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Sunday, December 22, 2024

Is Reality Gaining a Foothold on Putin’s Thinking?/Justice Has Departed America. Will Justice Return?


Is Reality Gaining a Foothold on Putin’s Thinking?

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Is Reality Gaining a Foothold on Putin’s Thinking?

Paul Craig Roberts

As Laura Logan says, American journalism is a bloodsport that massacres truth-tellers. https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2024/12/19/the-american-media-is-a-collection-of-whores-who-prostitute-themselves-for-money/ 

I have been labeled almost every name in the book–conspiracy theorist, Putin agent/dupe, Reagan fascist, anti-semite, holocaust denier, left-wing nutcase, right-wing nutcase, domestic terrorist, racist.  Unable to refute my analysis, they call me names.

Nevertheless, I find it satisfying when people of statute and importance, such as Putin, come around to my point of view.  For example, in his recent legendary year end press conference and four hour question and answer session, Putin agreed with me that the beneficiary of Syria’s overthrow was Israel.  But Putin again misread the consequences.  He attributed Israel’s occupation of the southern part of what was Syria to Israel’s legitimate security concerns and expressed his hope that Israel would eventually withdraw its forces from Syrian territory. It is nonsensical for Putin to think Israel might withdraw from Greater Israel. The Israeli government has announced its plan to double the Jewish population in the occupied area. “We will continue to hold onto it, cause it to blossom, and settle in it,” announced the Israeli government. It seems that Putin forgot about Greater Israel. Lebanon and Iran are Israel’s next targets. With Syria gone, the road is open.

Whereas Putin agrees that Israel was the winner, he rejects any responsibility for Syria’s disappearance, denying to an American journalist that Russia was weakened by the overthrow of Syria.  Putin blamed Syria’s fall on the refusal of the Syrian army and Iranian-backed militias to fight. He didn’t explain why the Syrian Army, if it still had Russian air support, would suddenly change its mind after 10 years and stop fighting. Putin asserted that the American-backed terrorist forces underwent an “internal transformation” as evidenced by the willingness of Western nations to engage with them, thus achieving “the core Russian objective” in Syria.  I find it difficult to believe that Putin spent 8 or more years fighting for Syria only in order to bring the terrorists and their Washington sponsors together, especially when Washington has been the terrorists sponsors the entire time..  It is this kind of explanation that causes me worries about Putin.  Once again, my concern is that nuclear war is a likely consequence of Putin’s attempts to avoid it. (Putin appears to be mistaken about the “internal transformation” of the terrorists: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/news-selections/world-news/behold-what-we-have-done-by-overthrowing-assad-in-syria ;     https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/news-selections/world-news/behold-the-results-of-assad-overthrow-in-syria).

As readers know, I place the blame for the widening of the conflict in Ukraine on Putin for coming so late to the realization of reality and for being unprepared.  In defending Russia’s intervention, Putin admitted that his intervention was too long delayed and that he was not prepared.  So, take note Putin defenders and get off my back.  Putin agrees with me.  From RT’s report of Putin’s Q&A session:

“Asked if he would have changed his decision to send troops to Ukraine in February 2022 if he could go back in time, Putin firmly replied that Russia should have done it earlier. “With this kind of [prior] knowledge, we should have started preparing for this action, including the special military operation,” he said.

“The president noted that the decision to launch the military campaign was made without much preparation because Russia “could no longer tolerate” Ukraine’s behavior, referring to Kiev’s aspirations to acquire nuclear weapons and its open refusal to abide by the now-defunct Minsk agreements, which sought to give Donbass a special status within the Ukrainian state.”  https://www.rt.com/russia/609580-putin-hosts-annual-question-session/

Thinking over my listings of Putin’s strategic failures —  https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2024/12/19/is-putin-capable-of-strategic-thinking/ — they seem to be failures to anticipate. Putin did not anticipate the Georgian invasion of South Ossetia, Washington’s coup in Ukraine, the invasion of Kursk, the renewed American/Israeli assault on Syria.  But Russian intelligence must have.  Does Putin not listen to information he doesn’t want to hear? Does he balance the information away in accommodating other interests ?

