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An American Affidavit

Thursday, October 17, 2024

5066: International Public Notice: Red Herrings and Green Snakes from Lincoln County Watch


Wednesday, October 16, 2024

5066: International Public Notice: Red Herrings and Green Snakes from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

There is a difference between "the DOD" and "the Department of Defense".  As we have noted, Americans have been paying for complete redundancy of government since 1937 --- two sets of everything, all neatly separated and separately identified. 

"DOD" like the other alphabet soup Agencies that we are too familiar with, is a for-hire Municipal Corporation franchise formerly under the direction of the Holy Roman Empire (HRE, INC.) which provided the frontline government services to the public as the UNITED STATES, which was yet another intermediary in this long trail of financial and governmental corruption.  

The "Department of Defense, Inc." is, as its name suggests, a subsidiary franchise of the British Crown Corporation doing business variously as "the United States of America, Incorporated" and "U.S.A, Incorporated" and "The United States of America, Incorporated" and even "USA, Incorporated" ---- depending on which one(s) are in receivership at any given time.  This is the British Territorial Government Subcontractor providing military and "consultant" services, which has been illegally and secretly operating this country as "the American Raj" since the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860. 

So, DOD is traditionally operated by a different set of Vermin than the Department of Defense (DoD) which is operated by another species of Vermin, and they have been colluding together for a long time to illegally occupy this country and oppress and pillage the American People, our State Citizens, who are their Employers to whom they owe "good faith service" by contract--- a contract that they have evaded and dishonored, yet used as their meal ticket for 160 years. 

What has happened recently is that the Chapter 7 Involuntary Bankruptcy that Pope Francis imposed on the UNITED STATES, INC., finally settled on October 1st 2024.  The end of this pernicious corporation and its bankruptcy gave us some hope that the U.S. Trustees (members of the British Territorial Congress) that have held it in receivership, would put an end to their own collusion and deceit
and let the over 400 Municipal Agencies fade away quietly or be repurposed to actually serve the public. 

No such luck. Instead of letting the former HRE Municipal organizations fade quietly into the twilight, the U.S. Congress extended them funding for an additional three (3) months and has "allowed" them to wage war against the American people; the British Territorial Corporation has basically paid the defunct alphabet soup Agencies as Mercenaries and is misdirecting them to harm the very people that both these criminal organizations are (or were in the case of the UNITED STATES) contractually obligated to serve in good faith.  

We leave the world to judge whether or not either one of these organizations, let alone the Principals responsible for their existence and operations, have ever done that. 

All this rot and corporate malfeasance goes back to secretive collusion between the Roman Pontiff operating the secular side of the Roman Catholic Church and the British Monarchs --- a quid pro quo that has operated since the days of King John, and has simply become even more corrupt in the centuries since then. 

This unholy alliance has proven to be a long, long term problem for the entire world, and it is not settled yet. 

Thus, we have one group of incorporated British Crown Mercenaries usurping our government and substituting their own Territorial Congress for the Congress owed to the American People, hiring the should-be unemployed former HRE Municipal Corporation franchise Agencies and allowing these entities to wage weather warfare against our civilian population, unleash biowarfare on the world, promote a proxy war in Ukraine, build up an illegal war machine in Israel and engage in all the nasty, illegal, unlawful, and immoral acts that the U.S. Congress wants to engage in --- but, like Christian Monarchs using Jews to avoid the taint of usury in the Middle Ages--- they don't want to have their pretty hands dirtied. 

The hypocrisy reeks and we are not deceived. 

The members of the U.S. Congress that voted to extend the funding to the former Municipal Government Agencies are under investigation for knowing and deliberate treason, aiding, abetting, funding, and misdirecting these corporate entities to attack and do harm to innocent Americans and other people worldwide.  

Apologists say, but, what about all the services and functions these Agencies provided?  What about ten million more government employees being suddenly unemployed?  Don't we have to buoy up the economy, at least artificially, before our corporate elections?  

Throughout over 200 complete and/or partial government shut-downs, those of us on the ground have never missed anyone but the National Park Employees and the Federal Marshals --- who were permanently defunded because they posed an obstacle to drug smuggling and human trafficking. 

The only other members of the HRE Government that we would miss are the employees of the various Postal Services --- which are not Post Offices. 

