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An American Affidavit

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

5045: Video: State statutes, codes, city ordinances are Unconstitutional Officers we have not been told the truth


Copy and paste link below for PDF copy of all Rulings used in video!


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5038-5044: Hurricane Situation Update from Lincoln County Watch


5038-5044: Hurricane Situation Update from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

Most of western North Carolina has been badly damaged by flooding and windstorms and grid collapse; many roads, bridges, and thousands of homes have been obliterated or significantly damaged. Public infrastructure has failed in many places -- water treatment, sanitation facilities, power plants, and communications systems are down.  

The important city of Asheville, North Carolina, is cut off with all roads and bridges and grid systems down.  Castle Rock no longer exists.  This is a very dire, major, catastrophic weather event on a scale with Hurricane Katrina.  

Rescue efforts are additionally hampered by challenging natural typography throughout the region. 

Signal has continued to work and function perfectly.  Anyone who has a phone with a charge can connect via Signal even without internet service.  

We have spent the last two days gathering information and tracking loved ones and members of the Assemblies.  At this point, 26 members of the North Carolina Assembly are still unaccounted for. 

Globalists Claim Europe Is “Too White”, “Too Western”


Globalists Claim Europe Is “Too White”, “Too Western”

Globalists Claim Europe Is “Too White”, “Too Western”


Why do white intellectuals and white political leaders want to destroy white countries?

Paul Craig Roberts

Democrats are doing everything possible to destroy white America. Yet tens of millions of white Americans will vote for the party that is determined to destroy them.

Why do conservative businessmen give money to universities that corrupt their sons and daughters?

This statement is attributed to Putin:

“I want to be heard by ordinary Western citizens: you are now being persistently persuaded that all of the difficulties you face are the result of some hostile actions of Russia, that you should pay for the fight against the mythical Russian threat out of your own wallet. It is a lie. The truth is that current problems of Western citizens are the result of years of mistakes and ambitions of ruling elites. These elites are not thinking about you, how to improve your live, they are obsessed with their selfish interests and super-profits.”

If Putin said this, he is correct. The question is why does he think an indoctrinated Russophobic population is capable of halting Armageddon? Only Putin could have stopped the approaching war by being firm and quickly prevailing over Ukraine. Instead Putin allowed a war to go on and on needlessly, thus enabling the West to become engaged in the conflict. This could go down as the greatest strategic military mistake in history, the mistake that destroyed the world in nuclear war.

Why the Family Is Not the Model for the State


Why the Family Is Not the Model for the State




For centuries, advocates for greater state power have claimed that modern sovereign states are like families.

The value of the strategy is clear: most people view families as both necessary and natural. Even in our current age of widespread divorce and single parents, the idea of “family” (variously defined) remains enduringly popular. Thus, for a politician looking to increase the perceived legitimacy of the state, it only makes sense to attempt to show that the family is analogous to the state—that the state is a type of family writ large.

This comparison may seem, to some, as plausible on the surface. But any serious look at the methods used to govern families reveal that the two institutions are thoroughly dissimilar.  The Complete Guide to ... Devereaux - The Cannin... Best Price: $16.99 Buy New $17.69 (as of 10:32 UTC - Details)

Because the family has long been regarded as both natural and popular, however, state builders have been unable to resist trying to use the family to build their political and ideological agendas.

This goes back to some of earliest theorists of the sovereign state and absolutism, such as Jean Bodin who described the family as the “true image of a Commonweal.” The absolutist king James I of England declared in 1609 that “Kings are compared to fathers in families: for a king is truly parens patriae, the politic father of his people.”

Thomas Hobbes, who differed with Bodin on the state’s ideal form, nonetheless employed a similar strategy of invoking the ancient and fundamental character of the family as a model of authoritarian state power. According to Hobbes: “the beginning of all dominion amongst men was in families. In

DMSO is a Miraculous Therapy for Chronic Pain and Musculoskeletal Injuries


DMSO is a Miraculous Therapy for Chronic Pain and Musculoskeletal Injuries

The decades of evidence DMSO revolutionizes the practice of medicine

Story at a Glance:

•The standard approach for treating pain and musculoskeletal injuries typically involves giving NSAIDs (e.g., ibuprofen), and in more severe cases, opioids. Unfortunately, these drugs are extremely dangerous (e.g., each one kills tens of thousands of people each year), but nonetheless have remained the standard of care for decades.

