Patrick J. McShay, Israeli Leaders Cheer the Slaughter In Gaza While A Record Number of Israelis Protest The Broken Peace
Patrick J. McShay
“I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan”
— Revelations 2:9
“I wany to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel, we the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it!”
— Ariel Sharon, Former Israeli Prime Minister (3 weeks after 9/11)
It’s hard to imagine that Bibi Netanyahu is a moderate but he was convinced to resume bombing Gaza and violating the ceasefire by the hardliners in Israel who could care less that the world or their own people see them as monsters.
Itamar Ben-Gvir is a far-right politician from the Jewish Power Party who resigned his position in the government when the ceasefire was announced. Four other members of the party exited with Ben-Givr further weakening Netanyahu’s power. Ben Gvir said he would only return when the ceasefire is ended. Since the slaughter continued last week Ben-Gvir said it was the “right, moral, and justified next step.”
The head of Israel’s internal spy agency Shin-Bet, Ronen Bar, recently fired by Netanyahu, blames Bibi for mismanagement that led to intelligence failures and the October 7th attack, and says he hampered negotiations for the release of the remaining hostages.
In the largest protest in Israel’s history, the media estimates that over 40,000 angry Israelis have taken to the streets in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, demanding a ceasefire in Gaza and protesting Prime Minister Netanyahu for putting politics ahead of security. 89% of Israelis in a recent poll support a ceasefire whether the remaining hostages are returned or not. See the video below you will never see in the US mainstream media who continue to serve as deaf, dumb, and blind cheerleaders for the slaughter of the Palestinians by the so-called “Chosen People.”.
They sold the Israeli genocide of Palestinians to the public the same way they sold the war in Ukraine to the public, they lied. In the case of Israel, the complicit media and our compromised politicians haven’t honestly reported the daily & weekly atrocities against the Palestinians that have been allowed by the
US for decades. They count on people not knowing history and they know most people only read headlines.They don’t report that Israeli snipers target Palestinian children playing in the street. They don’t report that the recent attacks by the Houthis were retaliation for the Israeli blockade, not allowing food, potable water, and medical supplies to the starving Palestinians. They don’t talk about the settlers in the West Bank forcing Palestinians from their homes in the middle of the night only to be sent to a refugee camp where they are forced to live in a tent with 8 other people because the Israeli army will arrest them if they try to return to their ancestral homes.
The defenseless refugee camps are routinely bombed & attacked by the Israelis. Every male prisoner taken by Israel is beaten and tortured, and if they aren’t beaten or tortured to death, they are returned to the open-air prison Hell that is Gaza. The attack on 10/7 was a long-time coming retaliation for years of abusive and brutal Apartheid policies that US politicians and the media turn a blind eye.
Just like in Ukraine, The media & our compromised politicians screamed that Israel was under attack, but they didn’t tell the public that Israel had prior knowledge of the attack and issued “The Hanibal Directive” which is the name given to a controversial protocol used by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to prevent the capture of Israeli soldiers or citizens by enemy forces by killing them.
The Israeli media interviewed IDF soldiers, tank commanders, and attack helicopter pilots who confirmed that they fired on Israelis. It is estimated that hundreds of Israelis were likely killed by Israeli fire. The IDF was ordered to bomb Israeli homes and even Israeli military bases after being overrun on October 6. See here:
You won’t hear about that on any US mainstream media network, but even Israeli Spy, and American Traitor, Jonathan Pollard Calls The October 7th ‘Attack’ an Inside Job, and says he’s being threatened with arrest for speaking out. See this:
This should convince anyone who still claims to support Israel what kind of people their leaders are. For Christians who still support this genocide, nearly a thousand Palestinians have been killed in the Israeli bombings since they violated the ceasefire just days ago. The Palestinians say the Israelis never abided by the ceasefire agreement. Why does anyone believe these Israelis are annointed by God? These are converted Khazar Jews from Ukraine without a drop of Semitic blood.
