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An American Affidavit

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

What was the Great American Republican Experiment?


The Bait and Switch History of Fraud

When the People decide to embark on an extremely important journey to independence it is wise to inquire as to whether a roadmap already exists, rather than to boldly and unwisely venture out into the unknown and thus engage the potentially self-defeating acts of trial and error if they're at all avoidable. Fortunately, when we search for a roadmap we find but only one: We discover that we're actually "reviving" and perhaps enlarging upon the largest undertaking of its kind in the history of Mankind that already occurred in 1774, historically known as The Great American Republican Experiment. There is no other known model of independent Republican Government from which to compare, before or since.

What was the Great American Republican Experiment?

The great experiment was to create a government that was truly in the hands of the People, not the King or his Representatives, that would provide peace and harmony for the People and for the Earth itself. More definitive is the Magnificent Supreme Republican Statute of Rome: OF the People, BY the People, FOR the People, TO the People, FROM the People of the Natural Family Mother, guided and governed only by the Devine Providence over all Worldly Men!

It is important to point out that the Natural Republican State is completely defined and contained in one single statute; and you will find the underlined referenced in the dedication of the July 4, 1776 Unanimous Declaration of These United American Colonies.

In order for all the People to fully understand the highly significant elements of this Great American Republican Experiment, they must first be aware of the application of the original Latin in which over one third of the text of the original Colonial Declarations of candid Republican government were written. It is a well-known principle of law that the exact determination of a lawful or legal document is dependent upon a precise uniform knowledge of the law of grammar in which the document is written at the time it was prepared by its framing Deputies; otherwise known as “functional literacy” preservation.

To prove a very important point here, perhaps a very embarrassing one, at the turn of the 20th Century in America, a very simple qualifying literacy question was asked the prospective Voter as follows: Sir (or Madam) how many main grammar usages make up the entire English Vocabulary?

How many folks out there today, whom you know, could readily answer that simple, but very important literacy question; much less even understand the question?

You can think about the correct answer while we proceed on.

To begin with, original Latin, as in many of its off-shoot languages, is male-singular or feminine-plural gender sensitive. Therefore, in order to fully understand the law of Statute, one must be aware of the law of Language upon application, as then applied, and be very aware of the gender being used. For example, all “manly governments corporate” of the World are defined by Latin male-singular-gender terms, because the “flow” of government is only in one direction: from the Ruling Class down, via issue of an “Enumerated Charter” for that purpose. Only one government in all history is defined by a Latin feminine-gender-plural term, because the “flow” of government extends to and from the People in a Natural plenary system at every temporary Deputy level. With this in mind, one must fully digest the following definitions:

Democracy: Anglicized singular male expression from original Latin “demos + cratios” meaning “Upon the Majority of anything, including Men (People)”. The “flow” is singular.

Republic: Anglicized singular male expression from original Latin “res + publicus,” meaning “For all Men (People)”. The “flow” is singular.

Republican: Anglicized plural-feminine expression from original Latin “res + publicae” to “res + publicanus,” meaning “Of, By, For, From, and To all Men (People)”. The “flow” is not only in the plural, but also “plenary” in nature as in the natural Family Unit free of any corporate influences. Hence “natural checks & balances” that circulate around the “Heart” (the Mother) to and from her husband to her offspring! Indeed, the family Mother’s Kitchen Table is considered to be the most powerful political desk in the World! Some learned writers on American History and Government often refer to America as “A Mother’s Government” for this reason.

Culture: “Land-water.” Lately this has been extended to include even the “air”! Colony: Assembly of Farm Families (natural Republican States) within a prescribed

geographical boundary (of culture). This also pertains to “Tribe.”

Citizen: City, Town, and Borough residents transient within the respective established Colony: A City Dweller.

Republican State: The family members of every Natural Mother, to include her husband and all of her offspring.

Confederate: A criminal federation involving two or more individuals operating over and against the lawful and accepted mode of government

Federal: Slang term for Confederate.

What Style and Form of Government did the 1774-1812 American Colonists desire?

The “Form” refers to the written framework of the government; “Style” refers to its actual operation within the confines of its framework, sometimes referred to as The Flow of the Government. An important reminder: The present 1846 Hickey & Company version of the Constitution guarantees only a republican FORM of gov’t, but not a republican STYLE of gov’t. as “perfected” and set into motion in 1787-1790.

There are only three principal styles and forms of public governments operating throughout the history of the World: (1) Manly Republic: Rule by King or Queen (or a Dictator)(“For all of the People Subjects,”) who alone is free (2) Manly Democracy: Rule by Class (“Upon all People Subjects,”) who alone are free; (3) Republican: “Rule Of, By, To For, From All of the People,” who are All free.

Therefore we can clearly see that there is but a “hair’s breadth distinction” between a Manly Democracy Corporate and a Manly Republic Corporate: “Upon” versus “For.” In both cases the “flow of government” remains in a single direction - from the top down (as in direct current).

