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Thursday, October 17, 2024

The Greater Israel Project. It’s Not Just About the Palestinians: “Israel’s borders will extend from Lebanon to Saudi Arabia”


The Greater Israel Project. It’s Not Just About the Palestinians: “Israel’s borders will extend from Lebanon to Saudi Arabia”

Israel’s Plan for the Middle East Was Not a Conspiracy Theory!

In-depth Report:

The alternative news has been under attack especially by the Western political establishment and the mainstream media for quite some time now calling us “Conspiracy Theorists” for the many things we have been exposing for years. One of the things we have been talking about is the Greater Israel Project. Most people in the West believe that Israel only wants a small piece of Palestinian land and once that’s accomplished, Israel will have a secure state that will finally live in peace with its Arab neighbors, but that is farther from the truth.

The Middle East Eye (MEE) published an interesting report ‘Bezalel Smotrich calls for Israel’s borders to extend to Damascus’ about a documentary video produced by a European Public Service channel, Arte called ‘Israel: Ministers of Chaos’ based on the ideas of two radical Israelis, Bezalel Smotrich, the Minister of Finance and Itamar Ben Gvir, the Minister of National Security who call for “re-founding biblical Israel”:

Two men embody the radical initiatives of this government. Two leading ministers who occupy regalian functions: Internal Security and Finance. Their names: Itamar Ben Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich. Two complete unknowns on the international scene, brought to light by the events of recent months. They are the heirs of two ideological currents that were once marginal: Kahanism and religious Zionism. Today, they are throwing all their weight behind their ideological agenda: imposing Jewish supremacist legislation in the case of the former, and re-founding biblical Israel in the case of the latter.

According to the MEE report, the Israeli Minister of Finance, Bezalel Smotrich said “that Israel would expand “little by little” and eventually encompass all Palestinian territories as well as Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia” and that “It is written that the future of Jerusalem is to expand to Damascus,” he said, citing the “greater Israel” ideology, which envisions the expansion of the state across the Middle East.

One of the actions committed by Bezalel Smotrich was when he deliberately blocked US- flour shipments back in February to starve the Palestinians as reported by Al Mayadeen:

Bezalel Smotrich’s office affirmed to Axios that he directed the customs service to withhold the flour shipments. In collaboration with Netanyahu, he also allegedly requested officials to explore an alternative delivery method.

It is worth noting that more than 2.2 million people, constituting the entire population of Gaza, are confronting crisis or even more severe stages of famine, as per a report from a UN-supported organization released late last year. The risk of famine is escalating daily in the region. The report disclosed that approximately half of Gaza’s population is experiencing emergency levels of food insecurity.

Itamar Ben Gvir, if you remember, is another Israeli extremist who entered Al-Aqsa Mosque‘s courtyards in the occupied East Jerusalem to inflame tensions or we can say, to pick another fight with the Palestinians.

Not only is actions are well-documented, his words are also quite revealing, Middle East Monitor reported on November 23, 2023 that “During an interview with the Israeli Channel 12, Ben-Gvir said “To be clear, when they say that Hamas needs to be eliminated, it also means those who sing, those who support and those who distribute candy, all of these are terrorists.” It seems that Ben-Gvir believes that Israel needs to eliminate Palestinian men, women and children.

There are other extremists such as Dennis Avi Limpkin, an Israeli citizen who is an anti-Islam activist, born in Flushing, New York, then moved to Israel as a teenager in 1968, then in 1972, he joined the Israel Defense Forces becoming a major and eventually promoted to becoming a military spokesman for the IDF.  By 1988, he was involved in the Far-Right Likud campaign and then from 1989 to 1990, he was part of the news department for Yitzhak Shamir’s press office.  At one point, Limpkin lectured in Christian-Zionist churches and synagogues throughout the United States.

Dennis Avi Limpkin published five books under two different names.  The first three books were under his alias, Victor Mordecai which was to hide his identity, his first book, Is Fanatic Islam a Global Threat? (1997) which is described as “proof” that Islam is a threat to world peace, Christian Revival for Israel’s Survival (1999) and ‘Islamic Threat Updates Almanac’ (2003).  The other two books are under his real name, Israel’s Bible Bloc (2006) which promoted a Jewish-Christian Party in Israel founded by Limpkin called Gush Hatanachi or the Bible Bloc Party and then Islam Prophesied in Genesis published in 2010.

In 2009, Limpkin was involved in what was considered a racial incident in Switzerland where he was pro-active in the Swiss Minaret Initiative or the Swiss Minaret Dispute to persuade the Swiss population to ban the construction of Minarets, which are either elevated stands or towers that calls for Muslims to pray at the mosque. Limpkin gave an anti-Islam speech where he compared Allah to Satan. In an article by The Aargauer Zeitung, a Swiss daily newspaper ‘Anti-minaret initiative: Israeli condemned for racial discrimination’ described what happened regarding Limpkin’s actions and its aftermath:

The Islamophobic Israeli Avi Lipkin has been sentenced to a conditional fine and a fine by the Bern-Mittelland examining magistrate’s office for racial discrimination and disruption of freedom of belief and worship

Limpkin criticized Islam in his speech in October 2009 for a Pro-Israel organization in Wichtrach, Bern:

In a speech before the anti-minaret vote, he described Islam as “psychosis”, compared Allah to Satan and called for a ban on Islam. “Avi Lipkin had made several statements against Islam that I classify as racially discriminatory,” said the responsible public prosecutor Thomas Perler to “NZZ am Sonntag”.

“It can be said that his speech contained statements that amounted to a demonization of Islam.” Lipkin gave the speech in October 2009 at the invitation of the “Pro Israel” organization in Wichtrach, Bern, around a month and a half before the anti-minaret vote

The following video shows Limpkin describing Israel’s plan for its expansionist agenda in the Middle East:

The Greater Israel is not a Conspiracy Theory, it never was. The words and actions by Israeli politicians and activists throughout the years have more or less spoken about their Greater Israel plan which is alive and well in the hearts and minds of many Israelis.

Will they be successful in accomplishing a Greater Israel? We can say that even if they are willing to go to war with the Muslim world for the foreseeable future, they have no chance even if the collapsing US empire remains on their side, it will never happen.

The Muslim world will not allow such a project to be a success because that will murder and displace not only the Palestinians, but the Jordanians, Lebanese, Egyptians, Syrians, Iraqis even the Saudis. How much more will the Muslim world tolerate?


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Birds Not Bombs: Let’s Fight for a World of Peace, Not War 

Timothy Alexander Guzman writes on his own blog site, Silent Crow News, where this article was originally published. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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