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An American Affidavit

Friday, August 9, 2024

A Republican Form of Government: Section 23 — Prior and Concurrent Assemblies by Anna Von Reitz


A Republican Form of Government: Section 23 — Prior and Concurrent Assemblies by Anna Von Reitz


Section 23 — Prior and Concurrent Assemblies
There is a great deal of confusion abounding about the subject of Prior Assemblies and Concurrent Assemblies.
Our actual American Government on the land and soil of this country has never ceased functioning. Part of our lawful government has been moth-balled at the level of the Federal States of States since 1860, but the States which hold the actual power of contract have continued to function throughout. Likewise, false claims in commerce have been addressed to us and to our States and have been
rebutted each time. Nothing that has happened since 1860 has gone forward without rebuttal of false claims against us and against our States.
Read that as — the British Tories and the Papal Legates have been trying to undermine our position as the lawful government of this country for a long, long time, and have never been able to succeed because of stubborn resistance and knowledgeable rebuttal of their claims.
This most recent round has been especially hard-fought. The bankers advanced many arguments in favor of their attempt to “inherit” our land jurisdiction as “abandoned property” left in the care of incompetent bankrupt secondaries (the bankrupt foreign Territorial and Municipal Corporations claiming to be our “caretakers” and “representatives”).

Bankrupt and incompetent, they may be; but our States are not bankrupt and not incompetent, so the appropriate counter-claims have been made and the rebuttals to their offers have been published and we are in position to reclaim and restore and retain our rightful government.
Doing this work has required lawful inheritors of the States to step forward — and a lot of paperwork. These men have proven provenance of ancestors “grandfathered in” prior to the American Civil War and meet all the other qualifications of Jurors in their State Jural Assemblies and have stood as place-keepers pending the calling of the State Jural Assemblies.
This is not a claim of “ownership” in the sense that Joe Adams owns Florida. This is a claim in behalf of all the qualified Jurors like Joe Adams who live in Florida and who claim their birthright political status as Floridians. The land assets and silver money and everything else of actual value belongs to Floridians, but the People have to stand up and claim it. This in turn requires withdrawing from any “presumed” obligation to act as “US Citizens” and Expatriating from any allegiance or obligation to the Territorial or Municipal United States.
Why? Because our Forefathers aimed to avoid exactly the kind of meddling that has occurred here by making sure that none of our actual States allow any form of Dual Citizenship.
The entities called “States of States”’ involved in administering the Federal Government and subjecting “United States Citizens” and “Citizens of the United States” all allow Dual Citizenship, but our States do not. Our actual States allow no conflicts of interest and no inclusion of split loyalties to foreign powers.
That again, is why Americans must stand as Americans and must Expatriate.
When we “return” to the land and soil of our States (we never actually left; FDR just gratuitously claimed that we did) and join our State Jural Assembly, we naturally become jurors of the soil jurisdiction and citizens of The United States at the same time that we become Jurors and Citizens of “The United States of America”.
Note the capital “T” — “The United States” (soil) and “The United States of America” (land).

Updated: May 22, 2019 Table of Contents Page 94 of 209

The Jural Assembly Handbook By: Anna Von Reitz

Our disloyal British Territorial employees have tried to “misunderstand” these facts and reinterpret this to mean that we are claiming to be Citizens of the United States, (Article 1, Section 2, Clause 2) instead. This semantic deceit based on deceptively similar names — “citizens of The United States” versus “Citizens of the United States” has allowed them to presume upon us and our assets as if we were subjects of the Queen.
By refuting this on the Public Record and rebutting their presumptions we re-establish our identity as Americans and re-establish our property rights and interests, including the guarantees of the Constitutions we are owed.
By serving our States of the Union as State Jural Assembly members we breathe life back into our government “of the people, by the people, and for the people” — which is by definition not a government “of the persons, by the persons and for the persons” subject to the Queen or the Pope. We honor the efforts of all those who have similarly gone before us and rebutted the false claims made against us, our States, and our countrymen by these foreign powers, both the British Monarchs and the Popes, whose governments owe us Good Faith Service under contract.
At this time, a certain amount of chaos persists as Americans wake up to the clear and present danger of the National Identity Theft being attempted and seek to get their State Jural Assemblies organized.
It is not uncommon for there to be more than one State Jural Assembly in operation in the same state at the same time. This is not any big reason for concern and certainly not a source of competition. All the local groups naturally coalesce into a single State Jural Assembly.
What is more important is that the Assemblies and their members grasp the urgent necessity that compels them to get organized and that we all do our duty to educate others and apply more or less uniform standards.
There are some groups out there on the fringes who claim, for example, that old court cases like Marbury vs. Madison protect us from the fraud being perpetuated upon us and that we needn’t bother to reply to nor bother to rebut the false claims of our adversaries.
They don’t get the point.
Our adversaries are not arguing against Marbury vs. Madison. They are arguing that you “voluntarily” gave up your birthright American Citizenship and accepted “Federal Citizenship” instead, and therefore, you are no longer protected by the constitutional agreements nor any of the case law such as Marbury vs. Madison.
According to them, it simply doesn’t apply to you, and this is also the reason that U.S. District Court Judges have been known to hold people in contempt for advancing constitutional arguments in their courts.
We have to be qualified American State Nationals and American State Citizens — and be claiming our status as such — or the Constitutional guarantees don’t apply to us. Since we have all been left in the dark and not grasped the falsehoods being “presumed” upon us, we have been at a loss as to how to reply or what to reply to.
After all, their primary evidence against us and against our claim to be an American State National is the issuance of a Territorial or Municipal “Birth Certificate” that was purloined while we were still babes in our cradles, and it is upon the basis of this “unconscionable” contract — literally a contract we are unconscious of — that they are prosecuting us in their foreign courts and under false legal presumptions.

