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An American Affidavit

Saturday, October 12, 2024

5063-5064: International Public Notice: About the Gold Standard and Current Disasters. from Lincoln County Watch


Friday, October 11, 2024

5063-5064: International Public Notice: About the Gold Standard and Current Disasters. from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

When Franklin Delano Roosevelt appeared to take this country off the Gold Standard, and then proceeded to go house to house to collect gold from the American people, he was acting as a commercial mercenary and criminal.  

His only real authority was as the "President" of a foreign corporation in the business of providing "essential government services".  

Logically, he had the ability to take his corporation off the gold standard.  He could tell his employees not to accept payments in gold. He could and he did take the U.S.A. Incorporated off the gold standard at his whim as the Chief Executive Officer, but all that action really meant is that the U.S.A. Inc. and its officers and personnel couldn't take or receive payment in gold anymore.  

They had to use Federal Reserve Notes as Legal Tender. 

So in order to pay them their salaries, we had to exchange our gold and silver into Federal Reserve Notes.  

It was the same old Bank Swindle that Salmon P. Chase and Lincoln used: force government bond investors to pay for the bonds in Federal Reserve Notes, thereby also forcing them to "buy" the Federal Reserve Notes for gold, in order to buy bonds. 

FDR took the same Swindle and expanded on it: forcing people in this country to exchange their gold for paper Federal Reserve Notes in order to pay for government services and exchange goods and services with government workers. 

This was an institutionalized currency monopoly scheme and it was promoted by what appeared to be "our" government under color of law.  

The kicker is that it wasn't our government doing any of this.  

It was our erstwhile British Territorial Federal Subcontractor ---- a foreign municipal corporation doing business as "the United States of America" (Incorporated) --- promoting all this graft. 

The Petrodollar was just a more recent reprise of the same old story. 

OPEC had established a substantial monopoly interest in crude oil. The USA, Inc. had a similar monopoly on refined oil products.  

Dick Nixon cut a deal with OPEC that they would only accept payment for crude oil in Federal Reserve Notes. 

Since the USA, Inc. at the same time controlled most of the western world's oil refinery capacity, these two monopoly interests simply colluded so that both crude oil and refined oil products had to be paid for in Federal Reserve Notes.  

Which meant that all the other countries had to exchange their gold and silver to buy Federal Reserve Notes, if they wanted to buy oil, gas, and other products.  

It's the same old Bank Swindle at the root of it --- if you want this commodity or service (government bonds, government services, or oil --- it doesn't matter what the commodity or service is, as long as the Nogoodniks have a monopoly control over it) you have to pay for it in Federal Reserve Notes.  

Which leaves you exchanging your gold and silver for these "coupons" allowing you to buy something else. 

In the case of the Petrodollar, this meant that development of new refinery capacity was squelched and the rest of the world was stuck exchanging their gold and silver and other resources for Federal Reserve Notes if they wanted to buy home heating oil, gasoline, diesel, engine oil.... 

Between them, OPEC and the USA, Inc., had established an illegal stranglehold on world energy resources and all the subsidiary industry sectors as well.  We forget that crude oil is also the source of many agricultural and industrial chemicals, plastics, and yes, even medicines. 

They leveraged their respective monopolies on crude oil and refined oil products into a substantial currency monopoly as well.  The Federal Reserve Note was King, because nobody could buy crude or refined oil products without it.  And without access to crude, there was no way for would-be competitors to justify investment in new refinery capacity. 

This is a gross and unnatural Obstruction of Trade and is the result of combining equally illegal monopoly interests--- monopoly of crude oil, monopoly of refined oil products, and monopoly of Federal Reserve Notes. 

Our country never went off either the gold or silver standards.  

Neither Roosevelt nor Nixon had any authority to dictate our currency; they could only dictate the operations of their corporations and their personnel in this country, and use their illegal monopolies on government services and refined oil production, respectively, to force everyone to buy Federal Reserve Notes. 

Forcing people to buy something is a crime.  It is a form of extortion. 
Forcing people to buy something under monopoly inducement is a crime.  It's an Obstruction of Trade caused by an illegal monopoly. 
Forcing people to buy something under duress, because you have monopolized a service or commodity they can't reasonably go without, is extortion under force, and in this case, fraud.  

The USA, Inc. and UNITED STATES, INC., have both been presenting themselves as the government of this country, when in fact, they are both foreign Federal Subcontractors that are supposed to be honoring their obligations and operating under the limitations of The Constitution of the United States of America and The Constitution of the United States, respectively. 

So, this country and its people are still using the Gold Standard and Silver Standard; it's our government subcontractors that are dependent on the Federal Reserve Note and profiting from these Swindles.  We are doing our part by reporting the crimes and doing what we can to provide lawful money and prepaid credit to our people. 

In addition to the American Gold Eagles and other gold coins produced by the US Mint under our trademarks and seigniorage, we have issued the American Federation Dollar (AFD) and authorized the so-called United States Notes to be issued as Prepaid Credit Notes, instead of Debt Notes.  

Federal and State-of-State Employees will not be able to access the prepaid credit they are owed as Americans until they leave Federal Service, but they will have access to conventional credit based on their assets in the meantime and no usury will be charged on their debts. 

