Fluoride Information

Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.

An American Affidavit

Saturday, August 31, 2024

53. Dick And Jane: The Underground HIstory of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org


53. Dick And Jane: The Underground HIstory of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org



Dick And Jane


  As many before him, Huey missed entirely the brilliant Greek insight that reading and  understanding are two different things. Good reading is the fluent and effortless cracking  of the symbol-sound code which puts understanding within easy reach. Understanding is  the translation of that code into meaning.   


    It is for many people a natural and fairly harmless mistake. Since they read for meaning,  the code-cracking step is forgotten. Forgotten, that is, by those who read well. For others,  self-disgust and despair engendered by halting progress in decoding sounds sets into play  a fatal chain of circumstances which endangers the relationship to print for a long time,  sometimes wrecking it forever. If decoding is a painful effort, filled with frustrating  errors, finally a point is reached when the reader says, in effect, to the devil with it. 

Dr. Peter Breggin on understanding and overcoming guilt, shame and anxiety


Ch. 5. General Groves's Solution: the fluoride deception by Christopher Bryson from archive.org


Ch. 5. General Groves's Solution: the fluoride deception by Christopher Bryson from archive.org

General Groves's Solution   Dr. Harold Hodge and   the University of Rochester     The Manhattan Project had seen the danger from fluoride early. Before the  war private industry had contained the legal dangers from factory  pollution by forming the Air Hygiene Foundation at the Mellon Institute.  Also fearing lawsuits, in 1943 General Groves established the Manhattan  Projects Medical Section at the University of Rochester to strengthen the  governments interests, placing Dr. Harold C. Hodge in charge of a secret  unit studying fluoride and the other chemicals being used to make the  atomic bomb.   FROM His CORNER office window in the medical school at Strong Memorial  Hospital that summer of 1943 Dr. Harold Hodge could see construction  workers placing the finishing touches on a half million-dollar building at  the University of Rochester known as the Manhattan Annex.' The heavily  guarded structure, funded by the U.S. Army, would be home to the  Manhattan Project's Medical Section. Orders had been placed for hundreds  of

Record Number of Louisiana Parents Opt Out of Back-to-School Vaccines


August 20, 2024 Censorship/Surveillance COVID News


Record Number of Louisiana Parents Opt Out of Back-to-School Vaccines

The number of children starting school with vaccination exemptions has more than doubled in recent years, according to CDC data.

school bus and vaccine bottle

More Louisiana parents are choosing not to vaccinate their children before sending them to school this year. The rate of parents opting out of standard vaccines is the highest it’s been in a decade, NOLA.com reported this week.

The number of children starting school with vaccination exemptions has more than doubled in recent years, according to New Orleans CBS affiliate 4WWL.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data show the percentage of Louisiana kindergartners who had an exemption from one or more vaccines jumped from 1.1% in the 2022-23 school year to 2.3% in the 2023-24 school year. Figures for the 2024-25 school year are not yet available.

The CDC’s website details the spike:

Court-ordered quarantine: involuntary arrest and detention by local health and law enforcement officers.


Trust in U.S. Doctors and Hospitals Has Declined Since COVID Pandemic


Trust in U.S. Doctors and Hospitals Has Declined Since COVID Pandemic

A 2024 survey study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Network Open found that Americans trust in medical doctors and hospitals declined significantly after the COVID-19 pandemic.1 The 2020 pandemic signified a turning point in the public’s trust in the medical profession that was previously deemed to be a trustworthy profession. In 2023, a Gallup poll showed that the public’s perception of physician ethics was considerably below the pre-pandemic baseline.2

Significant Rise in Americans’ Distrust Across All Demographics Includes Vaccinations

There were 443,455 people who responded to the survey study aged 18 years or older residing in the U.S with state-level representative quotas for race and ethnicity, age, and gender. Results from the survey showed that trust in physicians and hospitals decreased substantially over the course of the pandemic from 71.5 percent in April 2020 to 40.1 percent in January 2024.3

Roy Perlis, MD of Massachusetts General Hospital and lead author of the study said:

We were surprised by the magnitude of the shift. I think early in the pandemic trust likely increased above pre-pandemic levels, but it certainly came way down over the course of the pandemic. We as physicians and public health officials can talk until we’re blue in the face about things like vaccination and other public health behaviors. But if people don’t trust us, it doesn’t matter—we’re talking to ourselves.”4

The survey also found that a lower level of trust in physicians and hospitals was associated with decreased likelihood of receiving COVID shots, as well as influenza vaccines. These associations were not explained by political affiliation.5

4987: The Golden Goose Speaks About Donations from Lincoln County Watch


Friday, August 30, 2024

4987: The Golden Goose Speaks About Donations from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

There are now hundreds of hucksters out there selling my work to profit themselves.  They cherry pick and combine my work with other information and they Mix and Match as they see fit from other sources and then they "re-package" this mish-mash as a "Freedom Package" and they sell it.  And then people try to blame me for whatever results they get from buying these packages. 

