Joachim Hagopian, With Hamas Leader Assassinated, Israel’s War Against Iran about to Go Kinetic

Just as tensions are growing for the WWIII front to open up in Europe, hostilities are likewise now surging in the Middle East with the latest developments in the past few days. And though Ukraine and collective West lie every time their puppet leaders open their mouths, psychopathic deception by Netanyahu pours out daily with even more outrageous, over-the-top lies. Since Bibi the Butcher’s nonstop false claims last Wednesday that captured 70 standing ovations from the enthralled, AIPAC owned Congress, and the death toll of Palestinians pushes near 40,000 after nearly 10 months of genocide in Gaza, the latest Netanyahu lie accuses Hezbollah of the rocket attack on Saturday that killed 12 Druze Arab kids playing soccer in the occupied Golan Heights town. Bibi had to offset the mounting wrath of the entire world closing in against his pariah rogue Jewish State, with UN’s high court pushing warrants for his arrest, the Butcher’s next misdirection escape valve is to pull off another false flag lie accusing Hezbollah of a child massacre on Israeli claimed soil.

On Monday July 29th, veteran war correspondent of 35 years Elijah Magnier told Sputnik:

First, [Israel has] refused any Western investigation by Israeli allies. So they don’t want anyone to investigate the type of rockets and/or the debris. And the technical details of the explosions are very telling. The Falaq rocket that Hezbollah fires is a 50-kilogram explosive. Now, a warhead with such a quantity of explosive doesn’t leave the damage that was left by the explosion that happened in Golan Heights, [it would be] much bigger.

On Monday when the grieving families and townspeople of Majdal Shams were burying the last boy, Netanyahu, his officials and IDF show up trying to take advantage of media propaganda mileage by blaming Hezbollah. But the Druze families weren’t having it, demanding they immediately leave. These Druze know their tragedy was another coldblooded false flag murder, perpetrated by Israel for political gain at the expense of their own children’s lives, and weren’t tolerating Netanyahu blaming their fellow Arabs living not far away in Lebanon. These local villagers are painfully aware that the Jewish State did this horrendous crime, and had the audacity to show up playing compassionate victim before the cameras, using the loss of the Druze youth as their despicable excuse for falsely seeking revenge, with wicked intent to expand the wider regional war, to coerce its genocidal partner-in-crime the US into World War III against Iran and its proxy allies. Bibi the Butcher and his masters are growing desperate.

On that same Saturday, Hezbollah fired off precision rockets hitting only limited IDF military targets in northern Israel, painstakingly taking the higher moral ground to carefully avoid killing Israeli civilians. But the Talmudic Ashkenazim is a whole different breed of animal that’s never failed to use deception to avoid playing by international rules. This has long been the Ashkenazim Khazar track record going back more than a millennium. Despite Palestinians possessing far more Semitic blood than the current Israeli population comprised by the Ashkenazim majority, if one dares calling out Netanyahu’s rightwing militant regime’s genocide as devious evildoers, the non-Semitic Israelis and their Khazarian diaspora as the real anti-Semites butchering the Semitic Palestinians, having infiltrated and subverted this world’s power structure, increasingly criminalize those who speak this truth seeking justice and accountability against the butchers. Again, in this Luciferian world, everything is upside-down.

Netanyahu knows full well that the only way he can retain his power is to ensure that his Gaza war keeps going and growing at all cost. Thus, he keeps reneging on every proposed ceasefire agreement, knowing his political career is over the minute hostages are released and his war is over. He knows he’ll be facing serious prison time for committing corruption and war crimes. Plus, bottom line, this Luciferian Butcher is a City of London order-follower who had the audacity to come to Majdal Shams to fully milk this tragedy for his own selfish gain in order to set the stage for the larger war forthcoming, every chance beating his opportunistic war drum before the media:

The State of Israel will not, and cannot, let this pass. Our response will come and it will be severe.

Meanwhile, on Monday July 29th the recently elected Iran President Masoud Pezeshkian warned Israel against attacking Lebanon, insisting that it would be “a great mistake with heavy consequences.” I’ll take it a step further with another bottom line, it would be the death of Israel and perhaps with its Sampson option, the death of Lebanon and a large portion of the Middle East population as well. Responding to the Zionist City of London high command’s demand, stakes are growing higher every week on both Israel’s southern and northern warfronts.

And predictably, during the early hours on Sunday July 28th Israel launched multiple airstrikes on targets in southern Lebanon in retaliation for the alleged Hezbollah attack on Saturday’s Druze children in the occupied Golan Heights. But that’s a complete lie since all evidence shows that Israel either cold-bloodedly took out those dozen kids playing soccer to deliberately escalate the wider conflict or minimally misfired an Israeli air defense rocket that hit that soccer field.

