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An American Affidavit

Sunday, March 23, 2025

5316-5319: International Public Notice: Good Try, Charlie, But No Banana from Lincoln County Watch


Saturday, March 22, 2025

5316-5319: International Public Notice: Good Try, Charlie, But No Banana from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

As everyone saw, Donald Trump offered Canada the opportunity to become the 51st State of the Union.  He can do that very simply by making the offer, and the Canadians upon considering it, can take a vote (plebiscite) and decide to accept.  Or not.  

If they accept, they already stand under the Northwest Ordinance process, and their Provinces are already run under Territorial Government auspices, so all that is needed is for the American States of the Union to enroll them as States of the Union.  

IF the Canadians want to be part of The United States, it's as easy as a name change and a few ceremonial dustings of glitter. 

Mr. Trump spoke with some pique, outraged by an artificial $100 billion dollar trade deficit caused by crippling Canadian tariffs on American products.  

He has a right to be angry.  America has been used as the goat by nearly all the other countries ever since WWII.  

At first, this was done to help these countries recover from WWII.  We bore the economic brunt and provided their civil service and defense services via corporation franchises; they protected their markets and paid a tiny fraction toward their own costs.  

These franchise governments in Europe and throughout the so-called Commonwealth have been riding on us like fleas on the back of a dog for so long that they feel entitled to our protection and largesse, but WWII ended eighty (80) years ago. 

What should be happening is that Europe should not only be carrying its own weight again, it should be paying us back. 

The 450 million people of Europe and the former Commonwealth have not only recovered from WWII, they've found new wars to support in Ukraine and the Middle East, and are hellbent on promoting more war and more self-destruction with forced immigration and population displacement policies. 

Apparently, their leaders think that the more destruction they can cause at home, the longer they can get "the Americans" to fund and fight their wars for profit for them and pay their other bills for them. 

We have been the Sugar Daddies for far too long, and Donald Trump knows that; he knows that we were supposed to be released from that role thirty (30) years ago, so now, he is raising the flag and letting the freeloaders know it's time to take responsibility for their own decisions and pay their own bills, and if they want to protect their domestic markets, it will cost them as much as it costs us. 

It's a simple message and long overdue and it has nothing to do with Canadian nationalism, which is, after all, a matter for Canadians to sort through.  No doubt we would all be happier if they got control of their own political process and chose better leaders for themselves, but at least we can avoid paying the consequences of their bad choices. 

Now, King Charles is getting into the Act, counter-proposing that "the US" join the supposed-to-be-long-gone Commonwealth as a Territory of Great Britain.  Wouldn't they all just love that?  

And what, after all, can Donald Trump, as "President" of "the United States of America, LLC" --- a British Corporation --- do, but smile and say, "Right-O, Your Majesty!"  

Bear in mind that "the United States of America, Incorporated" like "The United States of America, Incorporated" have all been British Territorial or straight up British corporations in the business of providing "essential government services" and they have always been, in effect, members of the British Commonwealth and have been administered as such through the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.  

So, to the uninitiated, it looks as though King Charles is proposing that "the United States" should join the Commonwealth composed of British Territorial entities and be subjected to Britain as a British Territory -- without, of course, disclosing which "United States" is under discussion.  

King Charles III is not talking about our United States, known as The United States.  

He is talking about sharing the spoils from the Municipal UNITED STATES bankruptcy and forging a new role for Britain as direct owner-manager of former Municipal UNITED STATES assets that the U.S.A., LLC either can't afford to maintain, or doesn't want to maintain. 

Imagine a bankruptcy sale, only instead of potted plants and aging sideboards, the merchandise is government departments and agencies.  In a foreign government, no less.  King Charles III is offering to buy his way into a separate ownership role in the bureaucratic mechanisms developed by our former Municipal Government service provider. 

King Charles could convert those Municipal services into Territorial services instead, and he is shrugging and saying, "Why not?" 

We can tell him and the UNITED STATES Bankruptcy Trustees why not, and it's simply this.  Their man, Donald Trump, is settling the UNITED STATES bankruptcy in a representative capacity; he can save or forfeit or dissolve the parts, pieces, and franchises of the UNITED STATES ---including the UNITED KINGDOM --- but he is still under contract to us, the actual Priority Creditors, and still obligated to provide "good faith service".  

Would it be good faith service to misrepresent what is actually going on and give people, especially the American People, the idea that our United States --- the actual United States --- was suddenly a British Territory and member of a resurrected Commonwealth?