The idea of a Government “Republican in Form and Style” is a very serious and diametric departure from the rest of the candid world’s democracies and republics, because the flow of government is variable (as in alternating current), or “plenary” at each Deputy level, each of which serves as a “check & balance” against each other Deputy level. In this sense, what the Deputy does unto others from his temporary official seat, he also does to himself and his posterity. The People, of course, are the final “check” against their Deputies, at the election and by jury of peers.

However, the most important and primary “check” against the “natural known manly corporate enemies from within” is the FORM of the original American Instrumentations of Government, described as “Republican in Form” to perpetually defend the intended “National Republican Style” of the government.

Present generations of Americans erroneously refer to these governmental instruments as “Constitutions”; because that is what has been allowed to happen by a functionally illiterate society under European Royal Family Confederate Congress University Publishing House Company dominance over our Schools, Churches, and public medias.

The original American Colonial form and style of government is the only government in history that is defined by a Latin feminine-gender-plural Term: Republican; obviously because of the plural flow of government extending to and from all of the People. And equally important to understand is that by reference to all present “State Enabling Legislation (Acts)”, the instrument “Republican in Form” is mandatory, and to be on an “equal footing with the original (American Republican Colonial) States in all respect whatever.” Remember that in this case “The People” of the original United American Colonies ARE THE STATES, individually, as well as “United” collectively via their appointed temporary Deputies for the purposes set forth in their “non-enumerated Declarations”, sometimes called “American Republican Freeman Letters” for want of a better term by the European Royal Family Confederate Congress University Clergy.

The official American Government was manned by Deputies at the individual Colonial level as well as at the new Perfected National Supreme Republican level; and was originally described as The Supreme Law of the People, NOT of the Land (culture). All individuals become “Deputies” when performing specific duties for the assembly of People, because they were “Deputies” even unto themselves and their own families. The Great American Experiment is the only assembly of people in all history (1774-1812) that has attempted to employ a Natural (hence National) Republican Government (of, by, from, to, for) in actual operation (in Style), and in writing (in declarative Form).

There is no other governmental operation in comparison. All other Styles of Worldly government throughout all recorded history are defined by Latin male-singular terms: Republic, Democracy, Anarchy, Monarchy, Oligarchy, etc, etc; all most commonly referred to as Manly States Corporate, whereby all flow of government is in the singular (i.e. one way only) from Ruler or the Ruling Class downward, and their Written Documents are in “enumerated” Corporate Charter (Charta) (i.e. Latin Co-Statutere) hence in “Constitution Form”. Unfortunately we have also just described the present Confederate system of government that has encroached upon and has, by and large, taken over via its transposed adopted “Constitutions” and other “enumerated code” systems of culture control modus operendae.

Therefore there is a vast distinction between a Constitution (a list of “enumerated” independent statutes for different purposes)" and a Statute (a non-enumerated declaration of single purpose). Many folks understand the legislative limitations
imposed by their individual state Constitution provision prohibiting the amendment of
an existing statute, or a proposed legislative Bill for statute for another purpose by simply referring to the original title (enacting clause). However it is important to point out that your several individual “State” Constitutions are supposed to be in single statute “Declarative (non-enumerated) Form” in order to be on an actual “equal footing” basis with the original 14 Colonial Republican States. The 1889 Montana Convention Delegates were very well aware of this important fact! This explanation will help you understand why the original Perfected 1787 Supreme Republican Declaration of the United American Colonies had to be transposed into “Constitution Form” by Hickey & Company, converting the title (enacting clause) to a mere “preamble”, so that the desired “enumerated Charter of Confederate Appendages & Index” attached to the end would not attract immediate functionally illiterate and docile public attention. This methodology had already worked very well for the European Royal Family and its New York Confederate Congress University Publishing Company system immediately following the 1812 American Colonial Archives Depository Fires; in which all of the destroyed original Colonial Declarations of Republican Government were thus cleverly substituted for the desired transposed “enumerated Constitution Form” versions without requiring public vote; and by 1860 most of the American Colonies, now transformed into “political states” since 1813, were attempting to function via their THIRD new “enumerated Constitution” of 1787 Northwest Territorial Ordinance Model government, on the average! Therefore it was actually very simple to slide in the new desired 1846 Hickey & Company Version of “The Constitution FOR the American People, with Charter of Confederate Appendages & Index”, adopted by “Select” members of

Congress and the Courts by Resolution of Volume Purchase, February 1847, and distributed to all of America via the new March 1847 Post Roads and Franking Act; which has gone undetected by the general public. By reference to “volume purchase” means that the 1846 Wm. Hickey & Company Version of “The Constitution” is actually a small black hard cover BOOK in excess of 400-pages of similar transposed Confederate Congress Library documents that were not destroyed by fire in 1812.

By reference to “Select Members” means card-carrying B.A.R. members of the New York Confederate Congress University Legislative Council who were either elected to official American Congressional Seats or appointed as Judges presiding over American Courts, as was Abraham Lincoln an elected President.

You most likely will recognize that this practice continues in America at the present time; whereby it is now mandatory that in order to hold any high government office position, a “degree” from a leading “World University” is required by the “qualifying individual”! However our Framers in Convention held that such “degree of University” was a “Title of European Royal Family Nobility”!

