Biden Awards “Most Evil Man in the World” the Presidential Medal of FreedomThat award is as big an insult to Western Judeo-Christian freedom-loving people as endorsing the Devil himself.By awarding George Soros the Presidential Medal of Freedom, those behind the Biden Administration—the global predators—have elevated one of their most savagely destructive leaders to sainthood. In response, news media like The New York Times[1] have presented Soros as merely a great financial donor to the Democratic Party, without a whisper about his villainy as one of the most rapacious global billionaires in the history of the world and the primary funder of anarchy in the U.S. To The New York Times, Soros is simply:
In the long run, these sycophants and collaborators of the global imperialists have done a great service to all who treasure human life and human freedom. They have shown their true colors by fully endorsing political Sainthood for the Devil himself when it comes to human freedom. Hungary’s Prime Minister Victor Orbán, who has struggled to maintain his nation’s freedom against the onslaught of the European Union and the global predators, has called George Soros “the Most Corrupt Man in the World.”[2] In making this accusation, Orbán ties into the theme of global empire-building that we have emphasized in our columns and our radio interviews—that men like Soros are part of the global predatory elite pushing the world toward a global empire or world governance in which their predations will have no restraints.[3] Orbán declared, “Every attempt to unify Europe under the aegis of empire has failed. Thus, historical experience tells us that Europe will be great again if its nations become great again and resist all forms of imperial ambition.” In words that echo our views on global predators, Orbán further elaborated:
Awarding the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom to a man who has frequently been called “the most evil in the world”[4]—a man who outright supports Communist China ahead of America—makes unmistakably clear how the American Democratic and Progressive establishment has aligned itself for the evil of collectivism and against the Founding Principles and the very existence of the United States of America. If you read this column, you will come away with a deepened understanding of how America is being destroyed from within in order to allow globalism to march over our ruins on the way to ruling the world. The 94-year-old George Soros has handed over his international network, the Open Society Foundations, to his son, Alexander Soros.[5] Alexander Soros has announced that he plans to increasingly focus his enormous financial power and influence on the United States, where his father’s organizations have already specialized in creating anarchy in the cities in order to facilitate the global governance. For many years, the $32 billion foundation has been preparing the world for globalism by destabilizing nations around the world. The foundation plays a major role in funding and training people for riots in American cities and in the election of woke mayors and district attorneys in cities who are catering to criminals, cracking down on law abiding citizens, encouraging sanctuary, and spending billions on lost progressive causes that often lead to massive homeless populations on the streets. Alexander Soros noted that he had already met with President Joe Biden, as well as with Brazil’s President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. According to Fox News:[6]
Global predators like George Soros and his son Alexander believe they must first demolish American before their predatory globalism can fully reign over the world. That Soros and his son are so close to the most powerful of the aging elite politicians in America, such as Pelosi and Schumer, confirms how the American elite are collaborating in the conscious destruction of their own nation. And as we might expect, both Soros and now his son are deeply involved with President Obama. They collaborated closely with Obama during his Presidency and continue to do so today, as documented by multiple sources.[7] All three of them work together on behalf of the global predatory governance of the world. Who Is George Soros Imagine being so shrewd, cunning, and powerful that as a billionaire investor you could break the Bank of England, causing financial chaos in Great Britain to ripple around the world, and ultimately placing a heavy burden on the ordinary taxpayers and inhabitants of the British Isles. Imagine wanting to create that kind of chaos. And imagine giving that kind of man the Presidential Medal of Freedom. George Soros, unlike fellow globalist John D. Rockefeller, doesn’t seem to own any global banks; but he knows how to rob them periodically without seemingly committing a crime and without any fellow global predators doing anything to punish or contain him. He bet $10 billion dollars that the British pound was going to drastically lose value against other currencies, essentially declaring war on Great Britain’s banking system, its currency, and its people. The pressure he put on the currency, including his public predictions about the pound being too highly valued, pushed it into falling. Soros made $1.5 billion dollars in September 1992 by this means. The event led to billions more being put into the Quantum Fund that he managed:[8]
. Soros is a true predator. He is also famous for successfully attacking currencies in the Far East and Japan at great cost to several countries and millions of people. Some wealthy people try to make money by seeming to do something useful. Soros makes money by fleecing other people, including whole nations. Here is an excerpt about Soros from our book COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey:[9]
