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Tuesday, October 8, 2024

The FDA: Enforcer for Big Pharma & The Cancer Industry


🚨🚨 The FDA: Enforcer for Big Pharma & The Cancer Industry

⏰ It’s time to open our eyes to the corruption festering at the heart of the Medical Mafia. The FDA’s reign of destruction must stop now or the battle for health freedom may be lost forever.

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Founded in 1906 to ensure the safety of food and drugs, the FDA was once seen as a guardian of public health. Today, however, it's morphed into a key enforcer for a cartel of corporate interests—what we call the “Medical Mafia”—which includes Big Pharma and the “Cancer Industry.” This cartel thrives on suppressing competition, and the FDA acts as its muscle, using overregulation as a tool to eliminate smaller competitors, particularly in the cancer treatment industry. Disguised under the pretense of “public safety,” the FDA’s actions consistently reveal its true goal: protecting corporate profits at the expense of public health.

The FDA’s corruption is clear. According to former FDA commissioner Dr. Herbert Ley, as quoted in the San Francisco Chronicle on January 1, 1970: “The thing that bugs me is that the people think the FDA is protecting them. It isn’t. What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks it is doing are as different as night and day.”

A System Designed to Suppress Cancer Cures: The Real Cancer War

A disturbing trend in the medical industry is the systematic suppression of effective cancer treatments by the FDA. Why? Because cancer is big business. The moment a non-patentable, non-toxic cure enters the market, Big Pharma’s multi-billion-dollar revenue streams would vanish faster than you can say “conflict of interest.”

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It's not that cures are nonexistent—they're just not profitable. During our global travels with TTAC, we've uncovered dozens of highly effective cancer treatments, many of which we’ve shared in our documentary films. But the FDA, under the pretense of "public health protection," only greenlights synthetic drugs that might give a cancer patient a few extra months, but they certainly don't cure anything. And, of course, these drugs come with sky-high price tags, conveniently patented to keep the money rolling in. The real kicker? These toxic cocktails often bring side effects that are worse than the cancer itself. Meanwhile, natural, effective treatments aren't just ignored—they're deliberately buried.

Doctors? They’re stuck in the middle, forced to play by the FDA's rules, or risk losing everything. Talk about a rock and a hard place. In many states, if a physician dares to step outside the box and suggest alternative therapies, they can kiss their medical license and livelihood goodbye.

Let’s face it: Big Pharma’s focus isn’t to cure cancer, it’s to manage it—because dead customers don’t buy drugs, but neither do cured ones. The game is to slow down the spread of cancer just enough to keep patients on the never-ending drug carousel. Big Pharma's dream customer is a cancer patient who lives long enough to keep shelling out for toxic drugs that never actually deliver a cure.

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The FDA is complicit in this scam, acting more like a hired gun for the Cancer Industry than a regulatory body with the public’s best interests at heart. Future generations are going to look back at this era and wonder how so many lives were sacrificed for the sake of corporate profits. They'll be disgusted by the fact that people were allowed to suffer and die, not because we couldn't find effective cures for cancer, but because we weren’t allowed to use them. The tragic irony is that while millions of lives are lost to this manufactured "war on cancer," the real war is on the solutions that could end it. And it’s not a war the FDA or Big Pharma wants to win anytime soon.

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The Real War: The FDA vs. Non-Toxic Therapies

In an ideal free market, non-toxic therapies would stand shoulder-to-shoulder with toxic, patented pharmaceutical drugs, offering consumers genuine choices in their healthcare. Yet, the FDA acts as a gatekeeper for Big Pharma, ensuring that effective, non-toxic treatments are either suppressed or completely blocked from reaching the market. The real agenda here is not public safety; it’s about preserving Big Pharma’s monopoly and control over the healthcare industry. The FDA guarantees that innovative, natural therapies cannot challenge Big Pharma’s drugs.  

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Consider the infamous Rawesome Foods Raid of 2011 as a prime example of the FDA's overreach. Picture this: SWAT-style agents, decked out like they’re gearing up for a high-octane action flick, storming a private buying club that dares to sell raw milk and organic foods. Their grand performance included destroying thousands of dollars worth of cheese, pouring perfectly good milk down the drain, and even seizing cash—all in the name of battling the grave threat of “unpasteurized milk.” And get this—one of the charges was “mislabeling cheese.” Seriously, you can't make this stuff up! This theatrical overkill wasn’t about protecting public health; it was a brazen move to eliminate the competition of big agricultural and dairy giants.

The Lives Lost to FDA Overreach: Children Suffer, Big Pharma Wins

The most heart-wrenching examples of FDA overreach are the tragic stories of children whose lives were cut short by the agency’s refusal to approve potentially life-saving treatments. In 1998, a two-year-old boy named Alexander Horwin was diagnosed with medulloblastoma, a particularly aggressive form of brain cancer. Alexander’s parents, desperate for any chance of saving their child, discovered a non-toxic therapy with a track record of success. Despite the therapy's proven efficacy, the FDA denied them access, compelling little Alexander to endure brutal chemotherapy. The toxic drugs ravaged his fragile body, leaving him a shadow of the vibrant child he once was. Just months later, Alexander's death was not a result of the cancer that plagued him but of the devastating effects of the chemotherapy.

