Fluoride Information

Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.

An American Affidavit

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Are Any Vaccines Safe?


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Are Any Vaccines Safe?

“Why would you deposit a “fierce” lab created version of the flu directly up into your nasal passages? It’s insanity.” - Karen Kingston, USAWatchdog.com, Sept 29. 2024

September 30, 2024: I was thrilled when I received a message from Greg Hunter this past week requesting an interview. As usual, Greg and I had a dynamic discussion addressing the public health status of the COVID-19 mRNA injections in Florida, the annihilation of Pfizer’s liability shield, former NY Governor Andrew Cuomo’s House hearing, and the safety (or rather dangers) of all vaccines, including FluMist, ACAM2000, DryVaxx, and the measles, mumps, rubella (MMRII) vaccines.

You can view the full interview on USAwatchdog.com.

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It’s Insanity. FluMist is More Fierce than the Flu

Excerpt from summary article on USAwatchdog.com;

There is a new flu vaccine called FluMist that is a nasal spray.  Astra Zeneca says this product is a “needle-free, self-administered vaccine.”  Sounds harmless, but Kingston says there is a good chance you will get the flu from this product and then shed the flu to other people for 11 days, according to company data.  Kingston says, “You spray this up your nose and it infects you with a lab creation of the flu.  What happens?  You get the flu. . . . you get chills, abdominal pain and fever.  Some children got fever of 104 degrees. . . . You are better off being exposed to the flu in nature. . . . This spray goes straight to your brain, and this is probably why some of the listed side effects are neurological side effects.  

“Why would you deposit a “fierce” lab created version of the flu directly up into your nasal passages? It’s insanity.” 

This the link to the Kingston Report analysis on FluMist.

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FluMist is More Fierce Than the Flu: Causing Significantly Higher Rates of Hospitalization and Transmission


Sep 24
FluMist is More Fierce Than the Flu: Causing Significantly Higher Rates of Hospitalization and Transmission

September 24, 2024: On Friday, September 20, 2024, the FDA approved FluMist for self-administration by adults between the ages of 18-49, meaning you can ‘vaccinate’ yourself and your loved ones at home without the supervision of a medical professional.

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Trump Said What About the COVDI-19 Vaccines?

During a recent interview with Sharyl Attkinson, President Trump stated that he was mandated to deliver the COVID-19 vaccines. The Kingston Report on Trump and the Pfizer contract (including an excerpt from his interview) can be found here.

Trump Was Mandated to Deliver COVID-19 Vaccines


Sep 26
Trump Was Mandated to Deliver COVID-19 Vaccines

September 25, 2024: I’ve frequently been criticized for not condemning Trump for allowing the COVID-19 mRNA injections to come to market. As a former corporate executive who has written, reviewed, and negotiated well over a hundred contracts with large biopharma companies, I always asserted that President Trump had an extremely clean paper trail in regard to the Pfizer contract.

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USAWatchdog.com Is an Excellent News Source

I strongly recommend subscribing to Greg Hunter’s USAwatchdog.com. He covers topics with guests that are not covered anywhere else. His recent interview with award-winning investigative journalist Alex Newman on the UN’s Pact for the Future contains critical information every global citizen needs to be aware of.

John 1:5-7

God is light. In Him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth.

But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.

The Kingston Report. TRUTH WINS.

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The Goodness Inside

People often ask me for advice on supplements and medical treatments. I can’t make medical recommendations for you, but for me, I know that reducing the level of acid in your body and taking a supplement that contains zeolite can help remove toxic metals from your body. I personally use these products to detox (Pure Body Extract (Zeolite), Super Green Juice, Organic Super Fiber, Organic Super Protein) which you can order here.

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