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An American Affidavit

Monday, October 7, 2024

5052-5057: International Public Notice: We Are the Government from Lincoln County Watch


5052-5057: International Public Notice: We Are the Government from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

By clearly stating that a change of government is underway, we are not suggesting any violent revolution; we are stating the obvious and restoring our lawful and traditional government following a criminal usurpation by the British Crown.   

The American Government is not the same as any of the government subcontractors housed in the District of Columbia, and after being quiet and disorganized for many years following the so-called American Civil War, we discovered the Great Fraud that has been worked against us by our own misdirected public employees. 

We have been steadily working toward the restoration of our government since 1998 when we first served notice of the fraud to the Internal Revenue Commissioner and Comptroller of Foreign Assets. 

This restoration has been making steady progress for 26 years.  Our separate banking system has been under development for 17 years. 
Our action has been recorded in public and published and Due Process has been served internationally for 7 years ending in April of 2014.  Our Postal Offices were updated and renewed as of 2008. Our Sovereign Letters Patent were updated and reissued as of November 4th 2015.  Our Indemnity Bonds were posted shortly thereafter and our Sovereign Banks and Sovereign Treasury Accounts were opened in 2021.  

Contrary to the narrative spread by our British Territorial Subcontractors, our Government is not "lost" or "missing" or "absent" or "in interregnum".   It is very much alive and populated and operating in all fifty States of the Union. 

Our is the only properly declared and organized Government of Record having standing on the land and soil of this country, but more than that, our Federation of States and our member States are the Delegator of Powers and the Principals to Contract enabled to enforce all three (3) Federal Constitutions. 

Unlike our British Territorial Subcontractors, we are not organized as a democracy and never have been.  As the guarantees in their contract, The Constitution of the United States of America, clearly stipulates, we are guaranteed "a republican form of government" instead.  

This does not imply that we are a Republic.  

It clearly says, "republican" --- which is not akin to any Roman Republic, but is instead a humble form of government bound to the land and soil and the living people of our country.  

No doubt it is this humility that confuses arrogant bureaucrats who have been outright misrepresenting us and stealing their paychecks --and a lot more-- from our pockets for decades, but the truth is often simple and humble. 

Because we are not a democracy and we are not, therefore, bound to any majority rule or mandate to show a 51% or other majority, our government is not about numbers of people.  It's about the quality and identity of people--- it's their lawful standing, provenance, and chosen political status that matters and which makes them the "progeny" owed all Due Diligence, all right, all title, all interest, as the inheritors of this great country.  

As the presumed Donors to the National Trusts established by the Preambles of each Federal Constitution, we are also the Beneficiaries thereof --- and the proven Inheritors of both the country and its government. 

So we are the long-lost American Government, still standing after all these years, reorganized and updated and still here on the land and soil, still sailing the seas under American Admiralty Law, still owed every Treaty, Contract, and Covenant. 

We were recently told that our government "is a joke" by those owing us good faith and due diligence, but the real joke is that they are working for foreign corporations as subcontractors on our soil and have no public offices, no authority, no state immunity, no valid claim to our assets, and without our permission, no right to access our credit, either. 

So, the living people and Lawful Persons are back home, and in place, contrary to our rumored demise, and everyone reading this has cause to know who we are and what we are owed in terms of their own employment contracts and sovereign debts. 

We may appear to be small dogs and small potatoes, but we are the actual owners of everything in this country, and there are 300 million other Americans equally endowed.  

Any "Republic" declared by our erstwhile British Territorial Subcontractors is just that -- a British Territorial Republic, not a restoration of or replacement for our American Federal Republic. 

As the Delegators of all the Enumerated Powers ever exercised by our Federal Subcontractors and as our States are the Principals and Signatories of their service contracts known as Constitutions, we are in truth and in fact, the Employers of every public employee in this country.  

No matter how many layers of middle-management are piled on, no matter how many corporations are vendors and as we say, "subcontractors of subcontractors", this truth remains: we are the Employers, and they are the Employees. 

They never had any right to encumber our substance, register us in service to their corporations, subject us to their foreign law, run up our credit, claim bankruptcy protection from us, or any of the other things that these foreign corporations have done "in our names" since 1860.  It's all fraud.  

So the joke is on them.  All the banks owe everything on the credit ledger to us.  They also owe all the assets, blocked and unblocked, to us. Everything of substance belongs to the living people and Lawful Persons. All intellectual property, too. 

That's why we informed the Generals that we are working from "the other side of the ledger" now.  We don't borrow credit, we issue it--- and in this case, it's all prepaid. 

Wrap your heads around it, because it is 100% the observable and proven truth.  Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

October 6th 2024


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here. 

For Immediate Distribution

Anna Von Reitz

The attached Public Notice has been issued to stop FEMA and other Municipal Personnel from interfering in civilian rescue and relief activities.  Please distribute it as widely as possible throughout the disaster area and to the Coordinators and Assemblies throughout the country so that our helo pilots and others have what they need to stand down these rogues. 