Soros Funds the Democratic Party When AmericaFirst and Conservative politicians did more poorly than anticipated by many polsters and pundits in the November 2020 mid-term elections, this man, George Soros, played a major role. He was the single largest donor to Democrats, at $122 million, while giving nothing to Republicans. The highest Republican donor gave $80 million.[16] The $122 million is Soros’ personal contribution and does not include money and help provided by his many radical left foundations. Soros, we can therefore confirm, remains as active as ever trying to control the direction of American politics. Soros also contributed a little more, 128 million, to the 2022 midterms.[17] Soros, the Man in His Own Words George Soros is an American citizen. He was born in Hungary, but he came to the U.S. in 1956, obtained a green card, and then became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 1961. He has dual citizenship with Hungry and since 2019, he has owned several homes in the U.S., including an estate in Southampton, New York, a Fifth Avenue duplex in Manhattan, and a “residential compound” in Katonah, N.Y.[18] But much of what Soros does is aimed at wrecking America, as Pat Palumbo amply documents in his recent book, The Man Behind the Curtain.[19] Here is a series of quotes by Soros. [20] About his god-like grandiosity:
About America and other sovereign states as the obstacle to progress:
About capitalism as the threat to a free society:
About destroying Western Civilization for his own “survival”:
Does it make sense that one of the most aggressive and wealthy men in the world says that “survival” is his main skill? One would think he was way beyond survival in his sense of security and accomplishment. As a therapist, I find that people who are trying to “survive” are always failing in their lives. They are not just unhappy, they are miserable. They are also dangerous because, if they fear that their survival is at stake, they are more likely to be wary of other people, and even suspicious to the degree of paranoia. People who are struggling to survive, at least in their own minds, are more likely to be potentially destructive toward anyone whom they imagine is threatening to them. Helping the Nazis as a Teenager He may have learned to “survive” as a teenager. He describes how, as a teenager, he helped Nazis in Italy in their seizure of Jewish property. He is not alone among Jews in having aided the Nazis and he was relatively young at the time. When survival is at stake, many people will be driven to make compromises, and many did compromise for survival as the Holocaust unfolded. It is understandable, especially given his youth, that he might have felt justified on the basis of his own survival. But his actions as an adult and his lack of any compunction or remorse as an adult illustrates that if survival is the lesson of your life, you lose any concern for others and the damage you might do them. Furthermore, if you foresee that your own “survival” depends on the “world order,” as Soros suggests in the above quote, then you surely might develop a violent compulsion to put the world into your concept of order.
As a therapist, I find that some individuals, in adulthood, overcome the corrupt ethics that they learned from witnessing or enduring abuse in their childhood. For George Soros the adult, the pillaging he watched of Jews as a teenager in fact reminds him of his own behavior “in markets.” It is quite remarkable to have this psychological glimpse into the continuity of his stunted ethics and lack of empathy. The Goal Is the Domination of Us by the Global Elite George Soros in his book Globalization equates globalization “with the free movement of capital and the increasing domination of national economies by global financial markets and multinational corporations.” He also defines it as “the development of global financial markets, the growth of transnational corporations, and their increasing domination over national economies.”[22] I have bolded the stunning word “domination.” Soros has taken this concept seriously enough to repeat it in other books, including The Bubble of American Supremacy, in which he states, “I shall take globalization to mean development of global financial markets, the growth pf transnational corporations, and their increasing domination over national economies.”[23] Soros’ formula of global financial markets and transnational corporations dominating national economies is a large part of all globalist schemes. Dominating the economy of the United States, or Canada, or Great Britain, or the European Union, or Australia, or even Russia and Japan, cannot be done without dominating the people themselves. As Americans, to dominate our economy requires their destroying our national sovereignty and with it our personal and political freedom, our pride in our country, and our love of the Judeo-Christian traditions and the God who has given us our inalienable rights. American In Particular Must Be Taken Down In a 2009 lecture, Soros predicted the future of the competition and conflict between the U.S. and the Chinese Communists: “To put it bluntly, the United States stand to lose the most and China is poised to emerge as the great winner.”[24] Indeed, America must accept a new inferior position, “its proper place in a new world order,”[25] A declining superpower losing both political and economic dominance while preserving military supremacy is a dangerous mix.” It is not a stretch to see the meaning that America as a power must be taken down. This is exactly the same position taken by another leader of globalization, Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum.[26] Soros concludes his lecture with this ominous expectation: “I hope that the Chinese leaderships will rise to the occasion. It is no exaggeration to say that the future of the world depends on it.”[27] Once again, this is consistent with the view of the World Economic Forum and indeed with global predators throughout the world. Soros on Global Banking Soros’ own focus in his book is on global banking. Like almost everyone I have read who knows and writes anything about it, he admits that global banking was supposed to lift up the poor of the world and that it has failed to do this. In fact, he admits, it has resulted in widening the disparity between the rich and the poor nations and the rich and the poor people. His solution is to strengthen the global banks and to empower one in particular, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), to print even more money or currency, called Special Drawing Rights, “for the provision of public goods on a global scale.” In other words, he wants to create a hugely powerful institution, an IMF on steroids, to give away vast amounts of money to solve the problems of economic injustice, most of it generated by globalization and the IMF and other global banks themselves.