Once again, my concerns are that the needlessly long drawn-out conflict in Ukraine, the loss of Syria without a fight, the Kursk invasion, Washington’s inroads into Armenia, Washington’s attempts at color revolution in Georgia, the US/NATO firing of missiles into Russia which never receive an appropriate response have all contributed to Russia’s lost of credibility in the eyes of the West. This will make it difficult for President Trump to accept a settlement of the conflict in Ukraine that is favorable to Putin and Russia. This will make it difficult for Putin to deliver the promised result. How can Russia prevail if Washington impacts the outcome? With Washington and Israel on a roll, Putin cannot expect Trump to accept Russia’s terms for ending the conflict. Refurbishing Washington’s hegemony is part of Making America Great Again.

Again, I believe the world should respect Putin’s restraint in the face of extraordinary provocations. He is opposed to war, and accepts insults and provocations in his efforts to avoid wider war.  

The question remains:  Are Putin’s efforts to avoid war overdone and do they send the wrong message and bring war upon us?  Putin should give this question careful thought.


Justice Has Departed America. Will Justice Return?


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Justice Has Departed America. Will Justice Return?

In America Right and Wrong Are No Longer an Objective Issue.

Paul Craig Roberts

Readers of this column will remember some years ago my many reports on gratuitous police violence, often resulting in death of innocent and unresisting people.  Many incidents were the result of SWAT teams being sent to the wrong address. On one occasion the police, not realizing where they were, arrested their own mayor on drug charges and terrified his family. A 12 or 13  year old black kid was shot down by police without the police asking a single question, mistaking his toy gun for a real one.  A man in a wheel chair was choked to death.  These incidents were due to police trained according to Israeli practices used against  Palestinians.  Full of authority, the enjoyment of which they were experiencing, the police destroyed their reputation, making it easy for “abolish the police” movements to take hold in blue states and cities.

You should be able to find my reports on gratuitous police violence in this website’s archives, including a report I wrote for Gerald Celente’s Trends Journal.  

I prophesied that the police misconduct would come back and bite them, and it did.  Officer Derek Chauvin and his fellow officers paid the price of the public’s loss of confidence in the police due to the brutality that has come to be part of a police arrest in America.

Just as I reported on police brutality, I, almost alone, reported on the orchestrated frame-up of Derek Chauvin for “murdering” George Floyd.  

The only evidence that Chauvin murdered Floyd was a cell phone video taken by a young black woman from a distance that suffered from perspective distortion. The video suggested that Chauvin had his knee on Floyd’s throat or neck, while Floyd was crying out “I can’t breathe.”  The close up videos from the police showed that Chauvin’s knee was on Floyd’s shoulder, the approved and taught technique for holding a person still.  Chauvin was holding Floyd still, because he realized that Floyd  was on a death dose of fentanyl and was using up his little available oxygen by thrashing around. Chauvin had medics called.  Their delay was not Chauvin’s fault. Chauvin did everything he was supposed to do.

Floyd  complained of breathing difficulties while sitting in the back seat of the police car before he was held motionless on the ground by Chauvin by the correct measure of knee on shoulder.

The medical examiner’s report found in Floyd’s blood a death dose of fentanyl and said that if it were not for the politicized case against Chauvin, that would have been the verdict.

Undeterred by evidence the corrupt, in my opinion, Minnesota governor, Kamala Harris’s vice president running mate, Tim Walz, whose election as governor raises serious questions about the integrity of the people of Minnesota, inflamed the situation. The presstitutes, prosecutor, judge, and jury had their orders: convict a white racist for murdering a black man.  The American whore media scripted the entire frame-up of a totally innocent Derek Chauvin.

