined assets as collateral that they could borrow against --- resulting in an explosive increase in credit for their banks to loan under usury and a lot of payola going to the British King, the Popes acting as Roman Pontiffs, the British Crown, and colluding parties throughout the world. 

As in England, where this same kind of credit expansion occurred as a result of enfranchising the working class people and using the ill-gotten gains to support the British Raj mercenaries and their plundering of India, the American credit bonanza was used to promote a huge expansion of similar war-for-profit schemes as well as monopoly interest and commodity rigging schemes, human trafficking schemes, enslavement schemes, and press-ganging under color of law. 

In France, the Perpetrators launched into some of the most extravagant public and private building projects the world has ever seen.  The Palace and Grounds at Versailles stand as a staggering example of the scale of these projects and the kind of money --- and credit --- being spent by these bureaucrats "in the name of the King". 

A similar, if more constrained trajectory of events and spending policies has been followed by the British Territorial Bureaucrats who have illegally and unlawfully seized upon our assets and pretended to "represent" us.  

Like their French predecessors, our British Territorial Bureaucrats have spent money and credit that doesn't belong to them, on vast building projects (like the interstate highway system) and on wars for profit all over the world, where they have also invested in corporations and infrastructure and over 950 military bases.  

Inevitably, however, these spending sprees by rogue bureaucrats come to an end, and someone is left to pay for all this unauthorized indebtedness.  In France, King Louis and his wife and thousands of members of the French Government and Aristocracy paid with their lives.  The people of France overturned the Monarchy and refused to pay its debts; the investors couldn't collect, which then launched Napoleon's career.  

Apparently, the bankers were in anticipation that something similar would happen here when we discovered all the giveaways and abuses that occurred  during our purported absence.  Someone quietly imported 30,000 guillotines and had them shipped to military bases and courthouses all over this country in apparent preparation for a similar vicious and chaotic revolution.  

Unknown to the Planners, this revolution of theirs would have done nothing to overturn our government and would simply inflict a lot of trauma on government service providers.  

The "little people" of the incorporated government bureaucracy would be left to pay with their lives for their largely unwitting and uncompensated participation in this debacle, while the Big Fish swam away to their gin joints in London, Paris, Bern, Berlin, New York, Hong Kong, and Shanghai without a scratch, still leaving the preponderance of their debt to be paid by generations of clueless Americans. 

Or not, as it turns out.  

We also examined the set up in Britain during the time period 1840 (when Prince Albert gained control of the Queen's fortune and trusteeships) and the 1860's when the British Raj System started.  

It turns out that all three of these debacles: (1) the French Bureaucracy Coup, Credit Collapse, and French Revolution; (2) the British Impersonation and Enfranchisement Scheme resulting in Asset and Credit Theft, and the British Raj System; (3) the pre-planned American Bureaucracy Coup, Credit Collapse, and Revolution II --- were all started the same way, by the same Agents.

All three disasters were created by Treasury officials who had ties to the Rothschild banks, all three involved collateralization of purloined assets, all three involved some form of impersonation or identity theft or identity substitution, all three resulted in exponential expansion of credit, which could not be sustained and which resulted in a credit collapse, followed by social chaos, and, in all three cases, the Perps aimed at causing a fundamental change in the government of the targeted country and gross unjust enrichment for themselves.

The change in government guarantees that they will not be caught and prosecuted by the former partners in crime.

France ceased to be a monarchy, England ceased to function as a constitutional monarchy even though the appearance of a constitutional monarchy remained, and in America, the sought-for result would be a more permanent and legitimized control of the country by the British Territorial entities that created the crisis in the first place. 

All three of these debacles (the American one still incipient) are just variations on a single theme: identity theft and credit hacking supported and condoned by private banks. 

None of these disasters occurred in a vacuum. 

Louis XVI was misinformed and betrayed by his bankers.  Queen Victoria was egged on by Benjamin Disraeli, first in his position as Lord of the Exchequer and later as Prime Minister, who consistently misrepresented corporate enfranchisement as a benefit to the working class victims.  And the Americans are being betrayed by the same banking interests in the same way. 

