Sunday, March 23, 2025
write in the aftermath of the World Court decision condemning Israel as
a state. And demand made upon all members of the United Nations to
enforce this finding.
they did not deny Israel's status as a nation, but so far as they are
concerned, Israel, the nation, had no standing to wage war. This is an
important point, and one that Jacob Rothschild was always at pains to
gratuitously declared a policy (note that policies are issued by
corporations) endorsing a Jewish homeland in Palestine, which was part
of the Ottoman Empire at the time; the endlessly meddlesome British
Government used this 1917 Balfour Declaration to establish a de facto
military protectorate in Palestine.
to, During, and after World War II, the Rothschilds petitioned the
British Government to honor the Balfour Declaration and agree to a 99
year lease on a portion of Palestine known to have historical Jewish
significance--- to serve as a home for Jews fleeing the Third Reich.
"Israel" thus acquired a border, a name, and the appearance of a small
country; the narrative attached to this was a theme of the Jewish
Diaspora being ended.
Jews, they and we, were told, were coming home to the Promised Land.
Zionists, members of a pro-Jewish, pro-Jewish homeland political
movement, were thrilled.
coming "home" to what in reality"? An arid land decimated by the
fall of the Ottoman Empire, a largely hostile native population of mixed
Arabs and Semitic Christians and Jews who never left Judea, a de facto
British military protectorate, and a fragile safety zone where
survivors of the Holocaust could scrabble out a new beginning.
financial backing from the Rothschilds and other very wealthy Jewish
interests, especially support from Zionists who promoted and asserted
unique Jewish prior rights to the ancient Capitol of Jerusalem and other
ancient sites within the arbitrarily defined borders of "Israel",
Zionism became a nationalist movement, in essence, a political party,
and it's members set their sites on creating an ever-expanding Jewish
hegemony in the Middle East.
1948 "Arab- Israeli War" was, by definition, not a war, but a popular
uprising having no lawful standing or legitimacy beyond that which is
generally promoted by tooth and claw. Palestine at the time was more of
a British idea promoted by the press than a factual living state, and
Israel, to the extent that it existed, was a lease-hold based on more
British meddling and usurpation.
Israelis were and are opposed in this not only by Palestinians, but by
multiple Muslim countries in the region, and as the World Court
decision indicates, a growing international push-back opposed to the
overwrought rapacious acts of genocide and wanton destruction that
Israelis insist on inflicting on their neighbors.
has long ago ceased to be an argument about Israel's right to exist and
become an argument about Israel's right to genocide other nations, as
it is presently doing in Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria.
likes the Israelis or their war-mongering excuse for a government.
Indeed, they have become what they hate, embodying the Nazi spirit and
ethos, complete with claims of racial superiority, denigration of women
and minorities, disrespect for any standard of international law, and
reckless enterprise.
are, right now, in the process of murdering two million Palestinians
and hundreds of thousands of Lebanese and Syrian victims on the pretext
that these unarmed civilians pose a threat to their mini-empire, which
is defended by billions of dollars-worth of the latest and greatest
military technology provided to them by The United States --- whether we
like it or not.
the first forty days of Donald Trump's Second Administration, more than
$16 Billion dollars worth of armaments were gifted to the Israeli
state, and nobody can fathom why.
To encourage the madmen to unleash another wave of carpet bombing in Gaza?
To top off an arsenal that is already sufficient to blow up the world several times over in the name of Israeli "defense"?
we see is Israeli offensive actions --- and gross overreaction to
events that appear to be False Flags. The lady doth protest too much
when Hamas has been paid to stage an attack and Israeli defense
perimeters have been disabled by the Israelis to expedite it.
butchers killed approximately 1,100 civilians; the Israelis in return
have killed hundreds of thousands and displaced millions and destroyed
the entire infrastructure of the Gaza Strip. This wanton, gross
overreaction has revealed the nature of the Israeli Beast that our
support has created.
They have no conscience.
They no longer deserve our support.
