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An American Affidavit

Friday, January 17, 2025

What Trump Should Do/A Treat


What Trump Should Do

What Trump Should Do

Paul Craig Roberts

American security agencies have long used the cloak of national security to avoid accountability for their crimes, such as the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and his brother, Robert F. Kennedy, and the numerous assassinations of foreign leaders and screw-ups.  Beginning with the Clinton regime, presidents and non-security appointees also began escaping accountability. The situation worsened in the George W. Bush/Dick Cheney regime, and it exploded in the Biden regime with the Attorney General, FBI, and Democrat state attorneys general and prosecutors using law as a weapon against Trump, his attorneys, and his supporters.  Many people were ruined financially.  Many were falsely imprisoned, and Trump himself had his reelection in 2020 stolen by the most brazen and obvious vote theft in American history. The evidence is clear that Biden himself is guilty of selling vice presidential and presidential influence with his son, Hunter, being the marketer and sharing the revenues.  Yet the US Department of Justice prevented any investigation and indictments  The whore American media covered up the story.

The practice of elevating high office holders to the privileged status of a king or an aristocracy above both the law and the US Constitution must not continue in the Trump regime.  If it does, high officials will have gained squatters’ rights in being above the law, and the US Constitution will be reduced to a dead document.

At this point, the only way a collapse of the rule of law in the US can be avoided is for the Trump regime to relentless prosecute the Department of Justice, FBI, and White House officials who selectively applied law in the form of lawfare against political opponents.  If those responsible avoid accountability, a legal precedent will have been established, and the differential rights and status based on race and gender that are already in place will be joined by special legal privileges for high government officials.  It would mean the end of any possibility of accountable government.

This should be the highest priority of the Trump regime.  It is even more important than closing the border.

On the war front Trump should simply walk away from conflict with Iran and Russia.  Wars distract from domestic matters and will prevent focus on making America great again. Wars will bring more propaganda about “terrorists” and more infringements of US civil liberty, which is not a path to making America great again. There is no reason whatsoever for American blood, taxpayers’ money, and more issuance of US debt in order to enrich the coffers of the military/security complex and to expand the frontier of Greater Israel. Trump should come to the realization that Israel is of no value to America.  Israel is a deadweight burden around our necks, and the unconditional American support for Israel’s wars and genocide of the Palestinians has cost America’s reputation hugely. If America ever had a moral luster, it no longer does.

Iran and Russia do not threaten the US. The Middle East is full of problems for Iran, whose government doesn’t need problems with the US.  Ukraine is Russia’s problem, not ours.  Washington is responsible for the conflict. Trump should apologize and remove us from the conflict.

The minute Trump stops sending money and weapons to Ukraine and Israel, peace will descend on the world. 

Trump should return to his original position that NATO is of no value to America. If NATO did not exist, Russia and Europe would be engaged in mutually beneficial economic ventures. These ventures would create financing and business opportunities also for Americans. All would prosper. It is Washington’s pursuit of hegemony–the control over others–that is suppressing economic activity worldwide and  eroding the living standard of all Americans except the top one percent. MAGA America has no interest in the agendas of special interest lobby group policies that benefit only a tiny percentage of people who are already so rich that they can’t possibly spend their huge amount of income and wealth.

The problems of the world originate in Washington and they are institutionalized in the Israel Lobby, the military/security complex, Big Pharma and its control over high cost and ineffective American medicine that sacrifices Americans’ health and the integrity of doctors to Big Pharma’s profits. These are the real threats to America that if America is again to be great, these threats, not Russia and Iran, must be destroyed and eliminated.

If the Trump regime can reestablish the respect for a rule of law by indicting and prosecuting DOJ, FBI, and other officials for their criminal behavior, and if Trump can disengage the US/Israeli war machine, he will have saved the world from nuclear war and re-established the United States as the principal nation to whom the world looks for leadership.

My concern is that Trump will love the war role. As Winston Churchill believed, there is nothing more exciting than being a war leader, especially if you imagine prospects of winning. Trump is extremely susceptible to getting into war based on advice that Putin has no red lines because Putin is too  fearful of conflict. With Iran’s isolation from the destruction of Syria and a reformist government that wants to be free of religious restrictions and to make money in the West, Trump is being advised it is time to bring Iran down. https://www.rt.com/news/610763-trump-envoy-iran-pressure/ 

When the Ruling Elite have you blocked elsewhere, their agenda becomes your only choice. Has Trump fought so hard only for the sake of being used by the well-institutionalized American Establishment?

The third thing Trump should immediately do is to shut down the US biowarfare labs Washington is operating all over the world. These labs are trying to create deadly pathogens that are highly contagious. The labs are even attempting to target the pathogens at specific ethnicities, collecting, for example, Russian DNA in the hopes of finding some material unique to Russians to which to attach the pathogen.  These American labs are all illegal. Washington tries to avoid responsibility by locating its biowarfare labs in other countries.  Trump should put an immediate halt to the activity and prosecute those responsible, including the US Congress if Congress authorized this illegal activity.