These banks have cause to know that 320 million Americans didn't just wake up one morning and voluntarily and knowingly subject themselves to British rule.  They know that the unlawful conversion of the political status of all these American babies is fraudulent and criminal, and that it results in an invalid unconscionable contract --- but they and their collaborators thought they could get away with it.  

Now that this constructive fraud is discovered, it's apparent that the American victims are owed the return of their assets and credit.  

Indeed, wherever this venal system of constructive fraud has been utilized, as it has been utilized in multiple countries on Earth, the victims are all owed the return of their assets and credit.  Plus interest. 

Of course, the banks have no assets.  They borrowed our assets to operate their schemes.  They risked nothing, or almost nothing, themselves. And they are all incorporated entities and prepared to go bankrupt--- which forces their victims to pay for their iniquity, unless it is demonstrated that they have operated unlawfully and in bad faith and do not deserve the protection of public bankruptcy. 

We have demonstrated their bad faith and illegal and unlawful operations.  None of these banks and none of these bankers deserve the protection of the corporate veil. 

Here is an example of how these banks have operated and been allowed to operate: the banks constantly advertise "home loans" giving people the impression that the bank is offering to loan money to buy a home.  

Instead, the bank is offering to borrow your home (loan them your home) as a collateral asset that they can use to ledger ten times its value in credit; they then typically give the victim ten percent of the credit while forcing him to grant them an unearned security interest in the property, and a contractual promise to repay the entire amount of credit extended to him, plus interest --- while they enjoy the benefit of ninety percent of the credit being leveraged against the value of his house.  

The person who appears to be the Borrower is always the Lender in these transactions; bank regulators know this, professional bankers know this, and they also know that both the asset and the credit rightfully belong to the victim, not to any Public Trust managed by the British King and not to the bank profiting itself, either.  Nonetheless, they wink and nod and continue to advertise "home loans" and to extend credit based on collateral that they know they are purloining. 

They know that they are failing to disclose any of this. They know that the Borrower is the Lender.  They know they are imposing foreign mortgages on people who don't really owe mortgages at all. Most of all, they know that they haven't provided any goods or services remotely equal in value to the property being leveraged to pay the debts of foreign interests. 

This is exactly analogous to a Pawn Shop operator who knows the goods are stolen, but doesn't care and doesn't try to return the stolen property, and instead, extends credit to the thief in order to establish an ownership interest in the stolen goods for himself. 

Both the thief and the Pawn Shop operator benefit at the expense of the victim; the thief benefits to the extent of the credit he receives, while the Pawn Shop operator benefits by the ownership interest he secures, often for less than pennies on the dollar. 

By participating in this fraud, the banks become accomplices to a whole range of crimes, which their government partners have conveniently failed to prosecute. 

Whether at the level of a single home, or via purloining the assets of an entire State, these banks have operated and are still operating as prime components in a range of financial, identity, and property theft swindles that could not occur without their willing participation --- and which, when taken together, generate the always fatal "Credit Bubble" that collapses the deliberately engineered house of cards. 

To reprise Thomas Jefferson's warning about central banks and fiat currencies, "thus by inflation and deflation" the currency is rendered worthless and the banks by fraud gain a security interest in actual physical assets in inequitable exchange for paper. 

This is at least the third time that banks acting in collusion with unelected government bureaucrats have used credit fraud to swindle an entire country.  War of one kind or another inevitably follows as the politicians point fingers at each other and try to blame other parties for the theft and wrong-doing.  We are not deceived. 

The criminal(s) in this scenario aren't the Russians or the Chinese. The criminals are the banks and the politicians and government bureaucrats who have colluded with the banks to create Fictional and Odious Debts being held against the victims of their own crimes. 

We require the immediate return of control and accounting for all American-sourced gold, silver, land, cash, and shareholder interests. 

We require the immediate re-issuance of the "United States Notes" as credit notes, not debt notes.  

There can be no continuance of the old system, nor any failure to recognize what went on here.  Such a failure would condemn us and future generations to increasingly virulent plagues of criminality and war --- the same results garnered by the same criminal acts, for the past 300 years. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

October 12th 2024


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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