Fluoride Information

Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.

An American Affidavit

Thursday, June 20, 2024

4898-4900: Stand Up from Lincoln County Watch


Wednesday, June 19, 2024

4898-4900: Stand Up from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

It's really simple.  When we ask, "Are you an American-- meaning someone who was born in this country or who has become naturalized to this country?" -- you stand up. 

Yes or no? 

We claim that the vast majority of the people in this country think of themselves as and believe that they are Americans --- not British Territorials, not foot soldiers of the Holy Roman Empire. 

This idea that we are Americans and nothing else derives from another baseline definition, as we each think of ourselves in terms of our nation-states, and consider ourselves to be Californians, Hawaiians, Texans, Floridians, Wisconsinites, and so on.  

Not once do the vast majority of us have to stop and consider whether or not we belong to the population of a British Territory.  

Or a Roman Catholic Municipality.  

Most of us know exactly who we are and where we are.  

It's the rest of the world -- and a few self-interested public employees--  who are confused.  

So let's make it crystal clear. 

Stand up. Look around. Realize that you have been lied to and lied about for a long time.  

Reclaim your birthright and get your claim on the record.  

Our Republican Form of Government: Section 32 — The Federal States of States from Anna Von Reitz


Our Republican Form of Government: Section 32 — The Federal States of States from Anna Von Reitz


Section 32 — The Federal States of States
As we have learned in the prior articles about the Union of soil jurisdiction states, and the Federation of States and the Confederation of States of States, there are fundamental misunderstandings and semantic deceits we need to overcome — things that we have been taught that were wrong, things that were half-truths, and assumptions that we made that need correction.

The first consideration is that the word “states” can refer to a lot of different things and we should not just assume that our geographically defined States are being referenced, because people often sloppily refer to “States of States” as “States”, too, and don’t always understand that actual States are defined geographically.
The second is that the word “federal” can be similarly misapplied. It can refer to our Federation of States doing business as The United States of America, or it can refer to some other “federation” entirely.

Childhood Vaccine Gardasil Injury: First Wrongful Death Lawsuit Against Merck


Childhood Vaccine Gardasil Injury: First Wrongful Death Lawsuit Against Merck

13-year-old Noah Tate Foley received first HPV Gardasil vaccine on May 7, 2018. From then on, he became sick and died on Oct. 8, 2020.

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13 year old Noah Tate Foley received 1st HPV Gardasil Vaccine May 7, 2018 

Noah was just 13 when the HPV vaccine took his short life.

Noah Tate Foley received his first and only Gardasil injection on May 7, 2018, just two days after his 11th birthday.

Noah enjoyed hunting and fishing with his dad, playing games with his younger sister, building Legos, and playing his drum set. He loved school and was active in his church. Most of all, Noah loved his family and treasured the times they spent together.

The Ever Widening War


The Ever Widening War

The Ever Widening War

Paul Craig Roberts

Northrop planning to build munitions inside Ukraine

The war that Washington brought to Russia in Ukraine required a quick and total Russian victory in order to bring the conflict to an end before the West could get involved and expand the conflict. The way the Kremlin chose to fight the war was the worst blunder in military history. The slow paced war that the Kremlin has fought has turned the war into a direct confrontation between Russia and the West. The West keeps raising the intensity of the provocations. Sooner or later Putin will have to fight a real war.

The “Ukrainian dollars” in the news report are nonsense. They are US taxpayers’ dollars. They are dollars that have committed Washington to war with Russia.

Washington which could not defeat the Vietnamese, the Taliban, or the Houthis cannot defeat Russia. Washington’s stupidity has reached suicidal levels.

America is a country without trustworthy and competent leaders. Whenever a leader, no matter how flawed, like Trump, appears, the establishment seeks to destroy him. American “leaders” have turned our country into a disintegrating Tower of Babel, overrun by immigrant invaders, sexual perversion, and intentional destruction of the Constitution that is the basis of the country.

Everything in Our Civilization Is Stacked To Keep Us Believing the Propaganda


Everything in Our Civilization Is Stacked To Keep Us Believing the Propaganda




It’s not so much that people buy into the mainstream propaganda worldview because humans are dumb, or because humans are selfish. Primarily, people buy into the mainstream propaganda worldview because humans are lazy.

By this I don’t mean to say that people don’t work hard enough or don’t stay busy enough; humans sleep less than any other primate on earth, and if anything the world would probably be better off if our species chilled out a bit. When I say people are lazy, I mean we are lazy thinkers.