Can these transposed Constitutions be reversed back into their original Declarative (Republican) Form?

The answer is YES; and believe it or not, this is still being done as a simple classroom exercise in some schools throughout America; but was more common in the schools of higher education prior to, and during the early part of the 19th Century. However this exercise is limited only to the original transposed Constitutional Manuscripts from the original Declarations. This exercise cannot operate upon subsequent amendments nor upon enumerated Charters of Appendage at their inception to include any of the so- called “new state Constitutions” adopted since 1969.

In conducting this simple but very educational classroom exercise, THE FIVE MAIN GRAMMAR USEAGES OF THE ENGLISH VOCABULARY comes to bear of extreme importance. If you answered the foregoing literacy question (four of the five in any order) correctly as follows: Spelling, Word Order, Punctuation, Capitalisis, and Signs & Symbols (to include Arabic Numeral Symbols); you are now qualified to vote in the elections at the turn of the 20th Century. Indeed, all English Grammar Lessons are broken down into these five main parts. Moreover, when any ONE or MORE of these main usages is applied to our written laws, A STATUTORY AMENDMENT HAS OCCURRED! Hence THE LAW OF GRAMMAR GOVERNS THE WRITTEN LAW OF STATUTE. To be sure, the substitution of a capital or small Arabic Numeral Symbol for the declarative word “That” in any statute is an AMENDMENT to that original statute! A “Declaration (A Statute)” is thus transformed into an enumerated “Corporate Constitution” for “other purposes” well apparent!

Therefore, the People of (name of the Assembly) who are concerned must decide whether they wish to maintain a Manly Corporate Representative Style and Form of Government, or erect a Supreme National Republican Style and Form of Deputy

Government. Here it is important to note that “National” and “Republican” are actually synonymous associations while both being diametric to a mere Union or “Federation”. This to point out that in the 1774-1812 American Colonial Republican example, where the individual People are “The State”, a mere Union or Con-Federation of men cannot co-exist for any given length of time. Furthermore, the American People already have the advantage of simply resurrecting their existing original Colonial Supreme National Republican Form and Style of Government.

If a Republican Form is desired, the true authority of its creators - all of the People - needs to be identified in its Enacting Clause, an integral part of the statute. This is NOT a mere preamble to a “constitution.”

The original fourteen (14) American Colonial Declaration “Enacting Clauses,” extending more or less from the original Virginia Plan, make up the “Enacting Clause of Purpose” which is essentially the main body of the Unanimous Declaration of 4 July 1776. The July 4, 1776 Unanimous Republican Declaration was “perfected” thirteen years later in September, 1787 by the very same “Deputy Framers” who penned the 1776 model, and in the very same grammar form and style, known as “Republican in Form” or in “Letter Form,” for want of a better term. These very unique American Colonial Republican instruments defining and containing the new untried Republican government were known as “The American Freeman Letters” for this reason. (Enclopedia: American Printing Presses: History of)

The Enacting Clause is perfectly authoritative in its source: the People; peremptory in its action: ordain and establish; definite and exact in its subject: this (Statute); and distinct, broad, and extensive in its purpose and ends: embracing the defense of liberty, safety, and welfare of the National (natural) Independent Republican States (every Natural Mother) of America as its primary objective by its established Deputies.

We have here (1) the Authority: We, the People of these United Colonies; (2) the ends for which the More Perfect 1787 Supreme National Republican Statute is made, in Six Particulars of Supreme Importance known to every natural Mother on Earth; (3) the explicit ordaining of this Statute, including this introductory clause; (4) the Nation of Republican States for whom it is made: the People of These United Colonies of America. The only distinction between this Perfected 1787 Colonial Republican Statute and the individual fourteen Colonial Statutes in place from 1774 to 1787 is the coined word Nation (National). This, in part, explains why no further oath was required at the new Perfected National Seat of Government, since the "Deputies" thereof held their respective National Seats under the same oath(s) as their respective individual fourteen Colonial Statute counter parts at each respective Colonial Seat of their residence. In other words in this Natural (National) Republican plenary system, the oath of the seat and oath of fidelity pertained to every Colonial Deputy regardless of his temporary appointment level. And the individual Colonial Statute, and the new Supreme National Republican Statute, placed limitations of action only upon the Seat of the temporary Deputies identified therein.

In this respect, (1) The Authority, THE PEOPLE, as (4) THE NATION, do not need to have a “Bill of Rights” involving themselves; because what is not specifically limited to their temporary Deputy Seats in the non-enumerated Statute is automatically reserved to themselves, as in the case of any other “King or Queen” of history.

The 1787 Perfected Supreme National Republican Declaration was in the very same format and graphics style as is the 1776 Unanimous Declaration of the American Republican States (all of the American Families), which is required of all New Republican States desirous of National status recognition in order to retain consistency in Form with regard to the “equal footing doctrine” of the United Colonies. Hence the term: “Republican in Form.” Again, this has nothing whatsoever to do with a “Republican Fraternal Political Party Organization of University.” It is, in fact, an official non-partisan operation of Government, distinctive and unique in its Form (framework) and distinctly authoritive and unique in its Natural Style (mode of operation) of checks and balances at every level.

