Fluoride Information

Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.

An American Affidavit

Monday, August 26, 2024

”22 Ways to Cancer-Proof Your Life Today.”


Imagine the impact if you could help save lives with just a few clicks! We’re asking you to forward this email to at least 5 people who could benefit from our FREE eBook—”22 Ways to Cancer-Proof Your Life Today.” This guide is packed with practical tips and powerful insights that could transform their approach to health and cancer prevention. 

Consider this: if each of our million subscribers forwarded this email to just 5 people, and they did the same, within just three rounds, we could reach over 125 million people! That’s the incredible power of sharing—and the difference it could make in so many lives. 

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We’re just a couple of days away from celebrating TTAC’s 10-year milestone with the much-anticipated airing of “The Truth About Cancer®: A Global Quest.” And when you download your free eBook, you’ll also reserve your free seat to watch this groundbreaking docu-series.

>> Get your free eBook!

Please help us spread this essential knowledge by forwarding this email to at least 5 people that you care about. It will take less than 30 seconds and might just save their life.

To Your Health & Liberty,

Ty & Charlene

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