Those who profit from this evil activity claim that we have to do it because our enemies do it, but they never provide any documentation for their claim. Regardless, as the Covid experience proves, when a pathogen is released it goes everywhere. To use one as a weapon results in the same self-destruction as nuclear war.

So much of science is committed to weapons. Science needs to be turned back to improving health and the human condition.

If Trump can deal with the real challenges that we face instead of being led off to fake challenges serving special interests, he will go down as the greatest American president in history.


A Treat

A Treat

Paul Craig Roberts

Dear Friends,

I am as tired of challenging and distressing news as you. Today there is a treat instead. The treat is “the Tall Texan,” the American pianist Van Cliburn playing Tchaikovsky’s First Piano Concerto at the first Soviet international competition in Moscow in 1958, which Van Cliburn won.  Khrushchev, the General Secretary of the Communist Party,  was present as was Mikoyan. You will see them applauding.


After the performances, the judges approached Khrushchev, the ruling General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and asked if they might give the prize to Van Cliburn.  Khrushchev asked the judges, “Was he the best?”  The judges said, “yes.”  “Then give him the prize.”  The Soviet conductor could easily have ruined Van Cliburn’s performance, but he did not and the two went on together to make recordings. Today the sanctions would prevent both Van Cliburn’s performance and the subsequent recordings.

The cold war could have ended then, but Washington lacked the vision. The Soviet Audience poured flowers all over Van Cliburn. There were endless demands for encores.  Van Cliburn, playing better than Russians the music of Russian composers, won their hearts. 

The opportunity was lost. Washington thinking it had a monopoly on nuclear warhead delivery  and conservatives fearful of the life of a dystopian novel being imposed on us by communism missed the opportunity. This was an extraordinary failure as it was Khrushchev who denounced Stalin for his crimes. A few years later it is Khrushchev who is working with President John F. Kennedy to peacefully resolve what is known as “The Cuban Missile Crisis” but just as well could be called the Turkish Missile Crisis. The Soviets moved missiles to Cuba because Washington had placed nuclear missiles in Turkey on the Soviet border.  

The deal that resolved the crisis was that Khrushchev would remove the missiles from Cuba and six months later Kennedy would quietly remove them from Turkey. President Kennedy, it seems, understood that it was a life and death matter for him personally to make peace with an enemy that the military/security complex, which President Eisenhower had warned Americans about, needed for its power and profits. President Kennedy was insulted to his face by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for refusing the recommendation for a thermo-nuclear attack on the Soviet Union.

President Kennedy was assassinated for his peace efforts, and Khrushchev was removed from power by a Politburo suspicious of dealing with the enemy. This problem remains today. President Trump was investigated  as a “Russian agent and conspirator” because he wanted to “normalize relations with Russia.”  “National Security” stupidity will persist until it destroys the world.

Years later President Reagan wanting to end the Cold War, a project in which I was a participant, convinced Van Cliburn to come out of retirement and to play for Gorbachev in the White House. The symbolism was perfect. Gorbachev remembered the lost opportunity in 1958 and again with the resolution of the Cuban or Turkish Missile Crisis and grabbed at the chance so that it did not pass again. 

Gorbachev should have made the deal quietly as Khrushchev and Kennedy did in the early 1960s. Jubilant over hope Gorbachev was too transparent in his dealings, and the Politburo concluded that Gorbachev was making too many concessions without adequate guarantees and placed the Russian President under house arrest. This is what led to the collapse of the Soviet government and the rise of Yeltsin, a Washington puppet, and the dismemberment of the Soviet Union by Washington.

President Reagan’s efforts and those of his predecessors to reduce tensions and to end the Cold War have been disavowed by US governments beginning with the Clinton regime. On false pretenses Washington has abandoned all the treaties and agreements that were the work of previous administrations.

Today Americans, especially conservative ones, have been propagandized to think that, after Putin conquers Ukraine, he will move on to the rest of Europe. “If we don’t stop him in Ukraine, we will have to stop him in Germany or France.”

This is the kind of ignorant nonsense that Brzezinski and Kissinger, for all their faults, would never have tolerated.

Brzezinski and Kissinger wanted to protect American power and influence, not create a world war and misunderstandings leading to difficult to resolve situations. They were not Zionist neoconservatives willing to sacrifice America for Greater Israel and domestic American needs for the war profits of the military/security complex, as American governments in the 21st century  have been willing to do.

What we see in the world today is the absence of leaders. Perhaps Trump and Putin will rise to the challenge. But I have not an abundance of confidence.

What is missing in analysis of foreign affairs is the recognition of institutionalized interests whose power allows them to serve themselves. These powerful interests will constrain both Trump and Putin. It will be easier for things to go wrong than right.

Now having violated my promise of a treat by dumping distressing information on you, enjoy Van Cliburn playing Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No. 1, which won the Moscow International Competition in 1958.


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