[28] From early on, the IMF joined the global predators, including the Biden Administration, by backing Ukraine against Russia as part of the globalist attempt to destroy one of the few remaining national entities in the world willing and able to stand up against globalism—not because the Russians are well intentioned, but because they would like to rebuilt their former empire, the USSR. This control over money simply empowers the elite who control it and fattens the corrupt leaders of nations without actually resulting in bridging the gap between the very wealthy and the rest of us. On such a gigantic scale, it will also increase inflation, which always hurts the poor more than the rich as the price of the bare necessities balloon. The Globalists Hate Human Freedom The true generation of increased productivity and increased wealth for most citizens is increased individual freedom within multiple constitutional democracies. But the globalists hate individual freedom and constitutional democracies because they stand in the way of globalization, which is their golden calf. The success of the Western democracies in raising the standard of living of all their citizens is ignored and the continued call is for more collectivism on a global scale with elites and their institutions giving “donations” or handouts to the people they are suppressing. Powerful men like now deceased John D. Rockefeller and the aging George Soros and his son Alexander will continue to drive globalism through their partners and cronies, and offspring, and their worldwide institutions. They and their existing institutions are part of a vast network of leaders and followers conspiring to destroy America and the Free World for the sole purpose of removing the largest and last obstacles to their complete domination of the world. They are getting ever closer to fulfilling their evil ambitions. This report is the first in a series on specific global predators from the Western Global Empire who are collaborating to build a world governance that is truly a Global Empire. We must know them to defeat them. We must also face the utter depravity of the Democratic and the Republican establishments who allowed the Biden administration, on behalf of globalism, to award the Presidential Medal of Freedom to George Soros. That award is as big an insult to Western Judeo-Christian freedom-loving people as endorsing the Devil himself. Primary author: Peter R. Breggin MD [1] Biden Awards 18 Medals of Freedom, and Delivers One Unmistakable Message - The New York Times. See contrasting viewpoint in the New York Post, Joe Biden bestows presidential medal of freedom to George Soros, Hillary Clinton [2] Thomas D. Williams, November 25, 2020, on Brightbart.Com, Hungary’s Orbán: George Soros Is ‘the Most Corrupt Man in the World’. [3] See our columns such as Whether or not Trump wins, we are doomed if.... and (75) America First vs. First Destroy America: Take a stand for freedom! Also, listen to our interviews with Alex Newman and with Elizabeth Nickson (75) How global predators destroy wealth and reshape the world [4] See, for example, Hungary’s Orbán: George Soros Is ‘the Most Corrupt Man in the World’ and George Soros gets Biden’s Presidential Medal of freedom: Fox & Friends reacts with fury | World News - Times of India and George Soros is the most dangerous man in America — here's why and TradCatKnight: SOROS: The Most Evil Man in the World, His Plan, His MO and the Plot to Take Him Down [5] and Also see, [6] [7]Obama And Soros Team Up To Raise Cash For Democrat 'Redistricting' and OBAMA GRANTED SOROS-TIED GROUP $310M TO HELP MIGRANTS AVOID DEPORTATION - Intercessors for America and EXCLUSIVE: Obama's State and Justice Departments Assisted Billionaire and Democrat Donor George Soros in Attempt to Control Ukraine's Oil and Gas Industry | The Gateway Pundit | by Joe Hoft and Obama: Center of the Soros System? | Canada Free Press and Obama illegally sponsored Soros in order to overthrow Macedonian government | Geopolitica.RU and Obama State Department Spent $9 Million With Soros To Meddle In Albanian Politics - The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity and Obama’s Organizing for Action Partners with Soros-Linked ‘Indivisible’ to Disrupt Trump’s Agenda and Obama Headlining Democratic Fundraising Event at Home of George Soros' Son Alex [8] [9] Peter Breggin and Ginger Breggin (September 2021). COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey. Lake Edge Press, Pp. 331-2. [10] [11] The quote begins at 1:55 of the video. [12] [13] [14],,,,, [15] Brown becomes president of Open Society Forum - Bing [16] and [17] [18] [19] Matt Palumbo (2022). The Man Behind the Curtain. New York: Liberatio Protocol. [20] I have rearranged these quotes into related subjects. The origins of the citations are on the site.
[22] George Soros (2002). Globalization. New York: Public Affairs, pp. vi and 1 [23] George Soros (2004). The Bubble of American Supremacy. New York: Public affairs, p. 81 [24] George Soros, (2010). The Soros Lectures. New York: Public Affairs, p. 109. The lectures were given in October 2009 at the Central European University. [25] Soros, (2010), p. 118 [26] Soros, (2002). [27] Soros, (2010). p. 119 [28] Soros, (2002). Also published on Find us at X— formerly known as Twitter: @GingerBreggin @AmericanMD Find us at our website: Find us at Find us on Substack at: Breggin Alerts! Exposing Global Predators Related Columns You're currently a free subscriber to Breggin Alerts! Exposing Global Predators. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription. |
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