And we are lazy thinkers for reasons that aren’t really our fault. The human brain is wired to select for cognitive ease, which means we tend to favor pathways of thought which require less mental strain in order to conserve energy — probably because our evolutionary ancestors needed all their mental energy for important stuff like finding food and avoiding saber-toothed tigers.

If that wasn’t bad enough, our minds are also wired to preserve our existing worldview, so that the perspectives we form from our lazy preference for cognitive ease are held in place, and evidence which contradicts them will often be rejected. This is why facts don’t tend to change people’s minds.

Detox! A Survival Tool-box


Detox! A Survival Tool-box




The fact that we are all contaminated with the toxic filth of our industrial technologies is a well kept secret of government-protected polluters and profit-driven “healthcare.”   Corporate energy, agriculture/ food, drug, chemical, mining and defense monopolies have loaded our bodies with metals, pesticides, nano-plastics, aromatic hydrocarbons, pharmaceuticals, junk foods and tens of thousands of chemicals “presumed safe?”….just as corporate media fills our minds with toxic propaganda…the very same industries that control well-compensated politicos and unelected regulators who infest the government.  Our only recourse is avoidance, non-compliance and consistent detoxification!

Detoxification protocols dovetail nicely with my previous post; “Scurvy, Underneath Your Radar Screen,” . Vitamin C is a primary defense against toxins, infections and inflammation,  but there are some details of dosing, synergistic supplements ( like RALA, NAC, magnesium and Vit. K2 ), and emotional and lifestyle practices. One thing for sure, MDs don’t go there.  They eschew chelation therapies and rely on blood testing to (not) find toxins hidden in brain, bone and fat tissues…and so they ignore hair metal/mineral analysis.  Hospital emergency and trauma care may be top-notch, but standard pharma-medicine for most easily prevented and treated chronic diseases performs dismally.


Alan Sabrosky, Deadly Delusions: When the Plans Work All Too Well


Alan Sabrosky, Deadly Delusions: When the Plans Work All Too Well


The first week of June, I watched all thirteen episodes of a mini-series called Amerika (1987) I had briefly seen in part thirty-odd years before. Yes, I know it is a Hollywood production. Yes, I know it is fiction, just as I know that (e.g.) 1984 is fiction. Yes, I know many of the details re wrong for our time, most notably that the USSR is gone.

Nonetheless, it shook me profoundly, and I could not understand why. Being a methodological Germanic scholar (perhaps a triple tautology?), I set out to understand why. I watched all thirteen episodes again, then a half-hour summary of the series in a program by the director and the key actors called “Storm Over Amerika,” and finally stayed up all night thinking about what I had seen and heard.

Then I knew, in almost a secular epiphany. We had already been defeated and occupied, left and right alike (no nit-picking on terminology, please, I have no time for that now), assailed by forces within and without – that war is over. I had been trying to stave off a defeat that had already happened. We needed desperately to understand how that had happened to us particularly, and to the West generally, then settle down to considering how badly we can bloody our enemies. After all, as a quasi-historical Roman general is supposed to have said on the eve of the defeat and destruction of his Legion, “This will cost them more than they realize. We shall not have lost altogether.”

The Pathology of the Psyops

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Video: How Do Cells Become Toxic?

 Dr. Doniparthi’s journey led him from conventional medicine to treating the root causes of disease. In his research and practice, he has accumulated a veritable library of expertise. Today, on “Doctors & Scientists,” viewers get to sample Dr. Doniparthi’s vast knowledge pertaining to toxicology and epigenetics. In today’s episode, he not only simplifies otherwise complex scientific subjects but shares success stories that have their foundation in realistic solutions to health ills of the 21st century. Listen in on CHD.TV!

221. Four Kinds Of Classroom: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org


221. Four Kinds Of Classroom: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org



Four Kinds Of Classroom 


   Jean Anyon, a professor at Rutgers, recently examined four major types of covert career  preparation going on simultaneously in the school world, all traveling together under the  label "public education." All use state-certified schoolteachers, all share roughly common  budgets, all lead to intensely political outcomes.  


      In the first type of classroom, students are prepared for future wage labor that is  mechanical and routine. Of course neither students nor parents are told this, and almost  certainly teachers are not consciously aware of it themselves. The training regimen is  this: all work is done in sequential fashion starting with simple tasks, working very  slowly and progressing gradually to more difficult ones (but never to very difficult work).  There is little decision-making or choice on the part of students, much rote behavior is  practiced. Teachers hardly ever explain why any particular work is assigned or how one     piece of work connects to other assignments. When explanations are undertaken they are  shallow and platitudinous. "You'll need this later in life." Teachers spend most of their  day at school controlling the time and space of children, and giving commands. 


