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An American Affidavit

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Zombie Lies, Memes That Never Die!


Zombie Lies, Memes That Never Die!




Who can count that high?  From America being a democracy to The U.S. as a peaceful nation to the myths of Israel as our best friend and 9/11 NOT being an inside job; I’ll stick to those negatively impacting our health and the Big Lies stuck in our heads. Even decades after these false memes and systemic corruptions have been exposed by objective scientists, they live on!  Some folks still believe in egg-white omelets, skinless chicken breasts, avoid red meats and raw milk, trust the university-cloned docta and even go vegan following Hollywood’s misguided “beautiful people.”


Mary Enig, Phd. of The Weston Price Foundation originally blew whistle on the devastating effects of polyunsaturated vegetable seed oils and their hydrogenated spin-offs like margarine on public health.  This came after truly-healthy saturated animal fats and butter were falsely accused of causing heart attacks and the nation was “sold” on the cholesterol myth and later deadly statin drugs.  The fact is that cell and mitochondrial membranes incorporate these linoleic fatty acids into these cell structures crippling nutrient and oxygen transport.  This decreases energy production of ATP electrons and leads to the taproot of chronic disease; metabolic insufficiency.  Eggs, steak and butter were falsely cited as

dietary culprits which spurred the addition of polyunsaturates like corn/safflower/soybean/ cottonseed oils into virtually every processed item in grocery stores and fast food outlets. Animal feedlots depending on grain rather than green pastures, upended fat balances making beef, pork, chicken and farmed fish high in LA/linoleic fats, low in antioxidants derived from grass and signaled a decline in health.The upside for Big Food was they are cheap and have long shelf-lives and don’t become rancid since they are already oxidized during extraction, heating and pick up odd molecules to become toxic, trans and non electro-conductive…..It takes essential cholesterol + widely misunderstood sulfates + sunshine to produce Vitamin D.  Cholesterol plaques are a repair band-aid for eroded vessel linings where Vitamin C and other antioxidants were deficient in the diet.


Along with nutrition in general,medical managementdismisses essential vitamins and minerals because they strike at root causes of infectious and chronic disease.  They even rigged RDAs/recommended daily allowances to discourage dosages that might reverse severe deficiencies.  The character assassination of Linus Pauling sixty years ago should have been a huge red flag!

I had always gorged on citrus and mangoes, yet my health was in steep decline…until I began megadosing Vitamin C (as sodium ascorbate) which quickly extinguished the fires of inflammation and began dumping the accumulation of metal burdens.  See this.

For years more calcium was pushed as a remedy for osteoporosis, haha.  What really is needed is more magnesium, more collagen rich bone broths, more Vitamin C, more sunshine and more physical activity.  Not only for bone health but restoration of all connective tissues; skin, joints, vessel linings and key structures responsible for electron flow throughout our electrical bodies,.. fascia!


Not a misspell, XXX has always denoted POISON!Though confined to a gulag of medical correctness, a few gutsy physicians have managed to sneak opposing opinions through the fog of official pharmaceutical misinformation and draconian mandates.  If a deadly mRNA vaxxx didn’t tip us off, the government narrative managers have stuck to their guns to “prevent public doubt” in all vaxxxines and the medical establishment.  Why else would they grant immunity from prosecution to vaxxx makers, hide VAERS/adverse effects data and protect corrupt FDA and CDC bureaucrats and their phony “guidelines.”  From what I have gathered from legitimate doctors, the risks involved in mass-vaxxxination programs eclipse any benefits.  Deep in pharma’s pocket, shithead politicians loudly oppose RFK Jr’s promised investigations into polio and other childhood vaxxxines as well as raw milk and fluoridation of municipal water suppliers.


Idiotic news anchors and weathermen still never hesitate to reinforce warnings to slather on toxic chemical sunscreens or risk deadly skin cancers.  A dermatologist’s dream! What a misdirection play!  What Horseshit!  Those avoiding blessed sunshine and spending their neurotic lives under artificial lighting are MORE susceptible to cancers, obesity, depression, circadian dysfunction, etc..  Sunlight is the source of all bio-energy including Earth’s oxygen and food supply.  It works through optic reflexes, Vitamin D production and direct energy supplied through boosting electron energy levels and structuring water; all of which increase essential body voltage.  BTW, sun-cancers flake-off in about a week after a few dabs of RSO.


