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An American Affidavit

Wednesday, October 9, 2024




...and no, I'm not talking about the poet John Milton. I'm talking about the tropical storm Milton, which is being predicted to hit Florida right about the time this blog is scheduled to post. But the wierdness about Milton is not when and where it's supposed to hit, but where and when it was formed.

But first, we have to deal with a very strange video that has been quietly making the rounds in connection with Helene and its aftermath. This video was spotted and shared by D.S.G., and whatever one makes of it, it does give one pause, for it resembles nothing less that anomalies that are so weird that they're right up there with all the strange videos that came out of the California fires of a few years ago of burned out homes and melted highway guardrails, while right next to these were living trees and shrubs, unburned and unconsumed by the surrounding fire and heat.  And yet, nearby, other videos of trees literally burning from the inside out, as their sap veins conducted heat through these channels.

In this case, one sees something entirely unexpected:


Now, I have no idea who Diamond Lee is, nor if the video being posted is indeed in North Carolina. Indeed, it strikes me that I have seen similar phenomena and videos of strangely behaving water before, but I cannot recall where, nor when. So our method again is the same: we assume the authenticity of the post for the sake of high octane speculation. In this case, speculation attempting to answer a question: what is producing the strange choppy behavior of the water, and the almost "wall-like" effect that one sees in the video advancing slowly from right to left across the screen? One possibility is that some sort of gas main or leak is producing it. The problem, however, is that the phenomenon appears to be too

widely spread for a mere gas main problem. Additionally, the poster makes no mention of any unusual odor. The sound accompanying the video is not all that unusual for flood waters, except that there is a high-pitched beeping or screeching that is hard to identify. Is it birds? or something else? the sound almost has a metallic quality to it, as if metal is scraping against metal, a kind of sound oddly reported in conjunction with the Havana embassy effects reported by American and Canadian embassy staffs. Is it anomalous and sudden high heat, making the water boil? That too appears to be unlikely for the recorder makes no mention of any ambient heat, and the video shows the "choppy" behavior almost traveling in serried ranks, like soldiers in a phalanx. So I'm left with the weirdest (and most exotic) potential explanation: we're looking at the behavior of water under conditions of wave interferometry of some sort. The counter-vailing problem with that idea is that the video recorder's phone would seem to suffer no effects, which one might assume it must being so close to the affected area.

Then there's tropical storm Milton, which is forming in the Gulf of Mexico, and expected to track west-to-east and hit Florida(my thanks to V.T. and E.G. for sharing this story):

Milton upgraded to a hurricane, takes aim at Florida's west coast

Now, if you've been around for a few decades like I have, you'll notice an immediate problem with Milton. It's not that Milton is a good poet, or a bad hurricane. There's nothing anomalous about either. It is rather about where Milton is forming and how it is moving. When I was growing up and all throughout junior high and high school, it was pounded into our heads during science class that hurricanes tended to follow a general pattern: they formed off the northwestern coast of Africa, traveled east to west across the Atlantic, and thence took one of three general paths from there as they blasted their way through the Caribbean: (1) they continued into the Gulf, regaining strength from its warm waters, and hit the Texas, Louisiana, or Mississippi and Alabama coasts before heading inland and spawning massive rain and tornadoes; (2) They hit the Atlantic coasts of Florida, Georgia, and the Carolinas and either headed inland, or up the coast from there, ending up in New England; or (3) they headed straight for the Atlantic coasts north of the Mason-Dixon line.

But they did not start in the Gulf of Mexico and then head east. Nor is this the only unusual departure "from the pattern" we grew up with. If you've been paying attention to the storms in the interior parts of North America lately, you'll know the stunning departure of storms recently from the typical pattern that obtained for decades. That pattern was that storms tended overwhelmingly to move from the southwest to the northeast. But if you remember the derecho straight line wind storm that hit Oklahoma a couple of years ago, that storm moved almost due west to due east in an astonishing straight line, so straight in fact that one could have drawn it with a straight edge. Tornadoes, which used to follow this pattern even more faithfully, have now started moving from northwest to southeast, in an almost exact reversal of the "pattern".  And people in Europe have informed me they are noticing similar departures from "normal" weather patterns.

What does it all mean?

There are two, and possibly three, explanations, and the first is the to-be-expected "climate change" mantra that Mr. Globalooney and his lap poodle Greta likes to scream at us. All this is evidence of disturbing trends of geophysical change, and that man is responsible for it, and we must reduce his energy consumption and carbon footprint. Secondly, the climate change - as evidenced from these departures "from pattern" - is a blowback and systems effect from too much covert geoengineering and weather modification projects and technology, and that the climate change narrative has been invented as a convenient public narrative to cloak these activities. This would be my favored view. And thirdly and finally, that it is some mixture of the two, perhaps the weather and geoengineering technologies being used to "combat" overall geophysical trends. While this has some things to commend it, I tend to reject it, because the people in charge of such technologies and the people inventing and creating them are simply not that nice nor that concerned about their fellow human beings. I opt for number two because it is the proposition that takes the most account of their psychopathy and narcissism. They have tinkered with weather systems that the weather is no longer a completely natural phenomenon, and yet, their are aspects of it that are beyond control and manipulation, obeying scientific laws that are unknown: "if we do this, what will happen to that?"  We can make models that will predict the most like behavior, but their will always be outliers in such systems, and this is my point with Milton: there are two basic explanations on either end of the spectrum here, with a variety of positions between the extremes: (1) either the storm is being deliberately manipulated and perhaps even created, or (2) it is a blowback and outlier, the result of other manipulations.

So while you're considered blowback effects, consider, finally, this anomaly that has recently been discovered in, you guessed it, Antarctica(This article courtesy of T.M.):

Sustained greening of the Antarctic Peninsula observed from satellites

Yes, that's right: moss - and lots of it - is growing on the Antarctic peninsula. Of course, this is only going to cause the Globalooneyists to go ballistic with glee that "here is more proof of global warming...er... oops... climate change (I keep forgetting which narrative of "the Science" is the current favored narrative. Apologies to Dr. Fausti and to the screaming Swedish girl.).

But in my usual off-the-end-of-the-high-octane-speculation-twig Wile E. Coyote take-the-plunge-to-the-bottom-of-the-canyon fashion, I'm going to propose that the Antarctic greening may be yet another blowback result of all the weather modification technologies and experiments.


...it may be  deliberately intended as a result of such engineering. In the 1990s there was a move with Charlie Sheen and Ron silver titled Arrival. The movie began with a lady standing in a lush green field of grasses and wild flowers. She was wearing a parka.  The camera pulled away, and eventually, one saw that the field that she was standing in was in the middle of Antarctica.  As the movie proceeds, you learn that what was being interpreted by our scientists as "global warming" was in fact a vast planetary "terraforming' operation by extraterrestrials that had arrived here, and were trying to warm up the planet to suit their own hotter home environment. Incidentally, they also had a technology that allowed them to appear to be human.  So that the last, weirdest, and wildest, speculation: are we being terraformed by creatures that are used to....ahem... a hotter environment?

I don't know about you, but I'm eagerly awaiting my Acme mail order catalogue...

...oh yea. One more thing. I had intended originally in this blog to note that Milton, of course, penned his epic poem Paradise Lost, and so mentioned it. But an astute reader read the first part of this blog, and "scooped" me and noted the connection. But in any case, the message of Milton seems clear: The people fleeing the corrupt progressive nonsense of the Swampington-to-Boston corridor for more business and people-friendly Florida should think twice... paradise could be lost any time...

See you on the flip side...

(If you enjoyed today's blog, please share with your friends.)




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Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".

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