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In a similarly gut-wrenching scenario, Thomas Navarro, another young victim of medulloblastoma, faced a harrowing fight for survival. His parents, Jim and Donna, sought out Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski’s antineoplaston therapy, an alternative treatment with promising results. However, the FDA’s refusal to approve this potentially life-saving treatment forced the Navarro family into an 18-month legal battle.

Although the doctor admitted that chemotherapy “would not work” for their son’s particular cancer, and the package insert stated that the drug has not been proven safe or effective for pediatric use, he still insisted that chemotherapy had to be used, and if the Navarro’s refused to submit their son to this “standard care,” they could go to jail and their son could be legally taken from them.

When Thomas finally received the therapy, it was tragically too late. The chemotherapy he was subjected to in the interim left him critically ill. Thomas died at the tender age of six. His death certificate states the cause of death as: “Respiratory failure and pneumonia due to chronic toxicity of chemotherapy.” In the end, it was the chemo that killed Thomas … not his brain cancer. 


These devastating stories are far from isolated incidents. The FDA’s systematic denial of access to alternative, non-toxic treatments has forced countless families into the cruel clutches of Big Pharma’s toxic and often ineffective therapies. But it’s not just the patients that are suffering…

Doctors Persecuted for Using Effective, Non-Toxic Therapies

Doctors who dare to challenge the FDA’s iron grip on cancer treatment are met with fierce and often absurd persecution. Take our good friend, Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, for example. This pioneering physician has been using non-toxic “antineoplastons” to successfully treat brain cancer, a therapy that’s proven effective time and time again. But instead of receiving accolades for his groundbreaking work, Dr. Burzynski has been the target of a relentless, decades-long witch hunt. The Texas Medical Board and the FDA have poured tens of millions of dollars into their quest to shut him down, all while refusing to acknowledge that his treatments actually work. Talk about a textbook case of shooting the messenger—when the messenger is actually curing people.

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Then there’s Dr. Jonathan Wright, who faced a full-blown SWAT team raid in 1992, not for committing any actual crime, but for daring to prescribe nutritional therapy instead of the FDA’s favored drugs. Yes, over 20 armed agents stormed his clinic, guns drawn, as if he were a criminal mastermind. What was his crime? Prescribing L-Tryptophan, a natural supplement proven to help with depression. Yet, in a cruel twist of irony, just months later, the FDA approved Prozac—a drug that raked in billions for Big Pharma despite its well-known side effects. Meanwhile, L-Tryptophan, which had actually been beneficial, remained banned. The FDA has a vendetta against anything that actually works unless it’s wrapped in a patent and has a hefty price tag.

Then there's the historical persecution of pioneers like Harry Hoxsey and Royal Raymond Rife, nearly 100 years ago, which set the stage for the FDA's ongoing war against effective, non-toxic therapies. Hoxsey, a herbalist, developed a natural treatment for cancer that had remarkable success, but instead of embracing his work, the FDA and the AMA relentlessly attacked him, labeling him a fraud, and forced him to move his clinics to Mexico. Rife, an inventor, created a machine that reportedly destroyed cancer cells using electromagnetic frequencies, and like Hoxsey, his groundbreaking work was suppressed. The FDA seized his equipment, destroyed his lab, and erased years of research. These men weren’t targeted because their treatments didn’t work—quite the opposite. They were persecuted because their cures worked but couldn’t be patented, therefore they threatened the massive profits of Big Pharma.

The absurdity of these cases isn’t just outrageous; it’s emblematic of a broken system. When effective therapies are shut down not because they don’t work, but because they don’t fit into the FDA’s narrow, profit-driven agenda, you have to wonder who the real bad guys are. The message is clear: if you’re saving lives with non-FDA-approved treatments, you’d better brace yourself for a battle against a bureaucracy that seems more interested in protecting the “Medical Mafia” than actually helping patients.

Iatrogenic Deaths & Big Pharma Roulette

Did you know that prescription drugs kill over 100,000 Americans each year? And that's not some wild conspiracy theory—it's straight from the FDA’s own website! These deaths are considered to be “iatrogenic” – i.e. caused by medicine or a doctor. So, for the last 23 years, since September 11, 2001, that adds up to over 2.3 million deaths from adverse drug reactions. Yet, instead of addressing this silent epidemic, we’re distracted by crusades against firearms—where accidental deaths have dropped to around 600 per year—and subjected to billions of dollars’ worth of airport security theatrics. Zero deaths since 9/11, yet we’re still getting irradiated and groped at TSA checkpoints for “safety.” Meanwhile, Big Pharma keeps cranking out toxic drugs that the FDA happily approves without blinking.

