Our Republican Form of Government: Section 37 — The Interface from Anna Von Reitz
Section 37 — The Interface
So we have studied the issue and meaning of “Lawful Persons”
and two basic jurisdictions — soil (national) and land (international).
We have seen that we have two kinds of states: republican
states of the soil and international States of the land, both of which are
unincorporated and geographically defined.
We have also observed that these states are members of two
unincorporated Unions of states. The
republican states are members of The
United States.
The land States are members of The United States of America.
Both of these states are populated by people.
When the people of the soil jurisdiction republican states
operate their national jurisdiction as citizens of, for example, The Wisconsin
Republic, they operate as Natural Persons.
When the people of the republican states enter the
international land jurisdiction of their State of the Union, they act as the
People of their State, and as Lawful Persons.
Lawful Persons differ from Legal Persons.
Lawful Persons are connected to specific actual, factual,
geographic and physical reality.
Legal Persons are fictional legal constructs devoid of such
connection to physical fact.
There is only one interface between Lawful Persons and Legal
Persons and that interface occurs in international jurisdiction.
The international land jurisdiction is populated by Lawful
Persons. The international sea jurisdiction is inhabited by Legal Persons.
What happens when a Lawful Person crosses this invisible
boundary and becomes a Legal Person is known as an “unlawful conversion”.
What happens when a Legal Person crosses this same boundary
in the opposite direction and becomes recognizable as a Lawful Person is known
as a “lawful conversion”.
When a Lawful Person crosses into the international jurisdiction of the sea and attacks Legal Persons already there it is known as a “transgression”.
And when the opposite occurs and a Legal Person crosses into the international jurisdiction of the land and attacks a Lawful Person it is known as a “trespass”.
Both can be considered errors worthy of forgiveness, or as crimes, depending on the acts and/or the expressed intention of the parties.
When Lawful Persons transgress again Legal Persons it most often results in obstruction of the business or other activities of the Legal Persons.
When Legal Persons trespass against Lawful Persons it most often results in in inland piracy, conscription, kidnapping, press-ganging or other crimes.
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The Jural Assembly Handbook By: Anna Von Reitz
For the purposes of
the State Jural Assemblies this interface is of special importance and deserves
to be thoroughly understood. There is a barrier, or “bar” involved that has to
be properly manipulated and it is analogous to the veil between life and death.
This is the so-called “corporate veil”.
Lawful Persons are connected to life and physical actuality,
but Legal Persons are not, so that Lawful Persons are metaphorically “alive”
and Legal Persons are “dead”.
Our lawful State Governments, represented by both The United
States and The United States of America, have treaties with the British Monarch
and the separate government of Westminster, as well as commercial service and
trust agreements set forth in the respective Territorial and Municipal Constitutions,
that govern how Americans are supposed to be treated when we cross back and
forth over this invisible barrier, this interface between “Lawful” and “Legal”.
Specifically, the British Monarch and the Papal Temple
Government of Westminster are to act as the Trustees of our Lawful Persons when
we venture over the Bar. They are obligated to protect our National Trust,
which includes our Natural and Unalienable Rights and to “aid and assist” us on
the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways (the international Jurisdiction of
the Sea) and the Global Jurisdiction of the Air (commerce) “in perpetuity”.
They have gotten around these obligations and the
limitations of the Constitutions by pretending that we have all knowingly
contracted with them to work for them and their commercial corporations as
unpaid volunteers — that is, under conditions of peonage and enslavement.
This shameful breach of trust and legal chicanery based on
unconscionable contracts with babies and undisclosed unilateral contracting
processes taking place on the land and soil of our country is a part of what we
now need to address.
They have grossly trespassed against us and arbitrarily
tried to redefine the living people and Lawful Persons of this country as
chattel properties belonging to them and their commercial corporations and they
have gotten away with this fraud for many years undetected.
Now comes the day of reckoning for six generations of venal
fraud, but in order to make it stick, we must mind our “p’s” and “q’s” and
maintain our lawful standing as American State Citizens — not “US Citizens”. We
must take up our duties and run our sovereign States of the Union and
reconstruct our Federal States of States and put an end to the crass and
despicable false claims in commerce that have been made against us.
For now, know that when we, Lawful Persons, cross the
interface and enter the international jurisdiction of the sea or the global
jurisdiction of commerce and therefore function as Legal Persons on a temporary
basis, we are owed safe conduct.
For the time that we are conducting business in the
international Jurisdiction of the Sea we are considered to be “Foreign Situs
Trusts” under the protection of the British Monarchs — Legal Persons operating
under the same Proper Name that we use as Lawful Persons, owed all the
guarantees and protections of the Territorial Constitution.
There is no visible difference between “Mary Jane Ellis”
standing on the land and “Mary Jane Ellis” at sea. This is what FDR used to
attempt to “vacate” our entire country and promote a national identity theft
scheme of staggering proportions.
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The Jural Assembly Handbook By: Anna Von Reitz
For the time that we
are conducting business in the global realm of commerce — that is, in the
Jurisdiction of the Air, we are considered to be “friends” of the Government of
Westminster under the protection of the Pope.
Instead, we have been deliberately and fraudulently
misidentified as “US citizens” and “US citizens” have never had any
constitutional guarantees and have never had any treaty protections, either.
This identity theft unlawfully converting our Lawful Persons
(American State Nationals and American State Citizens) into Legal Persons —
British Territorial United States Citizens and Municipal Citizens of the United
States under false pretenses, has led to six generations-worth of abuse of our
States and our People and has allowed the British Monarchs and the Popes to
prey upon us and cynically make false claims in commerce against our “Persons”
and our assets.
It was all done “accidentally-on-purpose” via manipulation
of the Bar — the interface between Lawful Persons and Legal Persons and their
purposeful misidentification one for the other, so as to avoid treaty and
contractual obligations.
As American State Citizens you must thoroughly grasp the importance
of your Lawful Person — your Trade Name — and the necessity of maintaining your
Trade Name’s permanent domicile on the land and soil of your State.
As members of the State Jural Assembly and recognizably, one
of the People of your State, you are the ones enabled to enforce the guarantees
of the Constitutions and also the ones responsible for upholding and enforcing
the Public Law and running the People’s Courts we are all owed. It is a noble
and necessary endeavor.
It is also necessary to notice that your courts for Natural
Persons (County Courts) and Lawful Persons (State Courts) are not the same as
the Nisi Prius For-Hire Courts that are presently sitting in your courthouses
and doing business under the guise of “State of State” commercial contractors.
The best way to understand this situation is to think of it
as a baseball club from another town using your public ball field.
These “State of State” courts don’t belong to you, are not
operating in your jurisdiction, and are foreign in all respects. They literally
have nothing to do with you and need to be avoided and left alone to conduct
their business with their citizenry.
At all times, you must maintain your awareness of the
interface between “Lawful” and “Legal” and know who you are with respect to
this interface. You are American State Citizens and Lawful Persons, one of the
People of your State of the Union owed every jot of every treaty and every
service contract.
You own the land and soil of this country and you are home
again. —Posted: Sunday, February 24, 2019
Updated: May 22, 2019 Table of Contents Page 138 of 209
The Jural Assembly Handbook By: Anna Von Reitz
Section 38 — The American Government Structure
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