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The Jural Assembly Handbook By: Anna Von Reitz

How can we knowledgeably rebut evidence that is not presented to us in court and which results from a purported “private contract” that we know nothing about? How can we correctly rebut false presumptions if we don’t know what the presumptions are? It’s impossible.
This is why so many millions of Americans have been led like lambs to slaughter in these foreign Federal District Courts and “State of State”.
The fundamental issue is never addressed, so all claims to be owed your “constitutional guarantees” fall on deaf ears.
If you are an American standing on American soil, what are you doing in a Federal District Court answering to the name of a British Territorial Citizen? Or worse, a Municipal CITIZEN? And why are you claiming to have any “constitutional rights” or guarantees, when it is plain as day that neither British Territorial nor Municipal CITIZENS have any such rights or guarantees?
Those who think that they can wave Marbury vs. Madison at these British Bounders or the acolytes of the Holy Roman Empire and get a free pass and who argue that they don’t need to take any public action to rebut these false claims need to think again.
If you want to be protected instead of attacked and want the actions of your State Jural Assemblies to be internationally recognized and respected, then you must insist that your Members make public recorded Declaration of their permanent Expatriation from any presumed Federal, Territorial, or Municipal citizenship — both in order to meet the single citizenship requirements of your States and to put an end to any presumption that you are acting as a “Federal Citizen”.
This Declaration/Re-Conveyance placed on the Public Record prevents the British and/or Municipal Bunko Artists from claiming that you are in any sort of “insurrection” against their government — how can you be in “insurrection” against a foreign government? — and the knowledge that everyone in your group is similarly declared to be an American State Citizen discourages them from pursuing the sorts of obstructive infiltration they are famous for.
There are also a substantial number of groups out there who are trying to restore and reconstruct the “missing” Federal States of States that should be making up the Federal Branch of the Federal Government. These efforts need to be redirected, because those attempting them don’t have the standing to do what they are trying to do.
Like virtually everyone else, the members of these groups are “considered to be” Federal Citizens until they declare otherwise, and can be accused of “insurrection” against the existing Territorial Government or Municipal Government if they are at the same time trying to rebuild the Federal States of States that belong to the American States.
The Missing Federal States of States doing business as, for example, The State of Georgia, literally belong to Georgia and the People of Georgia, meaning the members of the State Jural Assembly. Nobody else has any right to say “Boo” about The State of Georgia and nobody else can “reconstruct” it, either, no matter how well-meaning these efforts may be.
You have to reclaim your lawful standing as an American State National and take action as an American State Citizen before you can reconstruct the Federal State of State that belongs to you and your State. You have to be acting in the correct capacity and with the correct standing or it can’t be done.

Updated: May 22, 2019 Table of Contents Page 96 of 209

The Jural Assembly Handbook By: Anna Von Reitz

The People of Georgia — the Jurors and Members of the Georgia Jural Assembly, standing firmly on the land and soil of Georgia, that actual State, have to reconstruct the Federal entity dba “The State of Georgia”.
So all these misbegotten efforts being undertaken by various other groups of people claiming to represent the Federal States of States are doomed from the outset thanks to ignorance, and they remain subject to attacks by the Territorial and Municipal Branches of the Federal Government, because the people mounting the reconstruction effort “appear to be” British Territorial Citizens or Municipal CITIZENS engaged in activities that might be construed as harmful to the Territorial or Municipal Governments.
The British Territorial and the Congressional Municipal Governments aren’t necessarily looking forward to the reconstruction of the properly functioning States of America, even though they are obligated morally and contractually to honor our right to freely “assemble” and can’t keep us from reconstructing the Federal States of States, so long as we are acting in our true character and capacity as American State Nationals and American State Citizens.
Pass the word to the other groups that are attempting to do the work of reconstruction. Explain how it is that only the “People” — the members of the State Jural Assemblies — declared to be State Nationals and State Citizens, are able to enforce the provisions of the Federal Constitutions, and likewise, why only the “People” populating the State Jural Assemblies are enabled to act in the International Jurisdiction to re-construct the Federal States of States.
Please note that Members of Jural Societies “inhabit” their watery International Jurisdiction of the Sea, while members of State Jural Assemblies “populate” their International Jurisdiction of the Land and national jurisdiction of the soil. They are “Persons” and we are “People”.
—Posted: Friday, February 8, 2019

Updated: May 22, 2019 Table of Contents Page 97 of 209

The Jural Assembly Handbook By: Anna Von Reitz

Section 24 — The American Government


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