Thus, seizing opportunity for a wider war, Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz jumps on his warpath:

There is no doubt that Hezbollah crossed all red lines, [warning Israel is near] an all-out war against Hezbollah.

 The special UN coordinator in Lebanon and the UN head of its peacekeeping forces in Lebanon put out a joint statement calling for:

 The parties to exercise maximum restraint and to put a stop to the ongoing intensified exchanges of fire. [Escalation] could ignite a wider conflagration that would engulf the entire region in a catastrophe beyond belief.

Then on Tuesday July 30th, Lebanese media reported that Netanyahu additionally bombed its capital Beirut with another targeted attack on a building to take out another alleged Hezbollah commander. It’s not yet been determined if it was caused by an airstrike or drone. Two people are reported dead and twenty more including children were injured. The Israeli Defense Forces claim they were striking the alleged Hezbollah leader responsible for the Golan Heights attack. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant claimed that the IDF neutralized Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah’s senior advisor Fuad Shukr, alias Hajj Mohsin. Hezbollah has consistently denied that soccer field attack and repeatedly stated that as soon as Israel ceases its Gaza genocide, Hezbollah will halt all its operations against the Jewish State. But since Netanyahu continually sabotages every peace proposal in Gaza, he is using any excuse to expand his Middle East war imposing his “higher paygrade” to coerce the US into joining Israel against Iran and its allies, which amounts to the fulfillment of the Zionism vs. Islam’s Albert Pike masonic 1871 WWIII prophecy Armageddon. Luciferian Bibi the Butcher wants nothing less, in total obedience to his Satanic City of London masters.

The imminent WWIII news only grows worse by the day. Now to ensure this nightmare comes true, on Wednesday July 31st in Tehran, the 62-year old Hamas political bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh was assassinated alongside his bodyguard right after attending Iran President Masoud Pezeshkian’s inauguration on Tuesday. Hamas’ press office reported Haniyeh “was killed in a treacherous Zionist raid.” Though Israel remains silent, cui bono says the Zionist Jewish State has everything to gain [and lose] possessing both most motive and means to take another enemy out.

According to Aljazeera:

According to media reports, the Hamas leader was killed when an ‘airborne guided projectile’ hit a special residence for military veterans in the north of Tehran, at which he was staying, at about 2am (22:30 GMT on Tuesday).

As an assassination target in April, Ismail Haniyeh lost eleven members of his family during the Islamic holiday Eid when his sister, three of his sons and four grandchildren were all murdered in a Gaza refugee camp. Haniyeh at the time, said that 60 of his family members died at the hands of Israel since October 7th last year. Israeli Mossad and IDF assassination squads have made it their top priority to exterminate top leadership in both Hezbollah and Hamas, including their families. Israel has also already killed a number of senior Hamas officials this year, including Haniyeh’s deputy, Saleh al-Arouri in a January airstrike in Beirut. And then in a March raid in central Gaza, Israel took out the second-in-command of the Hamas’ Al-Qassam Brigades military wing Marwan Issa. Senior Hamas official Moussa Abu Marzouk stated:

[Haniyeh’s assassination is] a cowardly act that will not go unpunished.

On Wednesday July 31st, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei released a statement on X:

Following this bitter, tragic event which has taken place within the borders of the Islamic Republic, it is our duty to take revenge… The criminal and terrorist Zionist regime martyred our dear guest in our house and made us bereaved, but it also prepared the ground for a harsh punishment for itself.

Also on Wednesday, the Iranian Foreign Ministry stated that the United States is complicit in the Ismail Haniyeh assassination in Tehran. Iran’s Foreign Ministry statement asserted:

The Islamic Republic of Iran emphasizes the responsibility of the US government as a supporter and accomplice [of Israel, including] committing this heinous act of terrorism. 

Iran called the murder a “terrorist act” directly targeting Iran’s “sovereignty and territorial integrity” with the assassination, accusing Israel of seeking to destabilize the Middle East, posing a “serious threat” to regional and international peace and stability. Of course, it was predictable that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken would deny involvement, claiming that Washington was “not aware of or involved in” the assassination. That’s this this ’s traitor’s job to lie his way out of every mess created by the US.

A July 31st Reuters piece lists initial reactions from various leaders:

DEPUTY RUSSIAN FOREIGN MINISTER MIKHAIL BOGDANOV: “This is an absolutely unacceptable political murder, and it will lead to further escalation of tensions.”

MOHAMMED ALI AL-HOUTHI, HEAD OF YEMEN’S HOUTHI SUPREME REVOLUTIONARY COMMITTEE: “Targeting Ismail Haniyeh is a heinous terrorist crime and a flagrant violation of laws and ideal values.”

SAMI ABU ZUHRI, SENIOR HAMAS OFFICIAL: “This assassination by the Israeli occupation of Brother Haniyeh is a grave escalation that aims to break the will of Hamas and the will of our people and achieve fake goals. We confirm that this escalation will fail to achieve its objectives. Hamas is a concept and an institution and not persons. Hamas will continue on this path regardless of the sacrifices and we are confident of victory.”