Hardly.  It would be another con job and sleight of hand, attempting to illegally latch upon our resources and our country via Presumption and another similar-names Substitution Fraud, such as we've seen before. 

We propose, instead, that if Donald Trump is feeling the least bit impoverished in his position and post, he should liquidate the UNITED KINGDOM, SCOTLAND, ENGLAND, IRELAND and WALES and go through their books immediately after he is finished auditing CANADA. 

If King Charles III is feeling so expansive and wealthy that he invites himself to the bankruptcy sale, it makes far more sense for him to buy back the assets of the aforementioned Municipal Corporations associated with his own realm than to propose to buy -- and misrepresent -- any Municipal assets here. 

Come to that, as we are viewing the history and the international law involved, actually paying up the debts of the United Kingdom (Corporation) and Great Britain (Company) and their related franchises would seem to be in order.  Also the substantial deficits of the Bank of England and Bank of Scotland.  

We, Americans, the State Citizens party to the Federal Constitutions, are owed good faith service in all these matters, and the return of our inheritance unharmed, which does include and is not limited to the return of our land assets that were held in trust while we ourselves were being misrepresented as Federal Dual Citizens and Wards of Her Majesty Elizabeth II. 

Lest King Charles III forgets, we are not British Subjects and don't wish to be British Subjects, Territorial or otherwise.  And yes, we do get the point of the Commonwealth civilian equivalent to the military Territorial Government.  We hope that King Charles III will remember that the Commonwealth was dissolved by his Mother in the 1960s, though the details of this were not disclosed to the Commoners in any of the countries impacted. 

As a result the actual owners of the land and soil and the assets of these countries have not taken the action to organize their own governments again, and have suffered an undisclosed British Territorial Military "Protectorate" that has done anything but protect the victims of this scheme promoting a form of Corporate Feudalism. 

If we would not willingly bow knee to King George II why should it be supposed that we would knowingly and willingly bow knee and Pledge Allegiance to the Title IV Flag we loaned to our British Territorial Federal Subcontractors?  A piece of cloth under our own seal?  Really? 

The absurdity of these suppositions and the legal presumptions being asserted never cease to amaze us, nor does the diversity of number, kind, and cleverness of the criminal impositions resulting from these British word games. 

Still, they are words games and lies by omission, owed as the Scottish Civil Law would agree, no performance owing to deceit properly recognized and objected to. 

The Scot's Maritime Law shares the same Maxim with the Roman Civil Law, which declares that:  Fiction yields to truth; Where truth is, fiction of law does not exist. 

The fiction of the United Kingdom and Great Britain as well as the purported Kingdom of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales has been called out for what it is-- fiction; and, demand has been placed upon King Charles III to prove that the land and soil of England has not been vacated for over 300 years, indeed, ever since the reign of Queen Anne? 

Instead of inviting Donald Trump to act as a British Lackey while under contract to serve us instead, it would appear that King Charles III would be better served, and the people of the nations -- both the home islands and territories far afield, would be better served, if His Imperial Majesty came home and acted as King of England instead. 

For far too long England has been engaged in commercial war-faring at the expense of its own people and innumerable other nations of the world.  The persons responsible for England's bad behavior and lack of honesty have grown increasingly detached from reality, egotistical, contemptuous, reckless, and power-hungry.  The worst perpetrators seem to be persons attached to the ancient guild system and outmoded ineffective trade unionist interests. 

Ironically, those purportedly speaking for the British working class have been the most ardent advocates of selling their constituents down the road, with deceptive policies designed to cheat them out of their land and inheritances while pursuing crazy narratives, such as "Britain is overpopulated!" when Britain has been in free-fall population collapse thanks to their war-faring ever since WWI. 

Yes, for over a hundred years, the people of Britain have been struggling to recoup their native populations and still falling behind, still in rampant population collapse (under population) while these fools and charlatans are preaching a narrative of strict population control and at the same time, importing hundreds of thousands of people from cultures that are not only foreign, but actively antithetical to everything that the British people have ever stood for. 

If the Brits look for succor or relief from their self-absorbed and maniacal politicians, they will look in vain, for these individuals -- whether inbred aristocrats or for-sale populists, are the cause of their misery, including two World Wars which the vermin are mindlessly trying to turn into three World Wars under the mantra, "War is good for business." 

Forget that it is devastating to infrastructure, and profoundly disruptive and destructive for living people. 

