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An American Affidavit

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Video: Additional Issues for The Court of International Justice–Blood Money 26-June 26 2021 By AnnaVonReitz


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Additional Issues for The Court of International Justice – Blood Money 26 --- Land and Land Assets June 26, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

The word "real" means "royal". So, "real estate" means "royal estate". The phrase "real estate" shows us that the system of land ownership that we have unwittingly been participating in is foreign. Specifically, it's British.
In the British system, all land ownership vests in the Monarch. The Monarch then gives a "title" to her loyal Subjects (who are wealthy enough to pay) who are then tenants on the Queen's land with a leasehold on the property so long as they pay another thing that is foreign to America --- property taxes.
Americans own their land by land grant or land patent, not according to foreign titles. Americans are landlords and owe no property taxes to the Queen. This is just one of many ample proofs that you have all been deliberately misidentified as British Territorial U.S. Citizens, and therefore, Subjects of the

This system of things was imposed in the 1930's as part of FDR's plan to pay off the debts of his Municipal Government. The British Territorial Government was allowed to issue titles against every speck of land in this country, even though in fact, British Territorial Citizens accounted for less than 10% of the population.
Imagine that a Special Tax was passed against Americans of Russian descent, and as a result, everyone was redefined as Russian, to allow them to tax everyone "as if" they were all Russians?
That's what happened in America in the 1930's, and once again, we have FDR, the then-Pope, the Queen, and the Lord Mayor of London to thank for this. Every American was "presumed" to be a Municipal citizen of the United States, which automatically defined them as a debtor responsible for the Municipal Corporation's debts.
Municipal citizens of the United States were already pre-judged as being guilty and as Debtors under the bogus Territorial Corporation's 14th Amendment, so once Municipal citizenship was "conferred" on everyone by the Municipal Congress, we were all presumed to be Municipal slaves and to be criminals and to be responsible for their debts.
The Queen's Government then self-servingly also redefined us as British Territorial Citizens in order to collect this debt we never owed and to subject us to foreign British Commonwealth laws. Nobody told us about any of these cozy arrangements made by our erstwhile Public Servants to serve themselves. And they unlawfully converted our American System into a British Commonwealth Land Title System and stole title to our land regardless of whether we were "federal citizens" or not--- all in Gross Breach of Trust, and under color of law.
So, what does it mean to be a "Real Estate Agent"? Ever heard the phrase "Foreign Agent"? As in "IRS Agent"? Or "FBI Agent"? Technically, all these people are in violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act, Public Law 75-583, which requires them to publish their status and register as Foreign Agents.
The same thing applies to "Real Estate Agents". They are all Undeclared Foreign Agents, and 90% of these people have no clue that they are acting in any such capacity, much less do they know that they are acting against the actual government of this country by participating in these activities.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/06/additional-issues-for-court-of_26.html

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Thank you. ~ Ed

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