Hitler's armies invaded Norway in April 1940 and occupied the country for the next five years until the end of the Second World War. Similar to other countries in Western Europe, the traumatic occupation experience shaped Norwegian understanding of security policy profoundly and directly influenced the creation of a stay-behind network after the war. The Norwegians who secretly erected the stay-behind in their country were mostly people who had seen Nazi troops sweep away their ill-prepared resistance in the Second World War and who feared that the Cold War could bring a Soviet invasion. 'To establish a stay-behind organisation in Norway was not a question of shall, or shall not. It was a question of timing', Norwegian stay-behind authors Ronald Bye and Finn Sjue relate the feeling at the time. After all, NATO was insisting on the clandestine network. 'If the starting shot was not fired in 1947/48, it would have in 1949 with the NATO membership. Because a precondition for the membership was that the members should have, or promptly establish instruments for "unorthodox warfare"', Bye and Sjue explain with reference to an undated 'NATO/SACEUR Directive for 1 Unorthodox Warfare.' |
Vilhelm Evang, the Director of the Norwegian secret service after the Second World War, and Jens Christian Hague, the first post-war Norwegian Defence Minister, were the two central figures for both the erection of the stay-behind and the creation of the Norwegian Intelligence Service (NIS) after the war. Evang, a science graduate from Oslo, had joined the small intelligence service of the Norwegian government in exile in London in 1942 while Hague had been the wartime leader of the Norwegian military resistance organisation. Back in Norway Evang, with the support of Hauge, built up the post-war NIS in 1946 and lead it as Director for 20 years. The US intelligence community was critical of Evang because of his known sympathies with the left in Norwegian politics, and particularly because of his membership in the Communist 'Mot Dag' movement in his younger days in the 1930s. In 1966 Evang had to leave the service after the so-called 2 to NATO headquarters in France as National Military Representative. He served first in Paris, then in Brussels until 1969. Evang resigned from civil service on reaching retirement and died in 1983 aged 74. |
intelligence community. He shared the conviction of MI6 officers that Norway |
should never again come under enemy occupation without being prepared. As he |
was setting up the stay-behind network Evang in February 1947 visited an unnamed interlocutor of the MI6 with 'close connection with centrally placed defence and military circles' - presumably Director of MI6 Sir Steward Menzies himself - and presented to him the Norwegian stay-behind plan. Evang and Menzies agreed that the Soviet Union and the spread of Communism in Western Europe represented a real and present danger. 'Those considerations have led the English to take a strong interest in the build-up of a defence in countries under enemy occupation', Evang noted in his diary. 'It seems as if both the Netherlands, France, and Belgium are in the process of setting up a more or less fixed organisation for an under- 3 ground army.' |
Next to the British MI6 the US CIA was also directly involved in the operations that lead to the creation of the Norwegian secret army. Already in 1946 Evang had sent Major Kaj Martens to New York to establish liaisons with the developing US intelligence community. Then in November 1947, after the CIA had been created, Evang visited the United States himself and discussed the issue of secret unortho- dox warfare presumably with Frank Wisner, Director of CIA's Office of Policy Coordination (OPC) which was erecting the stay-behind net in Western Europe. As in Italy the CIA eventually became more important than the MI6 as the power of the United States increased to the degree that the power of the former empire Great Britain declined. 'Co-operation with the United States', Norwegian scholar Olav Riste observes, was 'by far the most important aspect of NIS foreign rela- 4 and American secret service officers met in London in 1948. A secret service memorandum records that during the meeting it was decided 'to establish an apparatus in Norway whose task would be in the event of a complete or partial enemy occupation to communicate intelligence reports by radio or other means to an allied headquarters inside or outside the country'. The memorandum highlights that NIS was proud to inform both CIA and MI6 that in a secret NIS operation code-named SATURN such a secret army had already been set up. 'Colonel Evang was able to inform our allies that an apparatus which could be made to 5 serve such a purpose was practically ready and at his disposal.' |
It was Norwegian intelligence officer Alf Martens Meyer who allegedly secured the contacts with the CIA, was himself on the CIA payroll and generally 'ran most of Norwegian intelligence operations in the 1950s and 1960s', as former 6 Norwegian Intelligence officer and author Christian Christensen relates. 'It has also been proven that Martens Meyer and his collaborators had regular contacts with MI6 and CIA "undercover" representatives at the British and American embassies in 7 also in Norway the purchase of radio transmitters ranged among the largest and most conspicuous investments of the secret army. Evang in this context in a confidential letter in May 1948 asked Defence Minister Hauge for money in |
order to be able to purchase 50 radio transmitters for the Norwegian stay-behind.