Tobacco is another forbidden commodity for all the wrong reasons.  Smoking has been blamed for every chronic disease. It’s definitely not the nicotine which has certain neurological health benefits beyond its pleasant uplifting sensations.  As an unregulated substance, Big Tobacco has adulterated cigarettes with thousands of chemical additives after the tobacco plant was subjected to systemic pesticides and chemical fertilizers on farms. Tobacco, like hemp, accumulates metals from soil delivering cadmium, arsenic, mercury and uranium to its users along with burnt/oxidized organic tars. The medical system, health insurance and media have duly demonized it and smokers have been subjected to health-damaging peer-shaming as well as extreme sin-taxing of all tobacco products.  And yet doctors avoid heavy metal hair analysis, chelation protocols and the fact that smoking destroys antioxidants like Vitamin C to the tune of half a gram per cig!

Megadosing Vitamin C and nebulized hydrogen peroxide tame smoker’s bronchitis as well as other respiratory infections, and oral/nebulized NAC thin mucus flow to physically clean lungs.  In a world where air pollution alone kills millions yearly, the anti-smoking meme runs cover for dirty emissions.  For those who can’t or won’t quit, additive free organic tobacco is a hard to find option, yet still contains metals which need to be detoxed.

Marijuana has been and is still subject to an 100yr old taboo.  Since research identified an essential endocannabinoid system where the body itself produces cannabis alkaloids, medical marijuana has been approved and grown in use to help with neurological and other health issues.  Search RSO/Rick Simpson’s Tears and its uses to combat liver failure and other dire ailments..This distilled cannabis resin has cured cancers, both orally and topically, restored sensation to damaged nerves and is approved for a long list of conditions.  Cannabis has been used by humans and sought-out by animals since time began!


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been found super-effective for various injuries and chronic conditions.  Buuut, HBOT chambers sit mostly unused in every hospital in America because applications are restricted to a small handful of conditions like decompression sickness, gangrene and diabetic ulcer..even when many especially neurological conditions like concussion and PTSD respond quickly…and even when pro sports teams and alternative clinics regularly use them! See this.


Valid treatments outside the pharmaceutical paradigm like Rife frequency machines, chiropractic, sunbathing, nutritional supplements, chelation, etc. etc. have been banned, dismissed or otherwise “put stink on” by the medical authority.  We saw recently how mega-Vitamin D, mega-Vitamin C, hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and NAC were dismissed by covid pandemic conspiracists, taken off “approved” therapy lists and sales banned.  While ventilators, Remdesivir and mRNA vaxxxes killed millions, those using or even promoting alternative treatments were viciously attacked, delicensed and cancelled…even after objective data appeared validating their claims.

Population Control?

Is there an overpopulation problem?  Are mass depopulation agendas in place?  Given the immense environmental impact of “too many monkeys on the rock,” I can only deduce that globalists prefer endless wars, genocides and biological weapons as solutions.  In a universe where right and wrong only exist as artificial anthropomorphic memes, who can judge?  Poverty, crime and population anxiety are real in overcrowded cities.  What does mass migration of peoples to rural areas say?  How could such an uber expensive and deadly healthcare monopoly exist?  Super secrecy?


Doesn’t the nature of things rest on this bit of basic logic?  OF COURSE there are root causes behind every observable effect!  And yet there is a wide gulf between the two, a turbid ocean where bull sharks and bullshit artists thrive.  Murky waters allowed medicine to embrace the faulty Germ Theory of Disease over an individual’s states of health and natural resistance.  Disinformation allowed all manner of fear mongering and false flag events to fool the public into compliance.  It allowed prescription drugs, OTC patent medicines and even various supplements to gain fake legitimacy.  Emergency/trauma medicine provides last-ditch treatments that do save lives from many preventable illnesses and accidents, yet this assumed transference always fails to finger root causes.  Diseases and most accidents don’t just happen!

Since 99% of our popular media matrix is pure malarkey, disinformation and clever word fraud, I question everything.  Life is really simple; eat, drink, sleep, poop…repeat.  Fear is hell, heaven is love; more than that is immaterial, irrelevant and confusing. (period.)

Life belongs to rationally aware humans who research, observe and take action to insure their health, longevity and sanity.

These bare-bones tips should pique a reader’s curiosity and encourage personal study to lock down details of implementation.  Substances, dosages, methods of application are critical for success as are emotional states where recognition and domination of a fearful ego increases parasympathetic/vagal activation, healing, spiritual development and happiness.

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