The corrupt, in my opinion, prosecutor and judge, willingly participated in the frame-up and conviction of an innocent man. All evidence of Chauvin’s innocence was withheld from the trial, not that the jury would have paid any attention to the evidence. The jury knew that they had to convict, because Chauvin had already been convicted by the American whore media, and jurors did not want Black Lives Matter and Antifa on their front lawns and their house burnt down with them inside while police and Governor Walz stood aside.

Here we see Woke Justice, a fraud that convicts innocents in order to support its ideological agenda. This is law in America today. In earlier years of my life, the American whore media’s conviction of Chauvin in the press would have resulted in all charges dropped against Chauvin on the grounds that there was no jury that could give him an honest trial.  

Nothing has been done about  the  intentional false conviction of an innocent person.  Chauvin was stabbed 21 times in prison by an inmate brainwashed by the whore American media and Minnesota governor Tim Walz.

Chauvin’s mother showed on TV the Minneapolis police training manuals that demonstrated the technique of knee on shoulder used by Chauvin, and the corrupt or intimidated or cowardly or paid off Minneapolis black police chief denied that the manuals existed.But there the manuals were, held up for inspection.

The facts of the case are totally clear.  George Floyd died from his own overdose of fentanyl. An overdose prevents red blood cells from carrying oxygen to vital functions. That is why Floyd couldn’t breath and why he died.

A totally corrupt Democratic prosecution prevented any examination of the evidence. They needed a white racist victim, and they manufactured one.

As it is always the case, it is years afterward that the truth starts to emerge.  It took a half century before it became clear that the Warren Commission report on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy was a total fraud. It took a decade before 9/11 was exposed.  The Gulf of Tonkin lie, which gave us the Vietnam War, lasted a long time. We are only now understanding that President Franklin Rosevelt, the great hero of American progressives, deceived Americans about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor that he more or less orchestrated.  

I could go on. Remember what US Marine Commander General Smedley Butler said:  “War is a racket.”  “I and my US Marines were enforcers for the New York Banks.”

Megyn Kelly, exiled from Fox News, or more appropriately, “Fox Propaganda in service to the Ruling Elite,” and today an independent journalist, has brought attention to a documentary of the frame-up of Derek Chauvin:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48r_pzPcTNA 

In America today frame-up convictions are easier than convictions on the basis of evidence.  Indeed, evidence plays a diminishing role in trials today. The career function of a prosecutor today is not to find innocence or guilt but to convict. The prosecutor’s conviction rate leads to his reelection and creates name-recognition so that he can run for higher office, as Rudi Guiliani did with the Michael  Milken case. The pubic is never told that the prosecutor’s conviction rate is based on coerced plea bargains in which the original charges are dropped in exchange for lessor charges that no one committed.  

The corrupt judges go along with this conviction by self-incrimination, a violation of Anglo-American law and written and unwritten Constitutions. All parties–the prosecutors, the defendant, and his attorney–agree, when asked by the judge, that no deal was made and that the defendant is guilty of his plea to have committed a crime that he has not committed. Corrupt American law schools justify these falsehoods as a cost-effective way of maximizing convictions and for clearing the schedules of Judges’ court cases. A plea bargain only takes a few minutes.  A trial can go many days, even weeks.

No juror in any US court case should ever accept any evidence of guilt, because 97% of it is falsified. Even the guilty are convicted on the basis of false evidence. Police and prosecutors do not have to be careful about evidence, because it is seldom tested in a trial.

American justice today thinks that no one is worth the time a real trial based on real evidence takes. A real trial is too inconvenient to a prosecutor’s career and to a judge’s case load.

In America today, if you are arrested, no matter how innocent you are, the chances are ninety something percent that you will be convicted. 

Americans need to wake up.  It is not only immigrant-invader criminal gangs that are a threat to America, it is the government itself.  Will this change under Trump?  Will Trump pardon wrongly convicted Derek Chauvin and in order to protect American justice launch an investigation into the Democrats’ intentional false conviction of Dedrek Chauvin and his fellow officers who did their duty.  If not, we know that Donald Trump is just another fake.


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