'The transmitters will be securely stashed away, and will only be activated if parts of the country become occupied by a foreign power', Evang explained and highlighted that the secret NATO army might also be used domestically in the absence of an invasion in the case of a coup d'etat by the Norwegian Communists: 'In case of an internal coup d'etat individual transmitters may be activated by special agreement with the Defence Staff.' Evang highlighted that 'Preparations for the establishment of this network are well in hand' and specified that as operators of the transmitters 'we intend to select suitable persons who did not during the last war engage in similar underground activities and who are not identified as 8 9 the top-secret operation and supported the funding. |
Highlighting the domestic function of the secret army, Evang in his letter to Hauge stressed that private groups from selected industries had with the consent of Norwegian industrialists under NIS direction been trained and were in place to guard against 'fifth-column (Communist) subversive activities in certain industries'. Probably aware of the potential danger that such private armed groups uncontrolled by parliament pose, Evang in a report to Defence Minister Hauge in October 1948 insisted that the groups were made up of loyal and disciplined collaborators. When Norway joined NATO in April 1949 special posters were printed against fifth-column activity to be displayed on the wall of every military office. The posters instructed military officers to cooperate with the police and secret services in preventive measures against 'fifth columnists', defined as 'Norwegians or foreigners who within the nation's borders work for a foreign power through illegal intelligence activities, planning and carrying out sabotage, assassinations, etc.' After Norway's entry into NATO, lists of Norwegians and foreigners who would have been arrested and detained in an emergency were compiled and 10 stored by the Security Police. |
Hauge, who had become Norwegian Defence Minister in 1945 at the relatively tender age of 30 mainly because of his credentials as wartime leader of the military resistance organisation, strongly supported the stay-behind army and in his first post-war plan for the reconstruction of the Norwegian armed forces, in front of the Norwegian parliament, in autumn 1946 emphasised that 'in the light of our wartime experience, a determined will to fight on even after military defeat and 11 occupation is an essential part of a small country's defence preparedness'. Hague decided that the main radio station of the NIS in the Oslo area was to function as the central station of the Norwegian stay-behind communication network and ordered that a reserve station be set up in the interior of the country. |
On October 25, 1948 Defence Minister Hague passed a governmental directive officially establishing the Norwegian stay-behind. In a top-secret letter in the same month Hauge ordered the Chief of Defence Staff, Lieutenant-General Ole Berg, to establish 'an FO 4 preparedness'. Berg knew exactly what Hauge meant, for 'FO 4' during the Second World War had been the section of Norway's Defence High Command in exile charged with planning and carrying out sabotage and |
other underground activities in occupied territory together with British SOE.