To further clarify the foregoing, the 1774-1812 Great American Experiment was not a “representative” style of government under any kind of pretext. This is the dramatic, and most misunderstood distinction between the 1774-1790 Continental Congress versus its natural enemy from within---“The Legislative Council of the Confederate Congress of New York and its notorious University Publishing House Company Representatives”. Obviously a “Deputy Seat” is not an individual or collective “Representative” (implied power of attorney). Indeed, the original Colonies were possessed of a Senate (Land Owner Minority) and “House of Deputies” (Colonial Citizens Public Majority) extending from the original Virginia Plan; which was also applied by the Continental Congress framers as the basis for their perfected Supreme National Republican Plan that emerged from the September 1787 Philadelphia Convention and adopted by Colonial Conventions for that purpose in 1789.

Some so-called “Constitutional” historians, committing a folly against themselves,
argue that the European Royal Family’s Confederate Congress University’s Articles of 1777, designed and intended to regain cultural control over all of the Colonies, did not grant the Deputies in the 1787 Philadelphia Convention the authority to frame and adopt the new plan of Supreme National Republican government. This is true from the standpoint that the 1777 Articles of Confederation is actually a “foreign and/or criminal Form and Style government”, in flagrant violation of the recent July 4, 1776 Unanimous Declaration, designed and intended to operate over and against the official Republican State governments of the several Colonies already in place in attempt to confuse and/or destroy the idea of a Natural Republican government from the minds of the people of the Colonies, and especially to the rest of the Candid World lest it would destroy all of the other “Manly Forms and Styles” of government the World over, thereby displacing all of the Kings, Queens and other “Nobles”! Moreover the 1777 Confederate Charter, extending from the original Latin, admits by its title that it is a “criminal” Charter to the lawful Republican establishment then in place.

Therefore, for easy clarification, the so-called 1777 Articles of Confederation, by that date, had no more authority over and among the American Colonies than did the Charters of another other foreign country under Royal Family dominance; and which the Republican States of America made explicitly clear in their 1776 Unanimous Declaration by the application to two terms: “absolved and dissolved” from any and all political connections whatever! This then would necessarily include the subsequent foreign 1777 Articles of Confederation issued by the European Royal Family Confederate Congress of New York as well.

What is essentially pointed out here is that for all American Lawful Purposes, the original individual fourteen (14) American Republican Declarations of Republican government are still in force and effect by fact of the official July 4, 1776 Unanimous Declaration that the majority of Americans celebrate every Fourth of July. This holds for the individual original “equal footing Colonial governments” (called “states”) as well. Therefore, where the original American Declarations of Republican government remains in the minds of the majority of the natural American Republican State(s), THE INDIVIDUAL AND COLLECTIVE PEOPLE, fully supported by the fact of this one remaining original instrument “Republican in Form”, the important American Framework of, for and by the American People, merely set aside and gathering dust on the shelves, can be readily resurrected and restored in a very short period of time, IF THE MAJORITY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE SHOULD SO DESIRE!

Will such a feat be easy? Obviously NO. The criminal Confederate University Publishing House Company system, driven underground during the Civil War with prices on their heads, even by the military, as being the primary cause of that deadly war in the first place, is now very well-entrenched and are manning our lawful governmental seats at every level, to include our courts. This is compounded by the fact of a 98% public functional illiteracy problem and University programming of 45-year olds on down. The good news is that wide spread public exposure remains their primary and natural enemy, and the internet is serving that purpose very well.

To best describe this remarkable American Colonial Republican system, it was (and still is to some extent in the minds of the American People as above-mentioned) a Plenary System of Revolving Temporary Deputy SEATS at every level: Township, Parish (County), Colonial (State), and Supreme National (originally diametrically opposite of federal); and in each level, the flow (style) of the government is in the Plural; and the whole system was completely defined and contained within one single non-enumerated Statute (a Declaration Letter) in Form, following its "Enacting Clause” of Authority (We, the People) and Purpose (limitations of action imposed only upon the temporary Deputy Seat). In other words, the “Limitation of Action” was imposed upon the “Seats” of all of the Colonial Deputies uniformly, regardless of their station, as set forth in that one single non-enumerated Statute. The Colonial Oath(s) pertained to all Deputy levels extending from their respective Colony of Residence, to include the perfected Supreme National Republican level established September 1787. In all actuality, the perfected Supreme Republican system of 1787 served as an extension of each individual Colony while establishing and maintaining an enforceable uniformity of checks and balances

between all of the Colonies already in existence; because the National Senate Seat Deputy was appointed by the individual Colonial legislative Deputy assemblies.

The single July 4, 1776 Statute, the non-enumerated Unanimous Declaration of these United Colonies of America, a compilation of all of the individual Colonial Declaration Enacting Clauses then in place extending from the originating 1774 Virginia Plan, in no manner, shape, or form, implied or established any kind of alleged Representative (unlimited Power of Attorney) Government, contrary to the adverse 1777 Articles of Confederation, and the July 1787 Northwest Territorial Ordinance (Compact of the Confederate Congress of New York calling only itself and its “representatives” individually and collectively “The United States”) or the later transposed 1846 Confederate Congress’ Hickey Version of “The Constitution FOR the American People” elaborated upon below.