These rogue entities that the British Territorial Congress funded through the end of the year, DOD, FEMA, BATF, EPA, IRS, etc., have led us on a path of destruction, albeit, at the behest of their British Territorial Masters.  They have continued to claim the existence of all sorts of rights and powers that they never actually had and still don't. 

These incorporated government services providers have jointly conspired to continue genocidal corporate "policies" and to do so while impersonating the actual people and government of this country. 

The gross breach of trust and criminality implied by all this is self-evident; we are not engaged in any political struggle, but are instead facing off a collusive criminal conspiracy staged by for-hire government services corporations and the bureaucrats running them.  

Those doing the Dirty Work (the Red Herrings) are being directed to do so by the other "side" of this convenient dog pile (the Green Snakes), but it is all the same to us.   

The Dead Man Walking Municipal Agencies, DOD, FEMA, et alia, are being used by the British Territorial U.S. Congress to wage yet more Mercenary War on the rest of us, including their own Employers. A more corrupt and corrupting regime has never existed in the history of the world. 

Last week, officials purportedly from FEMA --- which, technically, doesn't exist anymore, obstructed disaster search and rescue efforts by civilians working in the over 100 counties hit by Hurricane Helene--- which was itself an illegal act of weather warfare.  

FEMA workers illegally confiscated privately donated resources, blocked airfields being used to stage helicopter rescues, threatened civilian rescuers with armed force, and actually arrested civilian rescue teams on the pretext that they were "interfering in a federally mandated activity". 

However,  the "new" (and still unauthorized by the actual American government) British Territorial Government Charter for the State of North Carolina, Incorporated, issued circa 1910 (after the bankruptcy of their earlier state-of-state franchise established in the 1860's), contains a codicil forbidding federal interference in civilian rescue operations.  

The State (Trust) Charter outranks both State of State and Federal law within the physical borders of North Carolina.  Our guys were back at work in no time.  

This theme of "Federal" interference with civilian rescue efforts after disasters goes all the way back to the 1700's.   It seems that they never want to do their work, but don't want anyone else doing it, either. 

Other purported FEMA Agents told the survivors of Chimney Rock, North Carolina, that their townsite was condemned and would be bulldozed, together with the bodies of their missing friends and loved ones --- and that their private property interests would be severed under the assertion of "Federal Eminent Domain".  The people would be left with nothing and the "Federal Government" --- Incorporated --- would come in and begin Lithium Mining operations on the former townsite, making billions off the public and private resources these criminals hoped to commandeer under force. 

The problem, beyond the obvious moral and ethical concerns, is that there is not and has never been any "Federal Eminent Domain".  They were able to make this False Assertion when the Federal Interstate Highway System was pushed through in the 1970's only because the actual State Assemblies were not in Session and able to object.  Now the State Assemblies are in Session and they do object. 

Back to the Drawing Board for them. 

The actual State is the owner of the subsoil resources of North Carolina and when the State Assembly is in Session and able to defend its interest in those resources, any Federal Agency needs to have a land grant from a properly provenanced American State Assembly operating prior to 1860 to claim any interest in any parcel of land or other land-based resource within the State boundaries.  

Moreover, our States respect the rights of the people to own and control and enjoy their land and soil --- and will defend the rights of the people of Chimney Rock.

There's more.  A lot more.  A Day of Reckoning for the criminals cannot be long in coming, whether they are operating as Night of the Living Dead former Municipal Agencies or standing among the British Territorial Operatives.  These organizations and the banks that have colluded in funding them by encumbering our assets and extending our credit to them under False Pretenses, are under the gun. 

The Territorial Department of Defense just gratuitously issued a directive granting itself rights that it doesn't have and never did, trying to legalize the use of lethal force by British Territorial U.S. Military Subcontractors against American civilians within the borders of the States.  

They may indeed fire upon us, but they will never have the legal or lawful right to do so.  We didn't give them that authority.  

These foreign corporations are very keen to grant themselves powers and authorities they don't possess and they use private contract claims to justify their venal practices, but in this instance, even their own "corporate law" is already written and stands against them.  

This most recent repugnant directive issued by the Administrative Agencies and Departments (5240.01) has been defanged in advance by two recent and controlling Supreme Court decisions:  West Virginia v Environmental Protection Agency, 5597 U.S. 697 (2022), and Loper Bright Enterprises, et al., v Raimondo, Secretary of Commerce, et al, which overturned the so-called Chevron Deference Doctrine which allowed Administrative Agencies and Departments to write and interpret their own administrative law however they saw fit. 
That includes but is not limited to DoD Directives. 

