Kevin Barrett, Julag USA!
Kevin Barrett
Anne Applebaum, a leading Jewish-American journalist, supports murdering Palestinian journalists. She doesn’t want the world to know the horrible facts about the genocide “Israel” has been committing since 1948. Her solution: Kill the messenger.
And “Israel” has taken her advice. By the end of 2024, the Genocidal Zionist Entity or GZE (pronounced “jeeeeeez!”) had murdered at least 217 journalists since the beginning of the al-Aqsa Flood war in October 2023. You can see the names and faces of the martyred journalists at al-Jazeera’s memorial page.
Since Applebaum thinks journalists she disagrees with ought to be killed, doesn’t that make Applebaum herself—and by extension, all journalists who provide cover for the ongoing genocide—legitimate targets for the other side? If what’s good for the goose is good for the gander, and what’s good for the Jews is good for the goyim, why shouldn’t an army of anti-genocide Applebaum-equivalents start killing pro-genocide journalists like her?
The answer, of course, is: “Play by the rules.” And rule number one, or maybe it’s two or three, is: Don’t kill journalists. Killing any civilians at all is, by definition, terrorism. And journalists are not only civilians, they’re essential workers who, if they’re any good, put their lives on the line for the truth.
Playing by the rule involves other things too, including: Don’t target civilian infrastructure, especially hospitals, ambulances, and other medical facilities. Make every possible effort to avoid harming non-combatants and their property. Treat wounded enemy fighters and captives humanely. Let the Red Cross, the UN, and all interested humanitarian organizations have full access to everything, from the battlefield to your POW facilities.
But letting journalists (including social media amateurs) do their job may be the most important rule of all. That’s because solving the problem behind the war, in a just and rational manner, requires that all parties have access to accurate information that will help them discern the truth.
But what if one side—Applebaum’s side—refuses to play by the rules? What if it routinely lies because it knows the truth would condemn it? What if we are dealing with a psychopathic culture based on a religion that teaches its “chosen” adherents to systematically violate their solemn oaths? And what if that psychopathic tribe has used ethnic nepotism to dominate the media? And what if that tribe-dominated media is running interference for genocide? Specifically, focusing on last week’s events, what if the media is largely responsible for the failure of the Gaza ceasefire?
My American Free Press article published last week (and reproduced below) raised the question: “Will the ‘Trump truce’ hold?”
As of mid-March the “Trump Truce” is looking shakier by the day, as Israel commits increasingly blatant violations while moving its genocide to the West Bank. All of this raises the question: Will Trump let Netanyahu torpedo the Trump Truce, leaving Trump with egg on his face as the Gaza genocide resumes?
As it turned out, my pessimism was warranted. Optimists had hoped that Israel and Trump would have to pay a steep political price for shamelessly shredding the ceasefire agreement and resuming the all-out genocide. And indeed, had big Western media reacted with screaming headlines like “Israel Violates Ceasefire, Resumes Genocide,” and made clear that Israel had arbitrarily and unilaterally chosen to shred the same agreement it had solemnly signed eight weeks ago—while providing accurately-balanced coverage of the suffering that Israel’s treachery was causing—the price would have been far too high.
Unfortunately, Netanyahu and his fanatical cabinet could count on the Jewish-dominated media’s complicity in genocide. They knew that their co-ethnic chosenites at The New York Times and Washington Post and CNN and Yahoo and Unit-8200-infiltrated Google and the rest of big media would lie to the world, saying the ceasefire had just somehow “collapsed,” while insinuating that the real villain in the whole drama was Hamas. (In reality, Hamas had made every effort to scrupulously respect the terms of the ceasefire, even while Israel was continually violating it.)
Memo to Applebaum: Since the Western journalistic establishment is complicit in genocide, a capital crime, it stands to reason that the responsible parties ought to be executed. (Those of us who play by the rules, in this case the “rule of law,” naturally insist that they should have benefit of trial and judgement prior to execution.)
As a thought experiment, though, let’s consider what a pro-Palestine equivalent of Anne Applebaum might say. Imagine, if you will, the possibility that in her misspent youth, before she had fully internalized her tribe’s genocidal racism, Anne Applebaum had a son outside of wedlock with a Palestinian student she met at Yale University in the mid-1980s. Since her Zionist parents obviously wouldn’t understand, Anne had been forced to keep the matter secret and surrender the child to its father’s Palestinian family. Applebaum’s Palestinian son—let’s call him “Ibn Applebaum”—grew up in a well-educated Palestinian household in the US. As a teenager he made the first of many visits to Palestine, learning firsthand the horrors of genocidal Zionist occupation.
Ibn Applebaum, a supporter of the Palestinian resistance, recalls his mother’s argument that journalists are legitimate targets and ought to be killed. He looks at the genocide-complicit Western media and enthusiastically agrees. But rather than targeting low-level working journalists, like Israel does, he decides to take his complaint straight to the top…and becomes the new Luigi Mangione and then some.
At Ibn Applebaum’s trial, his mother Anne—who like all Jewish mothers is proud of the success and fame accrued by her circumcised son—tearfully testifies that killing media people is perfectly legitimate. Given her qualifications as an expert witness who just happens to be the defendant’s Jewish mother (qualifications including a Pulitzer prize, service at the Washington Post editorial board and Pulitzer Board, and a fellowship at Johns Hopkins) the jury laps up her heartrending testimony and frees Ibn Applebaum…who goes on to kill yet another media CEO, then another, and another, sparking a national uprising of media-CEO killers who wind up slaughtering the entire upper echelon of American and Western journalism, thereby liberating their people from Jewish domination…all thanks to Anne “kill the journalists” Applebaum.
A nice tale. If only.
As of today, having failed thus far to find our Ibn Applebaum, Americans are witnessing the complete destruction of their liberty, as a once-proud nation descends into total Jewish tyranny. Call it the American Julag. Under orders from the Netanyahu gang and paymasters like Miriam Adelson, genocide-owning Trump is terrorizing university campuses and torturing anti-genocide activists (and people married to them). Not content to let shabbos-goy Trump preside over the American Julag, Rahm Emmanuel is planning to become America’s first fully-kosher president and rub our snubby little goy noses in our dispossession.
Ibn Applebaum fantasies aside, there is of course a real chance that Jewish overreach will once again trigger uprisings or pograms that will restore the Yahwist julag-meisters to their rightful place as a rightfully-mistrusted i.e. “persecuted” minority. Whether or not that happens any time soon, the world moves on. As the Zio-Jewish parasite sucks the last few drops of blood out of the West, the East and South (and Russian North) are rising…and will soon put an end to Jewish misrule in Occupied Palestine, and the Jewish-bankster empire that enabled it.
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