Therefore it must be clearly understood that only the Confederate Congress and its private University Publishing House Company system has referred to itself, individually and collectively---“The United States” from 1777 to the present time; and is now more commonly known as “The United Nations” at the same address. In the 1787 Philadelphia emergency Convention of the Colonial Continental Congress (May- September), the criminal Congress of New York and its private University was the reason for the emergency; and was described by the Convention Deputies as “The Jeffersonian Leopard”!

The Republican State is a direct reference to the Family Members of the Natural Mother; hence, the true Independent State of America, and which includes the Mothers of the Republican States of (name of country or colony) of all other parts of the World, candid nor non-candid Peoples. For this reason, all 1774-1812 American instruments of government were also Republican in Style (operation) as set forth in the Republican Form (written framework). The Form was a Single Statute (a Declaration) - explaining why the Colonial Framers never referred to their written frameworks as Constitutions (Latin: co-statutere), i.e. in "corporate charter form.” The July 4, 1776 Declaration, for example, is in single Statute (letter) form, and therefore does not require a "committee of arrangement". The original fourteen Colonial Declarations of government and their Unanimous 1776 Declaration, and as Perfected thirteen years hence were often referred to by the Royal Family clergy as the Freeman Letters or Letters of American Republican Government, for want of a better description! Indeed, the 1774-1789 American Continental Congress was possessed of only a "Committee on Style." A Declaration (one single non-enumerated Statute) does not need to be arranged. This is what is truly unique about the 1774-1812 American Colonial System of Republican Government; in that not one of their primary instruments even remotely resembled the typical European Royal Family River Basin Enumerated Corporate Charter instruments. A most unique “check” all by itself; while establishing that any incorporation between two or more
men was considered to be a felony against the natural (National) Republican States!

The majority of the people, especially new immigrants from manly corporate countries, have a misunderstanding of the manly Democratic-Republic state (corporate) versus the

natural Republican State (non-corporate). Remember, Republic is male singular; Republican is feminine plural. This misunderstanding is normal because of the
European Royal Family University programming that has been instilled in the minds of the Worldly Posterity gradually since the American Colonial Archives Depository fires of 1812 to the present time, thus serving to create a blind trust (discussed in more detail below). Some folks might relate to the Confederate Congress and its private University Company as “The Devil’s Creature”.

Neither a manly republic corporate nor a manly democracy corporate can operate within the intended feminine natural (National) non-corporate Republican system that is wholly defined and contained within a single statute for that purpose. One single statute, following its Enacting Clause of singular purpose, does not need any Arabic Numeral Symbols between its clauses because it does not need to be “arranged” or “codified” in any order; and this very unique design serves as a natural “check” against outside and internal corrupt Corporate University political influences that rely upon “enumerated Charters and “Codes” for their desired “culture-control” agenda or modus operendae of design and purpose (i.e. “Supreme Law of the LAND” 1846)! In this respect, all “Lawyers” and “Lawyer Judges”, are best identified as “Natural Corporate Creatures of University”; while our Framers in Convention considered anyone possessed of a “Degree of University” to be therefore possessed of “A Degree of European Royal Family NOBILITY”; hence the reason for the “Nobility Clause” in the original Supreme National Republican Declaration of the United American Colonies, further clarifying

the “absolved & dissolved” clause of their original July 4, 1776 Unanimous Declaration!

What Style and Form of government did the King want for the Colonies?

Unfortunately, the European Royal Family's Confederate Congress and its University Publishing House Company system has reversed the intended American Colonial government, both in Style and in Form, by cleverly transposing (altering the grammar) of all original American documents and private writings, gradually upon all subsequent Republican State generations from 1812 to the present, for the purpose of regaining complete CULTURE control over all of the North American Continent. “Confederate” is an original Latin reference meaning a “criminal private federation of several men” (synonym to Oligarchy) in opposition to the intended “Lawful Republican (we, the People) Authority.” “Con” is old Latin for “criminal”, as in “CON-MAN” for example.

ALL of the original American Colonial Instruments of candid Colonial American Republican government from 1774 to 1812 were completely destroyed in the Arlington and Richmond depository fires, excepting only the Unanimous Declaration of the United Colonies of America July 4, 1776, and The Records of the Colonial Debates of the 1787 Convention of the American Continental Republican Congress of Philadelphia, which had been placed into the custody of Mr. Jonathan Elliot for printing and publication. The careful reading of the original Records of The Debates, from the original Plates, by Elliot can put a great deal of this discussion into proper perspective, supported further by the original 1911 publication of Professor Max Farrand, of Yale

University, RECORDS OF THE FEDERAL CONVENTION, in three volumes, who obviously experienced a rather rude wake-up call himself, discovering the very extensive altering of documents prior to admission into the refurbished Library of Congress since 1816. The works of Farrand is mislabeled as well, because it actually involved the DEBATES OF THE UNITED COLONIES, therefore the proper label should be “NATIONAL CONVENTION”!