Nope.  I am not authorizing or reviewing or approving any of these other efforts. I only take responsibility for mine.   

Very early on, the decision was made to make the information coming in from our research available for free.  The reasons for this are simple enough to see.  Number One--- nobody should be denied freedom simply because they are poor.  Number Two --- many of the nation's poorest people are our own veterans, who paid for their freedom and mine, already.  Number Three --- for our efforts to succeed, a great many Americans must be awakened from their deep slumber and anything that restricts or impedes that process is to be avoided. Number Four -- for our efforts to succeed, people have to start working together in a spirit of brotherhood and common cause instead of hiding out in the woods and hoping to avoid contact with Big Brother.  Giving everyone the benefit of the work encourages people to give back whatever they can give in return. That then encourages community spirit and the effort blossoms. 

There is exactly one official source for our work on the web, and that is Paul Stramer's:  www.annavonreitz.com

When you push the donate button on Paul's website, you are saying "Thank you!" to him for countless hours devoted to keeping the website going and the information flowing despite many obstacles and irritations.  You are saying "Thank you!" to him for forwarding your messages to me when you can't get through any other way.   He uses your donations to keep the website up and running, to make

Our Republican Form of Government: Section 45 — Religion and State Assemblies from Anna Von Reitz


Our Republican Form of Government: Section 45 — Religion and State Assemblies from Anna Von Reitz


Section 45 — Religion and State Assemblies
While it is each State’s right to determine its day to day organizational course within the Public Law, the Organic Law, and the International Treaties we inherit, it requires negotiation with the other States and the convening of a Continental Congress to address issues of fundamental change.
Various religious groups have offered to take over and use the reins of the civilian government to promote their own beliefs and practices, which is a violation of the fundamental separation between church and state.

While the vast majority of our ancestors were Christian, most of them had suffered or had family members who suffered religious persecution. They well understood that giving the government any oversight at all of religion led to abuses of religious freedom. To secure and guarantee religious freedom for themselves, they guaranteed the same for everyone and set religion outside the purview of government.

The Assassination Attempt that Wasn’t


The Assassination Attempt that Wasn’t

The Assassination Attempt that Wasn’t

Paul Craig Roberts

The ruling establishment’s attempt to assassinate Donald Trump has been swept under the rug. Not even conservatives and Republicans want the truth out. The reason is that the truth shatters the idealistic illusions and delusions that “USA, USA, USA Conservatives” have about America and casts discredit on the US government. To acknowledge the use of force to eliminate a presidential candidate who is regarded as a threat by the ruling establishment would upset the stock market, undermine the establishment’s wars against Russia and Iran, cause difficulties for the intended Democrat theft of the 2024 presidential election, discombobulate Washington’s allies, and create powerful propaganda against the US government.

“Protecting America’s reputation” is more important to conservatives and Republicans than the life of a presidential candidate whose election would certainly rock the boat and disturb the status quo.

Many voices oppose weakening public confidence in the government when Washington is at the point of war with Russia, Iran, and China. Acknowledging the truth about the assassination attempt would distract the public from the official agenda as controlled by official narratives. Thought might break loose from control, and then hell would follow. Americans prefer comforting illusions to factual reality. It has ever been so.


The Middle East's Roots Lie in the Fall of the Ottomans w/ Eugene Rogan | The Chris Hedges Report


The Middle East's Roots Lie in the Fall of the Ottomans w/ Eugene Rogan | The Chris Hedges Report

This interview is also available on Rumble and podcast platforms.

Modern borders represent mere lines in the sand when understanding the deep history behind the forces that drew them. In the contemporary Middle East, nations such as Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt, and most notably Palestine, cannot be fully understood without delving into the region's intricate past—especially the pivotal role of the Ottoman Empire’s influence. Eugene Rogan, the Professor of Modern Middle Eastern History at the University of Oxford, joins host Chris Hedges to discuss his book, “The Fall of the Ottomans: The Great War in the Middle East,” and explain how the modern geopolitical makeup of the region came to be.