'Free Norwegian authorities must be able to organise sabotage and "small war" |
activity against targets of military significance in areas of Norway that may temporarily be occupied by the enemy (communications, industrial plants, military stores, units, etc.)', Hague ordered. 'It will be necessary to carry out such measures as part of an armed struggle in Norway. The apparatus must therefore have a high 12 preparedness already in peacetime.' |
Based on his own experience Hague wished for small action groups of two to four men, operating with access to secret arms caches containing guns, explo- sives, radio transmitters and other supplies. The secret soldiers were to be recruited from the Norwegian army and Home Guard. They woe to have local knowledge of their area of operations. Veterans of the Second World War Norwegian military resistance were to be used only as instructors, for the latter could most easily be identified and eliminated by an invading enemy and his local informers. A secret independent radio network, Hague wished, was to provide the communication channel for the stay-behind. Operation SATURN progressed well and F04 preparedness was soon reached, whereupon the Norwegian stay-behind was given the new cover name Rocambole, or short, ROC. 'The "philosophy" behind ROC was clearly based on the lessons learnt during the German occupation a few years earlier', historian Olav Riste summarised 13 the attitude of ROC operatives. |
In September 1952 the Norwegian Defence Ministry carried out an assessment of the secret army and in this context repeated both definition and tasks of the Norwegian stay-behind. 'ROCAMBOLE is a strictly top-secret military organisation under the direct command of the Defence Chief (Chief of Defence Staff), whose task will be to perform isolated missions of particular military importance on occupied Norwegian territory', the memorandum read. 'It is a condition that each single action will be on a direct order from the Defence Chief, and that the task can be performed by a few determined and hardy persons who have been organised, trained and equipped for such missions.' In times of war ROC, according to the document of the Defence Ministry, had three main tasks: '1. Destruction of material targets, by explosives or in other ways. 2. Protection of installations or communications on a temporary basis in connection with the liberation of a given area, or 3. Other missions like the organisation of larger secret groups, reception of airlifted personnel and supplies, reconnaissance, special intelligence tasks, 14 case of an internal coup d'etat', as Evang had foreseen them, or missions 'to guard against fifth-column (Communist) subversive activities' were not listed by the document but presumably remained valid. |
ROC headquarters were established in a house in Smestad in 1950 and arms caches were erected across the country while a government bunker in Cort Adeler Street in central Oslo was chosen as a central repository for ROC equipment. Jens Nordlie, a close wartime resistance collaborator of Defence Minister Hauge, was chosen to be the first chief of the Norwegian stay-behind ROC. Already in |
February 1949 Nordlie had met with officers of the MI6 in London where an
agreement had been reached to accelerate the build-up of the Norwegian secret army ROC and the intention was confirmed 'to establish 15 five-man groups before the 15 transmitters and explosives. In case of war and occupation of Norway, Britain was to function as the wartime stay-behind headquarters. Allegedly there were some doubts on the Norwegian side concerning the wisdom of letting the British have the names of all ROC personnel, for thus the secret army was not only under Norwegian, but also under foreign control. Collaboration of ROC with the CIA was equally close. With the approval of Defence Minister Hauge ROC leaders regularly met with the American official Harold Stuart, a representative of the US National Security Council. Information and money was exchanged and presumably 16 also the CIA possessed lists with the names of ROC members. |
A survey from the end of 1949 showed that stay-behind training had been completed for nine group leaders and seven radio operators. Arms caches had been erected containing arms and equipment for the secret groups with sufficient supplies for a 12-month period without reprovisioning. By 1952, 32 ROC units counting five members each had been established, with plans to continue building up the secret army to at least 40 units or 200 core members. Hauge praised ROC chief Nordlie for the progress being made, but questioned whether not too many ROC units had been stationed in the very north of Norway, including the so-called Finnmark area, closest to the Soviet Union. 'It is probably mainly foreign interests, such as in connection with bombing raids across Finnmark against the Soviet Union etc., which are served by our being so strongly committed in Finnmark', Hauge in March 1952 wrote to Nordlie. 'Viewed in the light of a more general ROC concern, I am inclined to believe that we would achieve greater results in the south of Norway. In accordance with this line of argument, we should, therefore, be careful not to mismanage our resources by allocating too much of them to 17 Finnmark.' |