Changing back and forth from conservative to liberal governments provides no relief and the British people like the American people observe that the Liberals spend their time in office creating messes and the Conservatives spend their time in office trying to clean up the messes the Liberals leave behind. 

In such a system, everyone votes for their pocketbook until it finally becomes apparent that there are some things that money can't buy, and a few things that still are sacred. 

Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger -- Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

March 22nd 2025


See this article and over 5300 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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International Public Notice: Regarding The Hague Conventions and "Restored Republic"

By Anna Von Reitz

Since we commented upon SG Anon's testimony, we've heard back from numerous people putting their faith in the RuSA organization now being promoted as the "Restored Republic" because Tim Turner processed claims with the Hague back in 2010. 

The Hague Conventions apply to actual military operations and military applications of The Law of War and The Law of Peace, legitimate occupations by Armed Forces, and Peacekeeping assignments that legitimate Armed Forces may undertake, by providing a framework and guidance for such military operations that has been internationally agreed upon.  


What do the Hague Conventions have to do with an illegal and misrepresented commercial mercenary "occupation" of our country? 

Nothing, except the potential for deceit and misrepresentation of the facts surrounding the so-called American Civil War and everything since then.  

The American Civil War wasn't a "war".  It was a Commercial Mercenary Conflict.  

The American Civil War wasn't ever declared by any Congress.  It was never settled by any public peace process. It was fought by states-of-states defined under commercial code. 

The American Civil War has nothing to do with the Hague Conventions, and the continued illegal occupation of our country by foreign commercial forces ever since that initial fraud, doesn't either. 

So Tim Turner can go to the Hague and dance all he likes, it simply doesn't apply to the situation we have here. 

As galling and unjust as the situation is for all concerned, the facts remain.  Our own military was unlawfully converted into a mercenary service by Abraham Lincoln and has existed as a mercenary service ever since.  Our military has been abused by foreign interests and we have been abused in the process.  

The leaders of the U.S." Military" have been put in a severe bind, as they have been implementing an illegal occupation of our country while under contract to protect our persons and provide us with "good faith" service.  They are stuck admitting to having committed a gross crime against their own people and their loyal employers, because they have been snookered along with the rest of us. This is why it is so painful and dangerous for them to admit their mistake, and why we have offered them amnesty for doing so. 

Second bone to pick: 

There was never a British Territorial Republic.  There was an American Federal Republic. 

British Territorial U.S. Citizens can no more "restore" our vanished Federal Republic than they can "restore" a nationalist government in China.  Only the Chinese can do that.  

And only we, properly declared, recorded, and published State Assembly members can restore the American Federal Republic --- which is the only Federal Republic that has ever existed. 

So the idea that the U.S. Citizens or citizens of the United States, employees of foreign corporations who have adopted foreign citizenship obligations as a condition of employment, can "restore" our Republic for us, is: (1) grossly mistaken, or (2) purposefully deceitful. 

They never had a British Territorial Republic to begin with, so they have nothing to "restore", and they can't restore our Federal Republic for us, so this whole idea that they are restoring anything is just pure bunk. 

In our expert opinion, the narrative about "restoring the Republic" is yet another attempted British Territorial Cuckoo Bird Substitution Scheme, where they hope to sneak in the back door and pretend to be us and substitute their version of a "federal republic" for ours. 

Just as they substituted their state-of-state organizations for ours after the Civil War. 

Just as they substituted their corporation's "President" for ours. 

Just as they misrepresented their British Crown Corporation doing business as "The United States of America" --- Incorporated, and used it to substitute for our unincorporated Federation of States, The United States of America. 

We could go on.  

Tim Turner may have had the best intentions.  So far as we know, his White Hat Military handlers may have had the best intentions, too,  
but until they wake up and face reality, including the reality of their own negligence and misdeeds,  they will remain the victims of their own delusions. 

All the induction paperwork they have ever signed when accepting tours of duty failed to disclose the nature of the contract and failed to disclose the full impact that signing the contract would have on them and on their political status and the nature of their work.  

They were never told that "enlisting" would change their political status to that of a U.S. Citizen --- as if they had been born in Puerto Rico.  They were never told that they were signing up as mercenaries.  They were never told that a "tour of duty" is a form of indentured servitude and peonage benefiting foreign powers. 

If they want to "restore America" the quickest way to do so, is to restore our Armed Forces to honorable, non-mercenary status-- and recoup their own status as honorable soldiers and sailors.  

