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An American Affidavit

Monday, December 16, 2024

5171: International Public Notice: Defund and Disband the United Nations. from Lincoln County Watch


5171: International Public Notice: Defund and Disband the United Nations. from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

Countries that have been following along remember that before the United Nations there was a League of Nations, that was dissolved because it had epically failed in its stated mission to promote and ensure world peace as demonstrated by the Second World War. 

The current United Nations organization has demanded that Israel be sanctioned and that Israel should stop its Bully Boy behavior and its attacks on its neighbors at least a dozen times, with no effect.  Here's the partial roll call compiled by Theo Gregoire: 

The "The UN General Assembly demands ISRAEL...": Resolution 242 (1967): Demanded withdrawal from occupied territories Status: Still occupying territories Resolution 338 (1973): Demanded end of war and withdrawal Status: Still maintaining occupations Resolution 446 (1979): Demanded halt to settlement construction Status: Settlements expanded by 750,000+ settlers Resolution 452 (1979): Demanded cease settlement construction Status: Settlement construction accelerated Resolution 465 (1980): Demanded end to settlements Status: Settlements continued and expanded Resolution 476 (1980): Demanded end to Jerusalem claims Status: Declared Jerusalem "eternal capital" Resolution 497 (1981): Demanded withdrawal from Golan Heights Status: Formally annexed Golan Heights Resolution 1397 (2002): Demanded two-state solution Status: Continued expansion into proposed Palestinian state

Resolution 1515 (2003): Demanded Road Map implementation Status: Road Map requirements unfulfilled Resolution 1850 (2008): Demanded peace process commitments Status: Peace process stalled Resolution 2334 (2016): Demanded halt to all settlement activity Status: Settlement construction increased Resolution ES-10/20 (2017): Demanded Jerusalem status quo Status: Embassy moves to Jerusalem encouraged Resolution ES-10/L.23 (2018): Demanded Gaza civilian protection Status: Military operations continued Resolution A/ES-10/L.24 (2023): Demanded humanitarian ceasefire Status: Military operations intensified  

If anything, in each of these cases, the Israelis just doubled-down and committed more atrocities, grabbed more land, occupied more territory, subjected more of their neighbors, and pursued even more egregious international policies that have amounted to Palestinian Segregation and Palestinian Apartheid and now, Palestinian genocide.  

Israel has thumbed its nose at the United Nations so often that the conclusion should be obvious --- the United Nations is utterly ineffective and useless and either unwilling or unable to enforce any standard of civility on Israel.  So let's dissolve the United Nations. 

What was a rational reason to disband The League of Nations is still a compelling reason to disband the United Nations. 

This past week, tiny Algeria had to serve as the conscience of the entire world, by blocking more egregious Security Council action in support of genocidal Israel. 

Do we really have to tell Joe Biden and his cretin staff at the United Nations that we don't support genocide?  Is it necessary for us to say so?  

Then here it is: the American people do not now and have never in their history approved of genocide of any population. 

More than 70,000 civilians have been killed in Gaza, two-thirds of them women and children.  More than a million Lebanese are homeless and thousands dead for no reason.  Syria has been invaded and is in the process of being wiped off the map.  

All this senseless violence against its neighbors, all this genocide against civilians is just overlooked, because Israel is.....?  What?  Mentally and emotionally incompetent?  Not expected to act like a grown up among other nations?  

The United Nations was instituted as an organization that could employ the power of global opinion and extend extraterritorial power to stop war and genocide, but instead, it has --- except for the saving grace of Algeria --- promoted war and genocide. 

Time to get rid of the United Nations and stop wasting our breath and our money. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

December 15th 2024


See this article and over 5100 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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