Defence Minister Hauge was well aware of the fact that Washington and London had strategic interests in northern Norway. For during the entire Cold War, Norway guarded the 192-km long sparsely populated and icy most northern frontier of NATO with the Soviet Union. The strategic importance of Norway to NATO was, similar to that of Turkey in the south, that the country reached like a long arm over neutral Finland far into the east and was therefore closer to Moscow than any other northern NATO country. Hence the country could be used as a listening post and departure area for CIA spy planes and, at least potentially, NATO bombers, as Hague indicated in his letter. The resistance preparations against a foreign occupier, however, were according to Hague more useful in the more densely populated south of Norway. |
Hague was not exactly satisfied how the secret army was being financed, insisting that Norway was covering too much of the bill. According to an agreement amongst the three parties involved in the Norwegian secret army ROC radio equipment was being provided free of charge by the United States and |
Great Britain, whereas Norway paid 50 per cent of all other equipment and
furthermore covered all training expenses. Hague reached the conclusion 'that the operations under the ROC arrangements... were more in the interests of the 18 two-thirds of the total costs of ROC, while the CIA and the MI6 covered the rest, and that above all the expenses for ROC were consuming over 50 per cent of the entire budget of the Norwegian secret service NIS. Therefore Hauge suggested in a memorandum in 1950 that in addition to providing ROC radio equipment free of charge the United States and Great Britain, who were so eager to erect a stay-behind in Norway, should also cover the costs of all other equipment. Norway in turn would pay for the ROC people and arrange for their training. It seems that the suggestions of Hauge were accepted in the White House and in London and Norway's bill was reduced. For 1952 the total ROC costs amounted to 1.5 million Norwegian Kroner that were split equally between the three secret services NIS, CIA and MI6. The yearly costs thereafter seem to have remained stable, for 13 years later, in the 1965 budget, the third that Norway had to cover amounted to 19 600,000 Kroner. |
As in all countries of Western Europe information on the secret anti-Communist army was limited according to strict 'need to know' principles. While ROC was being built up, there were staff meetings at least once every week with ROC chief Jens Nordlie and often in the presence of NIS chief Evang. From late autumn 1950 onwards the national representatives of the CIA and the MI6 also regularly took part in these Norwegian Gladio meetings. Contact with the Norwegian Minister of Defence was sporadic, and mostly in the form of informal conversations between Hague and Evang or Hauge and Nordlie. Not even the Norwegian Security Police, comparable to the American FBI, was informed of the top-secret stay-behind. And as in all other Gladio countries the Norwegian parliament, representing the 20 Norwegian people, knew nothing of the secret army. |
During an ROC meeting in October 1951 the issue of reporting to Defence Minister Hauge as well as to London and Washington was specifically raised. Nordlie suggested that Hauge should receive but a short summary at regular intervals on the Norwegian stay-behind, 'since it must be assumed that he is so overburdened with work that he cannot be expected to have the time to read the 21 relatively lengthy summary'. how, and to what degree, subsequent Norwegian Defence Ministers were 22 informed of the top-secret ROC. It was agreed that CIA and MI6 should regularly |
In April 1949 Norway together with 11 other nations founded NATO and signed the North Atlantic Treaty. Thereafter the secret army of Norway was more closely coordinated with the special warfare department of the military |
alliance. The w r i t t e n records of the Norwegian Defence Ministry concerning
ROC confirm that in August 1951 NATO's Supreme Commander for Europe (SACEUR) established the so-called CP C to plan secret operations and direct the 23 informed that SACEUR had given the order to CPC to summon representatives of the secret services of the NATO countries to CPC. Together with other European secret services chiefs Evang received an invitation to a CPC meeting in Paris on May 7, 1952 for a briefing on the stay-behind situation and a discussion of ROC's relationship to the CPC, presumably with the presence of SACEUR US General Matthew Ridgway of the US Army. |
