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An American Affidavit

Monday, March 24, 2025




Every regular reader of this website probably already knew that I would be blogging about this story this week. In fact, I think the website established a new unofficial record for the amount of people from all over the world who sent various versions of this story to me. So before we get down to my speculations and concerns about the story, a very big thank you to all of you who took the time to send  various articles and links to it. If I were to follow my usual practice of listing the initials of people who did so in order to thank them for doing so, we'd be here all day, and I'd never get around to the actual story and commentary. So once again: a very big thank you to all of you. This website is, after all, named after the first three "Great Pyramid" books I did as a writer and author in the so-called "alternative research" community - The Giza Death Star trilogy, and the more recent "updated and revised version" of those books, The Giza Death Star Revisited.

This story began as a claim that researchers discovered vast underground structures beneath the Great Pyramid, and that these structures appeared to be functional components of the structure. The story has since "morphed" into a claim that scientists have now discovered a whole "underground 'city'" beneath the Giza compound. In this blog I wish only to deal with the first claim, and will only comment briefly on the second, for the first claim is the original core of the story.  The original story can be traced to a scientific paper here:


My own personal problems with the claims start in the abstract, which reads as follows:

A problem with synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is that, due to the poor penetrating action of electromagnetic waves inside solid bodies, the capability to observe inside distributed targets is precluded. Under these conditions, imaging action is provided only on the surface of distributed targets. The present work describes an imaging method based on the analysis of micro-movements on the KhnumKhufu Pyramid, which are usually generated by background seismic waves. The results obtained prove to be very promising, as high-resolution full 3D tomographic imaging of the pyramid’s interior and subsurface was achieved. Khnum-Khufu becomes transparent like a crystal when observed in the micro-movement domain. Based on this novelty, we have completely reconstructed internal objects, observing and measuring structures that have never been discovered before. The experimental results are estimated by processing series of SAR images from the second-generation Italian COSMO-SkyMed satellite system, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed method. (Italicized emphasis added)

In other words, the claim is being made that there are large columnar structures, extended for over a kilometer(and in some versions a mile) beneath the Great Pyramid, and that these structures are what became evident by the new technique of radar tomography, which is implied by the above quotation of the abstract. The abstract admits two things: (1) that standard radar tomography cannot penetrate in depth very far, but also that (2) using a new technique involving the actual seismic movements of the Pyramid itself,  a method has been discovered allowing a deeper reading to be taken.  This might be plausible for as most researchers into the structure know, the Pyramid sits on five "sockets", one at each corner, and a fifth on a diagonal. These sockets are large stones, and function like a "ball-and-socket" joint, allowing the whole structure to quiver and move along with the seismically active region. In any case, it quickly becomes apparent when one reads the rest of the paper that the tomographic technology and technique are concerned with only the Great Pyramid itself, and with the argument that it contains a very complex system of internal chambers, much more than the current list of such chambers (Grand Gallery, Antechamber, King's chamber, Queen's chamber, and so on).  Just to whet the appetite a bit more, many people also sent me the story about the Chinese radar detection of a plasma bubble over the Giza compound (a fact which has been known under various guises for quite some time: q.v., China’s radar with 5,900 miles range detects plasma bubbles over Giza pyramids) For a further article expanding on the technology and techniques, q.v. Confirmation of the ScanPyramids North Face Corridor in the Great Pyramid of Giza using multi-modal image fusion from three non-destructive testing techniques)

But  again, this concerns the argument that there are previously unknown internal chambers and structures to the Great Pyramid, a fact that is not all that surprising to me, nor to anyone else who knows of the history of the structure, and the discovery of the familiar chambers we already know. Again, most of these recent discoveries seem to broadly confirm a functional purpose, and therefore, the view that the Pyramid itself is some sort of machine. The question dividing the alternative research community is what kind of machine is it? Christ Dunn, the British-American engineer, has been arguing quite persuasively and for over two decades that it is a "power plant," but one which, he suggests, may have used some sort of Tesla technology and which may even have been a kind of "wireless" power broadcasting technology for which the inventor was most famous (or, depending on one's lights, infamous).   On my view, the structure was built as and intended to be a weapon. My chief reason for arguing that is twofold: (1) the numerous dimensional analogues within the structure to local-space and time, and which would not appear to be necessary to any powerplant function, would be necessary in a weapon designed to be a coupled harmonic oscillator of any possible target within local space, and (2) many ancient texts seem to imply such a function for the structure as they were interpreted by the late Zechariah Sitchin.

All of this led me to pursue Dunn's "Tesla tech" insight in my book Babylon's Banksters, where I included a significant section of the 1915 trial transcript when Tesla was sued by some of his creditors. In that section, under examination by the trial lawyers, Tesla was asked to explain his wireless power system, and how it worked. At one point, he is asked to explain why he had to sink steel and iron pylons so deeply into the earth, and his response was that within that system, it was necessary to "get a grip on the Earth" (his words). In the elaboration of his system, I pointed out that all that Tesla did was simply to flip the ordinary broadcast circuit: the medium of propagation was not the atmosphere into which one was broadcasting a signal, but rather, the medium of propagation was the planet itself. The "ground" or "return circuit" in the system was the atmosphere. In effect, Tesla had found a way to make the entire planet the "broadcast tower". On that basis I (and others) strongly implied that this system would almost necessitate some sort of further underground structures, and that these structures would be necessary functional components of the system regardless of whether Dunn's "powerplant" or my "weapon" hypothesis was true.

This, in effect, is what some are arguing. Consider the following "tomography" image of something beneath the Great Pyramid: it is this image in particular which is leading to all the speculative hype about vast underground columnar structures "that resemble Tesla coils":

Image preview


This image has led to this speculation of what these structures might be:

Image preview

And all this has led one man to post this on his Twitter/X account:

Image preview

While I might be expected to applaud the recent discovery and say that it is more confirmation of a machine-hypothesis, and perhaps confirmation of the whole Tesla technology approach taken by Dunn and myself, I'm still in the skeptical camp. It remains to be seen if the alleged capabilities of the new techniques of radar tomography can go this far beneath the surface, and if the analytical techniques used to interpret the data returns are themselves adequate in their own turn. The author of the Twitter/X post is asking the right questions: are similar structures present at other pyramidal sites on the planet (and, for that matter, off planet at, for example, the pyramidal sites on Mars?).

Don't get me wrong, I'm excited about the possibility - should it be confirmed and proven to be true - but it's must too early for "see? I told you so."  But I think it is within the bounds of acceptable implications of this discovery to say that we are not looking at just a vastly misunderstood initiatory structure from some ancient "mystery school" much less at some egomaniacal necromantic fantasy of a pharaonic tomb, but rather, that we are looking at a machine.  So where does that leave the story about the "underground city" that some are claiming? Well, to be brief and blunt, I strongly suspect that that story is a bit of purposeful and deliberate "misdirection" contrived by the "powers that be" to prevent people from thinking about any version of the machine hypothesis. It's the Pyramidal version of the Roswell "weather balloon:" story: nothing to see here, move along.

See you on the flip side...

(If you enjoyed today's blog, please share it with your friends.)


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