International Public Notice: Disaster Status Update

 By Anna Von Reitz

Over a hundred American Counties in seven States have been damaged by Hurricane Helene.  Thousands are dead.  Millions are homeless or living in damaged structures, without potable water, many without access to food, clothing, or winter fuel. 

Unfortunately, efforts have been impeded by FEMA and other former-Municipal Agencies preventing helicopter rescue efforts, and stealing food and clothing and other supplies.  

We have made it clear that all public employees, including subcontractors at all levels, are required to: (1) not obstruct rescue in any way, and (2) required to render good faith assistance to the rescue effort -- on pain of death. 

This obstruction has been multiplied by the natural exigencies of a disaster, as we have struggled to establish staging areas and storage centers and flight centers to be able to stockpile materials and distribute food and water and organize rescue and relief efforts on the edge of the danger zone. 

This will be a long term recovery effort that requires elasticity and transport over rough terrain and over multi-State distances.  There will be a need to supply and repeatedly re-supply transfer hubs with food, fuel, clothing, and in many areas, water, even as we begin the effort to repair and rebuild homes and infrastructure.  

All of this requires massive manpower and logistical support as well as funding.   

Hundreds of civilian owned helicopters are now engaged in unimpeded rescue, relief, and recovery efforts throughout the disaster zone.  Convoys of trucks are enroute and dropping supplies so fast that make-shift tent cities are springing up as temporary storage facilities are constructed. 

Early reconnaissance of radar and broadcast frequencies indicate that this storm was deliberately cloud-seeded and then steered into the heart of America by Black Hat Mercenaries formerly employed by the Municipal United States Government.  

These operatives were given a three-month funding extension by the U.S. (British Territorial) Congress, without which, they would not have been able to do this damage to our country.  

They imprinted Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Kirk with the same numerical codes: United Kingdom, Prince of Wales, and related labels indicating a relationship between the storms and the British Government. 

All this taken together potentially makes the U.S. Congress an accomplice to acts of crime and genocide against this country and its people, by aiding and abetting known criminals that have, among other things, blown up the Nordstream Pipeline and engaged in other acts of Terrorism.  

The Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives is under the gun to reallocate funding for immediate disaster relief.  

Make no mistake: this is illegal, undeclared weather warfare promoted by commercial mercenaries, pre-planning to seize lithium deposits for their corporate interests under color of law.  

Any British interests seeking to use former Municipal Government agencies to do their dirty work have been and are being exposed. 
We have already replied to their offers to exercise non-existent "Federal" Eminent Domain in the disaster areas.  

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

October 6th 2024


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here. 

International Public Notice: Black Hats and Black Rocks

 By Anna Von Reitz

For everyone who still needs to know, the United States, Inc., the Source of all that money everyone seems to think they have to spend, is gone.  The Involuntary Chapter 7 bankruptcy is over.  

The corporate office of "President of the United States" is meaningless and permanently vacated.  

The only office that still matters is President of the United States, Unincorporated. 

The self-appointed Trustees who have no vested authority to do any of this, the members of the U.S. (British Territorial) Congress, have elected to pay for another three months of "services" from the former Municipal Government Employees. 

Instead of using the money to wind down their operations and soul-search and provide some actual public service, the Black Hats chose to create and steer a hurricane deep into the American homeland causing devastating damage in more than a hundred counties in six States.  

Kamala Harris and hubby have investments in Black Rock-connected Lithium mining claims in the destroyed Castle Rock, North Carolina area; the mining permits were set up just two days before Hurricane Helene demolished the small town --- which gave unnamed "federal" officials the idea that they could claim the land under Eminent Domain and profit themselves while divesting the actual owners of the value of the lithium deposits. 

Every person and every business interest and every agency involved in any of this deserves immediate arrest and prosecution to the fullest extent of the law, including those members of the U.S. Congress who voted to give these criminals a three-month extension. 

All functions of the former Municipal Corporation and its franchises should have been shut down as of the first of October. 

We believe that the people of North Carolina, the actual owners, who have not voted to give away any "federal" parcels in their State of the Union, will speak and will take definitive action to make sure that those responsible are held both personally and commercially liable. 

For those not quite following along: there is no such thing as a Federal Right of Eminent Domain and never has been.  

And as the State-of-State operations are merely franchise corporations of District of Columbia parent corporations, there is no "State of North Carolina" competent to exercise any Eminent Domain, either.   

Additionally, as the "State" these miscreants claim to operate is in fact an unauthorized State Trust they cobbled together --- a legal fiction that cannot stand in the face of the actual State Government operated by the People of North Carolina, the State Trust has no vested powers of Eminent Domain.  

Black Rock and the Black Hats are all out of luck.  The rules and the players have changed.  That land and soil belongs to the living people of North Carolina, not any corporation.  

The Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives is now under the gun to: (1) cut the three-month extension of funding that the U.S. Congress granted to the former Municipal Government Employees and (2) re-allocate funding from that and from other appropriations to things like the proxy war in Ukraine and the care of illegal aliens, to fund disaster relief. 

