Thank you for reading and sharing Bailiwick News by email and social media. To support Bailiwick with a paid subscription: Germ theory, contagion theory, virology, antibodies and anaphylaxis: Northern Tracey's work.Also status update on Hazel-Watt biologics non-regulation legal history series, Part 5.Orientation for new readers; American Domestic Bioterrorism Program; Tools for dismantling kill box anti-law Bailiwick collections:
A few days ago, Yet Another Tommy tagged me in a comment thread to alert me to a table of writer views on "wedge issues" he's compiling at his Substack.
After Tommy tagged me on an earlier version of this table, I offered him some clarifications, including the definition I use for the term "virus."
Expanding on this somewhat: If virus is defined as a stable, transmissible agent capable of causing disease, then No, I don't think they exist. But if virus is defined as an unstable or dynamic (assembling and disassembling in time from parts into wholes and wholes into parts) class of complex biological molecules or biological products (material created by and broken down by living organisms) — which class also includes enzymes, proteins, plasmids, amino acids and many, many other scientific terms denoting the materials and products of biological processes that unfold within living organisms — then Yes, I do think viruses exist. I touched on the subject briefly in this post: Dec. 24, 2024 - Pesticides and vaccines; microbiology and pathology nomenclature; scientific, medical and legal deceit and deceivers. (Katherine Watt)
I was also recently asked for my views on "nanotechnology," and replied:
I base that position on my review over the last couple of years of the promotional literature published by the US Department of Defense and other federal agencies in the US and other countries, alongside my study of how DoD and other government agencies deceive people through thousands of written publications including statutes, regulations, executive orders, contracts, treaties and scientific papers and protocols. The literature is intended to give the public impression of scientific rigor and technical feasibility where neither actually is present, and neither can be developed. Living organisms are not machines, and never will be. I urge readers to read Northern Tracey’s work. Northern Tracey, "Independent researcher since 1985 into cancer, vaccines and more recently germ theory and virology," published a blog called Northern Tracey's Scribblings between 2020 and 2023, which has been archived in html format.
Northern Tracey read, thought about and translated a very large volume of scientific misconduct literature into plain English, bringing Stefan Lanka's work deconstructing germ theory, contagion theory and virology — and the work of those who preceded him historically — to a broader audience in more readily understandable form. Sasha Latypova and I have cited her work on antibodies, Charles Richet, parenteral injection-induced anaphylaxis and autoimmunity, and related topics.
I encourage Bailiwick readers who haven't already read Northern Tracey's work and are interested in better understanding the scientific and medical misconduct that has reinforced, and been reinforced by, legal and political misconduct in the virology, communicable disease control and vaccination era (roughly 1798 to present) to start with these four:
It's important to understand scientific and medical misconduct and deceit because — in the communicable disease control, biological product and vaccination context — scientific and medical misconduct and deceit are integrated with political and legal misconduct and deceit. All of these connected forms of misconduct and deceit are ongoing within Congress, federal and state public health, epidemiology and military programs, drug manufacturing, and the professions of medicine and law. Understanding the forms used in the past to deceive, sicken and kill people, can help targets recognize the same patterns of behavior as new scientific terms for old poisons are introduced and new legal cover-up methods are put in place, so as to more confidently stop taking vaccines and other biological products, and stop vaccinating babies and children. As Lydia and I wrote in August, introducing a series of reports about legalized production, distribution and use of unregulated poisons under US biological product law:
Update: Hazel-Watt series about history of legalized use of unregulated poisons under US biological product law, 1798 to 1972. Series so far:
I'm still working on Part 5 of the series, and sent a status update to my co-researcher Lydia Hazel recently:
I still don't know how much longer it will take to finish Part 5. It may be a month or more, and in the meantime, Bailiwick publishing will probably be limited to short podcast readings from The Summa Simplified, which I read to rest between sessions of reading, thinking and writing about legalized deception, torture, mutilation and murder. 1 1937 - Congress funded a Public Health Service study of "investigations to determine the possibly harmful effects on human beings of spray insecticides on fruits and vegetables," under the Diseases and sanitation investigations program; 1937, Elixir sulfanilamide tragedy, driver for 1938 FDCA; 1938 FDCA Section 505 - New Drug Applications...second layer of deception...Biologics legally unregulated under the terms of the 1902 and 1944 laws, and if anyone tried to apply FDCA New Drug Application laws by classifying biologics as "investigational" drugs, or "potentially harmful" and therefore prescription-required drugs, they would be stopped by the specific exemptions from FDCA for PHS biological, investigational or "public health" products; 1939 - Armstrong papers on polio, Webster paper on mouse studies; 1944 PHSA biologics section; 1946 First EO by Truman under 1944 PHSA, list of