Thank you for reading and sharing Bailiwick News by email and social media. To support Bailiwick with a paid subscription: Congressional elimination of judicial review and preemption of state law to enable interstate trafficking in intentionally harmful 'covered countermeasures.'42 USC 247d-6d(b)(7) and 42 USC 247d-6d(b)(8)
Orientation for new readers; American Domestic Bioterrorism Program; Tools for dismantling kill box anti-law Response I gave to a reader who sent me a link to Ray Flores' recent piece: Legal Opinion - PREP Allows for Two Different Causes of Action. I think Flores’ interpretations of the text of 42 USC 247d-6d and suggested legal strategies are incorrect, false and misleading in several different ways. My views are based on my reading of the federal PREP Act law and my reading of federal and state court decisions in cases interpreting and applying the PREP Act to covered countermeasure products and to acts of manufacture and use or non-use of such products as committed by manufacturers and health care workers. For the time being, I’m limiting my comments to pointing again to 42 USC 247d-6d(b)(7) and (b)(8), which preempt all access to state and federal courts for review and overturning of HHS Secretary actions, and preempt all access to state law for review and overturning of any HHS Secretary action pertaining to a covered countermeasure.
Under these conditions, which have been in place without interruption since January 2020 for Covid-19 countermeasures and remain in place (current amendment extends these conditions through Dec. 31, 2029), the only inquiries any state or federal court will make, upon receiving a civil or criminal case involving a covered countermeasure and manufacture or use of it by a covered person or qualified person or program planner, all classified as such by unilateral HHS Secretary action without any requirement for evidence or any opportunity for evidentiary review or overturning, are whether the item is or is not classified as a covered countermeasure; whether the person did or did not make or use the product; and whether the person is or is not classified as a covered person, qualified person or program planner, or reasonably believed him or herself to be a covered person or qualified person or program planner. If the product is classified as a covered countermeasure and was made or used by a covered person, qualified person or program planner, then the inquiry stops there and the case is dismissed, because the state or federal court has no jurisdiction, because Congress stripped jurisdiction by statute. There is no further evidentiary review as to the product’s development, production and use, the harmfulness of its contents, or the knowledge, intent or culpability of the covered person or qualified person who made or used it. It's just a legally-authorized kill product, used by a legally-authorized killer. If it's not a covered countermeasure, then the case might proceed to further discovery or evidentiary review. Under HHS Secretary PREP Act actions, all Covid products are covered countermeasures, and all the people who make and use them are qualified persons or covered persons. The PREP Act and related laws are written to make a legal box in which legalized mutilation and killing can take place, by precluding all possibility of authentic, rigorous, adversarial, public evidentiary review in scientific and judicial venues, because the scientific and legal evidence supporting covered countermeasures, vaccines and vaccination programs cannot withstand any scrutiny at all without collapsing. Upon scrutiny, the products are instantly exposed as intentionally harmful, their development and promotion instantly exposed as intentionally fraudulent, and the laws enabling their manufacture, trafficking and use are instantly exposed as immoral, treasonous and void from the beginning. For as long as Congress, US Presidents, HHS secretaries, drug manufacturers, drug regulators, judges, lawyers, physicians, pharmacists and nurses can forestall evidentiary review, they can and will continue legally lying to legally induce homicidal and suicidal behavior, including acts of vaccine administration, and acts of submission to vaccination. Prior reporting:
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