      In the second type of classroom, students are prepared for low-level

India’s Rotavirus Vaccine Increases Risk of Serious Bowel Condition in Infants — Are U.S. Vaccines Any Safer?


June 13, 2024 Health Conditions Science News

Toxic Exposures

India’s Rotavirus Vaccine Increases Risk of Serious Bowel Condition in Infants — Are U.S. Vaccines Any Safer?

A rotavirus vaccine used in India increases infants’ risk of intussusception, a serious bowel condition that if left untreated could cause death, according to a new peer-reviewed study by Dr. Jacob Puliyel and Children’s Health Defense’s Brian Hooker, Ph.D. U.S. rotavirus vaccines may pose similar risks.

baby and bottle of rotavac vaccine

Rotavac, the rotavirus vaccine used in India, increases the risk of intussusception in infants, according to a peer-reviewed study published Tuesday in the International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine.

Intussusception is a serious condition that occurs when the intestine slides or telescopes into itself, obstructing the bowel and potentially leading to gangrene or death if left untreated.

The study, co-authored by Dr. Jacob Puliyel of the Indian Institute of Health Management Research and Children’s Health Defense Chief Scientific Officer Brian Hooker, Ph.D., calls into question the safety of the vaccine and the statistical methods used in previous analyses of the product.

Puliyel told The Defender that although the rotavirus vaccines used in the U.S. — Merck’s RotaTeq and GSK’s Rotarix — are safer than the Rotavac brand used in India, a review of information sheets for the U.S. vaccines indicates concerns are still warranted.

The Reynolds Bloodline: Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier

 The Reynolds Bloodline: Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier

The Reynolds Bloodline

The Reynold’s family is not one of the 13 primary bloodlines, but they are such a prominent Illuminati family within the 13 bloodlines that I have decided to single them out for another article on Illuminati bloodlines. Although the Reynolds are allied with many of the major Satanic bloodlines, including the Rothschilds, the DuPonts, the Rockefellers, the Graces and the Grays, they are especially close and intertwined to the Duke and Cullman families. (One example of a Duke/Reynold joint project is the Research Triangle Foundation.) It should be remembered that The Temporary National Economic Committee of Congress in 1937 which studied the super rich found that the Dukes and the Reynolds were among the top 13 wealthiest families in America. Further, my
research at one place or another has shown that the Reynolds of the Illuminati variety have interacted with all of the other major Satanic bloodlines. These elite birds of a feather all flock together.
During the course of putting out this newsletter in ‘92-’95, I have had repeated opportunities to include various members of the Reynold’s bloodline in my exposes. It must always be borne in mind that a large share of each of these bloodlines are hidden behind other last names.

The Link Between Nutrition and Native Immunity


The Link Between Nutrition and Native Immunity

Analysis by Sally Fallon Morell

Story at-a-glance

  • Native peoples suffered from infectious diseases after contact with European colonists, but it wasn’t because they had no immunity against the diseases brought over. Nutritional decline and environmental disruptions are what led to increased disease susceptibility in Native populations
  • Diseases such as smallpox and measles only became prevalent after traditional diets and lifestyles were disrupted
  • Early European explorers did not report diseases among Native Americans until the mid-18th century, after the introduction of sugar, white flour, coffee, tea and alcohol had weakened Native American health
  • Modern children are at risk due to nutrient-deficient diets and vaccination practices weakening the immune system

Florida Parents Reject ‘Absurd’ Active Shooter Narrative, Succeed in Keeping Cell Tower Off School Property


June 12, 2024 Health Conditions Toxic Exposures News

Toxic Exposures

Florida Parents Reject ‘Absurd’ Active Shooter Narrative, Succeed in Keeping Cell Tower Off School Property

Telecom companies often tell school boards they need to install cell towers to protect kids and staff during active shooter scenarios. Many parents and attorneys say that claim is false and that the towers pose a health risk to students.

kids at school wearing backpacks and cell tower

Editor’s note: This is the third in a series of articles on how the wireless industry targets schools for wireless infrastructure installation. Part 1 covered the recent surge and why parents are fighting back. Part 2 covered how T-Mobile put nine cell antennas on a private school in San Diego without parents’ knowledge or consent. Part 3 covers how parents defeated a tower proposal by debunking the claim that school kids needed the tower to be safe in an emergency.