It is essential to understand that during this same period, from 1774 through 1812, there was only one organization operating on American soil that called itself "The United States"; and that was, and still is, the Confederate Congress of New York and its Select European Royal Family University "Representative Membership, i.e. "One House Legislative Counsel.” The term "con-federate" in its original Latin reference describes a criminal federation operating against the lawfully established style & form of public government; the slang term of which is Federal.

For the purpose of gaining a better understanding of the Law of Statute we will use the Perfected September, 1787 American Colonial Supreme National Republican State Declaration of Government (erroneously referred to by subsequent generations as a Constitution) for an example:

The first sentence of the Constitution is often called a Preamble. But that term was not applied to it by those who framed the instrument, and is not found in the original manuscript. It is not a preamble in form or substance, but is the Enacting Clause - an integral part of the statute itself. A preamble gives reasons why a resolution should be adopted or an enactment made, but is not a part of the resolution or enactment. The enacting clause, to the contrary, is mandatory. No other part of a statute is more important - such as is the introductory sentence of the 1787 Supreme National Republican Declaration (the Constitution): “We, the People of________, for certain Purposes, do ordain and establish this (Statute) for the (United Republican States) of America (for the ends as follows); That, That, That, etc." Again, in this official one-of- a-kind case example, the “States” are in fact each individual family unit collectively within each respective “Parish,” “Colony” AND all of the Colonies collectively; and NOT in reference to the Deputy Seat(s) of the government as is now the case due to the cleverly-transposed American instruments that gradually occurred between 1812 and 1860.

In this perspective, by application of a simple school classroom pencil, paper and eraser exercise, the Constitutional Preamble reverts back to the original Enacting Clause, and all Arabic Numeral Symbols are deleted wherever they appear in the text and are replaced by the declarative word "That". After you have completed this simple classroom exercise upon the present American transposed "1846 Hickey Constitution version", you will be among the growing number of people who know what the original perfected American Colonial Declaration of Republican Government looked like when it emerged from that historic 1787 Philadelphia Continental Congress Convention. Of course, some words and punctuation were also transposed by the Confederate Congress and its private University Publishing House Company, most of which are quite obvious

once you properly apply “The Law of English/Latin Grammar” as then uniformly used and understood.

Bill of Rights

Needless to point out in this case, whatever actions a Deputy takes he also takes against himself, or herself, and against his or her posterity. In this sense, the question arose in the 1787 Philadelphia Convention as follows: What King or Queen, throughout all of history, ever ordered or consented to a "list of rights against themselves" after he or she had just declared himself or herself King and/or Queen over their own Culture (land & water)? In other words, their family farm and their family home! The debate on this issue in Convention lasted only a few minutes; because only the National Deputy was limited of action by the new Republican Plan. Do you personally know of any such King or Queen?

It is strongly suggested that you are not standing in front of a mirror when you ask yourself this question; lest you might spot such a King or Queen. One must fully understand that the only time in history when a People required a “bill of rights” in defense of their private God-given liberties was when someone other than the People themselves, individually and collectively was the King and/or Queen or the Royal Family/Dictatorship ruling class issuing River Basin Culture Control Enumerate Charters limiting the actions of their subjects.

"During the 1787 Philadelphia Convention as it was preparing to adjourn sine die, a member who had been absent rose with the need for a bill of rights to be appended. The silence in the chambers was instantly deafening with all eyes fastened on the Deputy with the motion. The chair finally broke the silence with a question to the now bewildered gentleman: ‘Does the learned gentleman know of any instance in history whereby any king or queen ordered a list of rights against themselves after they had just declared themselves King and Queen over their very own Culture?’ The now very red faced gentleman's knees seem to buckle as he slumped back into his chair as he withdrew his motion on the way down! As soon as the assembly adjourned sine die, the embarrassed gentleman rapidly made his exit leaving his papers scattered on the table. Several curious deputies went over and examined his abandoned papers to discover that the gentleman had obviously committed the folly against himself by taking his notes in the enumerated corporate charter form familiar to his profession as a lawyer!” (Records of the Convention, Max Farrand, Yale University, 1911)(Private Writings, of Jefferson, Madison, Washington, and Story)


The term "human" is original Latin for “manslayer,” or “destroyer of People or a Society” as in the case of “Hu a tree”; and is officially-applied by the American Framing Deputies in their Unanimous Declaration listing the dastardly Events imposed upon the Families of the Natural American Mothers and the reason(s) for their Separation, in addition to the Mothers of All Mankind by those World Rulers of

“Human Tendency”, specifically by King George III at that point in time. Thus the relation to “Human Events” in this case pertains entirely to the control of the Natural Republican State of the World by “the controlling of All Worldly Culture (land & water) by a very small class of people.” The Unanimous Declaration is the only known “official” document that uses this term. This goes hand in hand with whomever controls the Worldly Public Education and therefore the Currency. We should all feel extremely embarrassed to have allowed ourselves to be led into this flagrant assault against our Natural Mothers, at our expense via the disguise of public education at the public expense (property tax) and should use the word “Human” very judiciously in our vocabulary to self-describe ourselves and our own actions of neglect and ignorance.