Prior to the meeting Evang contacted his Danish counterpart in order to estab- lish a common approach to the expected NATO questions. Evang and the chief of the Danish secret service agreed to make it clear to the CPC that the Norwegian secret army ROC and the Danish secret army Absalon were only to be used 'in the event of a total occupation or a static partial occupation'. It was out of the question to make use of the organisation under what Evang called 'normal fighting', a vague 24 term which maybe also included domestic unrest or a coup d'etat. 25 revealed in international discussions.' Evang was |
In November 1952, NATO's secret warfare centre CPC presented a basic docu- ment that was circulated among the chiefs of the national secret services for comments. The CPC plan aimed at a whole range of 'unorthodox warfare' activities to be carried out by the national secret services and their stay-behind armies. The planning and preparation for such unorthodox warfare, as the CPC document insisted, had to be carried out by the national secret services and their stay-behind units. In peacetime the CPC in close collaboration with the SACEUR would have a coordinat- ing responsibility. In the 'active phase', probably meaning several possible stages from domestic coup d'etat to full Soviet invasion of the territory, the SACEUR would assume direct control of such sections of the national secret services including the stay-behind, as were placed at the disposal of NATO. The Norwegian representatives were worried that the secret army could become an instrument of Washington and London and the NIS insisted that there should be an agreement that the Norwegian Government retained 'the right to deal with the political situation in Norway what- ever the circumstances', as well as the 'sovereign right to control and manage the 26 clandestine effort which it deems necessary to exercise political control in Norway'. |
The idea of a CIA secret army in Norway under the control of a US SACEUR
remained unacceptable to the majority of o f f i c e r s within the Norwegian secret service. 'During the last war, the Norwegian government was located outside the boundaries of the country, but its constitutional powers remained in legal order |
and it exercised its functions as government throughout the enemy's occupation of Norway', a NIS memorandum dating from January 1953 on the CPC summarised the wartime experience. 'Under the influence of these experiences the Norwegian government views it as self-evident that it should retain responsibility for the political leadership in the country - also in occupied parts of the country.' Hence the suggestion that in case of emergency NATO and its American SACEUR should take over control of the Norwegian secret army was a most sensitive issue. 'That the leadership of the resistance movement should be subordinated to an American general and his international staff would incite a political storm in the country if it became known before an occupation - and after an occupation it would provide an excellent basis for enemy propaganda', the NIS memorandum 27 critically retained. |
Despite these Norwegian concerns, over the years the CIA and MI6 had gained a considerable amount of control over the Norwegian secret army. In 1955 Harbitz Rasmussen, a leading member of the ROC, informed NIS chief Evang in a memorandum that copies of the personal files of the secret ROC personnel had been deposited in Washington and in London. In addition, the CIA and MI6 had also been given information that was needed to establish and run the radio communications of the stay-behind networks. Rasmussen lamented the situation and stressed that the information was contained in sealed envelopes. He suggested that Evang should initiate action in order to get these sealed envelopes back and store them under 'exclusive Norwegian control' in London and Washington, 28 meaning at the Norwegian embassies in the two capitals. |
Whether Evang was successful in his operation remains unclear due to the lack of documents. But it is clear that Evang's trust in the United States was severely shaken in 1957, leading to an acute crisis between the Norwegian NIS, the CIA and the US-dominated NATO. Evang had received information that an American member of NATO's Headquarters Allied Forces Northern Europe (HQ AFNORTH) at Kolsas in Norway 'was showing a distinct interest in general military intelligence material and had also had translated at AFNORTH data on Norwegian citizens, especially people who had strongly pacifist and negative attitudes to NATO'. The Norwegian authorities arrested the US-American and it was revealed that he had also spied upon high-ranking Norwegian officials and reported to a named officer at SHAPE. Evang was furious and demanded that this matter be the first item on the agenda at the next meeting of the stay-behind control centre CPC in Paris on November 19, 1957. |
The atmosphere therefore was tense when the European Directors of the secret services met at Avenue Deloison, Neuilly, in Paris. Colonel Blaer, a British officer, chaired the CPC meeting and introduced the session by indicating that the NIS 'was extremely worried about activities carried out by officers at Kolsas. |