The recent release of the JFK assassination documents shows that they found out that the CIA’s Jewish counterintelligence chief, James Angleton likely supervised JFK’s murder on Zionist LBJ’s orders, and was running secret joint operations with Israel’s Mossad. See these:
*Angleton, Mossad, and The Kennedy Assassination
*Israel Assassinated JFK- Mike Stone
They are still promoting the ridiculous lone gunman theory and saying evidence shows Oswald was a Russian agent, but the JFK files show that a top ranking KGB agent named Vyacheslav Nikonov relayed that he was “Confident that Oswald was at no time an agent controlled by the KGB.”
Much the same thing happened in Ukraine when Zelensky, Ukraine’s Jewish dictator, violated the Minsk agreement, which was a ceasefire agreement to stop Ukraine from bombing the civilian Russian-speaking eastern Ukrainian provinces.
Ukraine violated several ceasefires and when Joe Biden took office the bombings escalated with tough talk from his Jewish Secretary of State Tony Blinken. Don’t forget the bloodline of the vast majority of Jews in Israel leads to the area around Kiev Ukraine. Israel was heavily involved in the coup to overthrow Ukraine’s duly elected president in 2014.
Instead of diplomacy, or taking the Russian threats to invade if these attacks on civilians didn’t stop, the arrogant & clueless Biden administration could have avoided this war but stupidly chose conflict with Russia in an unwinnable war that put Russia on the brink of launching a nuclear attack. Our media and politicians have blamed Russia since.
Judge Andrew Napolitano has interviewed independent investigative journalist Patrick Lancaster several times on his podcast. He is on the ground in Ukraine and has interviewed soldiers on both sides. In this new interview, Lancaster says retreating Ukrainian soldiers are killing, robbing, and brutalizing civilians in Russian-speaking towns and villages, and he debunks many mainstream media lies and propaganda. Must see:
Everything leads back to US fealty to Israel & their ethnic cleansing in the region. This isn’t just about Gaza, Gaza is just the current target. The “Greater Israel Project” is why the US has spent Trillions on wars for Israel & they have a lot more land to steal. See this:
If the US stopped involving our military in Israel’s constant conflicts to steal more land, oil & other resources from their neighbors in the name of “The Greater Israel Project”, we would have no wars. Iraq, Iran, Syria, the Houthis in Yemen, Lebanon, Ukraine, & Palestine. We’ve spent trillions fighting Israel’s wars!
When your reports from Gaza come from Israeli reporters embedded with the IDF you are getting biased & mendacious reports. I’m talking to you Fox News!
See these:
*Israel, Not Hamas, Is Destroying Gaza Ceasefire
*What Normalizing Genocide Looks Like in Terms of Rhetoric
People have asked since World War 2 ended how the German people could stand by while atrocities & genocide were going on around them.
Many of those same people today, many of them Christians, are standing by while Israel, America’s proxy warmongers in Gaza and the West Bank, are committing genocide against defenseless Palestinians.
Patrick J. McShay is a writer, researcher, and political analyst whose articles have appeared on over 200 news sites worldwide. Mr. McShay is a retired mortgage broker and uncredentialed historian specializing in real history and uncomfortable truths. He has appeared on the Power Of Prophecy Podcast with Jerry Barrett, the Chuck Baldwin Show, the Jeff Rense Show, the Raw Deal with Jim Fetzer, TNT Radio with Joe Olson, and the SGT Report. His articles have been translated into over a dozen languages, including French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Polish, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Dutch.
Follow Patrick J. McShay on Twitter/X- @j_mcshay
If you’d like to support my work, any contribution, no matter how small, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Pat.
See Pat’s latest article:
The COVID-19 Vaccine is an Israeli Mossad Created Bioweapon to Genocide the World’s Population
Recent Articles By Patrick J. McShay
*Zionist Deception and a Geopolitical Powderkeg in Gaza
*Satan Laughing Spreads His Wings Over Gaza
*Deep State Pedophiles, Political Traitors, and Their Communist Agenda
*9/11: The Official Narrative Is Dying
*America’s Descent Into Israel’s Moral Abyss
*Syrian War Lies And The Greater Israel Project
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