They can safely shove the claims of the corporations straight up the corporation's made-of-paper rumps, because those corporations are engaged in crimes against humanity, because those corporations have failed to disclose their contracts, because those corporations are paying debts (I.O.U.s) with more debts (more I.O.U.s)  

It's time for "our" Commander-in-Chief to act as our Commander-in-Chief and not as a lackey of the British Monarch, because even though the United States of America, LLC, may be a British corporation and even though Donald Trump may be "President" of it, he is acting as a Successor to Contract under The Constitution of the United States of America, and he owes his "good faith service" to us.  

Notice to Agents is Notice to their Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to their Agents.

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger -- Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

March 22nd 2025


See this article and over 5300 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here.

International Public Notice: Re-Funding the Beast

 By Anna Von Reitz

There are two scams in motion to re-fund and prop up the failing Beast System, formerly known as the Global Federal Reserve/IMF System. 

The first is "monetizing" credit and physical assets that belong in fact to American people who are not associated with these foreign Federal Subcontractors operating as "governmental services corporations". 

We aren't Municipal "citizens of the United States" created by the Fourteenth Amendment of any unratified action undertaken by a Scottish Commercial Corporation operating as "The United States of America -- Incorporated" from 1868 to 1907.  Period. 

That entire mess of fraudulent claims are unratified by the States of the Union and never applied to anyone but federal employees and Negroes dependent on the federal corporations, that is, Negroes in receipt of federal welfare benefits.  

Innocent people are still being prosecuted and punished under these vacated and nasty and unratified and merely presumed to exist provisions and it all needs to go away yesterday.  Conferring citizenship obligations on free people is unlawful and illegal and needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. 

The idea that the freed Negroes were "stateless" after the Civil War was baseless from the outset, as the only persons objecting to their inclusion were States of States --- commercial business organizations, not the actual States of the Union.  

All the incorporated county, state, and federal courts that are still enforcing this Fourteenth Amendment hokum and misaddressing Municipal PERSONS using names like JOHN S DOE need to be shut down immediately. 

Including any claims against the "DONALD J TRUMP". 

Moving their headquarters to the District of Columbia doesn't change the illegal and unlawful nature of their operations.  Shut them down. 

We aren't British Territorial U.S. Citizens like the people of Puerto Rico, either. 

We are the original and still present Americans and we are operating our traditional American State-based Government, guaranteed under every Federal Constitution.  

We live in our physical States.  We don't "reside" here under the Residence Act.  

The only "citizens" here, in the States of the Union, are State Citizens, not Federal Dual Citizens. 

The AUTRIS accounts, gold bonds, land, shares, etc., all beneficial interest in all of the assets and credits belonging to the purportedly "missing" people --- belong to us.  And we have never been absent. 

We have only been criminally and deceitfully misrepresented in Gross Breach of Trust and in violation of the Federal Service contracts known as Constitutions. 

So if Scott Bessant proposes to monetize our credit and our assets, he'd better check with us first and get his story straight and have agreements in place, so that the actual owners and their Fiduciary Deputies aren't bypassed again by people who don't have a contract to represent us in any of these matters. 

The second means by which the Perps propose to re-enliven the Beast System is by capturing the bulk of the profit of their manipulation of the Government of Zimbabwe, recouping 80-90% of the revaluation and funding of Zimbabwean gold bonds by providing the only brokerage service available to investors in the "U.S." 

This is a self-evident artificial duress against the investors overall. 

The Perps want the investors in the Zim Bonds to sign Non-Disclosure Agreements that protect the Perps from the consequences of their acts.  

Next, they want to examine what the investors wish to do with their own money and dictate which "projects" have merit and which do not.  

If they, the self-appointed judges, like the proposed project, they will return up to a whole twenty percent of what is owed to the investors, claiming 80-90% of the profit as payment for their brokerage services.   

Unfortunately, this is the only means that the victims know of to redeem the value of their investments, and it is being highly advertised. 

Instead of walking into an International Trade Bank and simply cashing in their bonds, these people are being misled into accepting a monopolized brokerage "offer" and losing 80-90 or even 100% of their investment value to these criminals. 

There have been substantiated reports of violence and of investors (and their Zim Bonds) simply disappearing into the Nevada desert when they don't willingly comply with signing the Non-Disclosure Agreement. 

These Perps are providing an unlicensed brokerage "service". 

It's time to shut them down and give the investors truthful instructions.

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger - Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

March 21st 2025


See this article and over 5300 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here.