This concerned SB [stay-behind], Psywar and Counter Intelligence.' Then Evang
himself took the floor and delivered a stern warning in NATO to keep its hands off the Norwegian stay-behind: 'Things were quiet until the past year when we became aware that there were still officers at AFNORTH who worked on Psywar, E&E [Evasion and Escape] and, in this connection, also engaged in the blacklisting of people at high levels', Evang explained. 'When high ranking persons in Norway are being included on such a blacklist, then something must be wrong. My govern- ment also views this in a very serious light, and I have standing orders not to take part in international planning if such activities are going on.' NIS chief Evang was seriously concerned and threatened that Norway would leave the CPC if NATO secretly continued to violate the sovereignty of its members. 'As far as Norway is concerned, our interest in CPC planning as such has since 1954 declined steadily because there is no future in it for us. We are of the opinion that we are developing a stay-behind which is to be used at home for the purpose of liberation 29 from an occupation.' |
Brigadier Simon, chief of NATO's Special Projects Branch at SHAPE with responsibilities also for CPC, tried to calm the Norwegian representatives. In a classical plausible denial Simon admitted that the questionable American had worked in a section of Special Projects, but denied that he had had instructions to act in the way Evang had recently uncovered. Evang insisted that he was not mistaken and threatened to withdraw Norway from the secret CPC until things had been put into order. NATO and the White House were surprised when Evang made his threat a reality and withdrew Norway from the secret CPC meetings. Several high-level NATO officials wrote to him trying to convince him to return his NIS back into the CPC. On October 14, 1958 Evang met with a US General who was able to convince the Norwegian Director to bring back his secret service and the clandestine army to the CPC. Before returning Evang wanted an official letter of excuse containing the following main points: 'a) The affair had been resolved, b) SHAPE would promise not to continue activity of the sort that has been 30 Norway with its ROC rejoined NATO's stay-behind command centre CPC and the row ended. |
Does it amount to a serious security risk if a top-secret army exists within the state, run partly by the national military secret service and partly by foreign powers with specific interests within a Cold War framework? Or does, on the contrary, such a secret army protect the state from great risks to its security? Such questions troubled the Norwegian stay-behind commanders during the Cold War as well as observers across Europe after the exposure of the clandestine network in 1990. Obviously trust in the integrity and reliability of the stay-behind sponsors, United States and Great Britain, was crucial. 'We must trust our allies!', Norwegian stay-behind commander Sven Ollestad insisted even after the CPC scandal. Yet given the known covert action operations and manipulations of political systems by CIA and MI6 across the globe in the Cold War and beyond, trust was lacking among certain Norwegian officials. 'There was a tense atmosphere' at the headquarters of the |
Norwegian stay behind in Oslo on the corner of Gronlandsleiret and Platous
Gate, Gladio researchers Bye and Sjue relate, when the question was discussed whether the allies should have an entire and independent control of the secret network. But 'the boss, lieutenant colonel Sven Ollestad had made up his mind on the issue and had given the order that the national security code which can release the whole stay behind network was to be handed over to the MI6'. The Norwegian secret army had thus given away part of the sovereignty of Norway and 'active and intense protests from his closest co-workers' resulted. The protests 31 were ignored. |
Norwegian journalists during the politically agitated period of the late 1960s - characterised by flower power, say-no-to-violence movements, student protests and anti-Vietnam demonstrations - decided that the United States should not be trusted and in December 1967 published a top-secret undated NATO document to support their claim. 'In the case of domestic unrest, that might seriously affect the US troops or their mission, such as a military uprising or a large domestic resistance against the government of the host country [the US army] has to do everything in its power to suppress such unrest, using its own resources.' The document made specific reference to Western Europe, in particular, Norway, Greece, Turkey, West Germany, France, Italy, Holland, Belgium, Luxemburg and Denmark. The United States feared, due to the massive anti-Vietnam demonstrations, that governments or populations in Western Europe including Norway might turn against them and threaten the operability of both US Forces and NATO. Signed by US General J. P. Mc. Connell, vice-commander of the US Forces in Europe, the document continued to explain most sensitively that under special circumstances the US shall intervene in a European NATO country even without the consent of the national government in order to suppress domestic unrest: 'If these initiatives do not suffice, or in case the government concerned asks for assistance, or if the Commander of the US forces comes himself to the conclusion that the government is not able to suppress such unrest, then the US troops can carry out those measures deemed necessary by the US Commander on their own initiative or in co-operation 32 secret stay-behind armies under NATO command would have become involved remains unclear. |