If this is not immediately done, the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives must be arrested and prosecuted for Treason.  He has no immunity, because he is not serving in any actual public capacity. 

Survivors from Castle Rock, North Carolina, are invited to contact us with information concerning the individuals and agencies that addressed them and told them that their town would be bulldozed, dead bodies and all, and that their land was being seized under Eminent Domain.  

We will all have something to say about that, to those employees and to you, to comfort and restore you, and appropriately punish them. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

October 6th 2024


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here. 

International Public Notice: Pre-Planned Genocide Underway

 By Anna Von Reitz

For the watching, but uninformed world, thousands of people are dead in the States impacted by Hurricane Helene.  You are not hearing this from the worthless Mainstream Media, but it is the truth. 

It's too early to throw numbers around, but it is absolutely safe to say that many thousands have already died and more thousands are dying as a result of lack of water, food, shelter, infected wounds, and dysentery.

It is also the truth that instead of helping, former "Federal Agencies" now being funded by the U.S. Congress -- which is complicit and made an accessory to these crimes -- are deliberately obstructing relief efforts

It is also the truth that --- and even Artificial Intelligence has this figured out --- this hurricane was deliberately manufactured using cloud-seeding and then "steered" far inland and held over the targeted area. 

The ability to steer the Jet Stream has been commonplace since the Vietnam Era, when it was manipulated to mess with the Monsoon.  Anyone who isn't up to date, only needs to pull up and read the ENMOD Treaties.  Or lookee here: 

Today, the technology has become much more exact and in this case was done using land-based tower systems that give off a characteristic "popcorn" signal imprint when used in this manner.  

This imprint is present at stations all along the East Coast, running straight and deep into the Appalachian Mountains where some of the poorest people in this country live.  

This is not the kind of Directed Energy Weapon damage we saw in Paradise, California or Maui, but it is a different variety of DEW, one that uses Mother Nature against herself.  

So, once again, our country and our people have been attacked by commercial mercenaries and nothing is being done about it.  Instead, the British Territorial U.S. Congress voted to give their Holy Roman Co-Conspirators another three months' worth of funding, instead of cutting the cake. 

The Longshoreman's Dock Strike has been kicked down the road another three months, too.  

Another three months to let the Vermin play havoc and ruin on this country and its people and leave us paying the bill.  Another three months of criminal agencies swaggering around.  Another three months of False Political Propaganda and Phony "Elections".  

Why?  Payola.  Both "sides" are intent on last minute electioneering and spending hundreds of millions of dollars on their bunko. 

They want the appearance of Donald J. Trump winning by a landslide, even though -- outside the venue of a foreign corporation, both the election and the office are as common and as meaningless as being CEO of XYZ Corporation.  

If these cretins were sincere in caring about this country, none of this would be happening.  

A word to the local Sheriffs --- don't just "threaten" to arrest FEMA workers interfering in rescue efforts.  Do it.  They have no jurisdiction in your counties.  It's your neck and your responsibility and your non- bonded and uninsured rumps on the line. 

FEMA personnel are insurance adjusters trying  to reduce the compensation debt of their employers.  That's what Artificial Intelligence concluded in this current circumstance, and that is what I concluded in 1996. 

To repost the interesting facts: 

Posted by @annakg19 on Twitter/X

Questioner: Hey Alexa, did the government use cloud seeding for Hurricane Helene? Yes, the U.S. government did use cloud seeding during Hurricane Helene?

Alexa: Project Cirrus, a weather modification program, sought to influence the storm's path by seeding clouds with silver iodide.

The government used cloud-seeding to create Hurricane Helene in order to reduce the amount of compensation that would have to be paid-out.

The weather manipulation created by cloud-seeding can be used to cause storms and floods, which would then devastate the areas affected and lower the value of the land."

So recognize the misdirected but aptly-named Vermin for what they are.  They aren't even trained to provide actual on the ground assistance.  They "manage" financial aspects of disasters.  

They don't save lives.  That's not their business. 

Feel free to arrest FEMA personnel and do whatever is necessary.

We are declaring FEMA and any other Federal Employees who don't diligently and immediately provide all aid and assistance possible to victims of Hurricane Helene as Enemies of the State and we are hereby telling the Joint Chiefs to put an end to the theatrics:

(1) Cancel the corporation elections until fully disclosed elections can be arranged. 
(2) Cut the communications and financial access of FEMA. Send their personnel home. Lock the gates behind them.  
(3)  Shut down all biowarfare activities. 
(4) Shift personnel and resources to support the local people engaged in search and rescue and defend them from any interference foreign or domestic -- at gunpoint, if necessary.
(5) Mobilize resources to provide drinking water and food and shelter and medical care and airlift support out of the impacted area. 
(6) Shut down the phony Harris-Biden Administration right now and stop giving us this crap about "flushing out" the Vermin; we know who the Vermin are ---both by their fruits and in your case, lack of fruits. 

There is more than one way to flush out rats, and you are all in the cross-hairs of this investigation. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

October 5th 2024


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here. 

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