International Public Notice: The Land of Oz 2.0 - Imaginary Money

 By Anna Von Reitz

We covered the practical chasm between fact and fiction, and the resulting divide between the actual thing and representations of it, in our earlier International Public Notice: The Land of Oz 1.0. 

It should now be no big surprise that there exists actual money and "representations" of money, too.  

There is actual coinage, which has value as gold or silver or some other precious metal, which is money, and there are representations of this coinage in the form of bills, certificates, bonds, notes, etc. as well as more abstract representations of money in the form of digital coins and  so-called "money of account" that is created out of thin air, simply by jotting down numbers on an account ledger. 

You can think of these representations of money in the same way as our cat example: there is an actual cat (or actual coins) and then there is a painting of the cat (a paper bill -- note or certificate), a photo of the cat (bonds), a video of the cat (digital coins), a drawing of the cat (money of account).... and the number and kinds of these representations of money are only limited by our imaginations and ability to create new media and new representations.    

Apparently this is Big News and we needed the new Department of Government Efficiency to bring it forward, but the "representation" of money has been going on for over a century and a half, and the creation of "money of account" out of thin air has been going on since the 1930's.  Elon Musk described his discovery in terms of "magic money computers" --- at the Treasury Department, HHS, DOD, etc. 

They just add digits to ledgers and print checks on demand, like you hitting the "print" button on your computer.

Realize: the only (legitimate) income the British Territorial U.S. Government has is taxes and fines and service fees. When they spend more than their income, they print the rest. 

The "rest" is government debt --- or in our case, government subcontractor debt, which imposes an automatic tax called "inflation" on the currency issued by -- or in our case, for -- that government. 

This silent, automatic tax devalues the currency by issuing new money to pay the excess government debt without anything new backing it.

Imagine cutting a pie into smaller and smaller pieces. Each piece has less value, less substance.  That is what inflation is and this is how it happens that the government --- in our case, government subcontractors --- accrue debt and cause inflation by spending more than they earn.  
There are two (2) currencies, the USD, aka, United States Dollar, which is asset-backed and directly funded, and the Federal Reserve Note, which is designed to absorb the government debt as a "loan" at interest from private banks that are part of a cartel of banks operated as the Federal Reserve.  

The USD has, over time, been backed by gold, by silver, and most recently by refined petroleum products, but it has always been backed by some form of commodity asset. 

The Federal Reserve Note which is issued "for" the British Territorial Government Subcontractor by the Federal Reserve is a debt note, basically a commercial I.O.U., that creates vast amounts of credit for the miscreants to spend, without however, crediting the actual owners of the assets and the source of all this purloined credit. 

Put another way, the Federal Reserve tracks the debt of the U.S. Government upon the issuance of each Federal Reserve Note.  They extract the cost of producing the bill and the seigniorage as profit the first time the bill is issued and, they count the full face value as a debt owed by the U.S. Government.  Plus interest.

The Federal Reserve Note is a Promissory Note -- the commercial equivalent of an I.O.U.  

After that, each time that same bill is presented for payment,  Americans and other people around the world have responded by exchanging actual goods and services for these already-discharged "notes" -- which, remember, are just a representation of money, not money, by definition.   

Even in the realm of commercial paper representations of money, the Federal Reserve Note is airy-fairy; it is not a negotiable note because it does not stipulate a date for maturity of the note and does not tell us what form of "payment" will be due.  

Imagine that you could use the same I.O.U. over and over again and be paid for it in goods and services each time --- and still never owe more than the face value of that one I.O.U.? 

When you consider the closed monopoly created by the Federal Reserve System and the population using the Federal Reserve Notes, this is exactly what is happening.  

The same I.O.U. is being passed around in this closed system; as it passes hands, it appears to be "spent" and "paid" by different people, but in the aggregate, what is really happening is that the same I.O.U. is being paid for and paid for and paid for in actual goods and services.  This process continues until the Federal Reserve Note is taken out of circulation and burned. 

Thus, the "representation" of money by Federal Reserve Notes is a total scam and always has been, but United States Dollars, whether backed by gold, silver, or petroleum, have always been legitimate representations of money.  

Please note that the British Territorial U.S. Subcontractor owes the Federal Reserve whatever the Federal Reserve is owed, and that the ultimate source of all payments and all substance of value associated with the Federal Reserve Note, comes from the living people, not the Federal Reserve, and not the U.S. Federal Subcontractor.  

So who is the ultimate creditor? 

