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An American Affidavit

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

WITHERING WEATHER WARFARE: Are there any superstorms that are not hijacked and weaponized these days?


WITHERING WEATHER WARFARE: Are there any superstorms that are not hijacked and weaponized these days?


How is it that ever since Ron DeSantis became governor, Florida has been targeted with more geoengineered hurricanes than any other period in recorded history?

The last three major hurricanes to hit the US all stuck

We are sending this letter to every member of the Florida State Legislature in advance of Tropical Storm Debby making landfall in the Panhandle.

We are also writing this open letter to all Florida state elected representatives because so many similar requests sent to Gov. Ron DeSantis have gone completely unaddressed and unacknowledged.

As previously stated: “How is it that ever since Ron DeSantis became governor, Florida has been targeted with more geoengineered hurricanes than any other period in recorded history?”

What follows are just a couple of exposĂ©s about similar superstorms that hit Florida hard during the last 5 years.  Both of them had all the classic signatures of perfectly controlled hurricanes.

An Urgent Open Letter to Gov. Ron DeSantis (Major Update)

HURRICANE MICHAEL: A Geoengineered Superstorm Aimed at
the Florida Panhandle to Swing the 2018 Election to Andrew Gillum

By the way, if any of you members of the state government are not aware of the massive and non-stop chemical geoengineering operations conducted in plain sight throughout the skies across Florida, why don’t you know?

Much more importantly, why have the many state reps, who have received these letters over the years, chosen to be oblivious to the greatest threat to the state of Florida—weather warfare.  What, pray tell, is more devastating to people and property than a Cat 5 mega hurricane?

So, if you any of you folks still claim ignorance of the regular geoterrorist attacks perpetrated against the Sunshine State at this late date, you have no right representing the people of Florida.

KEY POINTS: Perhaps y’all have noticed that we are in the midst of the hottest and most humid summer in decades, which has been geoeingineered with highly purposeful design (the hotter the waters of the Gulf of Mexico, the more active and violent the hurricane season).  Also, every observant sky watcher in Florida will tell you that the chemtrail spraying statewide since Joe Biden stole the Oval Office has never been so unrelenting, where constant chemcloud cover has become the new normal.

Now we have Tropical Storm Debby barreling right towards Tallahassee just as the last few have done.  Do you not see the new hurricane pattern being purposefully fabricated by the NWO geoengineers?

Especially that many of these frankestorms are aimed right at highly strategic Florida locations during the months before Election Day?  What better way to create chaos, confusion and conflict in those voting precincts where elections are won and lost in Florida.

Well, are you aware of these electoral machinations and criminal conspiracies?

If so, what are you all going to do about it?

In case you state reps are not fully aware:

“The primary purpose of government is to protect the citizenry and safeguard their property from enemies both foreign and domestic.”


Concerned Residents of Florida

SOTN Editor’s Note: Many folks reflexively scoff at these posts that call out the relentless use of weather warfare against the U.S. citizenry.  The many geoengineering investigators and weather modification reserachers now among US know that hurricane season comes and goes every year; however, we also know that the number and severity of the superstorms post World War II have dramatically increased.  Then we saw another very suspicious significant uptick in frequency and intensity of mega-hurricanes from 1985 through 1990 onward when the anthropogenic, CO2-driven, Global Warming hoax first began to rear its ugly head.

What’s the critical point?

“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.”  ― Rahm Emanuel

Only in the case of geoengineered climate cataclysms and manufactured weather calamities, the NWO geoterrorists simply take advantage of each and every tropical storm and hurricane by hijacking them, methodically intensifying them, and aiming them at their pre-selected targets.  All of the major weather reporting services even have AI-fabricated predictive programming built in to there forecasts so that these superstorms are predicted to take a specific trajectory and category level so that the geoengineers can then fulfill those forecasts.

One of the circumstantial proofs of these now systematic acts of geoterrorism are the various cities and states, coastlines and inland communities that are routinely devastated by these frankenstorms.  For instance, the last weaponized superstorm that hit the exact same location (less than one year ago) that Hurricane Debby is hitting today was Hurricane Idalia. As follows:

You don’t know what you don’t know

NWO Geoterrorists Morph Island Enclave
Into Another “Maui Armageddon”

Here’s why the superstorm was deliberately intensified
and aimed right at Taylor County, Florida.


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