TURKISH FOREIGN MINISTRY: “We offer our condolences to the Palestinian people who have given hundreds of thousands of martyrs like Haniyeh in order to live in peace in their own homeland, under the roof of their own state. It has been revealed once again that the Netanyahu Government has no intention of achieving peace. This attack also aims to spread the war in Gaza to a regional level. If the international community does not take action to stop Israel, our region will face much greater conflicts.”

AREEPEN UTTARASIN, VETERAN THAI POLITICIAN AND FORMER GAZA HOSTAGE NEGOTIATOR: “The assassination is very serious because it occurred in Iran. It shows that Hamas’s opponents can strike anywhere. Assassinating the Hamas leader will make negotiations and de-escalation more difficult. Things will become more violent and the situation will worsen, it will not improve.”

This latest development eliminating Hamas’ top leader and chief diplomat involved in negotiating ongoing peace proposals that the Butcher keeps turning down, it now opens the floodgate to World War III with Haniyeh slain in another Israeli assassination raid inside the Iran capital no less just as Tehran’s new leader gets sworn in. When you combine this assault with all the recent IDF strikes directly targeting Lebanon, mark my words, this latest cycle of escalating events now spinning out of control becomes the most disastrous blow of them all, and it is undoubtedly destined to deliver the gravest consequences of all for all parties in the Middle East and beyond.

With near 100% certainty, Israel’s latest deadly provocation will result in a catastrophic regional war between Israel and Iran involving not only Tehran’s proxy forces Hamas, Hezbollah and Yemini Houthis, but also some of Iran’s closest Islamic Middle East allies. Among them is Egypt, with its military troops already assembled en masse currently at the Rafah-Gaza border as well as other significant Islamic regional powers. On Sunday July 28th, NATO member Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan directly threatened to invade Israel. It’s no accident that Haniyeh’s murder three days later would occur while last Friday July 26th, President Erdogan was arm-in-arm in Ankara with Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh and Palestinian Authority (PA) head Mahmoud Abbas unifying these two Palestinian groups’ top leadership. In 1988 Israel created and Netanyahu through Qatar helped finance Hamas to deliberately separate and oppose the PA in a classic divide and rule strategy to ultimately prevent the two-state solution, after all, the last thing the Butcher wants is a united Palestinian front going forward.

There is no doubt that this targeted killing executed in the Iran capital near the exact same time an IDF airstrike targeted a high-ranking Hezbollah commander in Lebanon’s capital demonstrates Israel’s arrogance on full display, boldly proclaiming no enemy leaders of the Jewish State are safe anywhere in the Middle East. In their short-term glee, what Netanyahu and Israel fail to realize is that they’ve just sealed their own ruinous fate as neither will survive this terrorist act of war. The more they take out Islamic opposition leaders, the horizontally structured resistance movement recruits millions more freedom fighters committed to putting their lives on the line in a unified vow to destroy Israel. Recall Henry Kissinger’s statement in 2012, that Israel will not last much more than a decade longer. A dozen years later his prediction may well ring true.

With Haniyeh now dead, it’s a done deal that Israel’s fate only exists on borrowed time now. Netanyahu may successfully feel smug, one step closer to igniting his wet dream of a larger Middle East war. But realistically as a nation, Israel is now finished, as well as perhaps most of the region as likely millions may soon be dying in WWIII, including even Americans, since Israel owns America. Evil Luciferian overlords ruling this world adamantly demand that Armageddon be unleashed now to fulfill their masonic prophecy. Brace yourself for World War III. It’s now very likely here.


Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate, former Army officer and author of “Don’t Let the Bastards Getcha Down” exposing a faulty US military leadership system based on ticket punching up the seniority ladder, invariably weeding out the best and brightest, leaving mediocrity and order followers rising to the top as politician-bureaucrat generals designated to lose every modern US war by elite design. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In Los Angeles he found himself battling the largest county child protective services in the nation within America’s thoroughly broken and corrupt child welfare system.
The experience in both the military and child welfare system prepared him well as a researcher and independent journalist, exposing the evils of Big Pharma and how the Rockefeller controlled medical and psychiatric system inflict more harm than good, case in point, the pandemic hoax and kill shot genocide. As an independent journalist for the last decade, Joachim has written hundreds of articles for many news sites, including Global and currently https//, and As a published author of a 5-book volume series entitled Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State, Joachim’s books and chapters are Amazon bestsellers in child advocacy and human rights categories. His A-Z sourcebook series fully document and expose the global pedophilia scourge and remain available free at s/. Joachim also hosts the weekly Revolution Radio broadcast “Cabal Empire Exposed” on Friday morning at 7AM EST (ID: revradio, password: rocks!)