The living people.  Whether they are U.S. Citizens, or Municipal citizens of the United States, or misidentified Americans being conned into paying for the "unlimited" credit their employees have purloined from them in collusion with the central banks. 
The Federal Reserve, which is a consortium of mostly foreign private banks, is not really part of our government at all, technically issues the Federal Reserve Note under contract "for" the government services corporations acting as our Federal Subcontractors, because they, according to their Constitutions, have no ability to issue credit for themselves. 

That is, this system has been purposefully constructed by the banks and the foreign Federal Subcontractors to do an end run around the requirements imposed by the Federal Constitutions. 

The United States Dollar (USD) is now and has always been an asset-backed currency, though the assets backing it have changed from gold, to silver, to refined oil products, aka, "the Petrodollar". 

The Federal Reserve Note (FRN) has always been a fiat currency -- a photo of a cat, not the cat itself -- based on the debt that our country and people purportedly owe the Federal Reserve cartel for the favor of printing debt-based currency for our federal subcontractors. 

People looking at this crazy-making system ask, well, why don't you just issue your own currency based on your own assets? 

Answer: the Federal Subcontractor charged with issuing our money was not operational, but it appeared to be, because the other Federal Subcontractors rushed in and usurped its duties without telling the American People.   

We have finally sorted it out, and we have issued the American Federation Dollar (AFD) based on our gold assets and we have claimed the United States Silver Dollars that are owed to us by the central banks that allowed our foreign Federal Subcontractors to access our assets and credit under False Pretenses. 

Realize: the Federal Reserve Note was never authorized by the people of this country, nor any Congress having the authority to speak for them on this issue. 

Realize: the Federal Reserve was acting as a private creditor of each and every American misidentified as a Federal Dual Citizen, and both the Internal Revenue Service and the IRS were private bill collectors for the Federal Reserve cartel, working a system of peonage against people who were purportedly employed by the federal corporations or dependent upon them  --- but who largely weren't employed by or dependent upon these "federal government" corporations at all.  

For those of us who have been keeping watch, none of this is news, we have always known the difference between a cat and a photo of a cat, and we apply the same discernment to the difference between actual money, which has value in-and-of-itself, and various "representations" of money, like the Federal Reserve Note.

The additional problem is that the federal government service corporations self-interestedly pretended that everyone in this country was "voluntarily" agreeing to act as a Federal Dual Citizen and contracting to tax their own private sector earnings twice --- once as a U.S. Citizen and once as at Municipal citizen of the United States --- as if their private earnings were "federal income" and as if they volunteered to pay what is otherwise an illegal payroll kick-back tax. 

And none of this is true.  

Americans were never made aware that they were being counted as Federal Dual Citizens and defrauded out of their birthright political status.  They never had an inkling that they were being misdirected to sign undisclosed and even unconscionable private citizenship contracts under color of law.   

So, every aspect of the Federal Reserve scheme is and always was dirty, from the conversion of our military into a mercenary force, to the pretense that our American Government was involved in their "civil war", to the pretense that the loss of the Federal Republic Subcontractor was an "emergency" for us, to the identity theft the central banks promoted, to the false claims in commerce made against average Americans by the so-called internal revenue services. 

In the Land of Oz, our government employees use representations of money "as if" it was money; that is, they pretend that a photo of a cat is a cat.  They pretend that a United States Dollar is the equivalent of a Federal Reserve Note.  They pretend that they legitimately inherited the assets, duties, and powers of the old Federal Republic without a contract from the People -- that is, State Citizens, of this country.  

All these various representations of actual money are called "legal tenders" and they are imposed via "legal tender laws" put into effect during the so-called Civil War and its aftermath when Lincoln's Federal Reserve Banks first issued "Greenbacks", and again after the Federal Reserve System started operations in 1913 and issued Federal Reserve Notes. 

Both Greenbacks and Federal Reserve Notes are legal tender for the foreign Federal Subcontractors, but they aren't money.

One day, our British Territorial "Federal" Subcontractors cut a deal with the "Federal" Reserve --- a deceptively named consortium of private banks, and the British Territorial U.S. Congress and their "President" running a corporation styling itself as "the United States of America, Incorporated" passed laws dictating that that all their U.S. Citizens and their dependents had to use this privately issued legal tender instead of money.  

So, other than a "something for nothing" swindle, in which actual money, actual goods, and actual services have been exchanged for incomplete and already discharged promissory notes, what else has been going on here?  Payment extraction.  The Constitutions require the States to pay for Federal Services with gold or silver, and require our Federal Subcontractors to operate on our credit.  

