Joachim Hagopian, British Riots – Tip of the Globalist Iceberg for Tyranny? Or Public Pushback against Globalist Migration Crises?

Joachim Hagopian

With the Democrats’ coup forcing a senile Joe Biden out of the November election last month, and the Democratic National Convention now less than two weeks away in Chicago, on Friday August 2nd, Vice President Kamala Harris secured enough delegates to become the 2024 Democrat nominee to run against Donald Trump. Despite her role as the border czar the last four years, she never once bothered to show up at the border. Instead she and Biden have treasonously followed their globalist masters’ orders, allowing a nonstop immigrant invasion, intentionally leaving the border undefended, unfunded and left wide open for nearly four years now. As of December 2023, the “border czar” Harris has allowed 13 million foreign invaders to illegally enter the US (though actual numbers are closer to 20-30 million).

An August 2nd Zero Hedge article exposes the leftist Dems’ agenda to flood the election with non-citizen voters, reporting:

Undercover footage reported by the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project from reveals that 14% of illegal immigrants in a single apartment complex in Georgia admitted to being registered to voteThe video, taken by journalist Carlos Arellano, has over 21 million views as of this writing. 

It’s therefore no surprise that on Tuesday July 30th, the Rothschild owned Reuters/Ipsos poll revealed that brainless, word salad queen Kamala Harris is actually leading Trump 43-42% among 1000 registered voters polled the final days of July. If in the event that a false flag revolt in the US is

somehow averted so the current unelected, leaderless regime does not declare a national emergency to cancel the election, a series of fake poll results like this one and millions more illegal immigrant votes pouring over the border for Harris, along with the Dems’ already proven successful formula combo of rigged Dominion voting systems and overstuffed ballot boxes stealing the 2020 election, may simply grab another one in today’s banana republic USA. That outcome could be by malevolent globalist design, and the deprived again MAGA faithful could conceivably instigate a civil war in America, at the same time hundreds of greenlit terrorist sleeper cells could also be activated running America amuck, still with un unresolved border crisis.

In collusion, Washington and the Mexican drug cartels are also responsible for losing track of tens of thousands of sex trafficked children, generating enormous black ops revenue laundered through America’s largest banks; case in point, Jeffrey Epstein’s JP Morgan for over a dozen years. In April 2023, a Health & Human Services whistleblower accused the US government of losing 85,000 children after crossing the border. The global pedo-network is Big Business.

But ultimately the left-right political paradigm is one and the same with either Harris or Trump at the puppetry helm, because in the current duopoly system, both answer to the same Zionist masters, overtly now operating to destroy America and West as a final obstacle to their absolute one world government dystopian tyranny. Clearly, the Democrats’ short-term agenda is to pile-on enough invasion votes to steal another election. Moreover, both the GOP and Democrats in Congress are guilty of refusing to adequately secure our border, indicating that both parties are also controlled by the same globalists’ malfeasant agenda, rather than serving the needs of Americans or our national security.

Meanwhile, across the pond we can see the consequence of decades of British invasion (differentiated from the now quaint 1960s one with the Beatles and Rolling Stones’ US arrival) by asylum seeking Muslims from the Middle East and North Africa has erupted in the UK into violent chaos. After billionaire Elon Musk claimed that “civil war is inevitable” in Britain, he was quickly criticized and his social media platform X blamed as a harbinger of “misinformation” fueling the right-wing violence. On Monday August 5th Daily Mail headline sounded the growing alarm:

Emergency COBRA meeting ‘to be called this morning’ after week of riots, with scores of police officers hurt, hundreds of far right thugs arrested and Britain teetering on the brink of nationwide chaos

Angry British mobs are now torching hotels in Rotherham. On Sunday August 4th, right-wing protesters set the Holiday Inn Express ablaze where asylum seekers were housed. Since Monday July 29th when a 17-year old British teenager of Rwandan descent walked into a dance class and allegedly began stabbing little girls, killing three and injuring ten others in Southport near Liverpool, violent anarchy and revolt against immigration and Islam have continued raging across the British Isles. The stark reality is people can only be pushed so far before they crack, reaching the breaking point, and it appears to be where the British citizens are at right now. They are violently lashing out with a vengeance against perceived targets that they blame for their country’s increasing crime, and source of mounting problems and stress amidst a struggling, collapsing economy. Though violent stabbings are especially on the rise in Europe often involving migrant populations, accurate reporting of these incidents remains skeptical. Often they are used as a divide and rule “problem, reaction, solution” dialectical wedge to usher in more stringent rules and laws to increase state controlled censorship and oppression, giving rise to the mantra of “misinformation fueled violence.”

We are now seeing the native British population thoroughly fed up, having for decades taken it on the chin with so many foreign invaders driving up crime rates, taking away jobs and clashing in an embroiled, explosive, violent culture war. The Daily Mail reports that UK’s impotent Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s militant reactivity to his nation’s latest upheaval, directing his authoritarian police state against his own people, threatening that:

[Rioters will] face the full force of the law.

