Fluoride Information

Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.

An American Affidavit

Friday, September 20, 2024

“Vaxxed III: Authorized To Kill” Online Premiere Friday, October 4, 2024 7 p.m. ET (4 p.m. PT)


Vaxxed III Free Online Premiere October 4, 2024

Thank you for making “Vaxxed III: Authorized To Kill” a huge success in theaters around the country this week! We have received so much positive feedback from everyone who was fortunate enough to see it. This documentary is already opening eyes, changing minds and bringing us all together. THIS is why we do what we do!

If you missed the premiere in theaters this week, here’s your chance to see “Vaxxed III: Authorized To Kill” for FREE.

Please join Children’s Health Defense Films for a FREE online premiere. In order to view the film, please sign up with your email address in advance.

“Vaxxed III: Authorized To Kill” Online Premiere
Friday, October 4, 2024
7 p.m. ET (4 p.m. PT)

Sign Up to Watch

We encourage you to share this event far and wide. As you know, CHD is 100% donor-funded. We still need to raise money for this film, but we have decided it’s critical to share this important documentary with the world and make sure this message reaches as many people as possible. If you would like to help support the film, you still can at the link below.

Video: Take Action 2024

 NOW is the time to consider and educate yourself on the threats to your freedom — whether it is the ability to access clean, healthy, affordable food or the right to protect, invest and spend money as you see fit. Find out how to take action with “Financial Rebellion” hosts, today, on CHD.TV. Your life depends on it!

85. Three Most Significant Books: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org


85. Three Most Significant Books: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org



85. Three Most Significant Books 



    The three most influential books ever published in North America, setting aside the Bible  and The New England Primer, were all published in the years of the Utopian  transformation of America which gave us government schooling: Uncle Tom 's Cabin, or  Life Among the Lowly (1852), a book which testifies to the ancient obsession of English-  speaking elites with the salvation of the under- classes; Ben-Hur (1880), a book  illustrating the Christian belief that Jews can eventually be made to see the light of reason  and converted; and the last a pure Utopia, Looking Backwards (1888), still in print more  than one hundred years later, translated into thirty languages.' 

      In 1944, three American intellectuals, Charles Beard, John Dewey, and Edward Weeks,  interviewed separately, proclaimed Edward Bellamy's Looking Backwards second only  to Marx's Das Kapital as the most influential book of modern times. Within three years  of its publication, 165 "Bellamy Clubs" sprouted up. In the next twelve years, no less  than forty-six other Utopian novels became best sellers.  

Johnny and the Crossing Guard


THE KRUPPS & THE ILLUMINATI: Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier


THE KRUPPS & THE ILLUMINATI: Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier







 One of the big lessons from history is that

mankind doesn’t learn from history


The history of the Krupp family which is in the llluminati would provide the world with a loud and clear warning for today. The first lesson that could be learned is how a military buildup and military intentions can be totally concealed for decades. Today, the New World Order has brought in hundreds of thousands of foreign troops into the United States, they have brought in thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of guillotines for executions, they have built a network of unused concentration camps across the U.S., they have built crematoriums next to these concentration camps, and yet most Americans appear to believe the lies of President Clinton and others just like they believed the lies of

Krupp, and the German Chancellors BEFORE Hitler, and the German military leaders who were all well aware of the secret German buildup that began immediately after W.W. I ended! We are about to go into a New World Order that will be worse than Hitler’s New World Order, but the power behind the scenes is the same -- the Illuminati getting their power from their centuries-old generational satanic practices. One ex-Illuminati thinks that the Krupp family became part of the Illuminati in 1836. The Halbach and Bohlen families had united in marriage prior to the Civil War.

Follow the Science: A New Clarion Call


Follow the Science: A New Clarion Call

We’ve never spent more money on health insurance, health care, hospitals, and medicine—but are growing sicker and sicker with chronic diseases. Even worse, our medical professionals seem not to notice or care about the obvious. Why?

Visit your average doctor—when you can get in for an appointment in a reasonable time period, which is growing harder—and you’re likely to find yourself asked to fill out an assortment of forms asking for the same information you already gave, as well as your lists of medicine and allergies, which the doctor won’t have read or remember when he sees you. Notably, he probably won’t try to find out if you have suffered any side effects from your medicine. Which means he probably won’t report them to the federal adverse event database. And if you complain of something that doesn’t show up easily on an insurance-approved test, you might be sent off on a time-consuming and expensive journey to specialists who will be just as baffled and may conclude there’s nothing really wrong with you—it’s all in your head.