It appears that the central banks allowed them to pull a Substitution Fraud and Identity Theft Scheme on a national level, by pretending that foreign corporations calling themselves "The United States of America, Incorporated" and "the United States of America, Incorporated" and now even "the United States of America, LLC" are valid agents and representatives of our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America.  

They don't have a single contract or agreement from us or anyone competent to represent us in these matters allowing this; the central banks and the Perpetrators simply agreed among themselves and allowed "representatives" of foreign corporations to replace our Fiduciary Deputies.  

Understandably, now that we are fully informed about what they have done "in our names" without our agreement, we object to this entire self-serving course of deceit, fraud, identity theft, illegal latching, and crimes of personage and impersonation promoted by the Bar Associations in support of these self-serving activities by the British Crown and the central banks involved.  

That's why we have issued substantial Common Law commercial liens against the Bar Associations and given Notice and Due Process to these crimes, and have also "fully informed" the law enforcement and peacekeeping forces of the world concerning these corporate impersonations. 

Nothing allows the Subcontractors to issue credit for themselves, so they did what all good identity thieves do.  They pretended that their similarly named corporations "represented" us,  and pulled a Substitution Fraud; using this ruse, confusing our unincorporated Federation doing business as The United States of America with their British Crown corporation doing business as "The United States of America ---- Incorporated" they gained access to our assets and our credit.  And the central banks allowed them to do this. 

This crime of identity theft and credit hacking is painfully common and familiar now, but back when this started and at this scale, it wasn't even imaginable.  This criminal impersonation has endured for over a century and a half without detection, simply because of the similarity of the names these corporations adopted, and because they all stayed mum about it for their own "national security". 

Bear in mind that both the actual assets and all the credit derived from using our assets as collateral to borrow against--- it all belongs to us and has always belonged to us, and not to our public employees, who purloined it all under False Pretenses and covered up this gross Breach of Trust and violation of their service contracts by maintaining silence and non-disclosure, by misrepresenting us, and undermining our political identity. 

There was never any valid reason or authority for the "system" they developed to pay themselves and squander our credit on their crony constituencies and war-for-profit schemes and other criminal self-funding and money laundering activities -- which the new Department of Government Efficiency is "discovering" now. 

This fraudulent mis-administration by our foreign Federal Subcontractors acting in bad faith has been going on since 1865, all under cover of secrecy, all under color of law, and the Federal Reserve has been promoting this outcome the entire time.  

Realize: there is no provision in any Federal Constitution for any "Emergency Powers" and no statute of limitations on fraud or inland piracy or illegal occupations by foreign mercenary forces.  

Realize: there is no provision in any Federal Constitution for any central bank Middlemen or any "Federal Reserve" to replace our own United States Mint and American Fiduciary Deputies responsible for disbursing our credit to our Federal Employees. 

The "value" backing the Federal Reserve Note was obtained by fraud, unlawful conversion, coercive illegal confiscation, barratry, racketeering, undisclosed peonage contracts and imposition of illegal payroll kickback taxes that reflected "income" the victims never received, but which was created in their names as runoff from money laundering schemes. 

Even the actual Federal Dual Citizens who work for these mercenary corporations weren't made aware of the fact that they were "voluntarily" signing up and enduring peonage benefiting foreign interests whenever they accepted federal or federal franchise employment. 

The Federal Reserve Note which, since WWII, has "represented" the value of labor resources, both the labor resources of actual Federal Dual Citizens and the purloined labor resources of Americans misidentified as Federal Dual Citizens, was legalized as "voluntary" peonage, when in fact it was not even conscionable, and even though peonage has been outlawed worldwide since 1926. 

The federal employees responsible have played fast and loose for a long, long time, but the Great Fraud is at last coming to an end. 

The foregoing should make it clear that actual money has value in and of itself.  Some representations of money have validity, for example, the United States Dollar, because they are backed by actual commodities. 

Other representations of money, like the Federal Reserve Note, are fraudulent by nature, because of the way they are created and the purloined nature of the assets used to fund them, and because of the way they are used in actual transactions within the economy, and the way they are used to substitute for a legitimate national currency issued by the American Government which can issue its own currency with no nods to the Federal Express banks, thank you, and because the Federal Reserve scheme represents a "legalized" contractual monopoly on currency in America. 

These are basic and endemic problems with the Federal Reserve scheme; there are more.  