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When you visit your doctor and get that little slip of paper—your prescription—you’ve just entered a deadly game of Big Pharma roulette. The first pill might “help,” but when it causes new side effects, where do you go? Right back to the doctor for another diagnosis—and another prescription. And round and round it goes! It's like a waiter upselling you on dessert, only this time the dessert is another toxic, overpriced drug. And guess what? It’s not just the drugs that are deadly—the side effects stack up faster than train cars, and before long, you’re broke, sick, and drowning in chemical toxicity. All for the sake of Big Pharma’s profits. Higher earnings per share, and you? You’re just collateral damage.

FDA Madness: Criminalizing Common Sense

The absurdity of FDA regulations truly defies logic. Consider this gem: in the FDA’s warped reality, even stating that bottled water prevents dehydration is a crime. Yes, you read that right. Something as basic as saying, "water keeps you hydrated," apparently turns water into a “drug” in the eyes of the FDA. This means, under their absurd guidelines, companies making such claims are guilty of promoting an “unapproved drug.” Can you imagine? Something as essential as water suddenly needs FDA approval to make a claim that anyone with half a brain already knows. You literally can't make this stuff up!

And the FDA's war on common sense doesn’t stop there. In 2010, they set their sights on Diamond Foods for promoting the health benefits of walnuts. Now, if you’ve read any of the 30+ peer-reviewed studies showing how walnuts improve cardiovascular health, you’d think this is a no-brainer, right? Wrong! Diamond Foods claimed that walnuts contained “fatty acids your body needs for promoting heart health.” Which they do. This study proves it. So does this one. And this one. Nevertheless, the FDA swooped in, claiming that by highlighting these well-documented benefits, Diamond Foods was marketing walnuts as a “drug.” Walnuts, people. A couple of years later, Diamond Foods ended up paying $2.6 million in fines for “false advertising.” Mere pocket change for the Medical Mafia.

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Meanwhile, the FDA had no problem approving actual dangerous drugs like Vioxx, which ended up killing over 100,000 people before it was pulled from the market. The contrast is mind-boggling—healthy, natural foods are treated like dangerous substances, while toxic, life-threatening drugs are rubber-stamped without hesitation. It's almost laughable, except for the deadly consequences. The message is clear: if it’s natural and effective, it must be stopped. But if it lines the pockets of Big Pharma, it gets the green light—no matter how many lives are at risk.

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SCOTUS Ends Chevron Deference: A Victory Against FDA Overreach

A recent Supreme Court decision to end Chevron Deference has unleashed a seismic shift in the battle against FDA overreach. For years, Chevron Deference allowed federal agencies, including the FDA, to interpret regulations with little to no oversight, effectively giving them carte blanche to impose their will, which inevitably was to outlaw natural remedies. This landmark ruling now requires federal agencies to justify their decisions with greater transparency and accountability, marking a crucial win for advocates of health freedom. This decision opens the door for a more rigorous examination of FDA practices and holds promise for those challenging the agency’s authoritarian approach to health regulation.

But the real game-changer could be the potential return of Donald Trump to the White House, paired with the appointment of our good friend, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., as Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS). RFK Jr., a tireless advocate for vaccine safety and a vocal critic of Big Pharma’s stranglehold over public health could spearhead a monumental shift in how we approach health and wellness in America.

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He has graced our “TTAC LIVE” events with his presence, where his integrity and commitment to genuine health reform have been nothing short of exemplary. Unlike many in the political arena, his motives are clearly aligned with the well-being of the public rather than personal or corporate gain, as is evidenced by his recent endorsement of President Trump. With his recent "MAHA" (Make American Healthy Again) slogan, Kennedy has laid out a bold vision for reform, promising to dismantle the FDA’s oppressive control over natural remedies and bring transparency to the agency’s operations. He has made it clear that if given the chance, he would prioritize ending America's sickness epidemic by focusing on real, science-based health solutions rather than Big Pharma’s profit-driven agenda. Kennedy’s platform isn’t just rhetoric; it’s a detailed plan for reform.

If Kamala Harris were to ascend to the presidency, the outlook for health freedom would be bleak, to say the least. Harris has already proven herself willing to cozy up to Big Tech, actively working to silence dissenting voices and alternative viewpoints. Under her “leadership” (sorry, I almost choked when I wrote that), we could expect even more aggressive censorship of natural remedies and health solutions that threaten Big Pharma’s stranglehold on our healthcare system.

The Bottom Line: The FDA Is Not Protecting You

The FDA doesn’t exist to safeguard your health—it exists to protect corporate profits. Armed raids on doctors offering non-toxic therapies, ludicrous regulations labeling herbs and food as "drugs," and a blatant disregard for the lives ruined by their approved medications—these are the hallmarks of an agency more interested in cash flow than curing disease. And while the Supreme Court’s recent decision curbing the power of federal agencies offers a glimmer of hope, meaningful change will only come when we elect leaders who are committed to health freedom, not corporate interests.

It’s time to open our eyes to the corruption festering at the heart of the Medical Mafia. We must fight back, demand accountability, and reclaim our right to choose how we care for our own bodies. The clock is ticking—if we don’t act now, the FDA’s reign of destruction will only tighten, and the battle for health freedom may be lost forever. 


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