•DMSO is a remarkably effective pain-killing agent, in many cases allowing individuals who’d been disabled for years by their pain (e.g., a failed spine surgery or severe arthritis—DMSO’s most popular use) to get their lives back. Furthermore, it can treat many types of pain other therapies do not work on (e.g., complex regional pain syndrome).

•DMSO is a highly effective therapy for healing wounds and creating healthy scars, making it particularly helpful for recovering from surgery.

•DMSO is incredibly effective for healing a wide range of acute and chronic musculoskeletal injuries (e.g., arthritis, headaches, neck and back strains, restless leg syndrome, sprained ankles, trigeminal neuralgia and numerous traumatic injuries). It typically has an 80-90% success rate and often has an instant and dramatic effect. This use was particularly popular with professional athletes, as it allowed many of them to quickly return to the field rather than be out for the rest of the season.

Hidden Agendas: Beware of the Government’s Push for a Digital Currency



Hidden Agendas: Beware of the Government’s Push for a Digital Currency

John & Nisha Whitehead

“The greatest tyrannies are always perpetrated in the name of the noblest causes.”
Thomas Paine

The government wants your money. It will beg, steal or borrow if necessary, but it wants your money any way it can get it.

The government’s schemes to swindle, cheat, scam, and generally defraud taxpayers of their hard-earned dollars have run the gamut from wasteful pork barrel legislation, cronyism and graft to asset forfeiture, costly stimulus packages, and a national security complex that continues to undermine our freedoms while failing to making us any safer.

Americans have also been made to pay through the nose for the government’s endless wars, subsidization of foreign nations, military empire, welfare state, roads to nowhere, bloated workforce, secret agencies, fusion centers, private prisons, biometric databases, invasive technologies, arsenal of weapons, and every other budgetary line item that is contributing to the fast-growing wealth of the corporate elite at the expense of those who are barely making ends meet—that is, we the taxpayers.

This is what comes of those $1.2 trillion spending bills: someone’s got to foot the bill.

Because the government’s voracious appetite for money, power and control has grown out of control, its agents have devised other means of funding its excesses and adding to its largesse through taxes disguised as fines, taxes disguised as fees, and taxes disguised as tolls, tickets and penalties.

Joachim Hagopian, Today’s Chessboard by Masonic-Zionist Design


Joachim Hagopian, Today’s Chessboard by Masonic-Zionist Design

Joachim Hagopian

I wrote a postscript to my article last week entitled “This Week’s WWIII Doomsday Countdown Deconstructed,” that took into account last Friday night Israel’s airstrike assassination of the top leader of the Hezbollah Resistance Force in Lebanon. On September 27th, the Israel Air Force continued launching massive airstrikes in Beirut suburbs, dropping US made bunker buster bombs, a war crime violation of international law in a densely populated area, levelling a block of seven large housing structures leaving a crater full of rubble. Regarding the particular ordnance used, military and security analyst Elijah Magnier told Aljazeera:


We have a piece of information provided by the Israeli air forces when they said they have used 85 tonnes of explosive, of which every bomb weighed one tonne.
On Saturday morning, the IDF spokesman Gen. Halevi announced the death of the Hezbollah leader of 32 years – Hassan Nasrallah. On Saturday Hezbollah confirmed its leader has been assassinated. Nearly every day this last week, Israel has killed another top Hezbollah commander along with over 700 Lebanese, mostly civilians. But 64-year old Hezbollah Secretary-General Nasrallah allegedly perishing along with his daughter in another Jewish State war crime will no doubt carry grave repercussions and will unquestionably create a full-scale war now in the Middle East, just what Bibi the Butcher ordered to bring in vassal America. So, Israel has taken out the top leadership of the two Islamic Resistance groups in Hamas and now Hezbollah fighting directly against Israel on two warfronts. Western mainstream press describes Hezbollah as a terrorist organization because both the Israel and US