In every human (manly corporate) example, the flow (Style) of the government is obviously in the singular: from the Minority Ruling Family, Class, etc. authority down to, or upon the Majority of the Natural Family (i.e the Republican State). It occurs in every possible aspect, commencing with the control over all public education, then control of the currency, to finally complete ownership and control of All Worldly Culture (land & water) and all life activity there upon. Hence the European Royal Family University’s (Confederate Congress of New York) goal to control all World geography, naturally would thereby assume complete control of all Life Activity there- upon which is clearly set forth of purpose in its privately-owned 1777 Articles of Confederation, the 1787 Northwest Territorial Ordinance (Compact), the Constitution For the American People, 1846 by Hickey, and United States Code Statutes at Large Publication (USC), 1926 to present. It is therefore only these particular Human University Regency Order (sometimes referred to as “Devil Worshipers”) select members who have been, and still are today, calling only themselves, individually and collectively “The United States” by direct reference.

Call it “The Parade of the Humans” for want of a better term to describe only the History of the Rulers of the World and only their related events imposed upon the Natural Republican States (All of the People), as we study the Covenants of the Arks. Governments do not make history - only people make history.

Remember the History of “Modern” World Warfare - it's primary purpose is to destroy a Mind Set within a particular Class of Republican People (a Colony) to the advantage of the Human Class Mind Set. Time has well proven that the lives of the Republican State of the World, as well as America, has little or no value to the Human Class at any given time.

There are but only two WORLD classes - the majority Natural Republican Class (Families of all People) within each of their respective Geographical Boundaries, versus the minority Royal University Human Class desiring to Control All World Geography (Culture); and therefore All Life Activity there-upon. Prior to the introduction of the July 4, 1776 Unanimous Declaration to the rest of “the Candid World” by the founders of the untried 1774 Great American Republican Experiment, only The European Royal University Human Class existed in its various “manly styles” of Corporate government, also Corporate in Form; and which, unfortunately, is what now prevails in America.

We are not dealing with, nor establishing communities, but in fact with assemblies of People in which their Seats of Government in no manner resemble the typical and more familiar "manly corporate Representative (power of attorney) state" vested in entirely in a King, Ruler, Monarchy, Anarchy, Leader, or such other singular synonymous terms grouped under the title of Human Events to which the term “Federal” can apply.

So, essentially what we are actually engaging is the Revival, and Enlarging of the greatest undertaking in the history of all Mankind, to make it fit the demands of Natural Republican States in this new century of nearly complete University Human Geographic Control of all Worldly Culture, and thus all forms of life activity thereupon.

How was the initial new American Republican experiment derailed in America?

The framework of all candid Colonial American Republican Government was in Declarative Format until 1813, following the American Colonial Archives Depository Fires at Richmond and Arlington in 1812. All original American Colonial Instruments, to include the “perfected Supreme National Republican Declaration of September 1787 and related Convention papers, described as being “Republican in Form”; or sometimes referred to as “the American Republican Freeman Letters”, were completely lost when these Depositories were burned to the ground during the so-called “War of 1812”. The Confederate Congress of New York Archives Depository remained intact with only some “select original Colonial document contents” taken out in the streets and burned with some furniture. Coincidently, little other additional damage was inflicted during this very short incursion.

The year 1812 was when the European Royal Family sacked Washington, D.C. and the American Colonial Archives Depositories in Arlington and Richmond were burned to the ground from within by Confederate operatives posing as librarians. This is in reference to the librarians who were actually Confederate Congress University operatives (equivalent to Rhodes Scholars today) posing as trustworthy American Librarians. Only some of the New York Confederate Congress Library contents were taken out in the street and burned with some furniture by its librarians; thus leaving only the desired "transposed versions of the official American Colonial documents.”

After the “burning” the University Press, Crown Press, and several other related private Confederate Congress Code Publishing Houses printed hundreds of different versions of the destroyed documents and scattered them throughout the land. With the help of Carnegie libraries, select members of the Congress and the Courts, the Sir William Hickey, Esq.1846 version of “The Constitution” was chosen as the “Standard Version” adopted by resolution of volume purchase by the select membership in the U.S. Congress and the Courts in February 1847. The U.S. Congress then ordered it “Franked (mailed at the government expense)” to the public by the new March 1847 Post Roads and Postal Franking Act. This officially established the date in which the so-called Twelve Articles (Charter) of Federal Amendment (commonly known as the Bill of Rights) were first officially published in America. And this is how they were actually adopted.