Florida parents were shocked when they heard their superintendent say he believed Starkey Ranch K-8, an elementary school in Pasco County needed to allow a cell tower to be built next to it to handle an active shooter scenario.

“This was an absurd and frightening thing to hear,” Erin Stroupe, a Starkey Ranch K-8 parent and mother of three, told The Defender, “The school had been open and operating at full capacity for two years.”

The claim that the school’s students would be unsafe during an emergency without the proposed cell tower turned out to be false — but the wireless industry commonly propagates such claims, an investigation by The Defender has found.

Updated PDF collections


4897: International Public Notice: For Your Awareness from Lincoln County Watch


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

4897: International Public Notice: For Your Awareness from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

Time does not actually exist.  It is an illusion that persists based on natural cycles and changes that do exist, but mathematically and factually, time does not exist.  We live in one eternal moment called "now" -- the ever-present present moment. 

That said, there have been numerous systems based on everything from the vibrations of an atom (atomic clock now in use) to the lunar calendar created from the moon's cycles, to the solar calendar created from the sun's cycles relative to the constellations. 

Among calendars that are designed to track cyclic natural phenomena there are proponents on all sides, those who promote the 13 month 28 day lunar calendar that the Hebrews and people of Meso and South America used and which are still in use today,  versus those who promote the 12 month, variable day calendar imposed by the Romans and the Roman Catholic Church. 

The lunar calendar far predates the solar calendar and has been used throughout most of the world since very ancient times.  The Hebrew lunar calendar year is 5784 this year--- an unbroken run of going on 6,000 years.  

Our Republican Form of Government: Section 31 — Mandatory Citizenship Requirements from Anna Von Reitz


Our Republican Form of Government: Section 31 — Mandatory Citizenship Requirements from Anna Von Reitz


Section 31 — Mandatory Citizenship Requirements
As we have learned and reviewed to this point, the American Government is composed of three unions of three different kinds of states: soil, land, and inchoate Federal States of States.
The United States = soil jurisdiction states and people, geographically defined, republican states, State Republics and Republics of States.
The United States of America = international land jurisdiction States and People, geographically
defined, members are Ohio, Maine, Florida, et alia.
The State Jural Assemblies create and operate and populate these geographically defined States of the Union and together constitute “We, the People”.
The States of America = global municipal jurisdiction States of States, not geographically defined, “inchoate”, legal fictions, members are: The State of Ohio, The State of Maine, The State of Florida, et alia.
These are not States in the same sense as land and soil jurisdiction States. They are commercial corporations operating in the global municipal jurisdiction of the air as “States of States”.

Is the Bio/Nano/IT Axis Planning Total War on Humanity While Telling Us, “Keep your eyes focused on Gaza?”


Is the Bio/Nano/IT Axis Planning Total War on Humanity While Telling Us, “Keep your eyes focused on Gaza?”

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We have witnessed a few heady months in the epic battle across the United States to end the slaughter in Gaza. College students have launched protests in support of the Palestinians at Harvard, Colombia, Berkeley, UCLA and elsewhere in defiance of the college administrations. The Green Party candidate Jill Stein was arrested at a protest and the alternative media tells us that the anti-war movement is spreading like wildfire. And now, in response to South Africa’s formal charges of genocide, the International Court of Justice has even issued an arrest warrant for Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. It seems as if the Biden administration will be forced to rethink its unconditional support for the Israeli assault on Gaza, and even embrace a “ceasefire.”

Washington Weaponized Domestic Law and Its “Rules-based-order”


Washington Weaponized Domestic Law and Its “Rules-based-order”

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Washington Weaponized Domestic Law and Its “Rules-based-order”

Paul Craig Roberts

Merrick Garland, Biden’s specialist in using law as a weapon against Donald Trump and his supporters, recently described in the Washington Post, a CIA asset, his critics as conspiracy theorists who are undermining trust in the Department of Justice (sic).

Many Americans have a different view. Garland, claiming “executive privilege,” covers up the Justice (sic) Department’s refusal to indict Joe Biden for the same offense for which Trump has been indicted by preventing the release of special counsel Hur’s interview of Joe Biden. Hur found that Biden knowingly possessed national security documents for which he had no permission, and that he was guilty of mishandling national security documents by leaving them in the trunk of his car and spread among a variety of non-secure locations. However, Hur concluded that Biden shouldn’t be indicted because of his “diminished mental facilities.” As I previously asked, how then is Biden qualified to be president of the United States and have his finger on the nuclear button? The Justice (sic) Department doesn’t say.