The attitude of the White House and the Pentagon in Washington towards the sovereignty of other nations did not strengthen the confidence which certain members of the Norwegian stay-behind placed in NATO, CIA and MI6. And hence, similar to the situation within the CPC stay-behind command centre, concerns were raised on the international level also in the ACC stay-behind command centre. ROC together with the European secret armies took part in the meetings of the NATO stay-behind command ACC linked to SHAPE, to which Norwegian documents at times also refer to as the 'Allied Clandestine Co-operation Groups' (ACCG). Norwegian historian Riste relates that in ACC documents it was stated 'positively half a dozen times: "Command and control will at all times be retained by the respective National Clandestine Services'", while Norwegian documents |
critically noted that 'misgivings are expressed concerning the superior role
33 assumed by ACCG SHAPE' over the sovereignty of Norway. closely with the British SAS and US Green Berets Special Forces as Norwegian Gladiators trained in the United States and England Major Sven Blindheim, a prominent member of the Norwegian secret army, had himself been for many years an instructor at 'the Nursery', the special operations training centre of the British at Fort Monckton in Great Britain where the Italian Gladiators were also trained. And Colonel Sven Ollestad together with instructor Sven Blindheim in 1952 had absolved CIA Gladio training courses in the United States, presumably together with the Green Berets Special Forces at the US headquarters for unorthodox warfare 34 in Fort Bragg. |
Judged from Blindheim's minutes, Bye and Sjue relate that 'the essence of the CIA teaching can be summed up in the "10 clandestine commandments"' which explicitly stressed that the secret armies could engage in both military and political warfare. After emphasising the clandestine nature of the operation the CIA stay-behind doctrine highlighted that '1. Clandestine operations are a way to lead political and military warfare. 2. The goal of stay-behind is to secure a continuous and permanent operational ability to conduct sabotage, espionage, guerrilla, evacuation and escape in areas and countries which can come under Soviet and Communist control.' In order to be able to carry out these missions the network had to be watertight: '3. The principle of "need to know" is holy. Every link/person must know absolutely the least possible about the whole, and every link/person must be cut off from the possibility to find out anything about the other part of the organisation and people involved. 4. Parallel units in a stay-behind organisation must be kept apart and only "meet" at the top headquarters', including the ACC and CPC linked to NATO's SHAPE. '5. When the agent candidate is to be considered and analysed with regards to recruiting - use all possible and impossible sources and means of control and check: police, schools, societies, work places, friends, relatives, neighbours, eaves dropping, house searches. There must be a continuous and long lasting surveillance of the candidate before 35 recruitment.' |
Whether American and British instructors and Special Forces members also came to Norway to train the secret ROC army as they had done, for instance, in Belgium and neutral Switzerland, remains unclear. According to historian Riste, the Norwegian secret service was 'wary of any suggestion which could lead to British or American interference in the work on Norwegian soil. This concerned, among other things, a proposal of support from the American Special Forces which were stationed in Germany, or the British Special Air Service units, whose 36 equally unclear to what degree Norway's cooperation with CIA, MI6, NATO's CPC and ACC changed after NIS chief Evang, never much liked by Washington for his left-wing past and critical statements in the CPC, was replaced by Colonel Johan Berg in 1966. Allegedly the bonds strengthened. |
The most serious threat to total exposure of the Norwegian Gladio came in