quarantinable diseases, included polio; 1947 12 FR 408 - New Drugs under PHSA (new vaccines) exempt from FDCA 505, codified at 21 CFR 1.109 in 1949 printing of CFR; 1947 12 FR 411 - Biologics regulation, numbered 42 CFR 22, signed by SG board (3 members) and FSA administrator; 1947.09.16 - 12 FR 6218, biologics regulations numbered at 42 CFR 73; 1948 - DTP combination entered into use, but no product license needed because the establishments already had establishment licenses; no product licenses are ever issued for biological products based on any specific product characteristics or reviews; three constituent products (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis) had already been in use; 1948.11.01 NIH Laboratory of Biologics Control incorporated into new NIH National Microbiological Institute; 1948.11.06 - 13 FR 6555 - Investigational drugs exempt from FDCA 505(a) put into 1949 CFR numbered at 21 CFR 1.114; 1949.01 - Enders paper, human embryos to propagate poliovirus. Start of "modern vaccine era" per Maurice Hilleman, 2002 NIH-NIAID Jordan Report; 1949.01 and 1949.04 - Biskind papers on DDT poisoning and polio, gastroenteritis, cattle, neuropsychiatric manifestations; 1949.08 - Enders paper (another one) cultivation of polio virus; 1951.10 - Congress Durham-Humphrey Amendment to FDCA, prescriptions for potentially harmful drugs, but exemption if FSA Administrator finds it not necessary for public health (i.e. vaccines); 1953.04 - Watson/Crick DNA structure paper. Marked scientific misconduct transition from virus defined as replication-competent organism to virus defined as package of genetic code. See Lanka 2020 papers; 1953 - Reorg Plan No. 1, FSA Abolished, HEW created. Licensing authority transferred from FSA Administrator to HEW Secretary; 1953.11 Biskind Paper - Public Health Aspects of the New Insecticides; 1954.06 - Enders paper, measles virus propagation. Enders Nobel Prize; 1954 -1955 - Salk polio "field trials," announcement of "success," HEW Oveta Culp Hobby; see PHS technical report with timeline; 1955 (early) - WRAIR-NIH-DBS Joseph Smadel assigned to write polio production protocols; 1955.06.09 - NIH National Microbiological Institute Laboratory of Biologics upgraded to Division of Biologics Standards, under direction of Roderick Murray. Murray remained in charge until 1972 transfer of DBS to FDA renamed as BoB, when Murray's second-in-command, Harry M. Meyer (came out of Walter Reed WRAIR military to become head of DBS Laboratory of Virology and Rickettsiology since 1959), became head of FDA-BoB; 1955.08.12 - Polio Vaccination Act Congress; 1956.02.15 Polio Vaccination Act extended; 1956.12.12 - 21 FR 9890, noted that new vaccines exempt from FDCA 505 and added "Additional Standards" for polio vaccine, based on Enders' false methods of isolation and propagation, and provided that Surgeon General could waive requirement to comply at his discretion. Printed in 1958 edition of CFR; 1957 - so-called Asian flu pandemic; 1958.09 - Congress relieved Surgeon Generals board of duty to draft and promulgate biological product regulations, leaving HEW Secretary as sole author; 1958.09 - Congress FDCA Amendments re Food additives, Generally Recognized as Safe. Paved the way for food products (peanut oil) to enter vaccines without demonstration of safety, as an additional layer, since vaccines exempt from FDCA 505 new drug application provisions anyway; 1958-1961 - Thalidomide used, mostly in England, some in US. Birth defects and deaths; 1959 - J. Anthony Morris arrived at NIH-DBS, recruited by Joseph Smadel, NIH Associate Director since 1956 and director of Laboratory of Virology and Rickettsiology from 1963, Smadel died 1963. See 1972.02.25 Wade report. Morris studied efficacy of influenza vaccines, using scientific misconduct methods (1939 Webster mouse studies); 1959 - Congress, Kefauver hearings on drug efficacy requirements under FDCA for new drugs (synthetic chemical drugs) but not applicable to vaccines; 1960.09 Hilleman SV40 in polio vaxxes. 1972.03.03 Wade report; 1961.07 - Bernice Eddy, SV40 in polio vaxxes; Ribicoff is HEW Secretary Jan. 21, 1961 to July 13, 196; 1962 Start of Virus Leukemia program; Hilleman, Merck, SV40, see Horowitz 2024.12.17; 1962.06, Rachel Carson Silent Spring published; 1962.09.18 - Joseph Smadel memo instruction to PHS-NIH-DBS Morris to pass manufacturer protocols without testing. See Wade 1972.02.25; 1962.10.10 - Congress Kefauver-Harris amendments to FDCA 505 premarket efficacy demonstrations, not applicable to vaccines; 1962.10 - Congress Vaccination Assistance Act, polio, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough (pertussis); 1964.01.30 - EO 11140 delegate functions for PHS from President to HEW Secretary; 1966 - Reorg. Plan, Office of Surgeon General abolished. Functions transferred to Secretary HEW; 1968 so-called Hong Kong flu; 1969 - Nixon and Congress Chemical and Biological Warfare speech and transfer from DoD to HEW. See also 1971 Pine Bluff Arsenal repurposing; 1970 Heart Disease, Stroke and Kidney amendments - "vaccine" added to biological products for first time by Congress, not defined in scientific terms; 1971 FDA National Toxicological Research Center at Pine Bluff Arsenal (renaming of chem biological weapon program); 1971-1972 - J. Anthony Morris case, Ribicoff hearings, Morris report to Ribicoff Sept. 1971, Nicholas Wade reporting Feb. 1972; 1972.02 - Biologics transfer from NIH DBS to FDA BoB and announcement of effectiveness review panels using same scientific misconduct methods; 1972.02.25 concurrent re-delegation of authority; 1972.06.29 - Notice of transfer; 1972.08.09 transfer regulations to 21 CFR 273; 1973.11 - Transfer regulations to 21 CFR 600. All content is free to all readers. All support — reading, sharing and financial — is deeply appreciated. |
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