While not the sole source of all conflict in the modern Middle East, studying the Ottoman Empire is essential for understanding both the region and the European powers that dominated during that era. World War I, in particular, marked a pivotal moment in the formation of modern nation-states. Britain, Russia, and France emerged as key beneficiaries of the early 20th-century battles that reshaped global power dynamics.

Rogan provides an in-depth analysis of the complex relationships between monarchs, religious leaders, ambassadors, and consuls, highlighting their crucial roles in shaping the region's historical developments. His detailed and thorough examination provides a clear picture of how the region evolved as a result of the decline of the Ottoman Empire.

Rogan tells Hedges, “Britain had maintained that the preservation of the Ottoman Empire was in the best interest of the British Empire, that it was a buffer state that bottled up Russia, kept it out of the Mediterranean world, and that, were this Ottoman State to collapse, all that geo-strategic territory in the Mediterranean world would soon become the stuff of European rivalries that could lead to the next major European war.”

Long-Delayed U.S. Government Report Finally Released, Concludes Fluoride Lowers IQ in Children


Article of the week Conspiracy Derrick Broze Domestic Policy Fluoride Trial Government Health Science Top News

Long-Delayed U.S. Government Report Finally Released, Concludes Fluoride Lowers IQ in Children

The final version of the report confirms what previous draft versions have concluded — fluoride exposure is associated with lower IQ in children.

The long-delayed and censored final report from the U.S. National Toxicology Program has found “moderate confidence” that fluoride exposure is “consistently associated with lower IQ in children”.

The NTP report has been the source of controversy over the last couple years as it became clear that elements of the U.S. government were seeking to prevent its release.

The NTP’s final report, also known as a monograph, reported that 72 studies examined the “association between fluoride exposure and IQ in children,” and 64 of those studied found “an inverse relationship associated between estimated fluoride exposure and IQ in children.”

Of the total 72 studies, the NTP considered 19 of those studies to be “high quality”, and of those high quality studies, 18 “reported an inverse association between estimated fluoride exposure and IQ in children.”

Even among another 53 studies which were considered to be “low-quality” the NTP found that “46 of the 53 low-quality studies [88%] in children also found evidence of an inverse association between estimated fluoride exposure and IQ in children.”

The NTP is run by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to coordinate, evaluate, and report on toxicology within public agencies, and is headquartered at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS).

“Gene-Edited” vs “Genetically Modified” – What’s the difference?



“Gene-Edited” vs “Genetically Modified” – What’s the difference?

Kit Knightly

Have you heard? Gene-edited crops and livestock are here to solve all our problems!

Yes, everything from pandemics to the cost of living crisis to climate change is about to get so much better.

Isn’t that a relief?

Five days ago, the WaPo reported that “gene-editors” were:

working to genetically engineer the cow microbiome — and in the process, eliminate methane emissions.

Three weeks earlier the same outlet reported on gene-edited trees for making paper.

In the UK we can expect the first gene-edited wheat to be harvested this year. In the US, gene-edited salad leaves aren’t far behind.

Japan approved “super-tomatoes” that can “lower your blood pressure” years ago now.

Genetically edited potatoes are being created in South America. Wheat in Egypt. Cotton and maize in Ethiopia.

Back in 2022, I reported that gene-edited foods were already being sold to the public as “cheaper”, “more nutritious” and “preventing future pandemics”.

Two weeks ago The Japan Times declared:

“It’s time to embrace a new era of gene-edited food




Friday, August 30, 2024

The History of Gold -- Additional Insight for the High Courts August 22, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz


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The History of Gold -- Additional Insight for the High Courts, as Requested August 22, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

Egyptian Gold
Turn your attention now to the sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh. Joseph didn't receive his Father's blessing. He asked that his Father, Jacob, bless his two sons instead. So his sons got a double portion, and the generation skipping trust was born.
Ephraim, Joseph's oldest son by the daughter of the Egyptian High Priest, was given the scepter --- that is, the blood money based on labor.
Manasseh, Joseph's younger son by the daughter of the Egyptian High Priest, was given the wealth --- that is, the asset-backed money and physical wealth.
Where did the wealth come from? From their Egyptian Mother. Jacob had sheep and goats and cattle, but their Mother had gold and silver and copper and jewels --- and the alchemy of Egypt to pass on to Manasseh.