Fluoride Information

Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.

An American Affidavit

Friday, August 23, 2024




When I received the following article from T.M., I opened it immediately because I thought it might contain an answer to a problem I've been having occasionally, and I suspect some readers of this website might have had from time to time. In my case it is a problem that has arisen only in the past few years, say, the past five years. I've even shared this problem on occasion both privately and a couple of times publicly.

The problem is narcolepsy. I've never been narcoleptic, but in recent years I can be in my home, and very suddenly and without warning, can become overpoweringly tired, and fall asleep.  This does not ever happen if I am outside with Shiloh, or running an errand to the post office or going grocery shopping, or what have you. It is only at home, and while doing certain activities: reading a book, watching a movie, or simply writing or otherwise working on a computer. Some people have told me it's the computer monitors and "blue light" or the flicker-scan rate of the monitors that exercise a hypnotizing effect.

To all of this I do not know, but I do not doubt that some of it might be possible, because this article has me thinking more deeply about the problem:

Scientists develop powerful ‘pulses’ that can induce immediate ‘hibernation’ – and it could help us explore space

The technology here is ultra-sound, but the result is similar:

Scientists have developed new ultrasound technology that can induce immediate

hibernation”, they say.

The system can be aimed at the head and bring on “torpor” a state similar to hibernation where mammals suppress their metabolism, reduce their body temperature and slow down other processes.

The researchers behind the new system successfully brought it on in mice and rats, after pointing the ultrasound pulses at the animals’ heads.

They suggest that it could work in humans – and might have important applications for long-distance space flight or medicine, they say.
The scientists found that directing ultrasound pulses at mice’s heads for around 10 seconds brought on the same conditions as torpor, with their heart rate slowing, their body temperature cooling and their metabolism slowing.
While the article is talking about rodents and ultrasound, the fundamental principle is one of pulses. Ultrasound is on the upper end of frequencies, and this very high cycles. To put this differently, it's a kind of sound that exists in that portion of the spectrum where sound begins to become so high frequency it becomes light, something to be seen rather than heard. This to me is the key because I suspect that with all the electromagnetic pollution going on that beat frequencies can be established - whether intentionally or accidentally - that has the effect of ultra-sound, and that this in turn might be responsible for these weird bouts of narcolepsy.
This possibility brings me to my high octane speculation of the day. You may have noticed, as I have noticed, an increasing amount of what I can only call "zombification", of people who seem increasingly "zoned out", or in an almost trance-like, quasi-hypnotic state, a state somewhere between complete waking state and that of "hibernation".  Couple this with a bit of neuro-linguistic programing, and one has an explanation for why so much of the television media seems to be marching in lock step. It is because they are marching in lock step: one can broadcast certain words, phrases, and so on, to be used in newscasts, articles, and so on, and induce their use by the induction of this state.
Now here comes the high octane part, one which is so high octane I'm just tossing it out there without a shred of proof or evidence, as a "something to be considered" sort of thing. As I mentioned about, I've noticed these bouts only inside. They never happen nor occur when I am outside. In fact, I find I am much more awake, especially during the day and if the sun is out. Even on a cloudy or rainy day, this is true.  So I wonder if the background radiation of the sun has some sort of bio-physical and neurological effect of which we are unaware or inadequately aware, an effect that inhibits such mind manipulation technologies.
If so, than it might go a long way to explain why certain billionaire busybodies like Baal Gates want to blot out the Sun, and that the "climate change" motivation for doing so may be a cloak for a much more sinister mind manipulation purpose.
See you on the flip side...
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Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".

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