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Friday, October 25, 2024

Triathlete Who Suffered Torn Coronary Artery Days After COVID Shots Undergoes More Surgery


Triathlete Who Suffered Torn Coronary Artery Days After COVID Shots Undergoes More Surgery

In mid-2021, triathlete and fitness instructor Ingi Doyle of Queensland, Australia received two doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech Comirnaty mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid) COVID-19 biologic. The first shot on June 12, 2021 left her with a sore arm. After the second shot on July 4, she developed a severe adverse reaction that resulted in an aortic dissection—a tear in the inner layer of the body’s main artery, the aorta.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

“Literally the day after I woke up with a massive swelling under my armpit. It looked like a small water balloon sagging down under my ribs,” Doyle said. Over the next two weeks, the 56-year-old mother of two children experienced extreme fatigue. “Just walking around was starting to feel hard and I didn’t know why,” she said. “Then, very, very suddenly, I had a very severe sharp pain in my lower abdomen. This radiated through to my lower back.”5 6

On July 18, 2021, Doyle was transported to the emergency room of a hospital, where she was diagnosed with the tear in her aorta from below the renal arteries down to the iliac branch plus an enlarged heart. She underwent a 12-hour cardiac surgery, during which she suffered organ failure. For two weeks, Doyle had to be fed through a tube. She subsequently suffered a hematoma,9 a pulmonary embolism,10 and an infected skin graft requiring additional major surgery. Doyle also suffered kidney damage and was placed on a dialysis machine. Currently, her kidneys are only functioning at about 35 percent.2 5 6

The vascular surgeon who operated on Doyle reported the case as suspected vaccine adverse reactions to the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), which is Australia’s equivalent to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Doyle’s case is listed as aortic dissection and fibromuscular dysplasia under case number 659726 in the TGA database.5

Spike Proteins in the mRNA Biologic May Have Caused the Injuries

Doyle said that a professor of immunology, Nikolai Petrovsky, PhD of South Australia’s Flinders University, was consulted about her injury. According to Doyle, Professor Petrovsky  suggested the aortic dissection could have been caused by “vaccine spike proteins found in the bloodstream.” She said, “He sent some links of other similar cases he had seen,”5 6 adding…

They have looked for everything else, they have looked high and low for anything that could possibly be the cause and found nothing. The only thing they have not looked for properly is the vaccine. In my opinion the biggest problem we have in Australia is there is no testing facility for spike proteins. Where do we get things tested?”5 6

The Daily Mail Australia recently reported that Doyle had to undergo an additional 17-hour surgery a few months ago “because the initial aortic graft got infected and had to be replaced with a new synthetic one.”5

COVID Shot Injuries Appear to Be Long-Term

Doyle now says that she wakes up every day feeling pressure in her chest. “I have random stabs to the middle, to the left, into my neck, into my arm” and “they can’t find one of my ovaries, they can’t see it because there is too much mess inside me.”5

“I feel like I am a walking timebomb and living with a lot of uncertainty, says Doyle. “Once you have had a heart issue, any little sign or symptom puts you on edge, you never know when you will blow up again. You can never really get on with things, it’s like your life has been ripped away. … My life as I once knew it, is over.”1 5

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