The Obama Administration allowed unlimited amounts of Federal Reserve Notes to be produced off-shore, basically counterfeiting the Federal Reserve Note and distributing it to foreign international markets.  

A new economic theory has been promoted called "Modern Monetary Theory" that has resulted from research proving that the current government has to spend before it can tax.  This is because they are self-funding using a proxy, the Federal Reserve, to stand in the place of the actual government and issue a form of currency, a debt note, that they can spend as a form of credit.  Someone else's credit, and as it turns out, not the Federal Reserve's credit, either. 

The Federal Reserve has to issue the Federal Reserve Notes before there is a monetary product and proprietary economic activity to tax,  and the Federal Subcontractors have to order the creation of Federal Reserve Notes by "borrowing" them before they come into existence. 

No surprises there. 

MMT goes on to make the  observation that when the government goes deeper and deeper into debt, the private sector benefits to a more-or-less exact degree.  The economists then argue that government debt is good for business and the more of it, the better. 

No surprises here, either.  

All economies on Earth exist as public economies and private economies; the government can and does spend large sums of money within government agencies and departments, but ultimately, the public sector has only the private sector to trade with.  

The greatest recipients of government-based welfare as well as government vendor contracts are corporations that are franchises of the parent governmental services corporations. The next biggest hogs at the trough are privatized agencies and non-governmental organizations and public employee unions-- so what the MMT economists are observing is not -- as they seem to believe -- any benefit to the traditional economy, which has been asset-stripped by the Federal Reserve scheme.   

Think of it this way --- in a traditional healthy economy, government spending drives about 10% of all economic activity; in the legalized monopoly created by the Federal Reserve, government spending drives 90% of all economic activity, because government corporation franchises are soaking up the lion's share of what would otherwise be private sector gains. 

We see this every day when Mom and Pop stores stand vacant and Mainstreet American shrivels up and dies, unable to compete against the giant box stores.  Once Mainstreet is dead, the larger box stores eat the smaller box stores.  Soon the world, like the media sector of our economy, is reduced to an ever-smaller number of monopolies which further conspire against their customers to force sales and drive "social" agendas profitable to themselves. 

What the MMT economists are observing is a pickpocket transferring his ill-gotten gain to another one of his own pockets --- or as our ancestors described it, robbing Peter to pay Paul.  The conspirators who put together this current scheme on Jekyll Island more than a century ago were already aware of the inevitable result of their actions.  

The borrowed "value" of the fiat currency would be nibbled away by cycles of inflation and deflation and corporate bankruptcies, until it became totally worthless; at the same time, the gold these Vermin purloined and consigned to "off-ledger" accounts would become more and more valuable in the eyes of the victims of this fraud, so that the gold they picked up on the cheap in 1910 might sell for a hundred or even a thousand times more in 2025. 

Why has this happened?  It's simple enough.  When they forced the legal tender laws on the population of this country during the 1930s, they arbitrarily made their I.O.U.s, the Federal Reserve Notes, equal to the value of a United States Dollar defined at that time as an ounce of pure silver.  The same ounce of silver is now worth nearly 34 of their Federal Reserve Notes --- read that, the Federal Reserve Note is now worth 1/34th of its 1934 value. 

Realize that this isn't because the actual value of silver has changed; it's because the value of the Federal Reserve Note has declined. 

This is the predictable, historical, much repeated end result of all such fiat monetary systems, so the Federal Reserve Bankers meeting in 1910 already knew what would happen as a result of their activities. That was not the question.  

The only question was --- how long will it take to devalue the Federal Reserve Note to a point of no return?  

And now, we have that answer: 2025.  

And it's not because the rogues have run out of schemes to pump actual assets back into the rancid fiat currency: Scott Bessant, the new Treasury Secretary has already announced their intention to "monetize" the credit side of the "US" ledger --- that is, the prepaid credit that is owed to us, the living people, not their corporation.  

Once again, they are proposing to keep their boat afloat by latching onto our assets, in this case the prepaid credit assets on the AUTOTRIS account system, and use those as their credit instead. 

We object to this in no uncertain terms. 

We claim all beneficial interest in all assets of the old Federal Republic and everything that has followed since then.  That includes the gold that was attached to the BIRTH CERTIFICATE BONDS issued in our names and the receipts of the AUTOTRIS account system and the land and the soil and the cash and the corporate shares --- including the corporate shares in all the central banks that are actually ours, not theirs. 

Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals and vice versa in both trade and commerce; now and forever.

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger - Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

March 21st 2025


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