Both of these Supreme Court Cases are restatements in support of  Norton v. Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425 (1886) which found that an unconstitutional act does not create an office, and the acts of its assumed incumbents are void. 

As can be readily observed, no "United States" Congress operating on delegated powers ever had the ability to further delegate its legislative powers to administrative agencies --- whether that agency is organized as an incorporated "department" or not. 

Perhaps more importantly, these following two Supreme Court cases prove that none of the agencies, including those disguised as "departments" are part of the Federal Government:

U.S. v Strang, 254 US 491 proves that with respect to the British Territorial Government, and Lewis v US, 680 F2nd, 1239 proves it with respect to the Municipal HRE Government. 

The so-called Department of Defense, Inc., has no right, power, or authority to grant itself lethal enforcement powers in the States, outside of strictly limited and defined federal enclaves.

No valid Grantor means no valid Grantee. 

In other words, if American civilians stormed a Naval Dockyard that was granted to the Federales in 1797 by Maryland, the Federales could fire on them within the property boundaries. Not otherwise. 

We wisely never gave our public employees any grant of authority to wage war against us nor within the borders of our States, generally speaking. 

Beyond that, the only authority for the use of lethal force by the Department of Defense, their Personnel, or their foreign Municipal Subcontractors, is the same right to self-defense that we all enjoy. 

Trying to legalize any offensive action whatsoever against American civilians via a departmental "Directive" is an act of criminal fraud and potential violence being attempted under color of law, in this case, by the run-amok British Territorial bureaucrats.  

These various corporations have no standing as a government at all; they are at most and at best, acting as purveyors of government services under contract.    
Imagine the Top Brass at Wendy's Hamburgers granting themselves and their employees the right to fire upon their customers via an in-house "Directive" and assuming that they can exercise the powers of government to legalize this. 

We are here to tell you that they can't.  They are criminals acting in Breach of Trust and Violation of their Service Contracts known as Constitutions.  These corporations, and the Principals responsible for their existence and operations, have ignored the actual Law so long that they are believing their own lies. 

These corporations are owed no support and no funding for their continued acts of disservice, dishonor, violence, and bad faith against their Employers. 

As things stand, one group of corporate Mercenaries has funded another group of unemployed corporate Mercenaries to do their Dirty Work under color of law.  They apparently think that they can fund the former Municipal Agencies and use them like sock puppets to attack our country and countrymen, without however, earning the onus as accomplices to treason and crimes of state. 

Such vain suppositions cannot be maintained. 

Those who fund such mercenaries and misdirect such mercenaries and mislead the public and use the assets and credit garnered from fraudulently constructed public trusts to fund attacks upon the public, are treasonous and common criminals acting under color of law. 

So are the banks promoting and funding these activities. 

Whether Red Herrings or Green Snakes, we assert and maintain that we, the living people and Lawful Persons of this country are the Priority Creditors, Owners, and Operators owed all right, title, and interest in all property of ours that has been purloined and misused by these miscreants acting in Breach of Trust.

This includes our possession and control of our much-abused Title IV Wartime Flag, known as the Stars and Stripes, and also as Old Glory.  This version of our flag was never allowed to be used by these incorporated Subcontractors specifically, and was never intended to be flown as a mercenary flag by any party whatsoever.  

The Title IV Flag was defined and separated out for the express use of our Federal Subcontractors while exercising delegated powers during a properly declared and actual war between separate countries; its use was not granted to corporations engaged in self-interested mercenary conflicts during peacetime. 

The employees of the Department of Defense, Inc., like the Municipal Mercenaries funded by the British Territorial U.S. Congress, are under demand to cease and desist all ploys, pretensions, and hostilities.  The only amnesty deserved, is the amnesty earned. 

It's time to return the Title IV Flag to the actual owners and to stop disgracing it and misusing it for purposes never anticipated and never authorized.  Likewise it is time for the British Crown Corporation to release all copyrights taken on our Given Names, time for all the unauthorized Federal Agencies to quietly disappear and be permanently defunded, time for the central banks to be audited and held accountable for operating as Bank Custodians--- padding their own pockets and the pockets of these evil corporations, instead of providing Trust Custodial Services to the victims of these criminals.    
Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

October 16th 2024


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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