For the answers to a lot of questions regarding why common sense seems so hard to find among our medical establishment, political leaders, health agencies, and media, it helps to follow the money. Together these behemoths collude to control our information on a grand scale and protect their financial interests. Breaking this information juggernaut and the censorship complex that’s grown up around it can feel nearly impossible.

Facebook CEO Admits White House “Repeatedly Pressured” Company to Censor COVID-19 Posts


Facebook CEO Admits White House “Repeatedly Pressured” Company to Censor COVID-19 Posts

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook and parent company Meta, admitted in a letter to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan last month that the Biden administration “repeatedly pressured” his company to censor and remove many COVID-19-related posts in 2021. The letter, dated Aug. 26, 2024, confirmed that the White House repeatedly pressured Meta, a dominant force in the social media landscape that owns major social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, Threads and WhatsApp, to censor certain COVID content, even humor and satire. In August 2021, Facebook said it had removed more than 20 million Facebook and Instagram posts related to COVID for violating its content rules—the same year that the White House publicly criticized social media platforms for allowing coronavirus misinformation to spread.1 2

In the letter, Zuckerberg neither confirms nor denies whether he succumbed to government interference to stifle free speech during the pandemic, reiterating that he and his company own any decisions made in the “wake of [government] pressure”—but does concede that Meta should not compromise its content standards due to pressure from any government administration. He also expressed regret that

The Conscious Resistance Networks Presents: The Pyramid of Power - Chapter 15: The Pedo-Class


The Conscious Resistance Networks Presents: The Pyramid of Power - Chapter 15: The Pedo-Class

I am excited to share the latest chapter of The Pyramid of Power with you tonight at 8 pm US Central

For those who don't know, The Pyramid of Power was originally a 2.5 hour presentation that I gave in Summer 2018 as part of The Liberate Your Mind Tour across the United States. I attempted to describe the various individuals and institutions which stand in the way of liberty.

I soon realized the information would be better suited to a documentary. In 2021, this idea evolved into the 17-part docuseries focused on answering the question: Who runs the world?

Over the last 3 years we have released 14 chapters of this series, progressively moving further up The Pyramid and defining the organizations and names you need to know. Most importantly, we've also provided ideas for solutions for tackling these problems.

5016-5021: International Public Notice: Play by Play from Lincoln County Watch


Thursday, September 19, 2024

5016-5021: International Public Notice: Play by Play from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

The Pope, out of the clear blue, decided that Jesus was owed everything and he was the steward for Jesus on Earth, so, therefore, he was owed everything. 

Next, he divided the planet into East and West. And he separated the land from the sea and both of them from the air. 

To expedite his plan, he hired men willing to support his claim to own everything.  He made these men "kings" on the land, and "monarchs" on the sea, and "emperors" in the air jurisdiction, but fundamentally, these people were his servants and Overseers.  

The kings, monarchs, and emperors worked as Overseers of the Pope's property. 

The job of the Lords and Ladies and Barons and Viscounts and Earls and Dames and so on and on, was to support the king (or monarch) or emperor -- whichever hat he wore for the day, and help him Oversee the Pope's property.  

So we have the Pope as the Ultimate Landowner, and we have Kings acting as his Overlords and Overseers and the retainers of the Kings who were "Nobility" of one sort or another, brought up the rear echelon of the Ruling Elite.  

Below them were all the Slaves. 

A Republican Form of Government: Section 5 — Mission Statement and Membership Agreement by Anna Von Reitz


A Republican Form of Government: Section 5 — Mission Statement and Membership Agreement by Anna Von Reitz


Section 5 — Mission Statement and Membership Agreement
The Mission Statement for any organization worth its salt should be short and sweet and exact and as explicit as humanly possible, so as to conclusively answer the questions — “What are we doing and why?” In the case of the State Jural Assemblies the answer to these questions is exactly the same all across the board — for example:

Mission Statement for the Wisconsin Jural Assembly
Our Wisconsin Jural Assembly is dedicated to the restoration of a complete and fully operational land and soil jurisdiction State and County court system serving the people of Wisconsin, the preservation of the National Trust, the enforcement of the Public Law, the upholding of the Federal Constitution owed to our State and People, the re-population of our land and soil jurisdiction, the filling of vacated Public Offices, and the reclamation of our material and intellectual public and private assets.
To these ends we, the living people of Wisconsin, have called the eligible Wisconsin nationals and electors to assemble and to serve as Jurors and Officers, and we have established the process and procedure to qualify Jurors and others competent to hold State Citizenship and Public Office. We do this peacefully and without rancor in the exercise of our unincorporated powers and capacities.
The above Mission Statement pretty much nails down who is doing what and in what capacity and why. That’s all a Mission Statement needs.
Now for the Membership Agreement portion — again, using Wisconsin as an example:

Updated: May 22, 2019 Table of Contents Page 17 of 209

The Jural Assembly Handbook By: Anna Von Reitz

Wisconsin Jural Assembly Membership Agreement

The Media Silence Surrounding the UN Pact for the Future


The Media Silence Surrounding the UN Pact for the Future

Instead we are drowned with nonsense and scaremongering while we are slowly being transformed into controllable entities to be controlled by the digital world brain

On Sunday, the Pact for the Future will be signed by world leaders at the Summit of the Future in New York. The pact aims to “upgrade the multilateral system” (i.e. the UN system) and make it more adapted to “future challenges” (i.e. give it more power) with the help of technology and AI systems (which will give it “foresight capabilities”).

Despite the world-changing significance of this historic Summit, reporting on the Pact has been non-existent in Swedish media. In our leading daily papers such as Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladetnot a word. Nor from our public broadcasting company SVT.

(The same silence surrounded the adoption of Agenda 2030 at the UN Summit in September 2015—until after the fact, when there has been no escape from the Sustainable Development Goal propaganda. The historic signing of the strategic partnership between the UN and the World Economic Forum in June 2019 also managed to slip completely under the radar.)

What about in the political arena?

The only reference that can be found on the Swedish parliament’s website is a meeting of the European Union Committee (EU-nämnden) where State Secretary Diana Janseinformed the members that the preparations for the Summit of the Future would be discussed by the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borell, during a meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council in Brussels on 7 May.[1]

Surviving the UN Is Exiting the UN. 
Otherwise the Ways Are Charted Towards a Digital Gulag


Surviving the UN Is Exiting the UN. 
Otherwise the Ways Are Charted Towards a Digital Gulag




Introduction by Peter Koenig

Dr. Rima Laibow, co-founder and medical director of Natural Solutions Foundation, makes an urgent appeal to the world population which may not be aware of what the United Nations have in store for the us, the People, during their ongoing General Assembly in New York.

  Confronting Russia and... Unz, Ron Buy New $15.99 (as of 08:00 UTC - Details) September 22 and 23 are reserved for “debating” this topic to which in anticipation several governments, including Canada, have already given their approval. It is a plan for a borderless digital control in the future. In other words, towards a digital gulag — the first step towards a One World Order.

See also these two recent articles on the same subject: this and this.

As Dr. Laibow correctly points out, it is important that this information reaches as many people as possible and as soon as possible. Time is of the essence.

These are the various links, displaying the same video message – in case one or the other of the links has been censored out.

And below is the transcript of Dr. Rima Laibow’s video speech.


Surviving the UN Is Exiting the UN

by Dr. Rima Laibow, Presentation at the Chisinau, Moldova Forum 25-26 May 2024 (12 September 2024)

You may also watch the video herehere, and here.

See also this, Canada Threatened – Stop Bill C-293 – Emergency Action (4 September 2024)

If this bill is not stopped, Canada could become one of the first countries to adopt the UN Agenda for the Future of the World – A digital Gulag

Transcript of Dr. Laibow’s presentation is below.

TERRORISM JUST ENTERED A NEW DIMENSION…because the West needs a World War


TERRORISM JUST ENTERED A NEW DIMENSION…because the West needs a World War

Israel is hellbent on starting a regional war
so the U.S. military will deploy against Iran

SOTN Editor’s Note: There is no question that PM Netanyahu is desperate to start a full-blown regional war whereby the U.S. Armed Forces are fully deployed to protect Israel.  Tel Aviv has already been informed that the U.S. Navy will not be stationed in the eastern Mediterranean Sea forever and therefore Israel is desperate to trigger a war especially with Iran while it still there. See: US Warns Israel That Carriers Can’t Stay Indefinitely

In point of fact, the IDF has proven to be a toothless tiger and cannot win another war without the US military.  Hence, the egregious provocation described above and below was carried out in such a way that Tehran and Hezbollah and the Houthis simply cannot ignore it.  Which means that the Middle East tinderbox is gonna blow and blow BIG!  Because that’s what Israel is pushing very hard to fulfill their absurd Greater Israel project. See: Putin’s Russia Blows Up Scheme For ‘Greater Israel’