‘Mothman’s’ Story of Hellish Politically Weaponized Medical Treatment in U.K.


‘Mothman’s’ Story of Hellish Politically Weaponized Medical Treatment in U.K.




I received the story below as an email from a pseudonymous person named “Mothman” from the U.K. during an online discussion about COVID-19 treatment protocol. I asked if Mothman could describe his hospital Intensive Care Unit (ICU) experience since he only mentioned he had been in ICU without elaborating what for.  I have no reason to believe Mothman’s story is untrue, especially since I had to pry it from him. Truth is stranger than fiction and Mothman’s story of a totalitarian medical hell is worse than George Orwell’s novel 1984 which did not describe medical treatment in the fictional state of Oceania.

“The death rate was 75% in the ICU where I was, I was told by a senior nurse there at the stage just after where patients were taken off ventilators, then more were killed by heart attacks and strokes and secondary pneumonia, and that was for up to 65 year olds, I was 63 and a half then, and for those over 65 in the ICU the death rate was 97.2% at that stage.



There’s simply no way to fix this which is why humanity is now facing…..


wrecked and ruined the entire
planetary civilization.


Until a critical mass of humanity understands that the Global Economic & Financial System is completely controlled by criminally insane and psychopathic banksters who bet on everything under the sun to the great detriment of both the biosphere and human life, the rapidly accelerating downward spiral into a worldwide Armageddon scenario will inexorably push the world community of nations into the proverbial abyss.

Special Commentary
SOTN Editor’s Note

The following exposé says it all except that this extremely precarious planetary predicament has since been exacerbated to the point of mathematical certainty as well as a total and irreversible meltdown of every major market, not just the stock market.

However, in order to correctly understand how the banksters will conduct their long-planned controlled demolition of the Global Gambling Casino, the following link details both the method and the weapons that are at their disposal.

How the financial engineers built the Global Gambling Casino
so that when the biggest Ponzi scheme in world history crashes
and burns, you will no longer own your financial assets.

Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., Motion to Open Judgment Pursuant to Extrinsic Fraud and Fraud Upon the Court


Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., Motion to Open Judgment Pursuant to Extrinsic Fraud and Fraud Upon the Court

Jim Fetzer, Ph.D.

Having carried my Sandy Hook case from Dane County Circuit Court to the Wisconsin Court of Appeals (District IV) and the Wisconsin Supreme Court and then going to the United States Supreme Court (all to no avail), it became apparent that my only option was to expose the fraud behind the fraud (the Extrinsic Fraud) and the complicity of the Court and the attorneys for the Plaintiff, Leonard Pozner (the Fraud upon the Court).

I had suggested from the beginning that Leonard Pozner was not a real person but a legal fiction, it has taken me close to a year to put it all together. I have posted my motion below, but the exhibits run 548 pages in total and could only be taken by the Court in 10 MB segments. Since my exhibits ran 107 MB, they had to be uploaded in 11 parts, which are linked below. Some fascinating stuff.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Video: Can COVID Vaccines Disrupt Your Hormones?

 What is the HPA axis, and what relationship does it have to the rollout of COVID shots, pandemic lockdowns, vaccine mandates and their impact on the global human population? Many individuals, both male and female, are struggling with hormone-related issues — perhaps manifesting as fatigue, infertility, anxiety, insomnia, heavy bleeding, low sperm count, depression, migraines and beyond — and in Dr. Margaret Christensen’s professional opinion, COVID protocols and countermeasures play a critical role in these health problems. Catch this week’s ‘Defender In-Depth’ episode to hear Dr. Christensen report on this widespread crisis and its implications for the future of humanity.

220. The Culture Of Big Business: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org


220. The Culture Of Big Business: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org



The Culture Of Big Business


    Between 1890 and 1930, the culture of big business took over the culture of public  education, establishing scientific management and corporate style as the predominant  imperative. Although linkages between business and education elites were complex, the  goals and values of business established the rules by which both played. And while  schools proved unwilling to dare influencing business, the reverse was far from true. 


      Businessmen dominated the political movement in schools to abolish the system of local  control through wards nearly universal at the end of the nineteenth century. Along with  professionals, businessmen served disproportionately on new streamlined school boards.  Business language permeated the corridors of school management. Businessmen and  their wives were the political force behind Froebelian kindergartens which removed  young children from family influence, and they were behind vocational schooling, which  left no romantic dreams for ordinary children.