From 1813 forward, the Confederate Congress and its University Publishing House Company system virtually took over the government from within by replacing all of the original American non-enumerated Declarations with cleverly transposed “enumerated Constitutions” in typical Royal Family River Basin Corporate (Magna Charta) Charter style, by simply transposing (substituting) the word “That” wherever it appeared in the text with a capital Arabic numeral symbol, substituting semi-colons with ordinary commas, changing words and word order. In some cases, involving the original individual Colonial Declarations, a capital Arabic Numeral Symbol was added before the declarative word “That”. Later versions included the addition of small Arabic numeral symbols within the “Capital Enumerated Articles” of the Constitution(s). After the 1812 Archives Depository fires, all such American official assemblies under Federal, i.e., Confederate Congress control and authority via the bastardized (Revised) American documents, were possessed of "A Committee of Style... and Arrangement.” The clear objective was to remove the potential widespread global threat of candid Republican government from the minds of the People, while directing the operation of the government back to the desired European Royal Family’s control over all Worldly Culture agenda.

Therefore, from 1813 forward, the original fourteen American Colonies no longer had a “Senate and House of Deputies,” but instead consisted of a “Senate and House of Representatives,” simply by reason of clever Private University Publishing House Company substituting the original American Republican Instruments with the transposed “Constitution Versions” to eliminate the need for a public vote. Interestingly, the records show that by 1859 the original remaining 13-American Colonies were attempting to function via their THIRD NEW CONSTITUTION VERSION (The 2nd and 3rd Versions by Public Vote) on the average; while the 14th Colony (Providence Plantations & Western Territory) simply vanished from record, and is now known as “Canada”, to even include the Northern part of the Louisiana Purchase!

“Representative” simply means implied unlimited or limited power of attorney. By 1816 all original “Fourteen American Republican Colonies” had been cleverly transformed into “Corporate Democratic Republics” by the Confederate Congress of New York and its notorious private University Publish House Companies; and the 14th Colony, Providence Plantations, extending from Rhode Island to the Northern tip of Nova Scotia and Territories West, had been cleverly ceded from the United American Colonies by the Confederate Congress of New York and its private University Publishing House Company’s manipulation of the original American Colonial records.

This points out that from 1813 forward, the University transpositions remained continuous and uniform to coincide with United States Statutes at Large (i.e. formerly known as Lawyers Guides of Great Britain...for the American Colonies). The connection here is "When in the course of Human Events, it becomes necessary for one people..., etc, etc.” (July 4, 1776). This Unanimous Declaration made it clear to the rest of the Candid World (this one People), that henceforth all connection (all ties whatever) is absolved and dissolved from the European Royal Family and its University clergy

(lawyers and professors of Degree), and its diverse Culture Control agenda. That would include those lawyers’ Guides too, wouldn't it?

The foregoing research references disclose that our undertaking to restore National Republican government is certainly much greater now in this century than what confronted those American Framers between 1774 and 1812, primarily because of the massive increase of the World's Republican (Family) population compounded by the University's near-complete control of all World Media and Public Education at the public expense from 1910 forward to the present time, compounded even further by the University-induced functional illiteracy problem involving 98% of the present population. Other than these features, the only thing that has changed is technology, and the speed of communications.

At this point, we must necessarily switch our focus to another very important Natural Law known as Law of Language (grammar) in order to establish the desired “Uniformity of Understanding (The element of Functional Literacy) among the Natural Republican State of the World,” which is the most important single element dealing with any public issue, to include the National Defense of, by and for our Republican States from without as well as from within, and the winning of any war without as well as within.

Law of Language

Interestingly, the Law of Language was formerly the sole property, so to speak, of only The Candid English/Latin Speaking World at the time of the 1776 Unanimous Declaration. Since the turn of the 19th Century, the Law of Language has extended, more or less, to include a major segment of The Non-Candid Indigenous World adopting the English/Latin language due to the development of global communications and commerce. And this is a good thing. However, the Natural Republican State of the World exists and extends to both the Candid (white) World and the Non-Candid (non- white) Indigenous World equally, regardless of the mode of communications between individuals thereof, especially for the subject purpose of this writing. Essentially no man, woman or child is exempt from the importance of this Republican State reference subject, free of corporate influences.

The European Royal Family Rule has been in fact, up to this time, Rule by Class via an illusion of “Collective Sovereignty.” It’s been an illusion because the People have been barred from assembling as a whole due to the lack of knowledge and technologies, and their elected “representatives” have, by default of the People, taken on the role of “Collective Representative Sovereignty for the Common Good”, and have even become so bold as to allege that they are “qualified public leaders”! The University Company has cleverly substituted “equality” in lieu of the actual state of being “equal.” But now the People have the necessary technology - the Internet - to assemble for the first time in history, and, in fact, as “Equals,” but the real key at all times is “Uniformity of Understanding what is written, read, and said.” During the American Revolutionary period, the concerned European Royal Family University Clergy applied the reference:

“The candid American Farmers are all as Lawyers”! Perhaps that is again taking shape in America, as well as in other parts of the World, thanks to the Internet.

The good news is that even though it has taken more than 230-years for the European Royal Family Confederate Congress University Company Culture Control (Land & Water, to now include Air) modus operendae to mature to the point it presently has; widespread public exposure of its criminal activity from within remains its greatest natural enemy as history has very well proved, with its operatives being driven underground three times in American history. Perhaps the Fourth time will be more “permanent”!

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