There are two other HUGE forces at work here that cannot be ignored.  First, that the Biden Administration is in dire need of a war, which means that it’s “Wag the dog” time.  The Democrats know that an electorate is often more likely to keep the sitting POTUS in office when there’s an election during wartime (obviously Biden is AWOL, but Harris is still the VP incumbent.). No, it does not make any sense in the present scenario because Harris is completely clueless but the Democrat-controlled Deep State is that dead set against Trump. See: WAG THE DOG 2024: Straightaway to a nuclear World War III

The second major issue relates to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who is now widely known throughout the apartheid Zionist state of Israel to be so brazen and reckless that he will do anything not to be thrown out of office.  He knows that the second he’s out of his high office, he will be hounded for the rest of his life.  Both the ICC and ICJ have indictments for genocide issued against him.  Netanyahu also has a number of criminal and civil cases to deal with inside of Israel which can land him in prison.  Hence, for political reasons he prefers (and desperately needs) the total chaos, confusion and conflict of war to any type of peace…so much so that:




Now when I saw this story that appeared in my email inbox thanks to M.D. spotting it and sharing it, I knew I'd be blogging about it. That happens occasionally, when a story leaps directly into the "final cuts" folder, no if's, and's, or but's or questins, or doubts. This was one such story, and we'll get to why I find it so fascinating:

Radar detects invisible space bubbles over pyramids of Giza with power to impact satellites

Now, if you're familiar with my original Giza Death Star trilogy of books - The Giza Death Star, the Giza Death Star Deployed, The Giza Death Star Destroyed - or with the more recent "update" of those books in The Giza Death Star Revisited, and not to mention the related books The Cosmic War: Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics and Ancient Texts or The Demon in the Ekur: Angels, Demons, Plasmas, Patristics, and Pyramids, you will be aware of the fact that front-and-center of my elaboration of Zechariah Sitchin's weapon hypothesis of the Great Pyramid or of the "Cosmic War" is the idea of plasma. So when I read this, I had to smile, for it is a bit of confirmation of the whole hypothesis:

A high-tech radar has detected invisible space bubbles over the Great Pyramids of Giza, providing clues to scientists who hope to prevent future satellite interruptions by this mysterious phenomenon.

Researchers in China published their findings last month after observing the mysterious floating structures with a breadth as far as 9,500 kilometers.

Called equatorial plasma bubbles (EPBs), IFL Science describes them as pockets of superheated gas at low altitudes in regions near the equator, such as Egypt, calling it a form of space weather.

Now the reason I find this so fascinating - including the idea that these bubbles might interfere with satellite operations - is that these plasma bubbles are very similar to the effects of ionospheric heaters on the ionosphere (and ions, of course, are components of plasmas). This suggests, of course, that the pyramids, by dint of some strange combination of their shape and materials, and in conjunction with their coupled oscillator function with the planet itself, are acting as analogue ionospheric heaters.

Joachim Hagopian, Israel’s Explosive Electronic Warfare: Genocidal Pariah Nation Is A Terrorist Organization


Joachim Hagopian, Israel’s Explosive Electronic Warfare: Genocidal Pariah Nation Is A Terrorist Organization

Joachim Haopian


What the world is witnessing this week through Israel’s terrorist crime network operating as a national government, is a new form of terrorism, utilizing weaponized electronics technologies specifically targeting Hezbollah fighters. Just after 3:30PM on Tuesday September 17th, Israel marked the first wave of its newly emerging terrorist technology warfare, detonating hidden installed explosives inside pagers against unsuspecting Lebanese people, loosely affiliated with the Hezbollah military organization. By remote control, Israel simultaneously exploded thousands of electronic pagers, killing at least a dozen including two children and injuring close to 3,000 others across the nation that shares the Jewish State’s northern border. The very next day on Wednesday, Israel was at it again, cold-bloodedly murdering 25 and maiming 450 more Lebanese with hand held radios and walkie talkies, reportedly attacking with yet another round of detonated lethal explosives, killing and wounding many more Lebanese civilians. Though Israel attempted to assassinate Hezbollah members, only 8 of the fatalities were reportedly Hezbollah fighters, and by far most of the dead and injured were innocent Lebanese, including four murdered children. And it wasn’t just pagers and walkie talkies that exploded, according to the September 19th jewishpress.com:


Solar energy systems in private homes, iPhones, laptops and other “smart” devices also exploded in multiple neighborhoods of Beirut and cities in southern Lebanon. Mobile phone shops, street cafes, motorcycles and vehicles equipped with upscale electronics likewise blew up.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Massachusetts Covid Reopening Advisory Board