1978 when a Norwegian policeman tracking illegally produced alcohol stumbled across a large ROC underground arms cache containing at least 60 weapons including many machine guns, 12,000 rounds of ammunitions, explosives and sophisticated communications equipment. Unaware of the existence of the stay- behind network the policeman reported his finding and the news were leaked to the press. 'If the policeman had been cleared with intelligence, it probably would have been covered up', academic Nil Gleditzch at the International Peace 37 which both the illegal alcohol distillery and the stay-behind arms cache was found was identified to be Hans Otto Meyer, a member of the Norwegian secret service. Meyer was arrested but to the surprise of the investigators his claim that the arsenal had been put up by the secret service for use by a resistance cell was eventually confirmed. |
As the scandal unfolded, the Norwegian parliament became involved and was stunned to learn from Defence Minister Rolf Hansen that a secret resistance network had been formed after the war. According to his explanations, the network had originated from private groups that however had been placed under the supervi- sion of the Norwegian secret service. Aware of the sensitive situation Hansen claimed that the 'Norwegian network was not answerable to NATO or other countries, dismissing any connections to the CIA. But he would not discuss 38 of Hansen in 1978 were at best misleading, at worst they were simply untrue. But within a Cold War context the majority of the Norwegian parliament trusted Hansen and saw no reason to investigate or close down the secret network and the story was quickly buried. |
By coincidence the strongest evidence contradicting Hansen's claim that the CIA was not involved in the secret operation surfaced exactly in the same year as Hansen testified in front of parliament when former CIA Director William Colby published his memoirs. In his book, written to enhance the public image of the discredited CIA, Colby proudly related how he had been involved in setting up a secret army in the north of Europe, including in Norway, from 1951 to 1953, when he was a young CIA agent at the US Embassy in Stockholm. 'The situation in each Scandinavian country was different', Colby explained. 'Norway and Denmark were NATO allies, Sweden held to the neutrality that had taken her through two world wars, and Finland was required to defer in its foreign policy to the Soviet power directly on its borders. Thus, in one set of these countries the governments themselves would build their own stay-behind nets, counting on activating them from exile to carry on the struggle', Colby revealed with implicit 39 reference to Norway and Denmark. |
These nets had to be co-ordinated with NATO's plans, their radios had to be hooked to a future exile location, and the specialised equipment had to be secured from CIA and secretly cached in snowy hideouts for later use', Colby continued, and with respect to neutral Sweden and Finland explained: 'In the other set of |
countries, CIA would have to do their job alone or with, at best, "unofficial" local help, since the politics of those governments barred them from collaborating with NATO, and any exposure would arouse immediate protest from the local Communist press, Soviet diplomats and loyal Scandinavians who hoped that neutrality or nonalignment would allow them to slip through a World War III
40 unharmed.'
Given the discovery of the arms cache and the confessions of Colby, the cover of the Norwegian secret army had thus been blown in 1978 and the entire European network was threatened with exposure. 'It was a little surprising that no one in the other NATO countries picked up on it, and raised questions about their own
countries', researcher Nil Gleditzch therefore in 1990 commented on the Norwegian
1978 discoveries.
When in November 1990, in the wake of the Italian revelations, the Norwegian ROC secret army was rediscovered Defence Ministry spokesman Erik Senstad answered the Gladio questions of the press with one short sentence: 'What 42 surprise and criticism, members of the Norwegian military stressed that also from a democratic point of view it had been correct to keep the army within the state secret. Rear Admiral Jan Ingebristen confirmed to the press in 1990 that the stay-behind army still existed in 1985 when he stepped down as head of the Norwegian Supreme Defence Command intelligence service. Amidst public criticism Ingebristen insisted that it was logical and sensible that stay-behind units are kept top-secret and that the public, media and parliament only learn about them by accident: 'There is nothing suspicious about it. But these are units that would stay-behind in occupied territory and it is therefore necessary that they be kept 43 top-secret.' |
Norwegian journalists Ronald Bye and Finn Sjue wanted to know more details about the Norwegian Gladio and in the absence of a parliamentary investigation interviewed numerous former participants and members of the secret services and in 1995 published their account of the Norwegian secret army under the title 'The 44 Secret Army of Norway. History of the Stay-Behind'. 45 declassification and release and minor deletions were made. The well-informed and |
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