A Letter From a Mother to Her Governor: Governor and Casey DeSantis, I hope we can accomplish these goals together so that Florida can set an example of compassion for the nation and the world.Spoken and written from my heart, Cody's mom ~ Author Cody's Law Florida SB1362 and Florida HB 149 - Expedited Medical Care for the vaccine-injured.
[To my readers, please share this post widely and spread the word about Cody’s Law as I plead for the medical care of the vaccine-injured in Florida as Cody’s Law progresses through the various stages of legislation. Cody’s Law can be replicated nationwide. Against all odds, and with the help of humanitarians worldwide, Cody’s Law has been filed and championed in the Florida House by Representative Barnaby Webster and co-sponsored and filed by Florida Senators Ileana Garcia and Johnathan Martin. We still need your help to get this law passed. Please respectfully write and call Governor Desantis, Casey DeSantis, the Florida Representatives, and Florida Senators and ask them to support and pass Cody’s Law. Let’s save some lives!] The letter I sent to them today is just below. A Letter From a Mother to Her Governor: Dear Governor and Casey Desantis, I know that it is nearly impossible to discuss the devastating stories of the children and citizens fighting for their lives after Covid-19 vaccine injury. It is especially hard to talk about those who are still suffering and who don’t have proper care programs or all the medical care they need yet. I know this, as I live this every day. As an advocate and a parent, I face controversy when I highlight the abandonment of the vaccine-injured, the need for public outcry, and the need for the government's support of these citizens. It is a heart-wrenching subject, as many are still desperate for help. But, no matter how devastating this aspect of the plight of the injured is, we must address this head-on anyway. Please listen to and read my letter with all your heart, as we have been asking for so long and are so close to getting them help through Cody’s Law. As you know, I am Cody's mom and the author of Cody's Law. Cody has been fighting for his life since 2021 after his Covid-19 vaccines. His case is well known, and he is one of countless others who are suffering greatly and need medical care programs to ease the suffering and provide relief to their families. We have been scared for so long, not knowing who will help. We desperately need for you to hear us. Please hear our cry, Governor Ron DeSantis, and support the bill I authored to help these injured people. Please support and pass Cody’s Law, SB1362, and HB149. Acknowledge Cody and those who are injured but cannot afford the medical care needed. Please hear my cry as a mother, Casey DeSantis. Please stand up for those suffering COVID-19 vaccine injuries who were left without medical care or viable programs, as the CICP and VICP programs are failing programs, as recognized in Congressional hearings. These programs also do not provide immediate medical care at the time of injury. Claimants wait years to find out if they will get help, which is a very low odds, again according to congressional reports. Please support Cody’s Law, SB1362, and HB149 to help these injured people get help now. This subject is difficult; it’s not easy. It is a tragedy, in fact. These are suffering human lives. The government made mistakes. People are hurt and scared. But that should not stop us from focusing and caring for the injured. No matter the challenges or stumbles, we must do the hard thing anyway. Advocates must win the hearts of their governors and legislators despite the agonizing stories that must be told. Above all, we must all help the injured. Please support the #CodysLaw movement and help the injured get expedited medical care as they have been left without programs to care for them the past four years. Sincerely, Cody's mom, author of Cody's Law Please see Cody's Law here as it is filed in the Florida Senate: https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2025/1362/BillText/Filed/PDF Cody's Law Details: Notably, Cody's Law covers both Medicare and Medicaid without imposing significant new financial burdens on Florida's Medicaid program; it may even reduce costs. Cody's Law does not add to the number of claims; it simply expedites claims for those disabled by vaccines or EUA drugs who have filed or will file Medicare or Medicaid claims due to disability -without changing eligibility requirements. These injured citizens, stuck in red tape for years without medical care, are already filing Medicare and Medicaid disability claims nationwide. Cody's Law seeks to cut wait times for the severely injured, as is done with other serious illnesses in the Medicare and Medicaid programs, potentially reducing state costs and improving health outcomes. It may also lower costs by reducing denied claims that go through appeals, with physicians playing a key role in the decision process to expedite the claims. This is similar to the compassionate allowances (expedited claims process) for cancer patients who file for Medicare or Medicaid- avoiding lengthy administrative processes to preserve their health and afford the best possible medical outcome for those who are injured. Cody's Law could save lives, as many injured citizens wait one to three years for claims, their conditions worsening without prompt care. Cody's Law will also reduce costs on the government as these medical cases will be addressed quickly, with many of them benefitting from cases that will not become as severe when receiving prompt care as opposed to medical cases that can become more severe as the patient awaits a care program and treatment. Americans are already filing disability claims for vaccine injuries due to the failure and lack of immediate medical care provision in the vaccine injury programs. They are filing these disability claims with or without Cody's Law. Again, the Cody's Law bill simply and compassionately reduces their wait time for claims, just as is done for cancer patients and other severely ill patients. Cody's Law expedites claims for the severely ill, modeled after compassionate allowances; it does not involve creating a new path for claims. The recipients will already have filed disability Medicare/Medicaid claims as they are disbaled from these products, or sadly they will file future claims as is (with or without Cody's Law in place) as they become disabled from these products and would in turn file a disability Medicare/Medicaid claim. I aim to help replicate Cody's Law in other states as many advocates and injured citizens have shown an interest in doing so, and we have seen support from every significant vaccine injury advocacy group in the US and beyond. A personal note: Governor DeSantis and Casey DeSantis, I hope we can accomplish these goals together and that Florida can set an example of compassion for the nation and the world. Spoken and written from my heart, Cody's mom ~ Author Cody's Law Florida SB1362 HB 149
See my X post here and please repost it to spread the word on Cody’s Law so that we can save lives and ease the suffering of the lives of the injured. https://x.com/Amothersanthem/status/1899543082011689129 Please also see the Brilliant Margaret Anna Alice’s efforts to help the Cody’s Law bill become a Law in Florida, and then we can work to get it passed in other states too. Also, see the monumental efforts of Anne Gibbons in her spot-on cartoon artistry to help support Cody’s Law and the vaccine-injured who need medical care. Let’s all be fearless together and save some lives!
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