Donald Trump as the current President of the USA, Inc., is trying to hold down the fort and maintain a monopoly interest on what appears to be "our" currency and our markets, but this is, again, illegal.  It's also untrue. 

There is nothing in the contract allowing the United States of America, Incorporated, to control our access to our assets, misrepresent our country in the world marketplace, interfere with our finances, substitute their fiat debt notes for our lawful money and prepaid credit, nor can they dictate the terms of the return of our assets and credit to us. 

We have acted as the lawful "Presumed" Donors of the National Trust as well as the intended Beneficiaries.  Our intent and provenance has been duly expressed, recorded, and published. There's no place for any would-be Trustees to run. 

This past week we formally declared the Law of the Land, and have called upon all Federal and State of State and State Trust and County elected officials and hired officers to enter their Peacekeeping Offices.  Anyone failing to do so, has the option of resigning or being deported. 

This action was taken in response to Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton and various factors that could otherwise lead to civil unrest.  

Nobody representing any function or faction associated with the former UNITED STATES, INC., has any standing; they are operating on a three month extension of funding provided to them by the British Territorial Government, but are not authorized to act as Successors to any contract with us and have no official role or public capacity at all related to our government and our people.  This includes the so-called Harris Administration in its entirety. 

Members of the British Territorial Government are under investigation as it appears they may have hired agencies associated with the former UNITED STATES, INC. as mercenaries, most notably, FEMA, and have allowed the misdirection of these former Agencies, such that they have sought to harm people impacted by the weather warfare that has also been conducted by former UNITED STATES, INC. employees funded by the British Territorial "United States" Congress

We recently intercepted a convoy of trucks loaded with firearms, grenades, water canons and similar stocks and supplies of war headed to FEMA camps in the disaster area.  It is apparent that the sender's intent was to arm FEMA as a foreign mercenary force operating on State land, impacting a multi-State area.  We have, therefore, confiscated these armaments and are investigating the source.  

We are also dismantling the 5G-6G transmission towers and ordering CIPPA Units and similar scalar transmitters on U.S. Navy Ships and United States commercial vessels to cease and desist transmission to land coordinates in this country, and absent a formal declaration of war, to cease and desist such transmissions anywhere else in the world.  

We have strong evidence that NOAA, a former UNITED STATES franchise, issued cloud-seeding contracts that have resulted in both Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton.  We have additional evidence that broadcast transmission towers licensed by the FCC have been used to guide these unnatural storms.  

We additionally have proof that WHO, INC.,  orchestrated the so-called pandemic and that its affiliates directly financially benefitted from the death and destruction and economic damage promoted by this entire "live exercise" and "vaccination" campaign.  These lawless corporations must be destroyed by law, liquidated, forfeited, or placed under lawful administration (nationalized) without further ado.  

These former Agencies and individuals working for them in a private capacity have engaged in acts against the people and government of this country and are guilty of treason, genocide, and other crimes against humanity; the corporations guiding these activities and the individual corporation employees responsible for funding them are also accomplices, guilty of treason, genocide, and crimes against humanity.  

All national and international banks which have been funding these activities, and laundering profits from similar so-called "Black Ops" around the world, are also accomplices to these crimes against our people and our country and against humanity in general.  

These organizations are additionally operating in Gross Breach of Trust, and violation of their service contracts to promote inland piracy and impersonation fraud upon the people of this country.  This results in additional crimes, notably, conspiracy against and evasion of the Constitutions creating and governing the respective Federal Subcontractors. 

We are treating this as a criminal matter, requiring criminal enforcement.  It has nothing to do with politics.  It is entirely a matter of international criminal trespass and malfeasant misadministration of of foreign, incorporated, privately owned government subcontractors operated by the British Crown, the Government of Westminster, and Holy Roman Empire subsidiaries.  

As such, these governments and their institutions and these corporations which they own and profit from, all of which owe us "good faith service" under contract and have received their payment throughout, are hereby accused of these and similar crimes against us and criminality in general, such that they must be held to account by the entire world, which has suffered as a result of the existence of these corporations and their willful, criminal misadministration. 

These crimes have been motivated by commercial profit, self-interest, and greed; these most recent rampages, including the entire depopulation agenda embraced by the UNITED NATIONS, INC., is nothing more or less than the repeatedly demonstrated practice of these criminal corporations, which are again engaged in killing their creditors so as to avoid repaying them. 

This white collar lawlessness must be brought to an end, before it results in the destruction of the planet and the people. 

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

October 11th 2024


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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Saint Germain Made Manifest

 By Anna Von Reitz

Last night as we were collecting our energy and placing our attention on Hurricane Milton, the storm which began as a Category 5 Storm, was slowed to a Category 3 storm, and finally, to a Tropical Storm. 

A miracle happened in Florida last night

The authorities know it.  They can't explain it.  While storms of this kind tend to weaken somewhat as they reach landfall, they don't weaken this quickly and to this extent. 

Another point worth noting is that Hurricanes in the Northern Hemisphere are supposed to rotate clockwise, not counter-clockwise, like Hurricane Milton ---- another anomaly that underscores the unnatural, man-made nature of the storm.  

But something else was at work as the storm bore down on the helpless Florida Peninsula: love, peace, mindfulness, and power weighed in.  

Those who have studied the teachings of Saint Germain will be familiar with the Violet Flame.  

This is part of what Floridians saw in the sky last night


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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