While the UK government is set to severely punish the English in revolt, it comes after the nation has turned its back on its own citizens for too many years, bending over backwards to show lenient restraint towards belligerently unlawful foreign nationals. Why? Because only the goyim Christians of the West are squarely in the globalist crosshairs for most immediate destruction, the asylum seeking immigrants are simply the powerbrokers’ “useful idiots” being currently used to replace the British people, then they too will be destroyed as soon as the full AI/robotics takeover is rolled out in full force, which won’t be long. With the invaders currently protected by the US/EU/British state’s DEI and Wokism policies, criticizing them (or the Jews) lands one in prison for hate speech, labeled a racist bigot. Native Europeans have been severely targeted by their own governments for daring to finally react in ire and wrath after decades of witnessing the systematic demise of their own nations and cultures destroyed. To be so bold as to assertively take a stand objecting to this treasonous insanity perpetrated by puppet politicians has increasingly landed one behind bars, dubbed a domestic terrorist extremist. This volatile dynamic currently in flux permeates the collective Woke West

This chaotic, bloody debacle in England is just the beginning of militant police state Nazism unleashed by reactionary European governments, be they left or right, it hardly matters. Tyranny, oppression and severe punishment will be the meted out norm against patriotic, nationalistic citizens trying to save their own homeland and preserve their own native culture. Why? Because as far back as May Day 1776, the globalists have targeted patriotism and national sovereignty as impediments to be abolished, per Adam Weishaupt and his financier Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s Order of the Bavarian Illuminati.

We’ve seen clashes between the European natives and their foreign invaders flare up to build over time in France, Sweden and other EU nations. But as each national economy begins to falter and collapse run by fascist globalist order-following puppets, this socioeconomic political warfare will only increase and spread, becoming far more prevalent, violent and unstable, including in North America. It’s only by the Satanic design of the elite controllers that all this disaster and breakdown are happening at all now.

Again, our common enemy are bloodline controllers who created these dire conditions now on the verge of triggering civil wars, likely soon spreading across the Western bloc. Look at the West’s invented enemy by divide and rule deception as the elites’ controlled opposition Eastern forces – Russia, China, Iran and North Korea. A gaping difference between West and East is that even though the native populations in the Eastern powers all possess a degree of ethnic diversity, none have been invaded by massive sized, weaponized, unprecedented migration crises like the neo-feudal overlords controlling the West have engineered.

Also, in general, despite the unipolar economic sanctioning the US/EU have targeted against the Eastern nations, it’s the entire Western bloc economies currently crumbling and about to go under. The national economy in Russia is actually growing more than any other advanced economy, by 3.2% this year, and China is still poised to eventually surpass the US economy as the largest on earth, and their always expanding BRICS alliance is about to issue its own gold-backed trade currency to ultimately kill off the US dollar. BRICS GDP has already overtaken the G20.

By diabolical design, the bloodline controllers have thrown Western civilization under the bus, and it’s now headed for the empire graveyard, while the future of the Eastern powers and Global South’s nation majority stand to fare more resilient surviving the coming economic global crisis and destabilizing upheaval, potentially growing more prosperous given their wealth of vast natural resources.

The globalists are increasingly deploying cultural, class, racial and religious warfare by engineering the largest mass migration crises in known human history today and it’s all coming home to roost in North America, Europe as well as Australia/New Zealand. Again, the controllers’ agenda is to depopulate the Western bloc of nations per’s startling 2025 predictions. Ominously, today’s foreign invasion internal wars in Europe and North America are just beginning, while World War III is heating up rapidly on three possible warfronts, growing exponentially more catastrophic in the immediate future.

The controllers’ long-term agenda has been to overload the US and EU welfare states by deliberate intention to collapse and implode the Western infrastructure’s economic and political system, per the notorious globalist masters’ replacement agenda, eliminating the white goyim native majority in both North America and Europe where the Kalergi Plan collides with the Cloward-Piven plan, to complete the Zionist Marxist left global takeover and imminent fall of both the United States and entire Western civilization. The Rothschild controlled mainstream media, now working overtime to hasten their Satanic depopulation blood human sacrifice through World War III and global economic collapse, aimed to ultimately destroy the US constitutional republic as the last potential obstacle to attaining their one world totalitarian technocratic government, featuring smart city neo-feudal CBDC enslavement. King Charles and Klaus Schwab’s wet dream “Reset” is humanity’s worst, darkest nightmare. And there is no one that will come to our rescue other than We the People in mobilized unity to oppose the globalist agenda.


Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate, former Army officer and author of “Don’t Let the Bastards Getcha Down” exposing a faulty US military leadership system based on ticket punching up the seniority ladder, invariably weeding out the best and brightest, leaving mediocrity and order followers rising to the top as politician-bureaucrat generals designated to lose every modern US war by elite design. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In Los Angeles he found himself battling the largest county child protective services in the nation within America’s thoroughly broken and corrupt child welfare system.
The experience in both the military and child welfare system prepared him well as a researcher and independent journalist, exposing the evils of Big Pharma and how the Rockefeller controlled medical and psychiatric system inflict more harm than good, case in point, the pandemic hoax and kill shot genocide. As an independent journalist for the last decade, Joachim has written hundreds of articles for many news sites, including Global and currently https//, and As a published author of a 5-book volume series entitled Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State, Joachim’s books and chapters are Amazon bestsellers in child advocacy and human rights categories. His A-Z sourcebook series fully document and expose the global pedophilia scourge and remain available free at s/. Joachim also hosts the weekly Revolution Radio broadcast “Cabal Empire Exposed” on Friday morning at 7AM EST (ID: revradio, password: rocks!) 
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