Trump quietly funnels billions more in aid to poor little Israel, which
would rather pursue war, war, and more war, than feed its own widows,
and goes on international news and says-- to paraphrase -- "Tsk, tsk!
What a mess. We ought to clean this up and take advantage of the beach
front development opportunities. The Palestinians who used to live here
can go somewhere else."
doesn't appear to realize how snarky this sounds, when they have been
given precious little other choice and when it's their homes and their
homeland that he is talking about.
would it be, if we just drew a line around New York, carpet bombed it,
and told Donald Trump that, "Well, everything's destroyed anyway, so we
are going to build a giant 15 minute city where New York used to be, and
the New Yorkers can all go somewhere else. We hear that Nevada still
has plenty of empty space...."
atrocity in Gaza only seems to take on form and meaning for Trump, when
we put it on the other foot and give an example that is closer to home,
and really, that shouldn't be necessary.
men and women are supposed to be able to imagine how they would feel
and how they would react if they were Palestinians and had this happen
to them and to their homes.
Not think about new luxury spa hotels and profits to be made from maximizing the beach front potential.
United Nations Organization, which is by far, not our favorite
organization in the world, has nonetheless published good guidelines
regarding the need to oppose genocide, in fact and in principle.
guidelines and international law require all member nations to oppose
genocide by all means possible. They call upon each and every one of us
to oppose genocide, yet in Britain people are being arrested merely for
speaking out against what is going on in the Middle East, a violation
of the most basic and traditional rights of the British people, and a
tacit approval of the genocide in Gaza and in Lebanon from the British
Government --- which created this whole problem in the first place.
Way to go, Monty. Again.
about a little moral object lesson for Benjamin Netanyahu? What if we
drew a line around Jerusalem and carpet bombed it into oblivion, and
then said something like this, "Well, it was just a bunch of old houses
and public buildings. The streets were too narrow and the plumbing was
bad. Too many religious nutcases were fixated on it. We can clean it
up and put in some casinos and make a ton of money, instead."
How do you feel now, Bibi?
Not so easy, when it's your tit in the wringer, is it?
to unquestioned support from "the US" and Britain, Israel has been
allowed to act as not only a bully, but a murderous bully, terrorizing
its neighbors and committing acts of genocide with no accountability.
The price we all pay for this is "eternal" war in the Middle East.
to mention the cost of billions of dollars worth of bombs and missiles
and drones and all the rest of it, poured down Israel's war-mongering
hole. Other than passing on mostly false "intelligence" gossip via
Mossad, we can't think of a single thing that Israel does for us, and
that's not worth $16B.
far, Algeria and Yemen are the only countries that have stood up and
done anything against the genocide committed by the Israeli Government,
so apparently, they are the only ones that deserve any quarter or
protection from genocide.
we were aliens from another planet trying to account for this grotesque
hypocrisy and failure of conscience, justice, and compassion, we could
only conclude that a majority of the nations are ruled by lunatics, with
no firm values or standards at all.
call upon Mr. Trump and his Handlers in London to reflect on their
responses thus far and think hard about what those responses reveal. If
Britain, which caused the problem, and "the U.S." which is existing as a
thrall nation of "U.S. Citizens" consigned to peonage by the British
Crown-- not the Russians -- continue on in this fashion, they will have
no moral standing at all.
call for the immediate shunning of Israel and its government by all
other nations; simply cut them off. Refuse to trade with them. Deny
access to their diplomats. Avoid them like the pariahs they deserve to
be. Just shake your heads and walk away. We no longer care what they
suffered in World War II, if they continue to cause and promote similar
atrocities today.
Trump, don't misrepresent our government by supporting Israel and
Netanyahu in committing genocide and the Israeli equivalent of
Apartheid; any more armaments you send that allow Israel to promote an
offensive war in the Middle East had better come out of your private
corporate stash and not be applied to our bill under the pretense that
these expenditures are made in our defense.
never approved of the Monroe Doctrine and we certainly don't approve of
the role "the U.S." has played to date in the Middle East.
Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger -- Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
March 23rd 2025
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